Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1342 marry me (seven)

People who are in love will do the best things in love.

At that time, in the eyes of lovers, they will feel that the other party is unique, and everyone else is irrelevant.

Georgiana held a straight razor in her hand and laid it lightly on the soft face of France Cromwell.

With the green light coming in from the window in the morning, the sharp blade cut the stubble and made a rustling sound, and the cheeks that had just grown green beards in the morning became as smooth as a woman after the blade shaved.

In the old days, nobles would apply powder on their face after cleansing, but she remembered the aftershave business. Peppermint has the effect of anti-inflammatory and reducing skin oil...

"Heavier." Leon said softly, "You didn't shave cleanly."

"I'm afraid of hurting you." She said timidly.

"You want me to go out like a mangy dog," he teased.

"I was going to practice with those beggars." She said dissatisfied.

"This is my privilege. I can be your practice object. I want to enjoy this tenderness exclusively."

"I feel dizzy," she said despondently. "Can I see Sies today?"

"No." He said still gently, "Keep on scraping, Georgiana, and I'll reward you when you're done."

"I don't want a necklace," she said immediately. "I know the story of Marie Antoinette's necklace."

"I know, except for that black swan necklace, you would rather not wear anything on your neck, wasting such a beautiful curve." He stroked her long neck, which was the trace left by her trying Animagus Fortunately, her mouth did not turn into a swan.

Also a pure-blood, Grindelwald's reputation is much higher than that of Voldemort.

He was a man of decency, and even the corpses of Muggles would be disposed of properly, unlike Voldemort, who, after their lives were taken, were thrown to the werewolves like garbage for them to eat.

"Lucien warned me that if I hurt you, he will let me die with dignity." She said calmly, "I'm not trying to alienate you brothers, but I think you must tell me if there is a misunderstanding. I don’t want to die without knowing why.”

"What were you thinking just now?" he said absently.

"Aftershave, put it on after you shave and you won't feel uncomfortable."

He obviously didn't listen to what she had to say.

She patted his big head to wake him up from his imagination.

"Is that his habit?" Leon asked calmly.

"He is a potion master and knows many formulas." Georgiana said with a cold face.

"You thought he was going to poison?" Leon pretended to smile deeply with his half-shaven face on his face.

"Only women and literati would poison, right?" She dipped the razor into the ceramic basin to wash off the foam and beard together.

"Of course the man you like will kill me like a man." He leaned back in his chair comfortably. "It's easy to pretend he's dead. Fortunately, I have Letizia."

She didn't feel uncomfortable, although many women would care about who was more important in a man's heart, their mother or themselves.

She didn't want to take the place of Letizia's mother, a woman who had sacrificed a lot for Napoleoni, including her happiness as a woman.

"Why have you gone quiet?"

"I'm thinking about widowhood," she said inappropriately. "I want to find a place as secluded as the Petit Trianon, so that no one can disturb my sanity."

He laughed out loud.

"How can you still laugh?"

"You don't want to die with me? Just like your vow with him?"

"It's better to be dead." She shaved him with a razor again. "The enemy we need to defeat in the end is death."

He didn't speak, as if afraid of cutting himself if he moved.

"That's what Lily and James wrote on their epitaphs, from the Book of Godolin."

"A fox who has never seen a lion cannot defend himself against a wolf." After her blade left his face, Leon said, "There are many people who say that Siyes is cunning, but I am more cunning than him. I will let him You know, he is no match for my woman."

"You still want to use him?"

"I need people to deal with the church."

"Do you think he was a priest or a politician?"

"Don't always ask me what I think, do you think you can protect yourself?"

"Tell me about who my 'bodyguard' is?"

"Bruna was a lawyer, worked as a writer and typist in Paris, knew Danton, and was also a supporter of the republic. He later joined the National Guard. At the age of 20, he was promoted to brigadier general. A resident of Wangpai, he used to serve under Masséna. Last year, Wisdom Vendée's West Route Army, joined me in the Dijon expedition to Italy in July. At first he made a contribution, but later he delayed the fighter plane when he crossed the Mincio River. Now He was demoted to become a member of Congress."

"What can he protect me from?"

"I didn't say he was your bodyguard. He knew a lot of people in Paris, just like Josephine. I'm a foreigner and I don't know much about Paris. Thanks to her help, I was able to integrate into the Parisian social circle."

Georgiana thought of Albus, although he was a hero who defeated Grindelwald, he was still not accepted by the British pure-blood nobles.

"Can we not mention them this month." He whispered, "Just pretend we are really newlyweds."

"I feel very guilty." She said sadly, "He tried so hard to find me..."

"I need happy memories." He interrupted her "I can remember them when I'm out and about."

"You won't take me to fight?"

"I know you are not afraid of seeing death, but you are afraid of other things. Lane told me that you were too scared to move in the icehouse that day."

She thought again of the screams of those women selling mineral water.

"Are you afraid of getting the pox?"

She shook her head.

"Then what are you afraid of?"

"I don't want to talk about it," she said with disgust.

"Then do you dare to vaccinate in public?" Napoleon asked.

"No problem." She agreed easily.

He kissed her, putting all the foam on her face.

"Be honest!" she said fiercely, wiping the foam off her face with a towel.

"If Davout didn't send you here last night, where did you plan to sleep?" he asked again.

"The First Consul's bedroom," she said sarcastically.

"You are not like Pauline, who will give Josephine a face. She has completely ignored Josephine when she came to Paris from Egypt. I can't let someone like her go out to socialize. If you can persuade Hortense to also vaccinate better."

"Don't move." She pressed his forehead and continued to shave him with a razor. This time, there was no ambiguous atmosphere, and the shaving was done quickly.

"Where's my reward?" She said looking at his smooth face.

He put his hands on her waist "What did you say you want?"

She wanted to say that the art committee should be moved to another place, and she wanted to occupy their office.

But she put her hand on the buttons of his uniform. They were not made of tin, and the cold didn't give them the tin plague.

"The average woman sees this as humiliation and punishment." He said quietly. "You really want it?"

"You took me from Luxembourg to St. Luke's Palace that day, how could you think of putting me in the king's suite?" She continued to play with his buttons.

"I can't put you in my place, what does that look like?"

"What about the other rooms?"

"How can my princess sleep in those rooms."

"I'm not a princess," she corrected. "I'm a commoner like you."

"I swore on the day of the coup that as long as the Republic is out of danger, I will immediately lay down my military power. The God of War and the God of Destiny will help me. Yesterday you said in the carriage that you wanted to follow me. Is it true?"

She nods.

"As long as that man doesn't come to you, right?"

She continued to nod.

"I'll see if he dares to assassinate me." He began to unbutton himself.

"I heard that the parliamentary lawyers wanted to assassinate you on the day of the coup, and it happened to be 20 people."

"Yeah, I didn't bring a sword that day." He said calmly. "I was going to give a speech, but I'm not used to speaking in Parliament."

"Are you going to give a speech this time?"

"You are not afraid, what else am I afraid of." He put his hands on her face, "Are you sure this is the reward you want?"

She closed her eyes.

A kiss with the smell of gunpowder was imprinted on her lips.

She didn't like or hate this smell, not because she didn't feel it, but because the Great Patriotic War and the Invasion War were neutralized together.

She used to think that Eve in Legend of Gods and Ghosts was so stupid that he couldn't forget a soldier because of a kiss.

Now she understands how naive her previous thoughts were.

Who told her that she has little love experience, but it seems that experiencing too much love is not a good thing, two paragraphs are enough.

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