Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1398 The Concubine of Paris (2)

Anyone can be careless sometimes.

Last night, she had a sudden fever and left directly, without thinking about finding a place to stay first.

Lyons was the headquarters of the Bonnefort Transportation Company, and she believed she could still find a place to stay in Gaston Martin.

This is an easy mistake for young people to act impulsively. On such an international occasion, yesterday's commotion happened, and I don't know how many people are discussing it behind their backs.

But Georgiana didn't care anymore.

That Josephine, who was considered a weak woman by Georgiana, was capable of doing some cruel things. Didn't she want to pretend to be a dignified and virtuous queen? Then let's start with tidying up the "beloved concubine".

If Josephine hadn't acted arbitrarily, Napoleon would not have lost control, turning from a man longing for a family and a stable life into an ambitious man.

Another way of thinking is that France doesn't need to fight Russia, so she doesn't need to think about winter clothes for those invaders intimately.

Josephine is the kind of woman with keen intuition and lack of rationality, while Georgiana's advantage is rationality. How could she forget her position because she was emotional and merciful?

As long as the French are busy with domestic construction, they have no time to invade other countries. They are no longer the weak country that was almost divided up by the surrounding countries.

Napoleon's greatest enemy was himself, and his ambitions needed to be contained, but the Constitution could not hold him back. His weakness was women, and Josephine was so concerned with consolidating her position that she could even sacrifice her own daughter and son.

As for the army that Napoleon relied on, they were tied hands and feet in the civilized world, and became disorganized in wild and war-torn places.

If you can't be cruel, then you will definitely be victimized by those who can.

Going to a magic school is not to become a naive and weak person, but to know how to defend and fight back when you encounter danger, such as a dementor.

Badger teeth you don't want to try.

Josephine thought that by banishing Georgiana from society, she would not be able to make trouble?

Georgiana would prove her wrong.

She drank a glass of whiskey in the warm room, which is not a good thing to drink in the early morning, but she is British, and the British like to drink.

She put the empty wine glass on the table, and then went to see the fellow.

"Pretty the hell," murmured Georgiana, who did he think she was? The spoils of the Egyptian expeditionary force?

She didn't want to participate in that bloody military parade.

What was she doing in Lyons when she could neither do business nor take part in social activities?

She wondered why Josephine would make up such a lie to trick Napoleon into bringing her to Lyon. Of course, such a big scene as the founding of the country is in the limelight. There are parties, parades, military parades, receptions and factory inspections. It is even worse than the Triwizard Tournament and the Quidditch World Cup.

Since she has become an unpopular person, why bother to do things that are popular.

She is going back to Paris.

But before she left, she wanted to make a big fuss, so that it wouldn't get out of hand, but it would definitely make some people feel ashamed.

When she returned to the small living room next to the dining room, Mrs. Recamier was "socializing" with two Englishmen.

When Georgiana came in, both gentlemen stopped the conversation, stood up, and bowed to her.

"What were you talking about just now?" Georgiana sat on a single sofa with her legs crossed.

"Talk about what we saw and heard in Amiens." Little Charles seemed to find it interesting that Georgiana was still dressed in men's clothing, and took a box of cigars from the buckle of his belt, and handed it to her.

Georgiana unceremoniously took a cigarette, Sir Merry took a flint, and lit her cigarette very graciously, and Madame Récamier did not even frown.

"What interesting things did you meet in Amiens?" Georgiana slowly took a puff of the cigarette, the smell of the cigar was very strong, she didn't want to be choked to make people laugh.

"The representative of France lives in Mr. Flewell's house. He was only a temporary resident, but now he has almost become a permanent resident." Little Charles also took a cigarette and sat down on the sofa opposite Georgiana. "She can also ride a horse." , and can hunt and swim, and there is a non-freezing swimming pool at home."

Georgiana laughed and said nothing.

Joseph Bonaparte was handsome and also liked to chase women. He was so flirtatious himself, how could he manage Josephine who also liked social flair.

"She rides sideways," said little Charles. "You ride like that in Paris?"

Georgiana laughed.

After she laughed for a while, she said slowly, "Women during the French Revolution rode horses like this, and many women dressed as men to join the army. This is a free country, Charles."

"How can a country be free where speech is not free?"

"Rather than give you the freedom to tell lies, I'd rather you shut up."

"Oh, you're just talking for him like that, aren't you?" Charles sneered.

"Actually not, he told that woman in Egypt that as long as she gave birth to a child, he would divorce Josephine. When a child is born, he designates that child as his heir."

"You believed him?" asked Mr. Merry.

"Of course not." Georgiana sneered. "If he really did that, he wouldn't be Caesar."

"Then how did you promise him?" Little Charles asked.

"He's smart and much more interesting than most men." Georgiana spit out smoke like a fire dragon. "The desert is only desolate in my eyes, but to him it's an ocean you can step on."

"You really believe that pouring saltpeter into the sea will freeze it?" said Charles.

"He is a magician on the battlefield, who knows?" Georgiana smiled. "This is just an experiment for him. Did he scare you?"

"Some people say he is Moses, and he wants to open a road on the sea, pass the English Channel, and transport his thousands of horses and horses to the other side." Charles said arrogantly, "Nelson said that if Bonaparte dared to do that, he would use cannon Bomb the ice, and the great Bonaparte will sink like a pharaoh."

"He has followers in England?"

"Who will follow that dwarf?" Charles sneered.

"As I said before, he can turn war into an art, and I am an anti-war person." Georgiana said with some difficulty, "Sometimes I will be manipulated by him, and sometimes he will be manipulated by me, you guys Heard about the Canal Saint-Martin?"

"Yes," said Mr. Merry kindly.

"That project will consume a lot of manpower, material resources, and financial resources, so that he has no time to send troops, but he still does it because he knows that it will bring clean drinking water to Paris, and the plague can control wars. You met black people in Egypt. Dead and sick?"

Georgiana asked Charles, who looked at her without saying a word.

"Mr. Jenner was ostracized in the British academic circles. The Gloucester Medical Association criticized him for trampling Hipporate's doctor's oath and expelled him from membership, but in France he was treated with courtesy. Since last year, Napoleon has been in the Vaccination has been promoted. Many soldiers who went to Santo Domingo this time have been vaccinated, but who would have thought that they would encounter yellow fever." Georgiana sighed, "There will always be unexpected things happening. There were actually a few chances to leave, but I wanted to prove him wrong, I chose to stay, and then you see how I am now."

"What did you do before?" asked little Charles.

"The school teacher is responsible for educating those disobedient children." Georgiana smiled wryly.

"Which school?" Little Charles asked persistently.

"You can't find it." Georgiana lowered her voice and said in a snake-like voice, "Because it's a school for wizards."

"Hahaha." After maintaining an eerie silence for a while, Sir Merry laughed loudly, "I'm hungry, isn't breakfast ready?"

"Inside please," said Madame Récamier.

"What are your plans today?" Little Charles asked Georgiana provocatively.

"Why don't you go to the Opera House?" Narbona Lara said to the crowd, who opened the door, and Godin followed him. "I heard that Paisiello is here too."

Paisiello was a big celebrity, but he was only a composer and conductor, and Georgiana never understood the use of a "conductor" standing in front of the orchestra with a stick.

"Many stars are also here," Godin said in French.

"Including Georgina?" Georgiana asked.

Gordon did not answer.

"It's decided!" Georgiana announced happily. "I happen to have a play I want them to rehearse."

The men didn't speak, and sat quietly at the dining table.

"Disaster," said Madame Récamier, smiling.

"Why do you laugh at the mention of disaster?" asked Georgiana.

Madame Récamier smiled and said nothing.

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