Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1322 Smith and Schmidt (Part 1)

Napoleon was surrounded by many sycophants.

After Mrs. Montesquieu entered the "court", she once heard that someone flattered Bonaparte like this: serious illness needs strong medicine, and the dictator is a god who came down from the sky to relieve the predicament.

That's what Montesquieu wrote, and it's a great skill to be able to take the meaning out of context.

In front of a dictator, the law is silent, and the monarch bows his head. Fortunately, he is only selected for a while, and his power is limited to the project he chooses, otherwise he will become a tyrant.

This way of getting along with monarchs and ministers reminded her of Voldemort and Death Eaters. This is obviously not what a "winner" should be. If it was before, Georgiana would persuade Napoleon to stay away from those flatterers and get close to the truly virtuous ministers. Later she found out that her previous thoughts were completely idealistic.

Shaputal has a good character, and he can't do speculative things like buying grain.

Napoleon needs admirers, no one will worship a mediocre person, when everyone tells you the truth, they are not afraid of offending you, they will lack awe of you.

When everyone is talking nice things, if Leoncourt and Mr. Martin's allies tell him the truth, it will not only be annoying, but Napoleon will feel that they lack awe, so Georgiana tells them to shut up ,less talking, more working.

Arrogant young people will definitely not be able to accept it, but Mr. Martin and Leon Kuhl are middle-aged and elderly people who have experienced great hardships, and their anger is not so great, so they endured it.

She also asked Mr. Martin to change the matter of buying horses. In theory, he should buy good horses and war horses, but later he saw cavalry feeding oats to war horses in Vincennes Forest, and she knew the seriousness of the matter.

All the land in France has been reclaimed by farmers as farmland, and inefficient growers can't feed them, let alone pasture for horses. In the past, people ate only white bread, which led to the continuous increase in the price of wheat, while the price of oats was relatively cheap, and it could be eaten instead of forage for horses.

After buying a horse, you have to keep it. It may not be possible to go to Prussia within a year or two. Famine is an imminent problem. The forest is closed, but it cannot stop hungry people from poaching pine cones and pheasants. Napoleon When awarding the rewards, land with forests will be awarded to generals, and land with vineyards will be awarded to civil servants. The old system also had a collection system to deal with the famine. The edible food in the forest had already been plundered once, and did not take the opportunity to raise the price. The "lords" felt that their conscience was right, and those civilians would ruin their prey if they went into the mountains again. And the forest, there may be conflicts at that time.

Mushrooms can be dried in the sun, and meat can be made into jerky, but the taste is unbearable to soldiers, let alone civilians.

So she asked Mr. Martin to buy a bad horse. Even if people can't accept eating horse meat for a while, they can make it into canned meat and store it. want to eat.

She felt that Napoleon, who ate cat meat, could understand this question. He was so busy that he didn't have time to come to her. What she didn't expect was that Martin got back the gun and the information he just said. , as if he had bribed the money for the horse in order to obtain information.

Napoleon was most annoyed by others doing things that exceeded his authority, and he even said the word double agent.

The little bastard couldn't control her emotions, and it was not uncommon for her to blurt out the wrong words, and Severus also blurted out "Mudblood" to Lily to end their childhood friendship.

Rather than being sad that she was suspected, she wanted to know the authenticity of this information. Why did the Germans blow up their fortress?

But this is obviously not something a woman should meddle in. She always felt that she should not interfere, but Napoleon let her stay here and listen.

She knew that he took Josephine with him during his expedition to Italy, and she accepted many ladies' salutes. If a man has made great achievements, a woman needs to see it to feel a sense of accomplishment.

The problem is that she doesn't know what's going on now, all she knows is that the Corsican's temper is coming up again.

He has always been gentle towards women, but he is much stricter towards men. She doesn't want to experience the feeling of being scolded as a man.

"Who can tell me where Ulm is?" She looked at the men in the room in confusion.

"Ulm is the first natural base to enter Germany. It is located on the banks of the Danube. Occupying it can facilitate random actions on both sides of the river." General Bertrand said, "It is the most suitable stronghold for setting up major warehouses on the largest river in Europe. As far as we are concerned, this fortress is located at the exit of the Black Forest Mountains, which is equivalent to the fortress of Kerasco we encountered after crossing the Alps."

"Why did it blow up?" She still asked inexplicably.

"There are too many things in it, and they cannot be transported in a short time." Mr. Martin said, "We have a large amount of supplies in Strasbourg."

"Are you going to blow up Strasbourg?"

Napoleon took out his pipe and began to smoke.

She probably understood that the Germans were afraid of the French invasion, so they planned to blow up the warehouses and fortresses that had stored a large amount of war supplies, so as not to give them a foothold to invade Germany.

The French in the 21st century don't know how they will feel when they hear this.

"Have you bribed the garrison of Ulm?" Napoleon asked Mr. Martin.

"No, it's a friend in the occupied area, because of the "Campo-Formio Agreement", he replaced the vassals and became the officials of Austria. They desperately hope that you can lead them to victory and end the rule of the Junker nobles. He gave the gun," continued Mr. Martin.

"What are you talking about!" Georgiana asked again.

Bonaparte smiled somewhat smugly, without explaining to her, Mr. Martin went on.

The Junker nobles locked the peasants firmly on the land and established organizations such as the "Peasant Sanctuary". The "Campo-Fermio Agreement" allowed the bourgeoisie to replace the vassals and become officials who elected the empire.

Industry needs labor, and there is no way to develop industry without releasing farmers from the land, and these bourgeois officials had the foresight to see the benefits of sales tax, but they were blocked again in Germany.

They also know about the milling tax. The Junker nobles also have mills. All in all, the privileges of the Junker nobles limit their reforms. The guns shipped from the arsenal show their support for His Excellency Bonaparte.

But the lord's police kept them from showing off. The plan to blow up Ulm with dynamite came from Vienna, and a colonel surnamed Schmidt was in charge of the plan.

There are 17,000 ordinary citizens in Ulm who may be affected by the explosion, but the supply line is a lifeline. In 1712, Prince Eugen of Austria attacked the fortress of Landresi. After obtaining all the supplies he needed through the Skalp River, he transferred them to the Prince's warehouse in Marching. He hoped to rely on a long, weakly defended The line of the forts made it possible to escort the convoy without troops, and a covered road, seven leagues long, was built, which the soldiers called the Paris Road.

There are convoys sending supplies from Marching to the military camp every day. There are no great obstacles on this transportation line. After the French Marshal Villars ordered people to smash down the pontoon bridge erected on the Erde River, this army was used to protect Paris. The Austrian reserve team on the road was isolated. When Prince Eugen came to the rescue, he could only watch the army wiped out on the other side of the river. Villars took advantage of this battle to regain a large area of ​​land and turned the French border into a safe place.

If it were Napoleon himself, he would resupply from Marching once a month. He would not need to build any fort roads. He would use reliable escorts to ensure the safety of large convoys, or build reliable bridgehead fortifications to prevent the river bridge from being invaded by the enemy.

However, this is a supply method for local wars with only tens of thousands of people participating in the war. The speed and load of using wooden rails to pull goods have increased. This transportation line has the value of protection and can provide supplies for larger-scale wars.

The generals and staff members met to study this, whether it is necessary to set up a reserve force to protect the supply line, if the defense is too weak, it will be broken by the enemy, and if too many people are left behind, the number of soldiers directly used for combat will decrease. The so-called army of one million is actually only 200,000 people participated in the battle, and more people were maintaining supplies. The enemy's homeland operations did not have as long a supply line as the expeditionary army, and more troops could be used.

The track from France to Strasbourg is easy to fix, because France is united.

The track in Germany is not easy to repair. Everyone can see that the road will be a hen that lays golden eggs in the future. Every elector wants this road to pass through his territory.

When Germany is in chaos, it will be the French's turn to invade when they are in chaos. If Ulm really has explosives and Napoleon has entered the fortress without knowing it, France will be in chaos if he blows up. .

"That is probably the case," concluded Mr. Martin.

"Do you understand?" Bertrand asked Georgiana as if teasing a child.

"Are these military secrets?" she asked pitifully.

"What do you think, Mrs. Spy," said Napoleon coldly.

"I'm not a spy!"

"What's your husband's last name?" he said in a ghastly tone.


"Has he ever contacted Ang Kian?"

"Who is Angkian?"

Everyone was silent again.

"Not all British civilians will come into contact with the Royalists," Mr. Martin said. "Let me tell."

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