Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1301 sine qua non

On the day the citizens of Paris stormed the Bastille, Georgiana's second guardian, the Duke of Leoncourt, entered the palace with a sword to protect Louis XVI. Aristocrats like him in the old era would not be afraid of thieves on the road, so he was sent out shortly after returning to Paris to report on his duties, suppressing the Shu'an elements in western France and using the famine to cause chaos.

The so-called lords are not set up to fall in love with maids. They are the representatives of the king in the diocese, the intermediaries between the king and the residents, and they have the duties of enforcing the king's laws in the diocese, convening the militia, collecting taxes, and distributing relief, etc. . However, the lord is in fact nothing more than a resident, and the governors' letters to their subordinates will deliberately describe the lord as the "first resident".

This first resident differs from ordinary residents in tax-free circles and privileges. He has a different status, not power.

Napoleon Bonaparte was the lord of Rambouillet. He could hunt in the forest, live in the castle, and force the local residents to grind flour in his mill and squeeze grape juice with his press, but he could not force others Residents went to work in his sugar factory.

But refugees and those who did not want to engage in agriculture could go, and the development of capitalism was closely related to the system of land ownership. After leaving Notre Dame Cathedral, he took her to the canal he had visited last time, and stood in the water to wash her feet.

He washed with such concentration that it was as though her feet were not feet but hooves of some kind of game, and he, the hunter, was cleaning them so they could be spiced and roasted over the fire.

If Georgiana was a Parisian girl who didn't know what perpetual tenancy was, with the idea of ​​"I won't marry without love," she would have the guts to flirt with Leon.

Now she doesn't dare to mess with him. "Useful" policies are not necessarily accepted by others, just like those city gates that combine beauty, decency, and taxation. The angry people demolished it.

The advantage of permanent tenancy is that the landlord can monitor the tenants, which is usually used by the landlord to recruit people to reclaim wasteland after a famine or war.

When the landlord rents out the land, he first charges a certain amount of rent. Some tenants improve the soil on the barren land to turn the barren land into fertile land. Even if the tenant’s harvest exceeds the landlord’s expectation, the landlord cannot withdraw without reason. Tenants, and increase the rent at will.

Those "gold" transported from the suburbs of Paris can create wealth, create conflicts, maintain order, or create chaos. The special envoy sent by the Pope this time is indeed not simple. Sore feet.

"Why are you so quiet, aren't you uncomfortable?" He rubbed the soles of her feet provocatively.

"I don't want you to be distracted," she said, frowning.

"You know what I'm thinking?" he asked.

"Permanent tenancy."

He smiled presumptuously, "Who taught you?"

As the dean of an earth department college, if she doesn't know something about this, then she will be ashamed.

"I know how to farm," she replied.

"You said last time that you can catch fish, which noble lady is like you?"

"I am not a noble lady."

"You and your maid Sophie walking together are as beautiful as a painting." Napoleon said, "I don't know how many people in the garden are watching you."

She really didn't pay attention to this.

"They envy me and envy me, but they can't do anything about me. Do you know what kind of mood that is?" He smiled contentedly.

"Be careful of becoming a public enemy." Georgiana reminded.

"I know, but I guess I'm used to being a public enemy, whether it's in Cairo or Pavia, whether I treat the locals well or bad, they all turn against me, and then I realize that I don't care what they think. It doesn't matter, they just need to obey me." He started rubbing her soles again "I want to hear your voice, don't hold back."

She glanced in the direction of the guard.

"Why do you still care about other people's opinions?" He said impatiently.

"I was born like this." She said sadly, and because of this, she couldn't help but mind when people around her said that Severus really loved Lily.

"He shouldn't have taken you out of Scotland," he said, looking her in the eyes. "But I think I couldn't resist taking you out to meet people."

"How do you think I'm doing today?" she asked.

He didn't speak.

"What's going on?" She asked anxiously.

"Why do you suddenly think of the monastery?" he asked. "Do you remember what I did to you last time?"

She glared at him.

"I want to know the truth," he said haughtily.

"I was wearing a nun's clothes that day." She said coldly, "You were wearing a uniform."

He nodded clearly, "I see, you think you were raped by me."

"It's not as bad as you think. I don't think you should think too much about me in that suit."

"What?" He frowned in confusion.

"Nun! Do you know what a nun does?"

"You're not a nun."

"You can't do that to me in that outfit."

"Can I do it without you wearing that dress today?" He said, put down her feet, drew water and walked to the shore.

"Stop!" she yelled.

Of course he didn't listen, and jumped on her directly.

The ghost should be very cold, but he likes to take a bath and enjoy the fire, so his whole body is very hot, as if he is on fire.

"Call out, I want to hear your voice."

The only shame left to keep her from doing it was that the Corsican bastard was lying next to her after doing it once, and this time he didn't get slapped.

"I thought it would be easier to pursue women after gaining power." After lying down for a while, he said in a slightly tired voice, "I used to see big men surrounded by many women when I was powerless. , Later, when I became a big shot myself, I realized that those people had their own intentions. The women I despise pursued me, and the women I despised hated me. Only Josephine loved me. I thought there was only her in the world. Nobody else thinks I'm a nice guy anymore until you show up and you flirt with me, I don't find it disgusting, and you don't seem to notice that you're flirting, do you?"

"How could you think I was flirting!" she said angrily.

He looked at the sky with a wry smile and shook his head, "I fell into your trap, and Caprara, if he was a few decades younger, he might be as impulsive as me."

"He's a priest!" Georgiana yelled.

"What about the clergy? Those whose moral character is depraved will be depraved. Don't be fooled by his appearance." The Corsican turned sideways and supported his upper body on his elbows. "Didn't you think I was a hero that day?"

"You had that purpose in the first place?" she asked angrily.

"No, I just want to meet you. I had a great time on that date." He kissed her forehead. "Thank you, sister."

He said the last word in English, and it was polysemy, referring both to the nun and to the sister.

She did have the feeling that she was dating her brother, even though Bonaparte was many years younger than she was.

"Why did it become like this?" She asked confusedly.

"Impulse is the devil. I was impulsive, but I don't regret it." He said firmly, "This time is different from the last time. Perpetual tenancy is a coup with sinister intentions. If I listen to him, the blood of the French will die again." It flows everywhere, but its benefits are so many, I really can't choose."

"Are you asking for my opinion?"

"I'm telling you what's on my mind. Playing against smart people is so tiring. I want to retire at the age of 30." He said wearily, "How do those old things last to this age?"

"Who are you talking about? Church people?"

"It's the Venetian, why did you think of telling him today that I want to retire?"

"I think showing weakness will have unexpected effects. You showed weakness on your second expedition to Italy." Georgiana said, "They will be paralyzed instead."

Leon laughed.

"I did wrong?"

"The Venetians did not intend to join the anti-French alliance, but they did not join because they were in favor of the French army, but because they were afraid of submitting to the domination of Austria, unwilling to abandon the cowardly and incompetent policy practiced by generations, the young oligarchs Politicians want armed neutrality, while old guys think that all disasters are fleeting. As long as you act patiently and make concessions, you can gain the favor of the French. The French are naturally negotiable. Any armed neutrality will lead to war. And war is what they try to avoid. They held celebrations for me one after another, and let the local prominent families establish contacts with French military officers. Every high-ranking official made friends with a French general. When they asked them for the key to the arsenal, they protested, saying that this was undermining the neutrality of the Republic, and that we have not yet involved the essential interests, so let’s show weakness if we show weakness.”

"Then I did the right thing?"

"Do you want to know what happened afterwards?" He deliberately kept it secret.

"What do you want me to trade?"

"This is where you are so smart. If someone else would beg me to tell him, why should I agree?" Napoleon said menacingly.

"Only the strong have the opportunity to choose mercy, Leon, you are a strong lion."

"I will be old one day, will you still be with me at that time?"

This is the sad thing about human beings. Life is short but brilliant, like a shooting star across the sky.

"Severus also asked me this question. He is much younger than me, but now he looks like he can be my father."

"He wants you to die for love?" Napoleon said indifferently.

"He taught me the forbidden art... Give him half of my life."

"I felt a little guilty towards him at first, but now it seems that he is just a despicable person." Napoleon said coldly, "You were deceived by him."

"He didn't want to be a parasite." Georgiana said wearily. "That would hurt him more than dying. You can see the scar on his neck. He was already dead. I desperately brought him back."

"I'm so envious of you guys, I love you to death, so I'm going to get involved too." He said with an evil smile, "The story is only interesting when it's complicated and bizarre, isn't it?"

"It's complicated enough without you." She counted on her fingers, "Lily, James, Severus, me and…"

"Is James the one you're talking about getting you to buy the teapot?" he cut her off.

"No, that's the Dark Lord."

"How did he stalk you?"

"He killed my child and almost killed me, Severus gave his life to save me..."

"Whose child is it?" He interrupted her again.


"And what did he do then?"

"I don't know, he seems to have a plan, but it was interrupted because of my business."

Leon didn't speak.

"I said to the Venetians that the so-called neutrality is treating both sides equally. If you are not my enemy, then you should let me do what you allowed the Austrians to do, or did not prevent them from doing."

"You want me to share your life?"

"No, I'm not as cheap as him. What else has he done that I haven't done?"

"What did the Venetians say?"

"They launched an armed uprising. Do you know why I want to rob Venice of art?"

"Because you're a robber."

"They killed the French in the rear of our army, not soldiers, but French civilians. Their unified slogan was: Destroy the French, but it was not the Venetians who did it. They allowed the Austrians to kill the French ships in front of them. Crew, I have never encountered such a disgusting thing when I grew up. What is even more disgusting is that they also bribed the people of the Directorate with money and distributed a draft of 10 million francs, hoping to bribe the officials to preserve the aristocratic regime. These letters are in Milan was intercepted, and the list of bribe-takers in Paris fell into my hands, so I declared all the orders of the Directory null and void, and the massacre of all the wounded French soldiers took place in Verona after the ringing of the bell on the second day of Easter. , Even hospitalized patients and people walking in the street were not spared. The French Minister protested this violation of international law. The Venice Senate laughed off his warning and protest. The murderers of the captain and her crew, the country that claims to be neutral is so neutral, so we regard the army of the Republic of Venice as an enemy, and start a full-scale attack, demolishing the lion of St. Mark in the major cities, and the oligarchs after the declaration of war is issued They put down their weapons and didn't want to defend themselves. They asked the Vienna court for help, and Vienna didn't want to pay attention to them. The French couldn't die in vain, so I took away their artwork, warships, and cannons. Sent to Toulon and I used them back to Europe for Brumaire."

"you are not happy?"

"I saw you and that old guy go into the confessional one after the other... I almost lost control," he said with a smile.

"I didn't do anything."

"Tell me, what has he done that I haven't done?" Leon said softly, "Be obedient, princess."

She recalled that "you might think I'm an indecisive person."

"He taught you, didn't he?"

She nods.

"Then it's all right." He relaxed and lay down again and said, "I'll just treat it as him reclaiming wasteland for me."

She glared at the French lord.

"When do you want to see it?" the dwarf said arrogantly.

"I don't like that, he got me drunk..."

"Then I want you to do it even more." He interrupted her again "Now do you know how angry I was just now?"

"Will I go to confess in the future?"

"It depends on your performance." He pressed her head. "I didn't do anything wrong, why should I repent?"

"Are you sure they won't peek?" she said, dying.

"I dare not tell them when I see them." He lay on his back, smiling like a sunny boy, "This is power."

The title is Latin and means essential condition

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