Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1357 Golden Fly

The success of the first two days seems to be some kind of ominous omen, and bad news comes one after another.

With the relationship of Godin, who loves to write scripts, Cohen, who found Georgiana, sent the news from Ufral. The reason why he bought 2 million quintals of wheat from Spain so easily this time was because he had ordered a contract with Spanish Prime Minister Godoy. confidential.

Napoleoni hoped that the coins would flow into France. Spain now uses Piast silver coins. Ufral contracted the Spanish king to transport all the coins in Spanish America. Ufral had a close friend in London named La Bushell, he is Pete's close friend and Bahrain's son-in-law.

The British sent the money for the purchase of Spanish Piast silver coins to Labouchere, and the British sent four cruisers to transport the Spanish silver coins to the East Indies that needed silver trade. Uvral not only did not ship, but the freight paid by Spain was still He took it all, and as a condition Napoleon would reduce Spain's compensation for next year.

In the Bank of France, in addition to the mortgage bank run by Godin, there is also a "correspondent deposit bank" and a "commercial discount bank".

The shareholders of the depository bank expanded their business through the privileges obtained by the National Bank, but the bank did not have a monopoly on the issuance of money. Morion of the Mortgage Bank is in charge of issuing the national debt, and he stabilizes the state treasury by publishing the price of the national debt.

The same thing can be done very smoothly under the centralized system of power in China, but there are various difficulties in the Western world. Bankers can sit in gorgeous palaces and hold meetings to pass the time. Farmers are now waiting for the seeds to go to the ground. The winter of the Little Ice Age has come early, and the crops do not have enough annual accumulated temperature, so next year they will also have to reduce production.

After thinking about it, Georgiana decided to give up the farming loan this year. Under the situation that the harvest is destined to be poor next year, the farming loan is to cause trouble for herself and the French people. Next year, we will rely heavily on food imports. Even if we expand the area to plant this year, the harvest will be pitifully small.

There is indeed chaos in the Rhine region. The locals call the robbers "Kartusch". Among them is a robber named Zhongdelhannes. He specializes in robbing and attacking Jews. He is very popular in the area. This character similar to Robin Hood is not No one can catch him.

Except for Karnobai's busy work, everyone has no loss, both mentally and physically are standing still.

Next year will be a difficult year, and this year will at least have a good harvest from last year. It is a delusion to think that the good days will come so early.

Napoleon had only been in Egypt for a year, and the world was completely changed when he came back. Not only was the country ruined, but even his own home was lost.

After spending time with these people, Georgiana felt that she, too, would become a cold-blooded animal.

She's not in the mood right now, and she doesn't have the energy to take care of "business".

She went to Court Marshal Du Loch, who took Georgiana to the Throne Room in the Tuileries Palace where the diplomatic ball would be arranged.

The throne has been removed, but the steps are still there, like the teacher's bench at Hogwarts. She thinks it is very suitable for a podium for Napoleon to give speeches.

"What do you need to do with so much silver satin?" asked the cold Dillock.

"Because my theme is moonlight, do you know who was the mother of the 18th dynasty of Egypt?"

Diloc shook his head.

"Her name is Princess Yachhotep, she was born in Thebes, and her name means 'full moon' in Egyptian." Georgiana will be in another Louvre before, Conseil told her about The Egyptian story tells Dilloch "The Egyptians believed that the moon represented men and war, but in Greek and Roman mythology, the moon represented a goddess, she was Apollo's sister, Diana, the goddess of the hunt, I remember the Tuileries There's a Diana corridor."

"That's right," Dilloch said with a smile.

"A woman takes this name, which represents 'war' and 'peace'. Princess Yakhhotep assisted her son after resisting foreign invasion, and built the eighteenth dynasty of Egypt known as the New Golden Age. Her mission of 'peace', her son Ahmos I was called the Son of Luna."

"Because Princess Yakhhotep is the 'Moon God'?" Bonaparte asked at the entrance of the Throne Hall.

"How did you come?"

"I came out to take a breath." He said wearily, "It seems that I made the right choice."

She held out her arms to him. "Come here, poor thing."

Napoleoni looked at Diloc, who walked away tactfully.

"Come here, I need a hug too," she urged.

"You forgive me?"

"Everyone has a bad day, and it's easier to hurt someone who loves you than someone who hates you."

He didn't speak.

"If you hurt someone who loves you, you will feel that you will be forgiven no matter how much you say or do. Only when the other party no longer forgives you will you wake up, but at that time it will be too late to make up for it."

As if he was moved, he walked over with a charge and hugged her tightly.

"Are you going to tell me that the farming and loan business can't be done?" She asked calmly.

"I'm sorry," he said bitterly.

"At least Uvral found you a new supply, that profiteer has made a lot of money."

"What did he do?"

So Georgiana repeated dryly what Cohn had told her.

"The British already know that France's finances are weak, you don't need to hold on anymore, Leon." She patted him on the back, "I don't want to discourage you, but the weather is so cold, it is estimated that next year's harvest will not be good, you There is still a need to import a lot of food."

"I think there are many people who are more discouraged than me." Napoleoni sneered. "They are planning to take advantage of the opportunity to make a lot of money."

"I met a man in the church just now, my fellow Englishman, and he asked me to remind you, 'Love is maintained by kindness, but human nature is bad, and at any time, as long as it is good for yourself, you will cut off this line. Bond', he had dueled, but both sides of the duel fired two shots into the sky, so the self-esteem of both sides was satisfied, and the two continued to work in the parliament until he lost the king's support and was forced to step down. "

"I seem to know this man," said Napoléoni in strange French.

"I nicknamed him 'Diamond Kid'." She said in a sweet voice, "Which one do you think is better than your 'nickname'?"

"Want to dance?" he asked suddenly

"I don't dance minuet."

"We're talking about Egypt, of course waltzing." He said in a haughty tone. "An Egyptian red dress on the day of the party? An Englishwoman?"

"I wear white...hey." It dawned on her. "Red and white, it just happens to be the same upper and lower Egypt. I want to give the ladies a dress code."

"I think it's going to be fun that day." He led her into a romantic dance without music, and she stopped.

"What's wrong?"

"I have a bad feeling."

"Same as last time?" asked Napoleoni.

"It's different." Georgiana said anxiously, she remembered the last time she danced with Severus in the dark, and there was no music accompaniment at that time, "Before I came, I saw a prophecy from a crystal ball that the whole of Europe would be In turmoil, and that's all about me."

"Let me tell you another thing." Napoleoni said calmly, "On October 1, 1789, the king held a feast at the Palace of Versailles, and by Thursday, October 4, Paris was in turmoil. 800,000 inhabitants are suffering from famine, because the previous year's food has been eaten, and the new crops have not yet been harvested, but no one in Versailles considers whether such a serious disaster will lead to unrest, and we in Rambouillet. There was a banquet. There were a lot of people who thought it was a bad omen, and I told them that we were holding it to solve the famine and get more food sources."

"Are you scaring me?" She covered her face, unable to hide her horror.

"It's nothing to be afraid of, or do you want to escape as much as Marie Antoinette?"

"Never." She shook her head firmly.

"Good girl, let's continue dancing." He took her hand and continued dancing the waltz.

"I feel so dizzy." She said drowsily, "I want to sleep."

"Let's take a nap together." He said softly, "I heard you thought about Halloween?"

She nodded, "I want to eat candy."

"It's just right for Lucien's farewell party. He's going back to Spain."

"He won't spend Christmas with you?"

Napoleoni laughed. "He just came back to Spain because he didn't want to spend Christmas with us."

What a strange family this is.

"Are you going hunting?"

"Of course, the prey is for the poor. What kind of wool do you want?"

"I don't like wearing animal skins, I'd rather keep them warm in my arms."

"Like your cat?"

"Didn't you raise it?"

"I thought it was yours."

"You named it."

"I don't spend as much time with it as you do."

She felt that this conversation was really not nutritious.

"I love seeing you in a white dress," he said. "It's like the one you wore on the day of the ceremony. It reminds me of a wedding dress."

"Okay, I'll be wearing white that day," she agreed.

Satisfied, he stopped, then bowed his head and kissed her.

This kiss rescued her from the terrible "reality" just now.

"It's strange that you think of me as the girl of your dreams." After the kiss, the terrible Corsican dictator said with a smile.

She grasped his uniform faintly, "Why am I still so dizzy without tights on?"

He stared at her as if caught in some kind of reverie.

"Whatever you're thinking, stop!" she said angrily.

"I thought of it!" He said excitedly.


"Thanks, my elf." He straightened her up, hugged her head and kissed her.

Then he hurried away.

"What's going on?" she asked in confusion, but of course no one answered her.

"Why do I keep falling in love with weirdos?" she grumbled, leaving the throne room too.

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