Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1268 A Trifle

The rose-colored stone facade of the Grand Trianon Palace looks very girly. There is no idyllic style specially pursued by the Small Farm Palace, but it is very royal.

The garden is also very "Versailles", but on a smaller scale. There are also many sculptures, plus Romanesque columns, which have a mixed style.

The Corsican loved Rome, and his first son was the "King of Rome". France at the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century was actually more "Roman" than Italy, where Rome was actually located, and there were "wolves" everywhere in the city.

When the "working time" came, there would be more carriages and officials haunting the Grand Trianon Palace, and it would be troublesome for Georgiana and Mrs. Leoncourt to stay there, so they changed the location of "morning tea" Transferred to a small house in the garden.

Sophie followed, and now she seemed to be the head maid of the Grand Trianon Palace, standing aside and busy, while Alice sat beside her mother and chatted with them.

Sometimes a woman's class status is determined according to the status of the male in the family. If Sophie's father or grandfather had not been impacted by the Great Revolution, then she might be able to sit at the dining table like Alice, obediently listening to the "old woman" chatting.

But because the family collapsed, she became the same maid as those blond and good-looking village girls who couldn't read a few words. If they stayed on that side, they might be spotted by some official who went to the palace, and then they would be led away by these "Romans" in a carriage like a shepherdess. Silly girls fantasize that they can become the mistresses of these officials, get rid of their status as maids, and become objects of service.

If they read the law, they would know that if their illegitimate child born out of wedlock is not claimed by their father, then there is no guarantee for her and that child's life.

In addition to praying for the mercy of those men, and taking care of them for the sake of having a love history, basically that girl is in a position of being slaughtered, and if she is unlucky, she will be like Merope, relying on pawns to maintain her life livelihood.

Leah, who first followed Miss Georgiana back to the Grand Trianon Palace from St. Luke's Palace, has disappeared. Court struggles don't necessarily require poisoning, assassination, or witchcraft to make their rivals unable to conceive children. They only need to do It is enough to prevent the excluded object from appearing in front of the "master".

Every day, the "master" has to meet many people, and some of them will never see each other again after meeting once. Unless everyone has the horrible memory of Napoleon Bonaparte, the names and appearances of many people will change over time. Elapsed and slowly disappeared in the master's mind.

If you can’t remember that person, you won’t use that person, and if you don’t use that person, you will be left idle. To deal with idle items, you usually find a storage room to store dust in it. There are many places that need people in the farm palace, such as gardeners, kitchens, etc. What, if Lia marries a gardener, then she will basically be able to stay in the gardener's class for the rest of her life, unless the gardener also encounters the same situation as the Great Revolution.

A civilized society has a concept of the rule of law, poisoning and murder is absolutely illegal, but Napoleon has many enemies, his food will be tasted by his personal servant before eating, and one has died so far, only the servant A slave, and no one would be bothered enough to investigate a slave's death.

Not many people actually read the origin of human inequality that Rousseau yelled about. Anyway, Josephine has not read it. She is a staunch defender of white slavery, and many of the old aristocrats around her also hold this view.

Napoleon ran to Georgiana not entirely because of emotional problems, he was indeed hiding from Josephine and some people behind her, they believed that the most effective way to restore colonial production was to restore slavery in the French colonies, and Some generals also took that side, because there was a slave rebellion that needed to be suppressed by the army.

Napoleon was obedient once and reintroduced slavery on a small island called Guadeloupe, where slavery had been abolished, which in turn sparked an uprising. The advantage of having a "Li Palace" is that you can stay out of the world. In this way, Napoleon expressed his point of view that he no longer supported the restoration of slavery in the colonies where slavery was abolished. He would not abolish slavery in places where it existed. "The status quo remains stable so that he can focus on domestic and European issues.

The citizen of Leoncourt is a liberal, of course he advocates freedom and equality. His wife told Georgiana the information about "the other side" like a chat. Caroline did not interrupt from the beginning to the end. The "tea party" The atmosphere is so weird.

Napoleon rarely does nonsense, although he does feed Georgiana chocolate for fun.

If she really was a "pet bird" who felt happy after eating chocolate and then waited for him to love again like a purdah, then Leon Cour "citizen" wouldn't let Georgiana sit in his house The dining table represents the position of the owner, and he also sends his wife and granddaughter here as companions.

Sugar beet extraction technology originated in Prussia. If Napoleon really wanted to attack Prussia, he would need to establish friendly relations with Austria.

France has signed a peace treaty with Austria. If Prussia's proud "European First" army is defeated, Austria and France can share Prussia's land equally.

"Historically" after Prussia was defeated, the King of Prussia even sent his beautiful Queen Louis to Napoleon for "peace talks".

Men hate women who look down on him. It is said that Louis looked down on Napoleon and despised him for being dirty, but after the peace talks, Louis gave birth to a daughter for him.

That's the way the Corsican bastard is. It's more unrealistic than a dream to ask him to stick to it, and his oath is certainly not credible. Military spending is needed to fight wars. He wants to promote the sugar industry in the country not for the people to live a happy life as sweet as honey.

Pomona sometimes felt that she might be controlled by "Leon". She could completely think according to his logic. Prussia is most proud of its rate of fire. If the rate of fire is reached, as long as the opponent's formation is dense, Then you can hit the target without aiming.

But if the formation is very scattered, coupled with extremely fast speed, this "blind shot" will not work.

He needs guns and fast horses, all of which need money. The faction represented by Leon Kull may be able to help him think about the gun problem, but the horse problem is not easy to deal with.

Herding horses on farmland will be regarded as tyranny by farmers and common people, so where should we go to herd horses and raise horses? Where will Ma Yuan come from?

She thought of the Hungarian goulash she had eaten on the European trains, the Hungarian thunder horse was a good light cavalry horse, and the Dutch heavy draft horse, which was specially bred for agriculture and was also popular in coal mining. use.

It would be great if she was a woman who wholeheartedly assisted "her own man" because of love. Theodora built a grassland heavy cavalry archer for Justinian, which was later used to suppress the Nika riot. played a crucial role.

The problem is she doesn't want to do that.

She doesn't resent the scum of hell eating human flesh in order to survive, but she resents what he did to Queen Louis, although he hasn't done it yet.

What happened that day by the canal was half-delayed. In essence, she was no different from those women who became confused after listening to love poems, but what moved her was not the love poems, but the sincerity and regret expressed in his letter.

This is the second time she has made a mistake by being credulous. The first time she lost her daughter, the second time she lost her virginity, and the third time what else could she lose?

"I heard that Josephine and the First Consul only had a secular wedding, and no religious ceremony was held." Mrs. Leoncourt said to Georgiana "enthusiastically", "There is a small church in the Agricultural Palace..."

"I know, he told me," said Georgiana, smiling.

Even Carolan turned his gaze around now.

"Then would you like to..." Mrs. Leoncourt hesitated.

"Is there a religious ceremony and it's going to be harder to get a divorce?"

"That's right," said Madame Leoncourt.

"That's fine." Georgiana took a sip of tea. "Since Josephine wants it so much, give it to her. We don't need to be hostile over it."

"I just heard that the First Consul said that he was going to find the priest. Guess who is the priest who will officiate the wedding?" Caroline asked Madam Leoncourt.

Madam Leoncourt showed obvious panic.

The wicked witch.

Georgiana looked at the smile on Carolan's face and shook her head. Perhaps in the eyes of the Corsicans, women's issues were easy to handle, so he was tolerant of nuns, but not monks.

In fact, he did the complete opposite.

The queen of Prussia killed her own daughter, which was a sin in the Christian world, but it was normal in "Rome", and children who were not strong enough were eliminated in this way.

After this disastrous defeat, Prussia worked hard and began to implement reforms. They not only defeated the French army at Waterloo, but also marched the army into Paris in the subsequent Franco-Prussian War, and held a military parade in front of the Arc de Triomphe of Napoleon I. This shame is no less than What happened to the Queen of Prussia.

A foolish king can cause more misery to the people than an ill-conceived cabinet and sluggish governing bodies put together.

The mistakes made by smart people are often more difficult to solve than fools. She is definitely sick, so she gave up a happy life and participated in this "game".

It was fun just now, but she didn't want to play anymore, she was afraid that Albus would get up from the grave and teach her a good lesson.

"What are you thinking?" She seemed to hear Albus asking angrily in the headmaster's office, when he was put on by Voldemort and was annoyed looking for the person responsible.

In fact, Moody has already got the blueprint of the maze, which is also the "portkey" he placed, but Albus can't find anyone to get angry, and Pomona and Snape, who have neglected their duties, become the objects of his anger.

"What were you thinking?" he asked again.

Georgiana's sight regained clarity, Leoncourt's family and Caroline had all left, and the First Consul of France was sitting opposite her.

"What horses do you wish to arm the hussars with?"

Leon smiled. "What advice do you have?"

"Hungarian Thunder Horse."

"What if I don't use that horse?"

"That's none of my business? I don't want to go to war," Pomona said.

"How did you come up with this idea?"

"The speed is fast enough, and the opponent has an arquebus in his hand that can't shoot, even I can rush to the Prussian line."

"If you were a man, I'd give you a division commander," said Monsieur Bonaparte. "What else do you want to say?"

"Can you tell me how your skirmisher tactics are used?"

"Didn't the person who trained you teach?"

"If I tell you that no one taught me, would you believe me?" She looked at him expectantly, "I think this is my talent."

"You must be in pain." Napoleon touched her cheek with pity.

"This is one of the many misfortunes of being a woman, but I don't want to become a man." She said calmly, "Since nature made me a woman, I should adapt to women's morals and values."

"Well, as a woman, what would you like to say?"

"What are you doing here? Don't work again?" She said angrily, "People will think you are lazy because of me."

"I need a clear head, I will go crazy if I stay there any longer, and someone will ask me about my successor." Napoleon said indifferently.

"You're only 30 years old, it's still early!"

"Others don't think so, they can't wait."

"What happened?"

"Fouche has captured two officers who were distributing pamphlets in the army. They intend to launch a mutiny to overthrow me."

"What?" She opened her eyes wide in disbelief.

"Didn't you ask me why I didn't work and came to you?"

"Such a big matter...how did you suppress it?" She calmed down before panicking and asked humbly.

"All the suspected officers were imprisoned without interrogation. The 28th Corps was sent to Santo Domingo. There is a place where there is no return. Do you want to say that I am a warlord?" Napoleon He said coldly, "I oppressed the officers of the Republic and turned the French Army into my private soldiers. They raised their glasses to bless me secretly, waiting for me to ascend the throne, and then cheered 'Long live the Emperor' together."

"What would you like to drink?"

"I want to drink their blood!" the Corsican slapped the table. "I want to cleanse the city with blood!"

The Jacobin style appeared in Bonaparte.

Georgiana didn't doubt him at all, and he could just use this opportunity to clean up the army.

But since he has suppressed this matter, he has other considerations, and he still needs the army.

"What do you need me to do?"

"Don't do anything, just sit there." Napoleon slumped in the chair, looking at Georgiana as if admiring an oil painting.

She didn't know what he was thinking at the moment, and after sitting still for a while, her eyes began to move around, trying to find something interesting to distract her attention, otherwise she would be bored to death.

"Next time I won't bring my work back." He said suddenly, "This place should belong to tranquility."

"But if you go back and forth between work and residence, it will be very dangerous."

"You don't propose rebuilding Versailles?"

"Do not make jokes."

"You are really a spy who intends to use the Daxing project to bring down France, and you will do that. Maybe I will agree in a daze."

"I'm not a spy."

"What does Leon Kuhl want you to pass on to me?"

"We don't know each other very well, how could he tell me his political views."

"Then what do you want?"

"Peace, and stop the militarism, don't you want to hear the story of Egypt? I'll tell you now."

So Georgiana told him the process of establishing the Eighteenth Dynasty in Egypt and the story of the legendary Luna family.

She talked a lot and felt her mouth was dry, so she took a sip of water, and Napoleon still looked at her strangely.

"What are you thinking?" Georgiana asked him this time.

"Sometimes I don't think you're real, I imagined you," he said in a world-weary tone.

"You have to hold on, Leon, don't be knocked down by yourself."

"Can I ask you a question?" He looked at her pitifully.

"Ask." She said sympathetically.

"Do you really believe that this world has a future?" He said with some despair.

"I don't believe in the future, I believe in something else." She reached out and hugged him, and patted him on the back. "Even in the most unfortunate moments, there is happiness. You encountered the Black Death in Egypt and had no supplies. Why do you still like Egypt so much?"

He didn't answer her.

"Leon, you are a majestic lion. Although you are not tall, you are the manliest man I have ever seen."

"And your Severus?"

"He's not as good as you."

"Then why don't you love me?" He hugged her tightly, "Where did I lose to him?"

"You will think I'm disgusting. I actually love you both. I hope I can go to the monastery in the future and ask God to forgive my sins through asceticism."

"You don't want anyone anymore?"

"I don't have the qualifications, I'm an unchaste woman." She said with tears, "Some women, although their bodies are dirty, their hearts are clean, but I am not. I'm still guilty, and I'm worse than people who don't know."

"Me too," he said, somewhat dazedly, "but I don't believe in God."

She didn't ask him about his faith.

Clovis of the Frankish Kingdom listened to the queen's persuasion and became a believer, allowing Europa to be shrouded in theocracy for 1,000 years.

"Why don't you talk anymore?"

"You must find your own way, my lion, don't get lost in the wilderness."

"But I couldn't find my way, it was dark all around."

"Look carefully, there must be a star in the sky that belongs to you." She kissed his forehead, "That is your destiny star."

"Do you know astrology?"

"No, but I can tell you about the stars."

"Can I lie on the ground?"

"Of course." She generously offered her thigh to be his pillow, and he looked at the ceiling with murals and suddenly said in disgust.

"I want to take the roof off."

"Paris is not like Egypt, there is a lot of rain."

"It can be replaced by glass," said the Corsican. "Don't you like Venice? How about using Venetian glass?"

"They are all handmade glass, and that kind of large piece of glass may not be produced." She followed his words, apparently he had removed the roof.

"I'm also going to put a boat in the house so I can lie on it and look at the stars," he continued, "just like when we went to Egypt by boat."

"I don't think there's room for a warship in this house."

"You can put a gondola, have you been to the Bridge of Sighs?"

"Been there."

"Did you kiss him under the bridge?"

"Yes." She lied.

"Why is he everywhere." Leon said, frowning like a stomachache.

"He has never been to the wing you built."

"Would you like to dance?"

"What dance did you do in the wing?"

"I want to waltz with you there," he said with a smile. "A lot of people don't think I can dance."

"Then they must have been taken aback."

"That scene must be beautiful." He seemed to be intoxicated in his own fantasy, and said with a full face, "In the most beautiful living room in Europe, with the most beautiful woman in Europe."

"I thought the number one beauty in Europe was your sister Paulina."

He looked at her with surprised eyes.


"Have you no sense of your own beauty?" Napoleon used the honorific.

"I just know it's going to cause trouble," she said nonchalantly.

"Yes, you will cause trouble." He suddenly laughed "cheerfully", "It's like fighting for Helen."

Sometimes you really don't know what a man is thinking.

"Are you feeling better?"

"Do you think I'm Theseus or Agamemnon?"

"Can't you choose a more festive character?"

"There was no comic character in that fight, woman in red, is your red dress stained with blood?"

"No~" she wailed, but Napoleon's eyes were extremely serious.

"I'm obsessed with you," he repeated. "I thought you put a spell on me."

"I don't."

"I had those French wizards check it out, and you really didn't."

"Those pure-blood nobles are not good people, you have to be careful."

"The king changed one after another, but they remained the same. They didn't know how to be afraid until the Great Revolution uprooted the entire aristocratic class." Napoleon smiled and said, "A woman like you, I didn't even have the power I thought before. Now they are afraid of me and dare not think about you."

She pinches his Greek nose. "You feel empowered?"

"Give me a kiss, princess."

She kissed him as promised.

When the kiss was over, he closed his eyes and seemed to be asleep.

It's just that the chest doesn't rise and fall.

He was already a person who had been dead for hundreds of years, what was there to cry about?

But Pomona wept anyway, and she wept so bitterly that a part of her soul was torn.

Only those who deeply love this land will be loved by the people living on this land.

It is precisely because I love so deeply that I want to be buried in this land after death.

She buried many people, but she didn't know where she should be buried. In the end, she became a displaced soul in the poem.

"I shouldn't have come to France," she said bitterly, so that she could be buried firmly in England with Severus.

"I'm glad you're here," said Bonaparte. "We've finally met, the girl of my dreams."

She froze.

"If sacrificing honor can't bring you any benefits, why should I sacrifice honor?" He said slowly, "But for you, I am willing to sacrifice."

She didn't know what to say.

"Say you allow it," said Napoleon. "You allow me to be your knight."

"Damn French." She laughed again "Do you know how romantic you are?"

"It's an honor to hear such words from a beautiful lady like you." Napoleon took her hand and put a kiss on his lips. "May I ask you to dance?"

"Of course." She nodded with a smile.

So the First Consul of France, who had died just now, jumped up quickly and helped Georgiana up.

Even though it was a waltz without music, they danced very happily.

"If you are going to the front line, I will go with you, as long as you are not afraid that an unknown person like me will bring you bad luck and make you lose the battle."

"I won the battle not because of luck." Napoleon Bonaparte said proudly, "I'm afraid you will be frightened by the scene of blood flying everywhere."

"Why don't you use honorific names?"

"What have you done to deserve my respect?"

She sighed helplessly. "I'll get you the horse, knight."

His hand moved down irregularly. "I've found a good horse."

He had a gray horse, but his eyes and expression were clearly different.

She raised her hand and slapped him across the face.

He was obviously beaten, but he was not angry at all, and even had a smirk on his face.

"And a strong horse," he said to Georgiana, looked her up and down flippantly, and turned away.

"Bastard." She cursed at his back, and he waved his back to her, seemingly indifferent.

After he left, the maids and accompanying guests came in again, and they kept looking at Napoleon's back in a daze.

That's the trouble you get when you have a really cool boyfriend who has a lot of female admirers.

The strange thing is that she doesn't feel jealous or angry at all.

When you also have the question of where to be buried after death, it seems that there is no big problem.

"Come in, ladies," Georgiana told them. "We seem to have some business to discuss."

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