Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1327 Cherry Pie

Napoleon Bonaparte had an English scope through which he had seen coastlines, mountains, trenches and arrays, but never the stars with it.

The Paris Observatory is on the left bank of the Seine. It was built by Louis XIV on the suggestion of Jean-Baptiste Colbert, Minister of State for the Navy. The first director was the famous French astronomer Cassini. Four moons of Jupiter.

It was dangerous to enter the city of Paris from Versailles at night, so Georgiana and Leon's "date" was changed to the Grand Trianon Palace, the glass-roofed house where the small warship was placed.

He lay on the deck of the warship looking at the stars all over the sky with his pillow on her lap, without saying a word quietly.

Paris is not the sea, and he certainly didn't feel seasick like the last time he set off for Egypt, but she wasn't in the mood to talk to him either.

She took The Monarch to read, this book is hard to find in the market and libraries now, maybe only in the church and the royal library.

Later he discussed with her about Xinyi. Monsieur Bonaparte believes that the best political art is not to overdo it.

In the historical "Amiens Peace Treaty", Britain and France did not resume normal trade at all. France has already given up the tobacco trade. From Bonaparte's words, she can hear that Britain can no longer ask for it. It is not the best way to overdo it. political art.

She didn't blame Sophie, nor did she deliberately alienate Mrs. Montesquieu, she just pretended nothing happened and continued to get along with them as before.

Leon actually had an objection to Montesquieu's views. Georgiana didn't know it at the time, but she knew it after talking on the boat.

Madame Montesquieu is still willing to come to the "court" not for some superficial reasons. Madame Montesquieu also loves her motherland, France. On the contrary, it seems strange that Georgiana, an "English woman", helps the French.

Another characteristic of the Hufflepuffs, apart from their sense of collective honor, is that they cannot tolerate conflict, and they will do almost anything to avoid it.

She didn't care if others suspected that she had ulterior motives, as long as Leon believed her, it was fine, and only when he didn't believe her, would she be discouraged and never get involved in these things again.

Albus taught her to be down-to-earth, and besides, it was not a day or two before Hufflepuff was looked down upon by others, and she could still give up the opportunity to show off, even the opening ceremony of the canal, which was regarded as a wedding by Leon.

It doesn't matter if she sacrifices a little for the greater good. What's more, she had already held a wedding once, and she was really ashamed to marry another man while her husband was still alive and he hadn't officially filed a divorce statement.

Severus did understand her, and his method of revenge was different from Leon's, either by hurting himself, or by letting her know how much of a monster he was, how could an ordinary woman remain calm in such a situation.

He just left her because she was a beautiful monster, and he woke up in time, which is what a smart person does, isn't it?

"for you."

Lucien Bonaparte put a can of cherries in front of her.

The cherry picking period is from May to mid-June. As a canner, she certainly knows that this jar of cherries in glass bottles is a luxury even if there is no famine, although it is not a valuable thing in the 21st century.

"Why send me?" she asked alertly.

How can the person who can print the pamphlet "On the Difference between Caesar, Cromwell and Bonaparte" and is still alive and kicking up to now be the one who flatters her and hopes that she will do things for him.

"How about you make him a cherry pie?" said Lucien.

She is puzzled by the strange relationship of this family.

Napoleoni left, and Lucien came to the Grand Trianon Palace. Lana had no objection to him entering the "harem", and Lucien did not regard himself as an outsider. I found a room for myself in the King's Botanical Garden between the Petit Trianon Palace and the Petit Trianon Palace.

With the King's Botanic Garden already, Georgiana's conservatory is redundant, but she really likes the "crown" at Notre Dame of Ancon.

Many plants in the greenhouse were moved from the King's Botanical Garden, and now it is almost empty, and she thinks it can be used for other things in the future.

"Did you listen to me?" Lucien asked again.

"Just tell me why," she said wearily. "I hate the guessing game."

"Your husband and that woman named Lily, are they first love?" Lucien asked.

"Did he even tell you that?"

"Napoleon also had a first love, she was not Josephine."

"I know that."

"And do you know that they like to walk together and eat cherries?" said Lucien.

"You hate your brother, don't you?" Georgiana asked.

"Please imagine a 16-year-old boy pouring all his love into one person, but the relationship has to be interrupted because of the war. You will sympathize with him as much as I do."

Georgiana looked at the smile on Lucien's face.

Where is his sympathy?

"Make him a cherry pie and let him know that this relationship is not broken." Lucien said softly, "The short separation is for reunion."

"His wife is Josephine, and I think she still loves him."

"I'm different from my sisters. The reason I don't like her is that she's in control of everything. She thinks Napoleon won't have other women like him without her." Lucien said coldly, "You I like Napoleon not because of his power."

"I can't imagine what it would be like for him not to be the first ruler," she said frankly. "I wouldn't like a man who surrenders to life."

"You are indeed a very dreamy woman." Lucien said, "but you can tolerate Napoleon's diet. You want to eat meat, right? How about eating at noon today?"

Of course she knew that with the current prices, it was difficult for ordinary people to eat meat, but the rich and the privileged could still eat meat if they wanted to.

"He wants to eat fish, and I want to get him fish." Georgiana said self-destructively, "I want to persuade the British warships to allow French fishing boats to go fishing in the deep sea. Can you help me?"

"What do you want yourself?" Lucien said softly.

"I already have." She looked up at the roof. "What do you think of this greenhouse?"

"Napoleon likes big scenes." Lucien smiled maliciously. "Gorgeous uniforms, mighty knights, and huge crowds. Davout returned in July. He is now the Inspector General of the Cavalry. The cavalry guard of honor for this ceremony He is in charge."

Louis-Nicolas Davout, one of the 26 marshals of Napoleon in the future, used to have cavalry arrays to clear the way for royal weddings.

"Would it be strange if I told you that I hope this ceremony will be more useful?" She calmly regained her reason from the imagining of the grand wedding scene.

Lucien shook his head.

"I hope he's safe..."

"You will make him very painful. He is not a constitutional monarch, but he is as unfree as the Prince of Wales. Do you know that he has persuaded the church to allow Protestants and Catholics to marry?" Lucien interrupted her.

"Did you hear me? I hope he's safe!"

"In the turbulent freedom and the peace of slavery, I choose the turbulent freedom, and Napoleon is the same. He wants to give you a wedding, so you accept it. Don't keep telling him you can't." Lucien said impatiently." Or are you still thinking about your husband?"

Is that possible? Just like in the movie, a strange man rushed to the wedding scene and took the bride away.

The scene was dramatic too, but she couldn't laugh.

Napoleon would be furious.

People in this world are not really alive, nor are they really dead, so why care about their feelings?

"I'm scared," she whispered.

"I know, this is the reason why he asked me to accompany you. He is worried that you are thinking about it alone." Lucien said in a soft tone, "Don't tell our mother, or she will be as worried as you, and I will be ashamed just to deal with you." It's exhausting enough."

"Undo my shackles."

"No." Lucien shook his head firmly, "Bonaparte will not be reduced to need a woman's protection."

She laughed. "It's strange that I don't feel angry at all."

"Georgiana, let him exercise his husband's power, he needs it," said Lucien. "If you don't give the little prodigal a look, they will continue to think about his women."

"Okay, you convinced me." She held up her hands.

"Are you still making cherry pie for him?" Lucien smiled slyly.

"Find someone to deliver it for me." She paused. "Also, don't bully Josephine."

"What's for lunch? Steak?" Lucien asked with a smile.

"At this time, you can't just enjoy eating steak for yourself. Go and invite the British envoys." She stood up and said, "With you here, I can just talk to them about the forbidden sea."

"Eugène could have been Napoleon's heir, but his mother ruined it." Lucien said suddenly, "If you can't give birth by yourself in the future, if you want to suggest him to make another heir, don't recommend Eugene."

"Is there any room for relaxation?"

Lucien shook his head, "She did too much."

"You don't want an inheritance at all?" Georgiana asked.

Lucien did not answer immediately.

"The crown of thorns." Lucien said after thinking for a while, "I'm afraid of pain."

"You are a coward," said Georgiana icily, and leaving Lucien Bonaparte alone, she went to cook in the kitchen.

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