Christmas at Hogwarts is always deserted except for the Triwizard Tournament. Most of the teachers and students will go home to reunite with their families, and only a few will stay in school.

Sometimes Severus would go out to socialize, while Pomona would stay in school to rest and enjoy a rare quiet time.

She has never tried to hold a dinner party in the greenhouse, not only because the greenhouse is a classroom, but also because there are many dangerous magical plants in the greenhouse, and even if she wants to eat, she has to take the food to a picnic outside the greenhouse.

When the dining table and white tablecloth appeared in the greenhouse, she felt a strong sense of satisfaction. Napoleon sent her many oriental plants, which were placed in oriental flowerpots, and Sevres ceramics were placed on the table. tableware from the factory, and gold tableware with a bee emblem on it, champagne and "Luxury" brand soda beside the crystal glass, everything she loves is here now, except for guests to sit and talk to her The prepared food is served on the table.

Although Napoleon was sometimes fierce, he also understood the benefits of good relations with others. He didn't let Bernadotte manage the ceramics factory just for Eugenie's sake. Bernadotte thinks that he is more of a "civilian", and the rich in France do not value money as much as the British. Whether they are engaged in land or sea transportation, they will encounter robbers. When buying insurance.

The Great Revolution caused many nobles to flee to the countryside. They usually had nothing to do but entertain guests. Buying Sevres porcelain requires a proof of property income. In this way, those nobles who have no stable source of income and can only rely on selling their property cannot Buy luxury tableware to fill the scene.

After the Brumaire coup, almost all the sheriffs appointed by Napoleon were "sons of the revolution", a legacy of the Great Revolution. However, their number was still small. With the return of the exiles, they began to serve in the new government. They used to be in the Georgiana Greenhouse Some of the people who worked here are now in the Paris Agricultural Association.

Even Sophie is the most outstanding among a group of beautiful maids. The family heritage of the nobles is there, and their political vision is different from that of the bourgeoisie. Official corruption is not a good thing anyway, they don’t have to be so good The tableware is also quite good. Louis XIV started repairing Versailles because he was a guest at the home of the Minister of Finance and saw that the place where his ministers lived was better than his own, so he was moved to kill him.

After observation, Napoleon believed that it was the rich who were feeding the poor, and the economic crisis during the reign of terror was directly related to the fact that the rich did not dare to show off as they did in the old days. His methods of "squeezing" the propertied classes were far more polite than the threats he used against the plantation owners.

She felt that she had done nothing wrong in this matter, so it can only be one reason why he is not as huggable as before. Her fellow British made him uncomfortable again.

British officials have always been lacking in negotiations, especially the kind of people like Addington who prioritized British interests and tried their best to take advantage of the peace treaty. If the British did not expel the French royal family, it would be impossible for Napoleon to sign a draft treaty, even if he signed It is also perfunctory, when it is an armistice agreement, not a real long-term peace treaty to implement.

This kind of unprofitable peace will not last long, and it will not achieve the purpose of Britain and France to recuperate. It is better to have more crops than to waste saliva on the negotiating table at that time.

"Miss, where do you put this?" Two servants asked Georgiana, carrying a pot of crabapple in full bloom.

"Miss, what's your name? Ma'am." Sophie said to the two servants.

The two still looked at Georgiana's face.

"Put it over there." She pointed to a corner by the dining table, and the two of them put the crabapple tree there as she said.

Leon had promised to let her go if she bore him a baby, so she was cooperating with him even if the chances were slim.

For a moment, she couldn't tell whether she wanted to let go, or both of them let go.

Just don't say divorce and regret it like Severus did before.

He didn't seem to have changed this habit. He blurted out what he shouldn't have said before, and then made a big noise at the door of the Gryffindor lounge, asking Lily to forgive him.

At this point, Severus was not as mature as the 30-year-old Napoleon.

She used to think that a polygamous woman has no feelings for the man in common, so she is not jealous. Now it is her turn to be in the same situation herself, and she understands what it is like.

She became a silly woman, and maybe she was such a character in the eyes of Polina and Mrs. Talian, and they didn't want to associate with her.

Why take it seriously, they are free women, not burdened by fame, and don't care about other people's eyes, how many women can bear what they have experienced?

This affair should have ended long ago.

He sent her to the countryside and waited for her to write a letter begging him to let her go back. Didn't he say that pleading would not work?

Karnot said that she went back after writing two letters. Did he think she was like those women who were reluctant to part with the bustling Paris?

In the past, the Death Eaters took control of the school and threatened her to hand over the children who were Muggle-born, half-blood, and joined the Order of the Phoenix, but she did not obey the order.

She won't overtly resist, but she can resist in other ways without affecting the draw.

There is nothing to be afraid of, it is just death, she believes that Napoleon will not let her suffer too much before death, he has always been good to the old lover, it is much better to die in sleep like burning coals than in prison .

Muggles are not like wizards. Wizards treat women only by taking their lives. Scandals like Cous Lestrange's use of the Imperius Curse to take his wife are very rare.

You think you are Cleopatra, but you don't know what role you are in the eyes of others. Caprara mentioned Anne Boleyn, who was also the second wife of the king and secretly married Henry VIII. , was not beheaded in the end.

She should have written a letter to Severus not to get revenge for her, it wasn't worth it.

She's actually pretty normal, just like everyone else trapped and dead in this false world.

"Remove it."

Georgiana followed the voice and looked over. It was Napoleon's sister Pauline.

"I hate those flowers," said Polina coldly.

"I saw a blue hydrangea bloom just now, so bring that over there," Madam Talyan said.

Georgiana said nothing, and let the two women arrange the venue for the dinner.

Soon these two Greek goddesses arranged the tropical rainforest beautifully, like a Mediterranean garden.

"Don't let him see anything about the 'East,'" Polina said to Georgiana.


"The last time the General went to Malta was on the Orient," Mrs. Talian said.

"You call him 'General'?" Georgiana said strangely.

"What did you call him?" Madam Talyan asked.

Georgiana did not answer.

Madam Talian suddenly grabbed Georgiana's hair with her hand, looking like she wanted to fight.

"What are you doing?" Georgiana looked at Madam Talian without showing any weakness. Her hair was much longer than her own.

"It's true." Madam Talian said in surprise. "I thought you were wearing a wig."

"Don't think about acting." Georgiana took a fork in her hand, "Are you trying to complain about Josephine?"

"Why should I complain about her?" Madam Talyan said with a smile.

"I robbed her husband."

Madam Talyan laughed.

"What's so funny?" said Georgiana angrily.

"General Bonaparte wrote a letter to Carnot before, when he asked Josephine to go to the front, she didn't want to go, so he suspected that she was detained by her new lover, and cursed women all over the world, do you think so How are people?"

"What?" Georgiana said in disbelief.

"He's still clingy..."

"What!" Georgiana interrupted Madam Talian.

"He obviously has a bedroom in the Tuileries Palace, but he still wants to live in your suite. There are so many rooms in the Grand Trianon Palace and he wants to live with you in the greenhouse. Does he still want to take you to war?" Talian Madam asked with interest.

" God." Georgiana murmured in disbelief.

"Whatever happened to him, leave him alone." Madam Talian opened the champagne and poured each a glass. "He'll be fine soon."

"What's for lunch today?" Paulina asked.

Georgiana was still digesting the news she had just received.

France's first ruling is actually naive?

"You are much better than the woman he brought from Egypt." Mrs. Talian handed a glass of champagne to Georgiana "Josephine is the kind of woman who cannot live independently. British women are much more independent. My father They almost came from Spain to France."

"Because of farming loans?"

"That's right, it spread throughout the financial circle."

"Then let me tell you an insider's news." Georgiana said to Mrs. Talian, "Let your father prepare as much food as possible. There will be a famine in France this year."

Madam Talian smiled and shook her head, "You lied to me."

"I didn't lie to you, because you gave me some amazing news just now." Georgiana took a sip of champagne. In fact, besides the bitter taste, the beer also had bubbles. After the foam was blown away, a glass of beer was not much.

"Then should I hide abroad?" Mrs. Talian asked nervously.

"The sticky man you just mentioned has disturbed the whole world, Merlin's beard." Georgiana cursed lowly, "Why didn't I find out before?"

"What kind of man is your husband?" Madam Talian asked with interest. "Is he tall?"

Georgiana watched this charming woman warily.

"Is there any more of your gift for the British envoy?" asked Paulina.

"Leclerc is not here again..."

"He must have other women out there." Polina said coldly, "Do you think everyone is like Napoleon?"

Georgiana probably understood why Paulina was here.

"Where is your son?"

"He slept in your old room," said Polina.

"You can have as much underwear as you want." Georgiana said with a smile, "I can count on you to help me promote it, the number one beauty in Europe."

"You believe in that kind of nonsense, too," Polina said sarcastically.

"I didn't see that you were a woman with a baby." Georgiana looked at her breasts under the thin clothes. "It looks like a virgin."

Polina subconsciously covered her chest, and then laughed.

Madam Talyan looked displeased, probably because her breasts had sagged a little with age.

"Don't worry, put on that underwear, you will still be the same as before." Georgiana took the initiative to shake Madam Talian's hand.

"It won't be the same as before. Now is the era of Recamier." Mrs. Talyan said desolately, "Who made me old."

Georgiana had hoped that the Madonna of the Thermidor would seduce little William Pitt, and now the idea might have to be abandoned like a farming loan.

She turned to look at Paulina, this masterpiece of heaven willing to try it?

"Leave her alone, she'll be fine soon." Polina said with a charming smile. As soon as she sat down, Napoleoni appeared, and there were three people who came with him, one was Granit, the other It was a general, and a man dressed as a literati.

Polina's expression stiffened suddenly.

"That's General Leclerc," Madame Talian whispered in Georgiana's ear.

"They don't look like they've seen each other after a long time," Georgiana whispered, too.

Madam Talyan shook her head.

Georgiana took a sip of champagne, and she had a strong premonition that today's meal must be indigestion.

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