Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1316 severance pay

Medieval castles were often built in strategic places, and the Vincennes forest is located next to the Marne River, which divides it in two.

There is a bridge town near Vincennes Castle. If you want to cross the river, you must cross the bridge. In this way, Vincennes Forest becomes a place where you can hide soldiers and defend.

Peasants who fled from the countryside to Paris to find the protection of the army would be surprised if they knew that the army itself had mutinied.

The castle is a military defense first, and then it is opened to merchants. After the castle is built, it is difficult to provide accommodation for newcomers, so the city owner will build another wall around the castle, or an area surrounded by wooden fences. This kind of area is called "suburbs". ", in England it is called "portus", which means a place for temporary storage or transshipment, and this word has been used almost unchanged until the Merovingian and Carolingian times.

Several towns around the Forest of Vincennes have wharves with goods toll cards, and these wharves are busy every morning, carrying goods to the market and barracks.

Regarding the canning factory, Georgiana handed it over to the quartermasters to deal with. The technology and supply are ready-made. They only need to find engineers to build a factory building, train the personnel, and a factory will be completed.

She was dealing with the discharge of soldiers.

There are 1,000 people stationed in Vincennes Forest, which is the configuration of a battalion. The cavalry accounts for a quarter of the army, the gunners account for one-eighth, and the rest are infantry.

Many beggars wandering the streets of Paris are veterans. The biggest difference between veterans and active soldiers is not the beautiful uniforms they wear.

Generally speaking, the quartermasters who coaxed her were gentle people, and they didn't talk about bloody topics when they ate, but Colonel Duroc, who was in charge of commanding the battalion, chatted about battles when he accompanied her to inspect the barracks.

He once accompanied Napoleon to Egypt, and later participated in the Brumaire coup. In the hand-to-hand combat in the fortress of St. Jean Acre, the French soldiers sharpened the three sides of the bayonet very sharply to prevent the Turks from their hands. Li took the bayonet.

These active soldiers are like bayonets. Even Georgiana dare not provoke them. Usually she stays in the castle and rarely goes out. Otherwise, she will only go to the beautiful Vincennes Forest with Colonel Duroc. go around.

The forest of Vincennes is a beautiful place, otherwise Louis XIV would not have adopted it as a hunting ground.

It stands to reason that looking at such a beautiful scenery should be very comfortable, but those soldiers look like they are holding back their stomachs. Napoleon led the troops to order generals. The people in this battalion didn't go to Egypt last time, and they didn't go to Portugal. Having nothing to do all day and letting them build a cannery made them less bored.

The army is free to use their own command and management methods, why is she meddling in these things as a woman?

She took a fancy to those soldiers who were panicking, and the country girls who couldn't find a husband in the countryside, and it happened that the countryside was short of strong laborers. As long as those soldiers could be persuaded to put down their daggers and pick up farm tools again, another big problem would be solved. solved.

Soldiers have to be discharged, and this time 87 people have met the discharge standards.

There is the median voter theorem in game theory. Among these veterans, there are those who want to leave the army eagerly and those who don’t want to leave the army, and some don’t know whether to stay in the army or leave the army.

Those who are eager to leave the army usually have a career at home, those who do not want to leave the army have nothing, and those who are hesitant because they are worried about famine, and they will definitely have enough to eat in the army.

Jacob had fought for several years and had nothing to pledge to the bank. As a result, his bakery could not be opened. She asked about the situation of those people one by one, and learned that some of them were as short of capital as Jacob. , she used the name of "commander" to loan her living expenses to them.

There is no need for collateral, their military years and military exploits are the mortgage. With capital, these people not only solve their own employment problems, but also take away some comrades who are worried about having nowhere to go.

The neutral faction was a little moved at this time, she found Mr. Martin again, and arranged some people to go to his transport team.

The army has its own supply battalion, but the supply battalion alone does not have enough chariots and horses, so civilians will definitely be recruited. Having these former artillerymen who understand artillery is not only easy, but they also obey orders very well, which is what ordinary civilians lack.

Mrs. Montesquieu once persuaded Georgiana to use the tax adjustment method mentioned by Montesquieu to increase the urban commodity tax and lower the rural commodity tax to force rural immigrants to move out of the city.

Georgiana flipped through Montesquieu's book and finally chose another way.

Polygamy depends to a large extent on support ability.

In some very poor places, polygamy is possible, and it is not a luxury that only rich people can have.

In hot regions where there is less demand, it is less expensive to maintain a wife, so a man can have multiple wives.

What is there in the countryside? There are many girls who can't find a man to marry. Although they are not a man's opponent individually, they are all very strong in doing farm work, and they can knock him down with their hands.

The Western world does not support polygamy, but the Napoleonic Code does not currently pass this, which is another way out for the damn men to leave for themselves.

As long as the retired male soldiers can support themselves, it doesn't matter if they marry three girls. They are all disliked and unwanted by ordinary civilians. He may not be willing to let those rural men who are used to seeing beautiful women in the city go back to find them.

Compared with deserts and snow-capped mountains, the not-so-fertile land in the countryside should be considered more comfortable. The heavy Dutch harness horse she asked someone to buy also arrived, and she felt that the conditions were acceptable, so she took the horse back to the countryside to farm. Food security is also a major issue related to national security. Although they took off their military uniforms, they are still serving the country.

The big farmers have the labor force, so they don’t need to sell the land to those farmers who are obsessed with the land. The next step is to resume production, improve the soil, and the “fertilizer” is ready to dry. New farm tools are designed, and the "agricultural revolution" can officially begin.

也不见得所有上过战场的男人都有ptsd,但她需要为嫁给那些退伍男兵的女孩们安全负责,这时她才发现拿破仑·波拿巴又干了一件让她气得想揍his business.

She borrowed his clothes for riding that day, and later wanted to add a pair of trousers, but found that women had to go to the police station to apply for a permit if they wanted to wear trousers.

This law was issued by him on the eighth day after the Brumaire Coup. Before the French Revolution, "no trousers" was a mockery of the nobles for the common people, and some women appeared in the sans-culottes party.

Some people call them a group of gangsters and murderers exuding the smell of blood, such as escorting Marie Antoinette to the guillotine, and on October 5, 1789, they filled the auditorium of the Constituent Assembly in Versailles. He also participated in the bloody conflict of the King's Guards, and in 1793 a famous women's club, the Revolutionary Republican Women's Citizen's Club, appeared.

In the eyes of the vast majority of congressmen, women are inherently weak, lacking in assertiveness, acting on emotions, and "are a kind of wealth in themselves."

For female sans-culottes and other feminists, some radical factions, such as the Jacobins, could not bear it, and had many fierce quarrels in parliament. The first thing after Napoleon came to power was not to let those girls wear Pants.

Does that work? In the 21st century, the streets are full of women wearing trousers, not to mention these women who dare to fight with the King's Guards are a good source of soldiers for the female mounted police in Georgiana's eyes. The boy's sincere "red arms" are very easy to use.

She also wanted to buy a horse, and it was an English thoroughbred horse, and recruited the "Kingslayer"'s nemesis to be her bodyguard, to see if he dared to give up in chaos!

She signed bills one by one, as if she wanted to empty his bank. Anyway, he gave her the right to use the "Royal Bank" to withdraw expenses.

2.25 million francs was enough to close a bank, and she wanted to see how much the Corsicans had in savings.


After signing a horse sale contract worth 100,000 francs from the quartermaster, she yelled in the tower of the castle, picked up an apple on the table and took a bite.

In the afternoon, she would go to the Sansculottes and take them to the Paris police station to sign. They would not cause trouble. She just wanted to see when Napoleoni could stand it and show his face.

She heard muffled laughter from the door.

She followed the sound and found that Napoleon in the colonel's uniform had appeared.

So she threw the apple in her hand towards him, and he blocked it with his hand in embarrassment.

"Go away!" she screamed, her voice echoing through the castle.

"Can you explain why you have to sign so many bills?" Bonaparte said calmly.

Still angry, she glared at him.

But gradually she realized that he was really angry, so she reluctantly said, "Severance pay, thank them for serving the country for so many years."

"We have a military security law."

"I keep the money for nothing, I want to give it to those in need."

"Aren't you afraid of getting me into trouble?"

"Then you haven't caused me too much trouble?" She asked back, "I warned you not to mess with me, and you only regretted it when you stepped on a landmine?"

He actually smiled.

"what's so funny?"

"Do you know why after you did that, how many people on the list refused to retire?" Bonaparte said. "They were treated unfairly by their superiors. You can't solve this problem. I hope you can use your energy On the cannery."

"Not every British person understands industry. You need to find a professional person to help you manage it." She went to the desk and sat down. "Have you read the report Madame Montesquieu wrote for you?"

He nodded.

"You need an engineer, not a fool who only knows how to grow herbs." She said indifferently.

"There's nothing to do here, how about going back to live?"

"A powerful and powerful person, why do you hold on to me? If you feel that you can't hold back..."

"Don't say that." He stopped her from continuing. "What you are saying now is not what you would say."

"I told you once, some mistakes can't be made once, you are sober, please keep it like this." She said calmly, "I will help you, because I want to see what kind of things you will create." world."

He has not spoken.

"I forgive you, Leon, you were impulsive, and I was also at fault. Let's just pretend that nothing happened in the past."

"What are you going to do next?"

"It's really inconvenient for me to live in the barracks. I may go to the hospital."

"You went to heal someone else's wound, who will heal my wound?" He said softly.

"It's your choice, you chose for the greater good..."

"As I said, I will treat Britain as you do to me." He interrupted her again.

"Don't be impulsive again."

"Isn't that why you came here? Peace." He said the word that represented happiness in a gloomy manner, "Move back and live."

"I need to know the truth, not happiness. Is it because of the danger that you arranged for me to live in the barracks?"

"It's over." He said calmly, "I'm so glad you figured it out yourself, but I can't pretend that nothing happened just now, you go back with me immediately."

She looked at the bastard who was arrogantly giving orders to her, and went back to the room to pack her things without saying a word.

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