Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1262 Lion Training

If the Bourbon royal family won the Seven Years War, then perhaps neither the common people nor the nobles would have doubts about the existing French system, and then have ideas for reform.

If there were no random reforms, perhaps there would be no problems with the way of governing the country starting from Louis XIV, and people would continue to advance on the road of luxury cultural output established by the king.

It is precisely because the war was lost that people felt that there was a problem with this approach, and they became suspicious of the extravagant rulers.

A trade war is also a kind of war. Although France wants to create a blockade against Britain, Britain has warships, but France does not. Maritime trade can allow the British mercantile system to continue, and the bourgeoisie enjoys privileges. Otherwise, the enclosure movement has caused so many social conflicts , causing violent conflicts, the King of England will not turn a blind eye so much.

However, even if you want to enclose land, you don't just ride a horse around casually. The places the horse's hooves step on belong to you, but you have to follow the laws of the United Kingdom.

If France's trade blockade succeeds in causing Britain to collapse first, then it will be Britain's turn to be partitioned.

If France had a sea blockade waiting to be breached, Britain had one too.

As long as this blockade is broken through, freedom will come.

Napoleon's desk has a bust of Frederick II, King of Prussia.

Many scholars in later generations have analyzed why France was defeated in the Seven Years War, perhaps because there were great men like him in Prussia.

The same Prussians, in 1795, the army led by Frederick II's son, Frederick William III, was defeated when they encountered the French again. They were forced to agree to withdraw to the west of the Rhine and cede part of the territory , Such Prussia is no longer the Prussia in its heyday.

However, this kind of weakness was not caused by Frederick William III alone. When people get old, their energy will become weak. Frederick II was also quite fatuous in his later years, with military and political chaos and formalism breeding.

A soldier who is proficient in using a smoothbore gun can fire scattered bullets in one minute. The infantry regulations issued by Prussia in 1779 require that "new soldiers need to practice every day until they can fire four bullets in one minute."

In order to pursue pure rate of fire, soldiers, generals and even military suppliers have all fallen into a kind of frenzy. No rear sight. On the Prussian training ground, live ammunition was not fired, and shooting accuracy was not required. Officers only required soldiers to be able to complete 8 to 10 empty ammunition refills within one minute.

Replace accuracy with quantity. Anyway, there are so many people on the battlefield, sometimes you can shoot one without aiming.

Such a large and conspicuous weakness of the Prussians was discovered by Napoleon, and he had no reason to let it go.

A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier, and a general who doesn't want to win a battle is not a good general. Defeating the Prussians and regaining the title of Europe's first army is Napoleon's next goal.

It required careful planning, and if the Frenchman challenged the Prussians and lost, he would not only be disgraced, but would be questioned and face the same problems that the Bourbons had faced before.

But he knew his soldiers, proud and respectful, and they wouldn't rest until they got back the honor they had lost. These people wanted to go to war, but the domestic situation did not allow them to do so. They were already dissatisfied with being locked up in Paris, but when they heard about the "peace talks", they became more anxious.

That's what the general's woman said, so that's what the general meant too?

Instead of appeasing, Napoleon chose another method. A new war requires preparation time, and it also requires combat planning and training, which is enough for these warriors who are full of wars to think about it slowly.

Georgiana did bring him some trouble, but not nearly as much joy as she brought him.

His time is precious, there are many people and many things waiting for him to deal with, but now he is wasting time on a woman who cannot conceive.

This time he was very clear-headed, and he did not choose the king's suite like last time. It is not difficult to find a lounge dedicated to him in such a large palace that is about the size of Versailles.

He had not seen the painting of the Girl with the Pearl Earring, but the court painter had, and he had Georgiana dressed in the same dress as the girl, with a blue turban wrapped around her head.

This kind of turban is dyed with Prussian blue, and the turban with the picture of the girl is painted with expensive materials such as expensive lapis lazuli according to the artist.

The way the women chattered and picked things up and down was annoying enough, but Bonaparte was amused to watch while Georgiana did it.

"Light, light, do you understand! Don't be obsessed with angles." She dragged her cumbersome skirt and yelled at the court painter. The poor painter was so angry by a layman that he dared not speak.

The other models, including Bonaparte, posed as they listened to him, but now it was a little girl's turn to order the painter.

This kind of living oil painting looks really fresh, unlike the Mona Lisa, who is just a beauty who can smile but can't speak, the girl in this "painting" can speak very well, and what she said is not flattering, but more flattering Even better.

Napoleon sat patiently on the sofa and watched Georgiana pose with the painter. His sitting posture was not elegant, even a bit ugly, but he was completely relaxed.

The smart way is to let her leave now, whether it's going back to England or traveling around the world with that man, as long as she doesn't show up in front of him.

If the "Cleopatra" in Egypt gave him a taste of what it was like to be a Caesar, then the woman in front of him gave him a taste of what it was like to be a captive.

She told him grandly that the construction of the Saint-Martin Canal would affect his dispatch of troops, but the benefits brought by the completion of the canal are also obvious. This canal, like the water supply system in Rome, will bring clean drinking water to Paris and avoid Plague broke out in dense cities.

The plague was a test comparable to war. The church was defeated by it, and the dream of the secular emperor Justinian I to unify the East and West was also shattered by the Justinian plague.

But Justinian had a good queen who supported him at critical moments, preventing him from fleeing in a hurry like Louis XVI and leaving Constantinople on a ship full of wealth.

Serious women would not look at Theodora, Justinian's prostitute queen, with admiration. Even the vast majority of men thought Justinian was a bastard.

Before the Nika riots, Justinian went to the racing track to try to appease the citizens, but was insulted by all the citizens in the track.

Being scolded by tens of thousands of people is definitely a big scene. It should be the same as Bonaparte being welcomed by Parisians before the Brumaire coup.

If this is not a dream, what is a dream?

He ordered his staff to find a pair of teardrop-shaped pearl earrings from the jewelry left by the previous royal family, and put them on Georgiana's delicate ears.

It's not as crystal clear as a gemstone, exuding dazzling brilliance, but it suits her very well.

"Okay, you can go." Queen Georgiana said kindly, the painter was stunned for a moment, and Napoleon was also stunned.

"Don't you want to paint portraits?" the painter asked.

"I said, you can go." Georgiana glared at him, perhaps because she was afraid of "light and angle" and dared not move around, her movements seemed a little stiff.

"Let's go." Napoleon pursed his lips and smiled, and took a glass of wine from the coffee table in his hand. The painter left his lounge in a hurry with an angry face.

"What do you want to do?"

"Chat." Georgiana said, "you have to sit down like this and don't come near me."

Napoleon frowned in confusion, he still couldn't figure out what the woman was thinking.

"What topic are you talking about?"

"As long as you like it, how about guarding the capital?"

"You want to talk to me about the war?"

"I'm thinking about how to protect this city. If foreign enemies invade and you're not here, what should I do..."

"The invaders you speak of may be English," interrupted Napoleon. "There will be no garrison commanded by an English woman."

She slumped her shoulders in frustration.

"How was your sleep yesterday at Leon Kuhl's?" he started another subject.

"not bad."

"did you miss me?"

"Aren't you ashamed?" she said angrily.

Napoleon was not angry this time, he seemed to understand what this woman was up to.

"I've been thinking about you all night, don't leave next time."

"Only Josephine can stay in your room overnight, that's the rule."

"You don't have to obey this rule."

"I want to keep it. This is a respect for marriage. You will not remarry before she dies. You want her to be happy, right?" Georgiana said, "If I break this rule, she will be unhappy."

"You want to express to me how noble you are?" he said coldly.

"I just thought it was the right thing to do."

Napoleon looked at her incomprehensibly.

"Do you understand what you're talking about?"

"If I set this rule, no one will break it when I'm not around. If anyone dares to break it, I can punish her. Please cooperate with me, thank you."

"You think I'll let other women into my room overnight? No, what are you thinking?"

"You mean a normal woman would say to you, 'Honey, you can't have another woman but me'?" Georgiana smiled and shook her head. "That's not what I would say."

"Don't you feel jealous?"

"What qualifications do I have? You are Josephine's husband, so she has the right to be jealous."

"Then don't you love me?"

"Sometimes I think the saddest thing about being a woman is that it is because of love that one woman oppresses another woman. We have always been disunited, like loose sand, which makes it so easy for you men to deal with us. What does your law say? ?A woman’s power is equal to that of a minor, now I’m negotiating with you in an adult way, don’t ask me like a child, ‘Mom, do you love me or not’.” She said bitterly, and she didn’t know her Where did he learn it, Napoleon was so angry that his face was hideous.

"Sit there and don't move!" Georgiana said, pointing to Napoleon Bonaparte. "Do you want to tear up the famous painting?"

"You crazy woman!" cried Napoleon, "and what if I go to sleep with some other woman?"

"I don't care where you want to sleep, you are a lion in the wilderness, and you have to march and fight, but if you dare to come back with a strange disease..."

"You think I'm dirty?" Napoleon interrupted her.

"I don't mind if you eat cat meat. Even if it's a last resort, I can understand eating human flesh. It's absolutely not!" She said proudly, not looking as charming as a girl with a pearl earring. This disease, I definitely don’t want you, if you still infect me, I will kill you, understand!”

"Will you go to the front with me?" Napoleon looked at her strangely.

Georgiana let out a long breath.

"Modern warfare is different from ancient warfare. The range of weapons in ancient warfare is not as far as it is now. The general can command from a distance. My command post is often within the range of the enemy's artillery, which will be very dangerous."

"I'm not afraid of danger, but I have other issues to think about."

"what is the problem?"

"Wizards are not allowed to intervene in ordinary people's wars, or they will bring curses." Georgiana said, "Do you know Merlin?"

"Who hasn't heard of him?"

"King Arthur died tragically in the end, and I don't want such a fate to befall you." She said sadly, "I've seen people who died in war, and I'm not afraid of corpses, but whether it's yours or Severus's, I don't even want to see, he almost died because of the scar on his neck."

"I thought he was a spy."

"He's a double agent, not the intelligence-gathering type, and at the very end of the campaign, he..."

"I found that not only did I not want to belittle him, but I also didn't want to hear how great he was. Talk about something else, Georgiana." Napoleon interrupted her rambling.

"Do you know where the Maiden with the Pearl is now? In Holland, with windmills and tulips."

"If you really like that painting, I can find it for you."

"I'm your girl wearing pearls. You should look at me." Georgiana said forcefully.

Bonaparte was upset, and would pout like a child.

"You understand the truth, but you can't control yourself. Even if I beg you not to find another woman, you won't listen to me!" Georgiana put her waist on her waist, regardless of the light and angle, and pointed at Bonaparte's nose. Cursed, "That's why I made other women have to abide by this rule!"

"How do you know I won't listen to persuasion." He said rebelliously.

"I advise you to obey the rules, have you listened?"

"I'm going to spend the night at your place tonight, where do you sleep at night?"

Georgiana glared at the rebellious soldier, and it was a pity that the gendarme dared not arrest him.

As if he had grasped her handle, he smiled smugly, his appearance was not heroic, and the more he looked, the more he looked like an Italian hooligan.

"You are not afraid of danger if you leave in the middle of the night. What if something happens?"

"Other women..."

"That's another woman, I want you to stay, I want to share my bed with you, I want you to be my legal wife, not just a mistress."

"You're acting impulsively again."

"My first marriage maybe, the second I don't think so, my mother wants to meet you, how about going back to the Grand Trianon tonight?"

"...No." She refused in a daze.

"Because you're still thinking about your husband." Napoleon grinned good-naturedly. "I'm your lover, am I? That's why you set up that bullshit rule. If you lie there every night, who else is there?" Women dare to enter my room, who are you trying to fool around with by sneaking out at night?"

"You are making too much sense."

"No, Georgiana, this is husband power. You say you understand the law. What is husband power?"

"Damn it!" she yelled. "When did I say I'd marry you, and when did you propose to me?"

"I thought you understood me, but you don't understand that well, do you? That palace, and that manor, you don't even ask where they came from?"

"I accepted it as a gift because you wanted to start medical school, and Mr. Jenner..."

"You are a coward." Napoleon said contemptuously, put the wine glass on the tea table, and stood up.

"where did you go?"

"Work!" he said without looking back, leaving Georgiana alone in the lounge.

She stood there helplessly, not knowing what to do.

Not long after, Mr. Leon Kuhl poked his head out from behind the door.

"Should I prepare a wedding dress for you, daughter." Her guardian said.

"Get out!" she yelled fiercely.

Mr. Leoncourt literally pulls his head back, like a turtle.

"Oh, my God!" She touched her forehead, feeling that her brain was really overheated, and she might be suffering from a terminal illness called love brain.

Marrying twice is a crime of bigamy, but strictly speaking, she has no way to go through legal procedures.

"You little slut, what kind of weird dream is this?" She pinched her cheeks, trying to wake herself up, and then she murmured in an epiphany, "If Bonaparte becomes a legal husband, then Fleurs becomes an illegitimate lover."

Immediately, the wizard whose sense of existence had recently been diluted to nothing by Napoleon appeared in front of her eyes.

"Oh, you are such a bad woman!" She wailed, covering her face, her ears were red.

The more banned, the more I want to try, a legal wife is not an illegal mistress.

When will this Midsummer Night's Dream drama end?

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