Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1334 Get what you want

Of course, Georgiana would not be so stupid that Napoleoni really planned to be an ordinary couple.

As he once said from the pulpit, some people said that he stood guard in place of the sentinel who stood there asleep. The story may have been made up by a philistine or a lawyer, but it was certainly not a soldier.

He is the kind of terrible superior who would kick the standing and sleeping sentry awake, and then ask the unlucky soldier why he fell asleep while on duty. He would appreciate the trembling expression of the soldier, and fully enjoy the power of life and death in his own hands. joy in hand.

The life of common people is here to experience, and they still have to live with those rich and powerful people. Common people will certainly not feel comfortable living a life of worrying about income and expenditure every day, and the same rich and powerful people will not feel comfortable being spied on and unable to sleep every day.

Now he is facing an unknown danger, and the high-intensity mental tension makes him breathless, so he can play a little temper appropriately, let him know that he has offended him just now, and he will feel happy when he makes a woman happy.

But if he doesn't give him a good face after coaxing for a long time, then he may really turn his face. There are many places where rich bastards live. Napoleon is no longer the lieutenant who lived at home with idle money and pawned pocket watches.

There are also some simple pots and pans in this house, but they are not complete. She cooked Hungarian goulash with the tools at hand as if she was camping.

Napoleon was not a picky eater at all. He had starved in Egypt. He was not the kind of hereditary monarch who lived in the palace. As far as he was concerned, he would rather face a 200,000 army than face riots caused by hunger.

Apart from the day of the storming of the Bastille, riots throughout the city were rare. On the day of the Portuguese Moon Riot, Napoleon, who had been dismissed from his post, was bored and went to the opera house to watch a play. As soon as he walked out of the theater, he found himself among a group of people with guns. He was "swarmed" back to the headquarters, and immediately Appointed Deputy Commander-in-Chief.

The battle took place at the Tuileries and the Louvre, but the enemy was attacking from the other side of the Seine. As long as the bridge was defended, the mob would not be able to cross the river without boats. Of course, the range of the flintlock musket was not comparable to that of the cannon. After realizing that the rioters could not pose a threat to them at all, the soldiers who wanted to run away when they saw the crowd calmed down and fired according to Napoleon's order.

He also distributed some weapons to the National Convention and the friendly district of St. Antoine. It was so easy to win the battle with Napoleon, as easy as blowing out a candle. It is precisely because of this that some generals have the illusion that they can do the same as Napoleon themselves.

In the Campo Formio agreement, the Austrian aristocratic fiefdoms in Belgium and Mainz were preserved, and Grand Duke Charles had a territory in Brussels inherited from the Grand Duchess Christina, which Napoleon bought for 1 million francs. Another piece of land in the Netherlands was acquired by the Russian Duke of Saxony Teshensky. It is very important to be respectful to people of his class. Bonaparte read the play written by Poitvin, although in this play The Jacobins were made to be a bit of a villain, but the way Charlotte Corday was handled was good, and he liked it.

But what he likes more is the sentence, Louis XVI is a good man, but a bad king. The purpose of suppressing the royalist party is to avoid the outbreak of civil war, not to maintain any party or political system.

After he was in a good mood, Carnot also became less hideous, and even talked about another governor who had a deep influence on him, Emmanuel Joseph Sies.

After the fall of the Directory, he became one of the three executives of the newly established executive committee. He seemed gentle and reasonable, but it was precisely because he needed the support of the "sword" to carry out a coup that Napoleon had a chance to take advantage of it. machine.

After the coup, the former big man was also freed. He was placed in the Senate, and Napoleon rewarded him with a large territory as a comfort.

Emmanuel Joseph Sies designed a complex containment mechanism, with the "Elector" as the honorary head of state. Of course, Napoleon, who likes freedom, is not interested in his set, but this mechanism likes to weave lace Miss Georgiana can go and find out.

Bonaparte was smoking his pipe as he said with a smile, and she found that whether it was snuff, pipe or whatever, he had not been in love for long, and she did not know how long this meerschaum pipe would be.

This kind of pipe comes from Turkey and has a very beautiful lion head carved on it, but ordinary people can't afford this kind of pipe.

Cigarettes were cheap, and they helped the paper industry, and it reminded her of the cigarette-loving Englishman who once took her to the house in Spinner's End, his childhood house.

She decided to popularize this kind of paper cigarettes, and didn't tell the Corsican lying next to her now that women always have one or two little secrets of their own.

Since Napoleon is not interested in this kind of "taste", she will be regarded as Severus' privilege, just as Severus cannot accept that she seduces him with clothes, it belongs to Napoleon's privilege .

Neutrality without force will only be slaughtered by others, and now she extremely regrets that she has to wear these shackles.

"You prayed before the meal, are you a believer now?" Maybe she didn't respond all the time, so she changed the subject with Poglione.

"Do you know how the Church of Our Lady of Ankang came to be?" she said coldly. "And I swear, as long as I don't suffer any more, I will pray every day."

"The people must have religion," said the great man calmly, "but you are not the people."

"I don't need to agree with you all, I like third-class parties, do you?"

"What third class?" he asked, frowning.

She didn't know how to explain the Titanic for a while, so she changed the phrase "I like country dance, you like minuet, would you like to dance country dance with me?"

"Is that an English dance?"

"It's an Irish dance, very upbeat." She almost crawled up to demonstrate "I don't know you don't like carousing, it makes you feel out of control, but I think between control and out of control is the sense of art. "

He raised his eyebrows and continued to smoke his pipe, seeming to take it with a grain of salt.

"You may think I'm long-winded, but I don't think it's an honor to sacrifice someone else's life to accomplish your own."

"Is that how you see me?"

"In the situation where either you die or I die, of course you can't be soft-hearted. I hate the kind of military exploits and killing..."

"Enough." Napoleoni interrupted her "I don't want to hear that from you."

"Then what do you want to hear?"

"My Goddess of Harvest, which sculptor do you want to sculpt for you?" He teased.

"This is your choice."

"I want you to choose." He insisted.

"Where are you going to put that statue?"


"Then can I go without clothes?"

The petty Bonaparte glared at her.

"Those paintings without clothes were not originally placed in public places. Some female portraits have two portraits, one with clothes on for outsiders to see, and the one with no clothes is for the male owner to see. Others don’t understand, don’t you understand?”

"Would you like your sculpture to appear in public?"

She thought of the painted sculptures and shook her head very firmly.

"Then what do you want?"

"All my life I long to be well collected, properly placed, and carefully preserved, so that I will not be surprised, I will not suffer, I will not be wandering around, and I will not have a branch to rely on. Please hide my sculpture in a place where no one will be disturbed. place."

"I will," he promised.

"Can you tell me where it is?"

"Did you disturb the peace by going there?"

She tilted her head in thought for a moment, only to entertain him, and he laughed.

"I really didn't expect it to become like this at first." She stared at him and said, "I feel like I'm living a ridiculous dream now."

"Few women look at me from the angle of looking up. It's not just because of my height." He stroked her hair. "It's hard to imagine that someone's hair is born like this."

"Our British judges wear wigs, do your judges wear them?"

He shook his head, "How could you guess what I was thinking?"

"Severus had this trouble before, he's not as good-looking as Sirius."

"Who is Sirius?"

"a friend."

"Male and female?"

"...a man." She said guiltily.

"What did that guy say?"

"He said Sirius liked me." She said disgustedly, "How is that possible."

"Why do you think it's impossible for him to like you?"

"He's the 'Prince of the Academy.'"

Napoleoni sighed heavily.

"What?" she asked confusedly.

He shook his head in silence and went on smoking his pipe.

"I'll be there on the day of the ceremony, I'm not Marie Antoinette, I'm going to get cold feet."

"The Vendée side is less exploited by the nobles. They have little enthusiasm for establishing a republic. There are too many central forces. I would rather see less power in Paris and more power in the localities."

"You also think the population distribution should be balanced?"

"It's power, not population."

"I don't think so, have you heard of the Jiedushi's rebellion?" She began to tell him stories that were more Eastern than Egypt.

"That's a question for future generations to think about." He put the pipe on the head of the bed, then wrapped his arms around her shoulders, and pressed on her body again.

"You may pray now," Napoleone told her.

"I don't want to be a fertility machine."

"I don't want to suffer either. Give me a child, otherwise he and I must die together. Do you want to see that scene?"

She shook her head.

"Then start praying and asking God to be merciful, it won't be too hard for him."

"What if it's a boy?"

"Thank God for giving me such a good memory." He said softly, "My eyes act as a painter, drawing your portrait on my heart, and my body is the mirror frame in which your beauty is embedded."

"He said he couldn't live on memory," she cried.

"I want to see if I can do it," said Napoleone. "If I can't, I'll come to you again."

How can a person who died two hundred years ago find someone who will live two hundred years later?

But she didn't dare to say it, she hugged him tightly.

"I want to hear you say 'force'." He said grimly in her ear, "I can't be the only one who didn't hear it."

"I'm sorry, I dare not..."

"Say hard."

"Hold!" she yelled angrily.

The damn Corsican breathed a sigh of relief. "Don't stop, just keep shouting."

She raised her hand and slapped him.

"You want something new?" he threatened.

"You nasty bastard!"

"The Crown Prince of Wales is also a drunk, why is he a nobleman and I am not!"

Now she knew he was not kidding.

"If the neighbor hears..."

"Didn't you say that you like the feeling of not caring about other people's opinions? Besides, the neighbor next door doesn't care about business. She cried for so long that day and no one came out to watch the excitement."

"Are you punishing me or punishing yourself?"

"Stop talking, I don't want to hear anything but that word." He closed his eyes in pain.

"Don't close your eyes, look at me." She forced him to open them "Who am I?"

He carefully identified her.

"I like you very much, Leon, you are a strong lion."

"I fell in love with that woman to the extreme, but she made me the laughing stock of the whole Parisian scum." Leon said with hatred, "I can only forget these things when I am working. She softened my heart with tears." Once, she will try to deal with me with tears next time..."

"do not talk."

"She's gone too far!" he yelled angrily "I don't want to forgive her!"

"She is your benefactor, she helped promote you."

"Can the benefactor act recklessly?"

She couldn't answer the question.

"A mother does not sacrifice for her child, but makes her sacrifice for her irregular behavior. You say she loves me, so why should I love such an unreliable woman?"


"I love the woman I want to love, no one cares." He said grimly, "Say hard."

This time she didn't struggle, and screamed like a country woman.

Anyway, she will never come to this place again next time, and the people next door must not know who she is, so if they lose face, they will lose face.

After all, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain.

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