Before Ms. Chanel became famous, she worked as a cabaret performer in Vichy, a famous French mineral water resort, and usually wore a sequined skirt when she performed. look. At that time, there was a girl named Gabriel who went to Vichy with her. She was about the same age as Chanel, but she was actually Chanel's niece.

Chanel's acting career is not going well, and vocal music lessons and dance lessons are charged, making money is a big problem.

So Gabrielle became a mineral water salesperson in the public drinking hall. She put on a white uniform, poured glasses of mineral water on a strange platform surrounded by fences, and handed them to those who sought healing.

There are similar public drinking halls in Paris. Everyone now knows that the water in the Seine River is not clean. Ordinary citizens will fetch water from the fountain. Two buckets cost 2 sous, which is not a small burden for ordinary families.

Richer people buy mineral water and soda water to drink. Soda water was invented by the British. Georgiana often drinks a mineral water called "luxury".

Josephine will drink mineral water. There are many mineral water producing areas, and Josephine often changes production areas. Therefore, compared with the single-variety soda water, there are more mineral water brands in Paris. With a variety of choices, there will be competition. In order to attract customers, there will be mineral water salesmen to provide services for customers who come to drink water.

These salespersons are almost all young and beautiful. In order to maintain the relationship with customers and make them buy water from them next time, they sometimes act like flirting.

Napoleon himself knew not to choose a wife from a flirtatious woman, but his soldiers did not know it. The soldier named Cobain in the grenade unit thought that the mineral water salesman named Inas was interesting to him, so he often visited her.

I don't know how it turned into Georgiana committing suicide because of love. Although a corporal died this time, it not only alarmed the first ruler, but also angered General Lane. He took a company of people, rode behind Georgiana's carriage, and appeared mighty on the streets of Paris.

The situation was very similar to Napoleon Brumaire's coup. There were already rumors on the street, but another incident happened in the provinces. A statue of the Virgin Mary was crying for no reason. It was only later that the secret police found out that it was the monks of the monastery. It is necessary to take the water cup in the hand of the Virgin, and the statue of the Virgin will not shed tears.

The citizens on the street saw this scene and thought that they were going to arrest people, so they all stepped out of the way.

It stands to reason that one shouldn't put up such a terrible battle against a little woman selling water, but Napoleon's army has been in Paris for a long time, not to mention that Parisian women dare to look down on the First Consul, let alone them "ordinary soldiers".

I don't know if the mothers of each family have taught their daughters that men are most afraid of women looking down on him. For that breath, they sometimes do absurd, confused, impulsive things, and even reckless.

In September 1792, the prisoners in the prison once did such a thing. Before disembowelling the old nobles, they put tables and chairs in front of the execution ground, and let the ladies sit and watch. This is impossible for any normal person to accept, but under the circumstances at that time, some women sat down and watched it.

Jealousy can make people's minds dizzy, and it is impossible to think about some problems correctly. Disorderly and chaotic occasions are definitely hell for women, but there are some people who want to intensify conflicts and make things get out of hand.

If this is Paris, where the law is taught, and Inas is a woman, the butchers who killed her on the battlefield would have killed her long ago.

Napoleon is still sensible, and he was so angry that he remembered to tell her not to use violence, so as to prevent the citizens from accusing him of abusing power.

If soldiers encounter this kind of thing, citizens will not. If it is not illegal for soldiers to beat people, then it should not be illegal for them to beat people, and the order in the city will be even more chaotic in the future.

If there is no Miss Georgiana, only the soldiers themselves will digest this matter internally, and this anger will cut their hearts like a knife.

Now that I have found a solution, I will follow her example in the future. The people in that company are not only here to fill the scene and maintain order, but also to observe and learn. Mineral water sales points are generally in places with a lot of traffic, and the mineral water sales point of Yinas is near the ice bank on the left bank.

Since the United Kingdom imposed saltpeter control on France, the saltpeter warehouse has been vacant and has become a place to house prostitutes.

Saltpeter can be used not only to make gunpowder, but also to make ice. Both cooked and frozen goods need ice cubes. Drinking a glass of iced juice, mineral water, and soda water in summer is a very comfortable thing, and because Napoleon raised the coffee tariff to an appalling level, ordinary people can no longer afford coffee. Business is good.

When the soldiers came, the guests and salesmen were chatting and laughing. When they saw the soldiers coming, they thought they were just passing by, and even planned to watch the fun like everyone else.

However, before the leading carriage stopped, the cavalry in a column surrounded the small kiosk-like sales point, and the customers and shop assistants became panicked all of a sudden.

Later, one customer fled in the chaos, but the soldiers ignored him, and other customers also ran away when they saw the situation. In the end, there were only three women in white aprons hiding behind the fence at the sales point.

To Georgiana, they looked like chickens in a coop.

The soldiers did not get off their horses, they were only used as a deterrent, and when the carriage stopped, someone opened the door for her. I am used to the fresh air in the suburbs, and the air in the city that smells of feces and urine is really disgusting, but she didn't cover her face with a handkerchief, which would make people think she was hypocritical.

Sophie got out of the carriage behind Georgiana. The two of them were short and delicate, and they didn't look like troublemakers. They whispered to each other, as if they were guessing what they were here for.

Georgiana didn't like this kind of scene, especially when she was dealing with the same sex, and she was most against women oppressing women.

But someone forced her to teach her a lesson ruthlessly, so as to improve her memory.

She walked to the fence outside the point of sale by herself, intending to find out who Inas was among the three panic-stricken women, but then she changed her mind.

At this time, the military doctor in another carriage came along with the soldier she specially named to come. The soldier had smallpox and his face was covered with crater-like scars. Men don't care, but they need to maintain fair skin, For a delicate woman, it would be disfigured if her face became like this, let alone a young and beautiful mineral water salesperson, she would not be able to marry well.

"Look at him," Georgiana said to the three women. "Does he look terrible?"

The three women looked timidly at the soldier who had had smallpox, and lowered their heads as soon as they caught his sight.

"Who is Innes?"

No one answered.

"Some of you must be innocent, but please remember that what I suffered today was caused by her, and I really don't want to do this." Georgiana said bitterly, "A young man died. You can't die in vain, you should have thought of this day when you were playing love."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and looked at the onlookers.

"Citizens, we are going to transform this place into a place for vaccination. I believe you must have heard that vaccination can prevent smallpox. Now we will show you how to do vaccination."

After she finished yelling, she looked back at the three women, who hugged each other in fear.

She couldn't bear to give orders, but the soldiers onlookers got off their horses and grabbed the three of them like chickens, and came out of the shady shed into the sun.


Along with the sound of cloth being torn, the woman's screams also rang out.

"It's just that the sleeve was torn." Although Sophie was a little panicked, she said to Georgiana calmly.

She didn't want to look at that picture, and kept her back to everyone.

In the 21st century, everyone knows the risks of vaccination. Even children are not afraid of it. At most, they cry twice when they are needled.

But for people who were not popularized in the early 19th century, it was a scary and mysterious thing full of unknowns, and only brave people would take the initiative to vaccinate.

The screams of the three women were anything but brave, and each of them was pinned down by two soldiers and vaccinated by the army doctor.

This is the most disgusting thing among war crimes. She felt that His Excellency Bonaparte thought highly of her and wanted her to witness all of this with the army.

She wanted to go back to Hogwarts, to that secluded wizarding school where there was a wizard in a black cloak who looked like bat wings, but would he still protect her?

The vaccination process is long and short. Originally, the purpose of science popularization was to make people not afraid, but now it seems to be reversed. There are no whispers, but more of a kind of silence, so that the cries and screams of women are more piercing. .

"It's over, miss." Sophie said softly.

She looked back at the soldiers, their faces were full of lingering anger, and they stared viciously at the three women who were in a mess rolling in the muddy water, and some of them spit on the ground to express their contempt.

Their expressions clearly said, "It's not over yet", and they will avenge the past accumulated revenge.

The relationship between a man and a woman should not be one of hating each other, what's more, soldiers who do this will have a worse image in the hearts of the citizens, and those gentle men and rich people will be more favored by women.

Mars longs to be loved, but Venus runs away in fear. She doesn't know whether it is more important to relieve her anger now or to think about long-term interests, whether it is right or wrong to do so.

How could such a vicious and unfaithful woman be Maria.

General Lane, who had been onlookers, dismounted. He was one of Napoleon's servants who came back from Egypt to participate in the coup.

He came over, helped Georgiana back to the carriage with French etiquette, and ordered the driver to take her to Leoncourt's house after closing the door.

Whoever she was, she was not Josephine, and she could not go to the Tuileries in the absence of Monsieur Bonaparte.

This dream is really absurd. It is clear that dreaming is free, but why does she still dream that she is in chains.

"Sophie, is that young man named Godin still writing love poems to you?"

Sophie nodded expressionlessly.

"Call him here, if he never gets a reply, love will turn into hate."

"I don't want to agree to date him just because of a few love poems, and I don't want to play with love like those women just now." Sophie said indifferently.

"You can't give him love, just give him power, so that he will feel that his efforts have been rewarded and compensated. Socrates said that being rejected by his lover is because she gave him freedom and the opportunity to find a new lover. I am I didn’t know how to say no, that’s why I became like this.”

"You rejected the gift from Your Excellency." Sophie said.

She didn't know how to explain it to the little girl.

She had seen portraits of Napoleon Bonaparte, most famously the one on a white horse, and she was indifferent to that painting.

But when she saw him with a Mamluk sword, appearing in front of her like an adventurer, she felt that this man was wonderful, and she wanted to know him very much.

And the portrait of him wearing the emperor's crown, holding a scepter and the hand of justice is a bit funny. He has a child-like face, but tries to pretend to be majestic, looking like a "little emperor".

She stroked the olive branch brooch on her chest. She really liked this gift, because it appeared with the sword bearer on the notice posted by the French army in the Papal States.

He knew Josephine because of a sword, and she knew him because of a sword, what a funny and stupid self-association.

She wants to go to a monastery and make those "phantoms" disappear from her life so that she can be more like a normal person.

"Hail Mary, you are full of grace, the Lord is with you, you are praised among women..." Sophie clasped her hands together, closed her eyes and prayed in a low voice.

Watching her recite scriptures, Georgiana's heart also became quiet.

She suddenly didn't want to go to Leon Kuhl's house.

So she patted the carriage and asked the coachman to take them to a church.

Maybe she can order the choir to sing for her, she really needs to hear that kind of natural sound now, to drive away the scream of the woman she heard just now, or she won't be able to sleep.

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