Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1351 Proud Soldiers and Titans

There is a very famous dish in the UK called Beef Wellington. It is made of high-quality filet mignon, fried and colored on high heat, wrapped with a layer of mushroom puree with foie gras, and then wrapped with a layer of ham. The meringue is wrapped and brushed with egg yolk, and baked in the oven.

This dish is included in the Hogwarts banquet menu. Before it is baked, the preparation work is very cumbersome, but after eating it, you will feel that the long wait is worth it.

However, this dish is actually a French dish, named Steak Wellington in honor of the Duke of Wellington at the Battle of Waterloo.

Napoleon would say, and Wellington would say: I have spent my life trying to guess what was going on beyond the hill.

Now Georgiana feels like a female spy who has sneaked into "the other side of the mountain". When she is curiously looking at the people around her, the people around her are also looking at her.

These people were engaged in various occupations before the Great Revolution, such as writers and waiters, but now they all become generals with epaulettes.

Soldiers value dignity very much. Napoleon is always alone in public. She thought he was lonely before, but now she understands. His height can only barely reach the average level, Josephine is much taller than him, and men are shorter than women Even if the person concerned doesn't care, others will have their own opinions. A petite woman will make her male partner taller, and with the foil of "little" Georgiana, even a short man like Napoleon will appear tall.

Draco Malfoy looks like a girl, and he also needs Astonia, who looks weaker than him, to complement him. Mrs. Recamier should be very feminine. Her white dress was worn in Georgiana His body made her more delicate. Even though Napoleon was very gentle, he would not associate him with a "woman".

It was a feature she observed among the conference guests, who were all shaved. Even if it is not completely shaved like Napoleon and left a little sideburns, it is still shaved. On the contrary, it will be very conspicuous if you grow a beard.

Before they entered the arena, the generals originally circled around Mr. Martin. Those who were so hungry that all the mice ate up knew the importance of supplies. Even if there was a supply camp, the private convoy was still needed. Once Napoleon appeared , These generals who talked sweetly around Mr. Martin began to talk sweetly around the first ruling.

After seeing the faces of these "famous generals", Georgiana realized how naive she was to ask for a replica of "Girl with a Pearl Earring".

Napoleoni liked art, and Georgiana seemed to like it too, and they eagerly asked her which painting she liked, as if she said they would try to get her back.

People in the occupied areas have feelings for some famous paintings. They would rather give millions of francs than let the French take them away. But Bonaparte said that the millions in cash will be spent soon, and the "masterpieces" can be exhibited in Paris for hundreds of years. , and will lead to other masterpieces.

Last time he almost brought back the sculpture of the Madonna and Child from Rome. She also likes "The Woman Holding an Ermine". She said that the French would rob it from Florence. If she said which painter she liked, Are they going to kidnap artists from Italy the same way they did to the Pope's Secretary of State?

They didn't attend the salon just to eat. The French Revolution caused many artists to go into exile in Italy, which led to the withering of talents in the French domestic art field. Anyway, the artist who sculpted Georgiana did not intend to pay for Napoleoni's work.

Artists would have a hard life before they became famous, and her sympathy overflowed once again, giving that poor artist a little compensation, who said she was cold-blooded?

She was still angry, and her smile was cold. The style of the army is not like that of literati. The buffet is served by itself, and you can chat while eating. There are several tables in the venue, which is a bit like a restaurant. After Bonaparte is seated, other people will sit down, and then Dillock will start ordering The food is served.

In the past, when she entertained guests from foreign countries, there was only bouillabaisse on the table, so it was enough to treat the guests casually. This time, the dishes placed in front of Georgiana were mainly British dishes, but there was no "Steak Wellington". Only the main course was the Mediterranean fish that Napoleon liked to eat.

In front of his own people, Napoleoni did not deliberately pretend to be aristocratic etiquette. He still devoured delicious food. Georgiana didn't care about him, but reminded him not to splash the soup on his white clothes.

What really made her feel uncomfortable was the eyes of the generals, as if they were observing how she was going to eat.

Ladies represent civility, and they have to have table manners, but it's a wonder she could eat with so many horrible eyes on her.

"Aren't you hungry?" She said angrily, "If you don't plan to eat, I will share these dishes with the poor. They must be hungry."

Those war criminals began to whisper, and it felt better not to have so many eyes staring at her, and she started to break down the sea fish on the plate in annoyance.

Napoleoni watched her for a moment, then reached out to help her adjust the pink dahlias in her hair.

"Be careful not to stain your uniforms with the soup." Napoleoni said loudly after putting down his hands, "Eat."

Following his order, these generals also ate all the food on the table like a storm. Their eating behavior was similar to that of teenagers, and she had long been used to it.

Napoleoni didn't have the habit of eating and chatting, and there were only the sounds of tableware colliding and chewing on the table, and she felt inexplicably in a pigsty.

"How about calling the cook up?" she whispered to Napoleoni. "I think he'll be rewarded to see them eat so well."

"How about you next time?" He said with a smile.

"No problem... Is this enough?"

"She asked me to ask you if you have prepared enough dishes?" Napoleoni said loudly.

"Enough!" the generals said in unison.

Eating with superiors, who will really be full?

She glanced at Napoleoni's smug smile and decided to ignore him when, out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of Mr. Martin, who had been smiling at her, looking like an old fox.

"I don't want champagne," she said to Napoleoni. "I want orange juice."

Napoleoni immediately called Diloc over and asked him to make orange juice in this non-orange season.

"How about sending Bonnefort to Spain?" she added.

"Aren't you afraid Brother Marley will think it's unfair?"

The Marley brothers were in charge of the General Administration of Military Grains, and Bonnefort's business of transporting grain from Italy and Poland was robbed by the transport companies backed by them.

"When the army robs private individuals, why don't they think it's unfair to civilians." She said coldly.

Napoleon was unmoved.

"You promise me~" She held back her nausea, and acted like a baby by the arm of a man who was old enough to be her son.

Now he was happy and laughed loudly, and the generals began to talk about all kinds of problems with the General Administration of Military Grain.

For example, the director of the General Administration of Military Food and Beverages hardly cares about the combat troops. Massena's face is gloomy. He didn't intend to surrender during the siege of Genoa, but his subordinate Colonel Reyer managed to break through the blockade of the British warships, but he only brought back a pile of coins for him to distribute. military pay.

Masséna, who valued honor, had no choice but to surrender when he ran out of ammunition and food. He believed in Christianity and would not allow cannibalism. In the end, 8,000 half-starved French soldiers lined up in combat teams with flags Xing left the Austrian positions.

He had already retired and lived with his wife and three children in Rueil, but his relationship was not broken. Back then Napoleon led a large army from Piedmont to the back of the Austrians, but the news was cut off at the time, and Masséna didn't know about it, otherwise the Austrians would not have let him "decently" surrender so easily.

He took off his military uniform and could put it on at any time. After the accident at the opening ceremony of the canal, he naturally accepted the task of controlling Paris.

After complaining about the ration issue, the generals began to invite Napoleon to hunt together again.

Prey can be used to feed the poor, who justifiably make excuses for their own entertainment.

The woodland is often next to the farmland, and their war horses don't know if they will trample to death the seedlings that the farmers have just planted.

Georgiana has no opinion on this.

At this time, if she tried to persuade him again, he would not show Napoleon's face. His anger would be minor, but the loss of prestige would be a major issue.

The advantage of the monarchy is that the emperor had an idea, and the courtiers had to do everything possible to complete it. After they finished their dinner, Dilloch brought the orange juice.

Napoleon put his arms around her and chatted with these generals while drinking orange juice. Later, he found that she was really not interested in what they were talking about, so he let her go.

It was then that Mr. Martin approached.

"You have to watch out for those Jews," said Mr. Martin in a low voice to Georgiana. "There may be chaos in Lorraine."

"what happened again?"

"The Jews lend usury over there, and the loans they lend are not enough. Don't let them participate in this farming loan."

Georgiana sighed, took a sip of the orange juice, and suddenly felt that the pumpkin juice was actually better.

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