When Vivan Denon, the first curator of the Louvre, heard that Miss Georgiana was coming, he immediately put down his work and came to accompany her.

Napoleon's expedition to Egypt brought not only 20,000 soldiers, but also 167 scholars, and Vivan Denon was one of them. He did not describe the scene of the pyramid battle to Georgiana, but narrated the shock when he saw the pyramid for the first time. All the soldiers stopped involuntarily and put their weapons on the ground. The ancient civilization sent a shuddering sound. Power, the pyramids standing in the desert made countless people feel quiet and solemn. He felt that only lithographs could record that glorious moment.

The Rosetta Stone was not transported because it was too heavy, and the French only had time to take away the copy of the rubbing, and the lithograph can also be rubbing. Lithographs themselves were similar to reliefs, so Denon called together the famous lithographers Camoine, Francinet, Gounod, Mauzajser and others to participate in the project, as well as the historian Amaury du Val records.

But before they start sculpting, they want to study the works of European artists from the Renaissance to the 17th century.

Among Cicero's many works, there is a book called "On the Moderate Life", which she has not had time to read, but she thinks that a temperate life should be a good thing.

Napoleoni scavenged too many loot from Italy, which is what Monge suggested after discovering that the works of art loaded on the ship could decorate seven Louvres, "enough is enough" to stay. His abstinence in diet seems to have been vented through his insatiable greed for artworks. She wants to return some of the artworks to Italy to restore his popularity and reputation, but before that, she wants to help him get rid of the one shot at him. Revenge was avenged.

The Corsicans believed in vendetta, which Napoleon himself said. Regardless of whether those thoroughbred horses were sent by the Prince of Wales, anyway, this painting that reminded him of the "beautiful wife" in Italy was definitely given.

She even thought badly about ordering someone to draw a portrait of Caroline, and then mixed it with these Renaissance artworks and gave it to the Prince of Wales. The expression of the Prince of Wales must have been wonderful when he unwrapped the "package".

Originally, Georgiana was worried that Denon became a "favorite" by flattery, but after talking with him, she found that he really respected Napoleon.

Cicero said that the basis of friendship is virtue. Others establish friendship with you because they believe you have virtue. If you give up virtue, friendship will not exist.

Georgiana decided not to translate that article when she went back. Caprara handed her the copy. It seems that Caprara has not given up on the idea of ​​"persuading the good" Napoleoni.

Denon, as a scholar, did not feel that his looting of Egyptian cultural relics was an act of robbery.

There is also a common enemy, and strange friendships can also be established. Whether it is ordinary citizens, republicans, or royalists, they all hate Marie Antoinette. Maybe only those rich people who buy the queen's handwriting hate her. Take a sympathetic attitude and treat her like a martyr.

Like Louis XVI, the last emperor of the Han Dynasty, Han Xiandi, was also a very kind person, but Han Xiandi met Cao Cao.

As long as she doesn't become the title of "luxury" and "deficit queen" like Marie Antoinette, it doesn't matter if she is frugal at all, not to mention that she likes Mrs. Remicard's dress, which is simple and elegant, and doesn't need too much gorgeousness decorations.

When she and Denon were discussing an oil painting from the end of the 15th century, Sophie ran over and "borrowed" Georgiana.

Her fiancé Godin was waiting at the stairs, and the two of them took her to the Tuileries Palace.

"What's the matter?" Georgiana asked.

"At the meeting in the morning, the bankers plan to change the financing to buying government bonds." Godan said blankly, "Do you know the South Sea Company?"

"I know," said Georgiana calmly. "It won't be like that."

"It really won't become like that, because the head of state is not a hereditary king like George I." Godan spat. "The property owner can push a man with the same prestige in the army as him to power at any time."

Georgiana first thought of Moreau.

"In addition, the British side replied that they will not deport exiles who are unwilling to leave the UK."

"What?" Georgiana yelled in disbelief.

"The British agreed to return part of the colony." Godin explained, "Now the head of state has locked himself in the small living room, and none of us dare to go in."

"Then you push me into the lion's den?"

"Good luck." Godan said without conscience, almost grabbed her arm and led Georgiana to the study, stuffed her in and closed the door.

There was no roaring in the study, but it was quiet, which made it even more suffocating.

She was busy writing laws to restrict farmers, but forgot about the capitalists. The most critical point of the South China Sea incident was the conversion of bonds into stocks. Farming loans, such national bonds, have a high credit rating, which is recognized by Spain than the South China Sea Company claimed. The right to trade in the South China Sea is still credible, and it will be easy to use this kind of bond for financing, provided that there is a bumper harvest next year.

The interest rate set by Napoleoni is 7%, and the interest rate of the national debt is 5%. The country still has 2 points of profit.

How could these people be at a disadvantage.

The Rothschild family also became more prominent after Napoleon Waterloo.

She seemed to have made the same mistake as Marie Antoinette before, relying on external forces to solve her country's problems, but Mary used the army and she used money.

Waterloo is not only a decisive battle between Napoleon and Wellington, but also a gamble for thousands of investors. If Britain loses, the public bonds issued by Britain for the war will fall into the abyss. If Britain wins, it will soar into the sky. The same is true for France. That war will affect the next 200 years. Rothschild’s stock market The wealth obtained exceeds the combined wealth obtained in the wars of Napoleon and Wellington.

Kindness and kindness alone are sometimes not enough, and even in victorious England, Nathan of the proud Rothschild family brazenly said, "I don't care what kind of English puppet is put on the throne to rule this huge The empire on which the sun never sets, whoever controls the money supply of the British Empire controls the British Empire, and I control the money supply of the British Empire.”

As if he were the uncrowned king.

As long as the right to issue currency is in the hands of Napoleon, he can issue currency to repay public debts. The British royal family didn't understand this, so the bankers gave them the right to issue currency.

The blame is here. It is obvious that France issued coins, and everyone kept them at home. It should be deflation, but the prices kept rising like inflation. It seemed like the official in Lyon, Lange, said that the price of food was the result of sales. It is determined by the extravagant hopes of consumers, not by the purchasing power of consumers.

Rising prices are not equal to inflation. Businesses just raise prices, as if no matter how high the price rises, people will buy it, because food is a necessity.

When the people couldn't afford bread, they made trouble. They would smash and loot shops, and they would also take the king from the Palace of Versailles and send him to the guillotine, and snatch the king's food.

This is like building a city gate. The designer combines artistic sense and practicality. As a result, this "I think it is feasible" idea is demolished by angry civilians.

This is the Western world. The benevolent government that works in the East will become a tyranny here. Even if the debt is paid off in 10 years, as long as the bond is used as a financing tool, and if it is unlucky to encounter natural disasters, even Napoleon, the god of war downfall.

Because the stock market collapsed, people's confidence can easily collapse. In the 20th century, investors who firmly believed that Japanese real estate would only rise but not fall had not seen the tragedy of real estate falling off a cliff.

Anyway, it is the dictators and kings who fell and died, and those financiers will be fine.

The appearance of civilians killing nobles in the Great Revolution may have frightened them, and Napoleoni did not dare to ask them to credit them. Now they are like a group of beasts released from the gate. No wonder Napoleoni wanted to write her such a depressing poem just now.

"Why don't you stop borrowing money?" said Georgiana from outside the small drawing room.

No one answered her.

"After the South China Sea incident, Britain promulgated the "Bubble Act", but the effect was not great. As long as there are enough profits, capitalists can trample on all laws in the world."

"That's in England, not France." A weak and gloomy voice came from the small living room. "As long as I force them to stay in their hometown, I don't have to worry about them. Those exiles are the real trouble."

"Britain is already a colony..."

"Is that the crux of the problem!" Bonaparte roared and interrupted her, "As long as the blood of the Bourbon dynasty continues, once they seize the golden opportunity, they will reign over this country again."

"Will not……"

"I see that your country doesn't want peace talks at all, but just wants a truce. Let's re-draft the peace treaty."

"Calm down, please," she said irritably.

"Don't think that I will listen to everything you say!"

She was not angry, and the consequences of leaving at this time would be serious.

"The Duke of Orleans is also in England," she said slowly. "Do you want the English to drive him away?"

"He can go to the New World."

"Think about it calmly, is there such a possibility?"

"Why is it impossible!"

"Washington is dead, who will protect the safety of the Duke of Orleans without him? And Washington's isolationism is still there. Your sanctions may make the United States fully prepared for war. Do you want the Duke of Orleans to go to the enemy to die?"

The "cannon" inside misfired.

Yes, the Bourbons supported the War of Independence, but to the Americans, was there any difference between him and the French who were about to invade them?

Isolationism means that the United States does not take the initiative to get involved in any external military conflicts except for self-defense wars. How new is this statement to the people of the world in the 21st century.

"Are you regretting meeting me now?" she said calmly.

There was the sound of flint hitting the pair inside.

"Come in." He said coldly.

She obediently went in.

Napoleoni was smoking his pipe.

At this point he looked nothing like a 30-year-old.

"The French are the most humble when their luck is bad, and the most arrogant when their luck is good. They love money more than bloodshed. In spirit, their present and future are always the same." Bonaparte said, biting his cigarette holder, "but the French are the most obedient , obedient, and love our king very much, we just need to guide their criticisms to a direction that is beneficial to us."

"Loved the king and killed Louis XVI," she sneered.

"You told me to be kind to yourself, and you asked me to take you to see the Crown of Thorns, what exactly are you trying to express?" He said calmly.

"You think I'm a republican?"

"Otherwise, which faction are you from?"

"Anyway, it's not a constitutional monarchy." She said firmly, "I don't want to have to publicize how much money I spend on my hair."

"You are not the queen."

She was at a loss for words.

"You tell me, what do you want?" He said softly, "I believe that a person who is indifferent to the world is rational."

"The people on my side call you Führer, what do other people call you?"

"Some people call me General, and some call me Your Majesty, but they don't sound as good as the 'Leon' you call me." He smiled. "Your accent is exactly the same as my mother."

"Every time I call you, do you think it's your mother calling you?" She widened her eyes.

"I believe that human nature is evil, what about you?"

"Me too." She said confusedly, "Why do you ask me so suddenly?"

"In turbulent times, what is often lacking is someone you can trust. Can I trust you?"

"I just learned a lesson, don't trust a person completely, always remember to save the remedy."

"What should we do?"

"This is not a question you should ask me, I will follow your orders."

"Did you forget something just now?"

She looked at him in bewilderment.

"Leon," he reminded, "or my lion."

She left the small living room angrily, but she did not leave the study.

"Why don't you go?"

"I don't think I can leave you alone."

"What if he comes to pick you up?"

She didn't answer the question.

"He would be a trustworthy man if it weren't for you," said Napoleoni.

"You've only seen him twice."

"Some people don't recognize it just by meeting them many times. Many people will be content to enjoy it because of the current good, instead of being attracted by the past. A man who can work so hard for a dead woman It’s already outstanding enough.”

"I'm not happy at all when you say that," she said angrily.

"Didn't you say that you have resigned yourself to your fate and are used to having other women in our hearts?" Bonaparte sarcastically said, "What kind of man can't find a woman like you? You have to pick up what others throw away."

"You're angry?"

"Why am I angry?" He said lazily, "The things I took away in Egypt were considered worthless by the locals, and they were left unattended for thousands of years. When I took them away, they thought they were treasures." Now, who would accuse the scavengers of being robbers."

If she realizes something.

"You want to auction off those spoils?"

"Those are not trophies, they are state-owned assets." He said confidently, "I also paid for shipping them to Paris. How can I return them for nothing?"

"You!" She was so angry that she couldn't find anything to say.

"Has he ever taught you not to be kind and give away his hard-earned money for free?" Bonaparte asked again.

Georgiana remembered the time when Severus promised Nadia to share the benefits in order to calm things down.

"That creates conflict."

"What I want is conflict, otherwise why raise so many soldiers?"

She stomped her feet angrily and left the study.

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