Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1401 The Concubine of Paris (5)

Napoleon's adjutant led Georgiana to the study of the archbishops of Lyon.

At this time, Napoleon was standing by the walnut desk with his back to her. There were paper balls all over the floor. Behind the desk was a fireplace. The flames in the fireplace were flickering, almost illuminating the entire desk. There was a large candelabrum with the sword set with the Regent's diamond beside it, and the rest of the room was devoid of candles and shrouded in darkness.

He seemed to be reading a document, completely unaware that Georgiana had entered, so she just stood there, waiting for him to turn.

After a while, he turned his head to look at her, and his eyes looked a little scary.

She felt embarrassed and wanted to say something polite, and then he smiled, a slightly sarcastic smile.

"You think I dare not shoot you?"

"What law have I broken?" she asked dryly.

He directly pulled out the sword inlaid with the regent gem.

The sharp blade of the sword and the metal friction sound when the sword was unsheathed made her dare not move, but the sword didn't hit her body, it just scratched the clothes on her body.

He rowed slowly, as if he was enjoying the process, but also as if he was careful not to hurt her. He didn't put down the sword until the clothes on her body were in tatters, and then looked at her with arrogance and disrespect.

"Please forgive me." He said condescendingly.

"It's no use please," said Georgiana icily. "That would just make me look humble."

"Don't you think you're not humble?" he teased sarcastically.

"There is a lack of awe when everyone tells you the truth, and if it's hard for you not to wallow in other people's flattery, it's hard for me to put up with a lack of awe, At least I'm not like your secretary, who thinks you people in power are good people." She said sarcastically.

"You're also in power," he said with a smile.

"Have you ever seen someone in power dressed like me?" Georgiana showed off her tattered clothes, which were so rotten that even a beggar wouldn't be able to wear them.

Napoleon went to a corner where the fire of the fireplace could not shine. When he came back, he had an extra cloak in his hand. It looked very soft and thick. It was made of red and blue striped silk with white fur rolled around it. , People immediately think of the tricolor flag.

"Here," he said, sword in one hand and cloak in the other.

"I don't want it," she said tremblingly.

"Did you know that there was an inauguration ceremony for fortune tellers in ancient Rome. Cicero used to prepare a banquet for them. The fortune tellers would wear a kind of official uniform called trabea, which is an embroidered A cloak striped with purple and scarlet."

"You're blue and red striped."

"Look carefully, is it really blue?"

Georgiana looked at the cloak with his hands, but before she could see clearly, he tore the remaining fabric from her, and then wrapped the cloak around her and sat at the writing table. in the back seat.

"I should change that law," he gasped. "Do you think it's funny?"

"Who came up with the idea." Georgiana said coldly, "Is it you or Josephine?"


"Is it your or Josephine's idea to keep me from social functions?"

"What's the difference?"

"I'm not you, I will do whatever she asks me to do." Georgiana teased, "You still listen to her so much?"

He stared at her with dark and angry eyes.

"Even if you listen to Letizia, I'm not as angry as I am now. If you ordered me not to go, then I'm asking to go back to Paris. I have a lot of things to do there."

"Can't you enjoy the joyous atmosphere?" he said dryly.

"I heard that two generals who came back from Egypt were fighting for a duel. Do you think I can enjoy myself in this situation?" She tightened the cloak on her body. "Those Egyptian soldiers are useful to me. They know what respect is. Forgot that you promised to give them Lu Axie land."

"You want to give them official positions?"

"The Paris Agricultural Association is not an official organization yet, you can treat them as part-time jobs."

"If you are pregnant, will you stay at home and wait for the delivery?" He suddenly asked.

"Your mother was fighting while pregnant, don't you think?" she sarcastically said.

He slumped in the chair and said wearily, "Won't you let me relax for a while?"

"I just wonder how many of the 450 delegates carry daggers, Caesar," she said angrily.

"Is this your new prophecy?"

"I'm very angry now." She glared at the arrogant little bastard, "You don't tell her about Jianguo."

"Maybe it's because you don't pay much attention to me." He took out the snuffbox, sniffed it skillfully, and said, "Do you know how many spies I have around me?"

"Can I go?" she asked unconvinced.

"William Pitt Jr. wants to return Belgium to Austria." Napoleon said, "I heard that there are still many wastelands in Belgium that have not been claimed. Why not give these lands to the Egyptian expeditionary force?"

Georgiana didn't know what to say.

"We may have to re-sign the peace contract, do you think you can rest assured now?"

"You guys." She looked at the medieval ceiling and shook her head. "Do you ever care if people live or die?"

"This is my method. I will add certain clauses to the peace treaty so that it can be used as an excuse for the next war." Napoleon said suddenly, "The peace between France and England will not last long."

"Why are you so honest all of a sudden?"

"I want you to raise my heir, but he can't be as kind as you."

"You think I'm going to teach a Louis XVI?"

He didn't speak.

"If you were Moses, he would be Joshua." Georgiana smiled and said, "Are you satisfied with my answer? A lion in the wilderness."

"Stay with me." He said earnestly.

"Do you think it's worth fighting for me?" Georgiana asked.

He didn't speak.

"Good night." She pulled on her cloak and planned to leave.

"Wait." He said again, then opened the drawer, took out a small flannel box, and put it on the table.

Georgiana showed a strange smile, "You want to give me a ring?"

"Open it and have a look." He said forcefully.

Georgiana took the box in her hand and opened it. Inside was a ring inlaid with a large opal-like gemstone, but the gemstone was not a real gemstone, and there was a magical rhythm from it.

"This is a gift from Muradbey's wife, Siti Nafisa. It used to belong to Alibey. Mamluk property was in the hands of their wives. She exchanged this ring for her husband. safety of other property."

Georgiana held the ring in her hand as if she couldn't bear the temptation.

Its base was gold, and its pattern was Arabic-style vines. Her fingertips felt the heat from the gemstone.

"Dragon's breath," she murmured, and Harry hid behind a rock that a Hungarian Horntail had once breathed fire on during the Triwizard Tournament.

After the game was over, a crystal similar to the gemstone she was holding was found when cleaning the scene. The Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts had disputed over its ownership.

"They say it has magic powers, what do you think?" asked Napoleon.

Georgiana couldn't wait to put it on.

She felt as if the magic had returned to her body, and a sense of satisfaction welled up within her, and she couldn't help but happily ran to his side and sat down on his lap.

"Do you still have such jewelry?" She asked, hooking his neck like a flattering woman.

"You like it?" He smiled smugly.

Georgiana nods "Almost as good as my last ring."

Leon's smile disappeared instantly.

"After I wear that ring, Severus can be there whenever he is called, but not yours." Georgiana looked at the ring on her hand contentedly, "It contains powerful fire magic."

"Can you demonstrate it to me?" he asked expectantly.

"I need to practice." She said blankly, "There used to be a duke who almost went to the guillotine during the Reign of Terror. When he was dying, he used a concealing spell on his neck to survive. Shackles like mine."

"Do you need me to untie it?"

"No, I want to break through the limit myself." She transferred the realization to Napoleon's eyes, and his eyes turned gray-blue, not golden like a lion.

Did she remember wrongly?

"I can't wait to see it." He slipped those famously beautiful, long hands under her cloak.

"We are now at the bishop's house."

"Can you really be burned at the stake, wizard?" asked Napoleon.

"No." She said a little deliriously, "but the guillotine and the sword can."

"I heard the soldiers say he can control the flames, what about you?"

"My teacher is a fire magician."

"It seems that I gave the right gift." He let her lie on her back on the writing table, like a painter, adjusting the cloak on her body for a while, and adjusting her hand with the ring "The woman in red dress , you want to use this name as your family's surname?"

"You don't want them to call me Madame Bonaparte?"

"There are many women with this name, but you are special."

"You can call me sister Dina Sad, I don't really want to be Cecilia that much, Sultan."

"Then you have to tell me many interesting stories."

"I have endless stories to tell." She touched his smooth cheek with her ring hand. "Do you want to hear a story or do something else?"

He bowed his head and kissed her, obviously that was his answer.

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