Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1396 Female Dante

According to the stipulations of the Amiens Treaty, the United Kingdom must recognize the newly established republics, so this time the inauguration ceremony of the Southern Alps Republic of Napoli, Sir Mery of the United Kingdom also came.

He was in charge of liaising with France until the official British envoy was dispatched, and he was the civil servant who watched Lucien Bonaparte smash the china cup with Thomas Granit.

He was very good at easing the atmosphere and speaking carefully. This attitude pleased Napoleon, and he asked the special envoy secretary to go to Lyon with him.

If a woman wants to accomplish something, she must do it no matter what.

Clothes made of woolen fabric are very crisp and have strong warmth retention properties, which are very suitable for winter wear. On the contrary, silk fabric is suitable for hot summer and indoor wear.

How many people can afford such an expensive fabric as silk?

In comparison, woolen cloth is relatively "middle-class", as long as the per capita income of ordinary people increases, they can afford it. This is the case with American car companies in the past, giving workers higher salaries so that these talents can afford cars.

Funds cannot be stored in the bank, or buried in the ground, they must be circulated to become wealth.

She didn't want to compete with Josephine for the limelight. She was here to work. The British textile industry competed with France.

The "battle suit" she finally chose was similar to the style of the boys from London. This is easy to imitate. The tailor only needs to make it according to the style of Mr. Meili's clothes, and change the size slightly.

The hard part was persuading Napoleon to change his hairstyle. It certainly wasn't something that could be easily persuaded just by saying "I think you look good with long hair".

Girls will cut their hair when they are out of love. It seems that they have broken with the past. Napoleon changed his hairstyle, which means he changed his mentality. He mentioned in a letter to Joseph: I plan to avoid the world and live alone for the winter, because I have seen through People's hearts and affairs, I am thirty years old, and I have been fighting for many years, which has made me look down on all the glory and aura. I have exhausted my youth and wasted years. Now, I just want to leave my dignity.

This was what Joseph's wife Jasmine told Georgiana in private. Napoleon's family hated Josephine to such an extent that even if Georgiana was a British female spy, they supported her and defeated Josephine.

But Josephine is a woman who has seen the world. Knowing that Britain and France are negotiating a peace treaty, Napoleon may have political purposes in getting close to Georgiana, so she did not send her own female companion by his side like dealing with other women around Napoleon. Set the "gap". But she had sent a group of slender girls with blond hair and blue eyes to work as maids at the Grand Trianon, and Sophie had been chosen by Georgiana.

She said that she drank the medicine, and Napoleoni believed her. It is impossible to say that he did not move at all. Unfortunately, Georgiana is not a supporter of polygamy. Since he chose to go home, Georgiana left voluntarily. 6 million is enough for ordinary people to spend a few lifetimes.

She didn't have the face to look for Severus, she was going to find a place to live in seclusion, and everyone disappeared.

The premise is that he undoes the shackles on her feet, otherwise she has no magic power and will be easily "purged" by the purgers.

Divorce would kill Josephine. As long as there was no divorce, even if Napoleon had an affair with another woman, she would just separate them and would not force Napoleon to promise that he would not make a mistake next time.

It would be very simple for an ordinary woman to ask a man not to smoke and drink. After all, he would not do anything to her.

If Georgiana is accused of espionage, she may be executed at any time, but any powerful man does not like someone to control him. The taste of a constitutional monarchy certainly does not have absolute monarchy freedom.

She doesn't have the ability of Newt Scamander, she can make wild animals obey with her affinity, she can only change him with a taming whip in one hand and a reward in the other.

She had to be very careful not to let him see her purpose, or he wouldn't be gentle Leon.

She wants a solid, profitable peace, a peaceful life for the common people, and she will feel very peaceful seeing the scene of living and working in peace. This may not be the same as the happiness some women pursue, but she doesn't care anymore.

Since Louis XVI stopped building roads for the sake of the reputation of benevolence, which eventually led to peasant riots, then she must build roads, and it is not a feudal model that saves money by relying on labor.

The county guards used in France, and the enfeoffment system used by Napoleon after he proclaimed himself emperor, sooner or later there will be problems. This is the case with the 30-year-old "ancient man".

Besides, Napoleon still has a successor, how to deal with follow-up issues is also his political achievements, which can be used to record in the annals of history in the future. Delmid and Napoleon are related by blood, and Napoleon is his godfather, so adoption is more convenient. But in this way, the three-year-old boy became a competitor of Joseph Bonaparte. This may be the reason why Jasmine did not "drive" with Georgiana this time.

When it comes to some practical issues, personal feelings can be put aside. This is how a person gradually becomes a political animal, and eventually becomes cold politics flowing in his veins.

Napoleon naively thought that the marriages of hereditary nobles were similar to the marriages of ordinary people. Does he have to have feelings after getting married, holding a ceremony and giving birth to a child?

It would be better to keep Josephine than to find such a German woman. At least she still has true feelings for Napoleon.

"Where are you going to wear this?"

Georgiana turned her head, and the First Consul was standing at the door wearing the green marshal uniform, looking at the black men's clothing on her.

"I want to meet those Italian representatives." She buttoned the silver buttons on her cuffs. "I need money."

"1.2 billion is not a small number."

"I didn't plan to raise so much at once, I raised the money for road construction first." She pulled the folds on the coat. "How do I look?"

"You look like Lucien." He smiled. "I wish I had a sister like you."

"I have a gift for you." She brought over a box with a ribbon.

Napoleoni came in and took the box.

After tearing off the ribbon, inside was an Arabian-style hat and a light gray two-piece Arabian men's suit.

"Try it, Sinbad." She said humorously, "The desert is an ocean you can step on."

"You won't laugh at me?" He lowered his head and asked.

"If it doesn't look good, we'll change it. Isn't that why tailors exist?"

He put the dress on the table casually.

Then he took her hand and gently pinched the back of her hand.

"Why did you do that?"

"I want you to regain your self-confidence, and to believe in love again."

He didn't speak.

"you are not happy?"

"We. We had a fight just now." He whispered, "This is the first time we've had a fight other than financial issues."

"for what?"

"She asked me whose bed I wanted to sleep in." He looked up at Georgiana. "What do you think?"

This is their second day in Lyon, they arrived in Lyon at midnight the day before.

Under the arrangement of the mayor, they lived in the palace of the former bishop of Lyon, which was the residence of Napoleon's uncle Fish.

Through Napoleon's relationship, Fish became not only a cardinal, but also the Archbishop of Paris, but this position has been stolen by Caprara, and Fish was sent by Napoleon to Rome as an ambassador.

"She is your legal wife. I remember you told me that you will not abandon that woman who is good to you just because you have become a great person."

"You didn't react that way last time." He kissed the back of her hand. "How about we dance?"

"I can wear men's clothes." She said with a smirk.

"You want to see me in women's clothing?" He also said with a smile.

She didn't refuse again, and once again danced without music.

"On January 25, I will review the troops returning from Egypt. You can go with me." He said softly, "You don't need to participate in other entertainments."

"Should I wear men's clothes?" she said teasingly.

"I heard that you just received a piece of jewelry." He raised his eyebrows and looked at her. "What are you going to do with it?"

"Oh, he expected it," exclaimed Georgiana.

"Talleyrand is a talent, he is always right, except last time." Napoleoni said.

"You still want to use him?"

"You come back, I will, and if you don't come back, I'll send him to that yellow fever hell," he said with a smile, "and I won't give him opium."

The smile on her face froze.

"Dress nicely and let them know the expedition was worth it," he said softly. "They helped me get the Moon Goddess."

"Then do you know that the moon god will only meet the shepherd in dreams?"

"Close your eyes and act as if we are dreaming now." He coaxed a child.

But she did it anyway.

Like he said, when it's all a dream, to waste time in a dream...

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