Napoleon had two bedrooms in St. Luke's.

One is next to the large living room, connected by a large balcony, sometimes Bonaparte's family gatherings will be held here, and after the party, the others will go to their respective homes, and Napoleon Bonaparte will walk across the balcony with Josephine, Back to the bedroom that belonged to both of them. At this point, Bonaparte still maintained the habit of "citizen couples", and couples never slept in separate rooms.

The other bedroom was in his studio-study, drawing room, which was almost never used, but that wasn't the right place for a homeless woman from nowhere.

There are many secrets in the study room of the first ruling. This room is as big as a library. The bookshelves are full of books. striking.

When Georgiana was visiting this study, the First Consul urged her to open the file folder, and she glanced at it before putting it back. It contained the military secrets of the French Army and Navy. Including people, locations, and officer names, which would be of interest to her if she really was a spy.

There is a green sofa in the studio, next to the sofa is a desk, which is used by his poor secretary, and there is a door behind the bookshelf that leads to a very private little staircase, which leads to the reception room And the bedroom, the interior decoration is very simple, only the floor and the bed are decorated, from the reception room you can see the garden downstairs and the bust of Caesar.

She heard Mrs. Leoncourt say that before the outbreak of the Great Revolution, there would always be a lot of small food "just in case" in the palace, but there were almost no such things in Napoleon's palace, except for Austrian chocolate, which is now available at any time of sherbet.

In the 20th century, someone commented on who were the four famous generals in military history. The original four famous generals were Alexander of Macedonia, Hannibal of Carthage, Caesar of ancient Rome, and Gustave, who is now hanging on the wall of the reception room. Gustav Adolphus, the Swede known as the "Lion of the North" for his performance during the Thirty Years' War, was later replaced by Napoleon.

"Cheers." The Corsican touched the silver cup in his hand with hers, and the silver cup collided with a crisp sound, and then he took a sip to himself, as if celebrating a victory.

"How much do you hate Sies?" she asked, staring at the happy smile on his face.

"Signing the peace treaty in the Papal State is not as happy as I am now." Napoleon said with a smile, and then kissed her with lips stained with sherbet, "Is it sweet?"

She stuck out her tongue and licked her lips. It smelled like apple juice.

As if he had found something more delicious than sherbet, he put the cup on the low table, and held her face in his hands.

"Do you think Sies is doing the right thing?"

Georgiana had thought he was going to kiss her, but he did not expect to ask that.

But she could look him in the eye, so she nodded with certainty. "Sies is right, but it's time."

"What do you mean?"

"The Jews collect tithes to build a country. The church has already established a country and there is no need to collect tithes. Similarly, the country is divided into emergency and non-emergency states. You are an expert in war. If you encounter a certain situation, you must abandon your luggage. Will you give up?"

He nodded calmly.

"Laws promulgated in peacetime need to be reviewed, but in special emergencies such as war, plague, famine, etc., you don't need to carry so much 'baggage'. I remember that the teachings of the Arabs can not be obeyed when encountering life-threatening emergencies. Some precepts, you should define 'emergency' with Sies first, like emergency muster."

"I remember the first time I brought you to this place, there was an 'emergency'. At that time, we all assembled urgently." He said with a smile, "We didn't encounter war, plague or famine at that time."

"At least you can have a buffer, you don't have to be the same as now." She bit her lip, she felt numb and itchy, although nothing touched it "Are you listening to me?"

"Why do you smell like a French woman, English woman?" he said in a low voice.

She came to herself before her head flared up. "You're not listening to me, are you?"

He leaned over directly and smelled the smell in her hair.

"Finally you don't have other people's smell on you." He said contentedly, "You also like Gu Long?"

What can she say, she can't let him go out wearing a woman's perfume, he is not majestic enough, anyway, the cologne smells very refreshing, so she directly uses his men's perfume.

"Tell me what reward do you want?" he whispered in her ear like the Serpent of Eden baiting Eve.

"Tell me a story about how you met General Lane." She said eagerly.

He stepped back a little, not so close to her.

"Come here." He put the undrinked sherbet on the table, took her by the hand, and walked to an armchair, where he sat down first, and then took Georgiana to sit. on his lap, and let her wrist hook around his neck.

"It was 1796. I had just become the commander-in-chief of the expedition to Italy. When I arrived in Nice, Cherier introduced to me the situation of the army. It was worse than I had imagined. There was no food supply and no mules for transportation There are only 500 horses, and the horses that used to pull the carts are all starved to death. Those mules can't carry thirty cannons. Our army is only 30,000. There are 80,000 people in Austria, 200 cannons, and these 30,000 people There were 8,000 men left to defend in Nice, Monaco, Avignon, and almost no one thought I could win."

"You won," she whispered. "I hear it's hard to win."

"I remember arriving in Monteceto and seeing a magnificent sight, the fertile and vast Piedmontese plain, the Po and the Tanaro winding their way into the distance, and the dizzyingly high mountains It's snowy and nature has shaped these obstacles so horribly that they're like Limbo, I was thinking Hannibal forced his way over the Alps and we went around it, but at that time the French It has reached its limit, the poverty of the French army at that time was beyond description, and the officers were only paid 8 francs a month..."

"I've heard that a worker in the city costs 2 francs a month," she interrupted.

"Who did you hear that from?"

"Country..." She automatically shut up.

"2 francs a month can't live at all." He said impatiently, "compared with poverty, how to restrain military discipline is the most difficult thing. We were short of food for ten days and relied on looting for supplies. Later, our supplies became normal, and military discipline It just started to recover. At that time, Austria only cared about protecting Milan and ignored Piedmont. When the French arrived in such a rich place, they would never stop if they could. From Diego in Piedmont there is a shortcut to Milan, this road is called the Akvi road, Diego was originally held by an Austrian, and was captured by Massena and La Garpe on April 13th, On April 15, an Austrian grenadier division fled to Diego. At that time, this area was already very close to the base camp, and only a few battalions were stationed. After taking down a village, I personally went to command and took Diego back. I was found there by Commander Lann."

"Don't say it if you're not happy." She said softly.

"I hope to make a good impression on you, but you are the kind of woman who would rather face cruelty than be deceived, so I told the whole truth that day. Going to Lyon to take office was planned a few months ago Yes, but Josephine wanted to go, so she told me..."

"I understand." Georgiana interrupted him calmly. "She's a weak woman."

"She doesn't see you as a threat at all, and you know why?"

"Because you are legally married and she is your legal wife, sooner or later I will leave like other women." Georgiana said with a smile, "not to mention that I am a woman from an enemy country."

"That's the kind of person she is. She thinks that as long as I see through your true colors as an enemy spy, I will come back to her."

"You don't want to go back?"

He was silent for a while and then said, "I always thought that the heaven that others described to me was not attractive enough, so I didn't care whether I went to heaven or hell. In fact, suicide is very simple. Once my mind is hot, I can get rid of it quickly, but I don't want to. Like Cobain, I am self-defeating for love, as a soldier, I must overthrow the depression caused by love, and stand still in the rain of bullets with my flesh and blood, I will not run away."

"Did I tell you that Louis XVI actually declared his allegiance to the Constitution at the Shrine of Mars on July 14th, but Marie Antoinette pinned her hopes on foreign troops, and she wanted to return to the absolute monarchy I don't want to be a constitutional monarchy," Georgiana said.

"I also know that the parliament has passed the proposal that the country is in a state of emergency before the king took the oath, and the power of dictatorship has been transferred from the king to the hands of the parliament." Napoleon said coldly.

"Marie Antoinette rejected the aristocracy, rejected the constitutionalists, she believed only in foreign armies."

"You want to warn me?"

"You lied to me about retiring?"

He moaned silently.

"What do you want? I want to go to Venice. I haven't danced with you in the most beautiful living room in Europe." She pinched his nose. "Many people told me that the governor of Piedmont should be replaced, Which one do you think is suitable, Bernadotte or Lane?"

"What if I don't change it?" He said stiffly.

"You still want a repeat of the Turin Fort?"

He stopped talking.

"Apart from dealing with the church, what else do you want Sies to do for you?"

"I want him to help the Southern Alps Republic formulate a constitution that is different from France."


"what why?"

"Don't you want the Southern Alps Republic to belong to France?"

He laughed and squeezed Georgiana's chin. "Italy is my favorite woman, and I don't want to share it with others."

She was very confused.

"Tell me a fascinating story, sister Dinasad, stop talking about what you just said."

She didn't know what to say anymore, it seemed that Napoleon knew more stories than she did.

"Did I tell you that I am Delmid's godfather." Napoleoni said softly, "I still took his name."

"I already have a godson." She said calmly, "His mother asked me to be one."

"Is it related to that guy?"

Georgiana nodded.

He gritted his teeth and muttered.

"He never discussed the Constitution with me," Georgiana reassured, "and I didn't put olive oil on him."

He smiled sarcastically.

"Don't be angry." She said, pinching his sweater.

He shifted his gaze to her, "Have you ever watched "The Village Fortune Teller?"

Georgiana shook her head.

"His kiss can heal my wounded soul, please give me a kiss." Napoleoni said briskly, without the appearance of death just now.

"You should watch less tragedies in the future." She said angrily, but he just looked at her quietly.

So she kissed the devil.

She kind of regretted telling him the story of the genie in the bottle, because if she continued to want nothing, God knows if the devil would snap her neck.

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