Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1313 The Size of the Capital

How short of money was Napoleon Bonaparte?

For example, in 1789, the French people rioted and captured the Bastille because Louis XVI imposed a heavy tax of 300 million francs. In 1802, Napoleon’s tax target was 500 million francs. Because of heavy taxes, there are plans to riot, except for the areas controlled by the Shu'an elements in the west.

What he worried about was a riot caused by hunger, as long as there was enough bread, he didn't have to worry about it, which was completely different from the time of Louis XVI.

He now wanted to create jobs, the canneries could replace the sugar factories, and Georgiana would take care of that.

As for how to take back the national ownership of tobacco, and let the French agree to allow the British to transport it, it is not something she considers. She only needs to send a message to the British envoy.

Tobacco is not unique to the United States, and India can also grow it. With enough interests, Britain will become an ally of France to deal with the newly independent United States.

She doesn't care how the game is played.

In 1795, Napoleon spent 12,000 francs to collect food preservation methods. A confectioner named Nicholas Abbott invented this canning storage method after experiments, but at first he just put food into glass bottles and then used corks. Cork the bottle to keep the food fresh.

That's how the bottle of orange preserves she used for her Corsican mandarins came about.

Now she was going to find that confectioner named Nicholas Abbott.

He started his business in Paris in 1781 and became a master of pastry and candy. After he invented the technology of canning in 1795, he moved to the village of Ivry-sur-Seine on the banks of the Seine-Marne, where he started selling and storing. food.

She knew the person and address, whether she went to see his factory herself or called someone to Paris, and the guards responsible for protecting her were waiting for orders at any time.

Just like that, the "little lover" who was playing with her in the bedroom that morning suddenly turned into a national hero.

Women don't change their faces as fast as he does!

After packing her luggage, she took Carolan and Sophie and went on a "business trip" under the protection of the Guards.

When she left, half of it was because she was angry, and the other half was because she wanted to live a different life, just like quitting smoking, she wanted to quit him!

Those English thoroughbreds that had just arrived came in handy now.

She swaggered all the way and left the Grand Trianon Palace like an imperial envoy.

The last time Leoncourt went to inspect the Bas-Seine, she found that the big farm was disintegrating. She didn't know why, so she just went to see it on this business trip.

She didn't bring fancy clothes, but she was wearing a woolen skirt with an olive branch brooch on her chest. If she went to the countryside, no one would associate her with extravagance.

On the contrary, it was Coraline, who might think that she was the real owner of the carriage when she got there.

"Can you untie the shackles for me?"

Caroline shook her head.

"Damn it!" she cursed in annoyance.

"Looking at you, I feel like I'll be single for the rest of my life." Caroline said, "How much trouble can be saved."

"I think so too," said Sophie.

"Go back, Sophie, a beautiful girl like you is prone to accidents, and I still have someone to watch over you," Georgiana said.

"I won't go back." Sophie shook her head.

"I have a solution." Caroline said, pointing her wand at Sophie's face, the beautiful blond aristocratic girl became an ugly girl.

"I almost forgot what it's like to use magic." Georgiana said wearily.

"Don't listen to what he said so righteously, he can't let you go," Caroline said.

"Did you hear what we said?"

Caroline nodded.

Georgiana wanted to pass out like this.

"Why do you think of the cannery?" asked Coraline.

Because of Queenie's husband, Jacob, who fought in World War I, came back penniless, went to work in a cannery, and dreamed of opening a bakery.

"Forget it," Caroline said.

"I don't think of cannery workers as soulless parts," Georgiana said.

She remembered the textile factory in England. The factory owner gave the workers the chance to study again, and one of the workers became a linguist.

Leaders sell hope.

She was just about to close her eyes and rest for a while, when a carriage galloped by, and soon her carriage also stopped.

She looked out the window and saw an old woman walking towards her, looking a little stern, like Minerva.

"Hello, Mademoiselle Georgiana, I am Montesquieu's wife," said the old woman. "Do you mind if we share a carriage?"

"Of course not." Georgiana immediately opened the door for Madame Montesquieu.

After she got into the carriage, the Guards started off again.

"Can you tell me where this is going?" Madame de Montesquieu asked.

"The cannery in Lower Senna," Georgiana said.

"Will the new factory be located in Paris or in the provinces?" asked Madame de Montesquieu.

"I haven't thought of that yet."

"My husband said that a large and unprofessional capital is harmful to the constitution of a republic and will foster corruption. People should go to places where there are jobs, not places where luxury prevails."

"Thank you for coming," Georgiana said sincerely.

"I'm glad too," said Madame de Montesquieu, laughing. "You're not a Parisian woman."

"Do you think I look like me?" Caroline asked.

Madame Montesquieu looked Caroline up and down.

"I should like to hear what else Monsieur Montesquieu said," said Georgiana.

"Some countries that look prosperous on the surface are actually empty because the population is unevenly distributed. On the one hand, the cities are full of useless people, and on the other hand, there are no indispensable people in the countryside. This is the cause of prosperity. The consequences of coming."

Georgiana couldn't help admiring that she really deserved to be Montesquieu's wife.

"You're boring." Coraline said to Madame Montesquieu. "Can you stop talking about your husband?"

"I feel the same way," said Madame de Montesquieu. "He used to be a frequent visitor to the salon when he was alive."

There was silence in the carriage.

Some people fall in love at first sight, while others hate each other. Coraline's dress should be similar to those of the women in the salon. When the hostess of the salon was complimented by the men, "You are beautiful and wise", Madame Montesquieu was alone at home.

"How did His Excellency Bonaparte persuade you to be her female companion?" Caroline said with a cold smile.

"Have you read the Persian Codex?" said Madame Montesquieu.

"here we go again……"

"I'm not talking about my husband, but a book. It seems that many people have read this book. Have you read it?" Madame Montesquieu asked Sophie.

Sophie looked at the old women in the carriage in panic.

"Many people read that book as a genre novel, describing many scenes in the harem of Eastern emperors, but we do not have eunuchs in the West." Madame Montesquieu said.

"You are wrong. Although there are no eunuchs, there are many eunuchs in Paris. Have you ever heard eunuchs perform?" Caroline said.

"I don't like socializing."

"I don't like staying at home either."

The two looked at each other like a fox and a lioness in a cage.

"Looks like we've got something to do on the way," Georgiana said with a smile. "Please try to keep your hands down, ladies."

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