Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1256 Mirror Book

Pomona noticed that Napoleon had a pompom attached to his Mamluk sword.

This pompom is very gorgeous, but its function is similar to that of plush toys on girls' backpacks in the 20th century.

Napoleon didn't wear his military uniform or his three-cornered hat. He was wearing a black velvet uniform with gold embroidery on the hem, which looked gorgeous and heroic.

Pomona, who had never discovered that black and gold could look so good together, sniffed as he walked, his shiny boots clattering on the mirror-like floor of the Tuileries Palace.

He did not go to the big conference hall of the Communist Party, but to his private study. When the soldiers guarding the door opened the door for him, there were already several people waiting for him inside, those with potbellies and gray hair The middle-aged and old people bowed to him, and he accepted it without hesitation, and then he took these people to Marie Antoinette's small living room next door.

"Please sit down, gentlemen." He walked into the famous "haunted house" first.

Those wealthy people did not dare to enter, but Pomona did.

"If you have nothing to hide, you don't need to be afraid." Pomona said a little carried away behind Napoleon.

Seeing a young woman walking into the "haunted house", and it was still daytime, those wealthy people also walked in, but they didn't seem to think that this was the living room, but stood near the door, as if they were ready to escape at any time.

"This one is our famous French financial scientist Julian Uvral and Professor Van Reiberg. Although I have not studied at a university, these two teachers agreed that I can be awarded a Doctor of Laws. They are famous bankers, so I won’t introduce them one by one, but I called you here today because I have a task for you.”

"Are you going to send us to war, General?" one of the middle-aged bankers said with a smile, as if he thought he had made a joke.

"The situation we encounter today is very difficult. Soldiers practice riding and marksmanship diligently to kill the enemy on the battlefield. You study financial and legal provisions to fight the enemy in the mall. The only difference between you and soldiers The difference is that the soldiers will lose their lives on the spot, but you will go bankrupt, and it is difficult to rise up. The feeling of being a 'loser' is worse than dying on the spot, right?" Napoleon put his hands behind his back, in the small living room "I asked Jacob to redecorate the palace, but the small living room remained the same as when the previous owner left. This is also the room with the least bleeding in the entire palace. The shells of the Paris Commune in 1792 pierced through it." The working class rushed in through the hole. The nobles who stayed here fought desperately with the Swiss mercenaries, but they were finally defeated. The few remaining nobles did not choose to surrender, but killed themselves with their swords. Now, chivalry is useless to rioting commoners who will not release for ransom what they see as a corrupt class that needs to be defeated."

"Why is chivalry related to ransom?" Pomona asked stupidly.

"This is an unwritten rule in the Middle Ages. Even if everyone is familiar with it, captured noble knights can be released after paying a ransom." Napoleon enthusiastically explained to Pomona.

She nodded suddenly.

"It doesn't work to spend money on the side of civilian troublemakers. I think you have heard the recent rumors that even if you are not killed on the spot, you will be in danger in prison. In the final analysis, as long as people don't If you are cornered, you will not take risks. My plan is this. You guys, buy all the grain that arrives in the ports of England and the Netherlands. Five thousand quintals of grain went into the granaries of Paris."

The bankers gasped, Pomona had no idea at all, she just seemed to be very powerful.

"Arrived, you mean?" asked a banker in surprise.

Napoleon nodded.

"How...how is this possible," said another banker.

Pomona knew that Britain was also short of food, and food prices were soaring.

"Do you think it is possible, Professor Uvral." Napoleon said with a smile.

"There is nothing impossible in your dictionary." Uvral said humbly.

"If we can't do it, it's because we're incompetent," a banker immediately added.

Pomona sometimes had to lament that these perennially flattered people were so flattering, but Napoleon seemed to enjoy it and continued to pace the small living room.

"Remember the Meltz I told you about last time?" Napoleon asked suddenly.

Everyone else looked at each other inexplicably.

"You mean the disciple who accompanied Da Vinci to die in France?" Pomona interjected.

"He is a talent, do you know why?"

Pomona shook her head, and the others didn't know what Napoleon was talking about.

"Mersz was a nobleman. He served Da Vinci loyally for 13 years. Da Vinci left part of his estate, especially the manuscripts. Da Vinci's manuscripts are all sold and are now distributed all over the world. Da Vinci is very good at writing mirror books, and the works created by his students are exactly the same as his. It is difficult to distinguish which are his authentic works and which are his students. Do you know what I think his talent is?"

Pomona thought for a moment or shook her head.

"Not his painting, he did have a certain talent for painting. What I admire is his ability to educate the next generation. His son did not keep these coveted manuscripts in his own hands, but scattered them. , turned Leonardo da Vinci from an Italian genius to a world-renowned one. The Jacobins originated in France. I put the responsibility on them for the assassination last year. Some people were killed and some people were exiled. These exiles Some people went to England like the Bourbon nobles, and many people thought that I did this to repay my kindness and make my people who were homeless in the past homeless, do you think so?"

"No, no, no." Everyone was shaking their heads, and some were wiping their sweat with handkerchiefs.

"Don't make such mistakes. Since you are in this country, you must understand that patriotism is the common touch point of the Jacobins. We are different from the Girondins who put money in their pockets. For this country, we All sacrifices and contributions can be made. If you love this place, this terroir, to the extent that you love it, the people in this country will love you as much, no matter where you are, those Jacobins in exile in England Unlike the Royalists, who are thinking about coming back to power, they are fighters, they are the spreaders of the ideas of the Great Revolution, they will not have sex with the King of England, they will overthrow the British nobles like they overthrew the Bourbons, if I send them like this If you go out, they will definitely be regarded as dangerous elements by other countries, but if they become the targets of persecution, they will be able to lurk smoothly. Before you set off, they have already made preparations. The UK is holding a 'bread and blood' campaign. Local farmers We are boycotting foreign grain imports, and those grains that have arrived at the ports of England and Holland are now waiting for you to harvest, and I will give you two percent of the total amount of goods received as a commission."

Napoleon raised two fingers, and the bankers were as excited as if they had taken crazy drugs. Pomona didn't know how much the money was. Anyway, she was a woman and was not sensitive to numbers by nature, but she knew one thing, Napoleon's Those two index and middle fingers do not represent love and peace.

He is too cunning, and he is too good at calculating people's hearts. Foreign grains will lower the price of local grains. This is uneconomical for farmers who have made a lot of money because of the skyrocketing grain prices. Of course, they will resist.

As for workers in cities who can’t afford bread, they also have poverty relief money issued by the state. Although banknotes can be printed indefinitely, there must be enough food. law, potato blight, and the Irish famine.

Napoleon said that the British cabinet was the worst management system in Europe. In fact, those Irish people did not have to starve to death, nor were they forced to immigrate to the New World to flee famine because they were desperate.

For the sake of profit, some people can take risks and ignore the law, and of course they can't see life or death.

Using money to buy back the grain shipped to England and the Netherlands, can their ships transport the grain back to France, or even Paris? Even if there is no British navy, there are still pirates, and the French naval fleet can now escort them.

After the bankers had left, Napoleon approached her affectionately and sat next to her.

"How am I doing?" He smiled fawningly, as if waiting for her compliment.

"Your fleet is gone, how do you get the food they bought back to Paris?"

"It's not something I've considered. What I told them is that the money should be paid to them only after seeing the grain entering the Paris granary. If it can't be done, it's because they are incompetent. That's what they said themselves."

Pomona sighed, how many people do things that are mercenary and reckless about the consequences?

Even if she reminded, no one would listen. Those people were all caught in Napoleon's spiritual magic.

"Is there really a ghost in this world?" Napoleon asked. "Josephine said she felt that Marie Antoinette's spirit was here."

"Of course." Pomona pointed to his head, where his eyes met his nose. "There she is."

Napoleon thought she was telling a joke, but she actually saw that Marie Antoinette was looking straight at the back of Napoleon's head, which was resting on her neck, not like Nearly Headless Nick With a layer of skin attached.

"Buy at a high price and sell at a low price, but you will lose a lot of money. How do you get it back?"

"Just now Julian Uvral has been looking at the vineyards of Burgundy for a long time. After the Great Revolution, all the vineyards in the hands of the nobles were confiscated and auctioned off to individuals. I gave him the money and he would return it to me. And you have to think about it from another angle, we are not losing money, it is best to do less to suppress such things, I don't want to be exhausted by constant uprisings like Justinian." He kissed her lips "tonight we How about continuing?"

"You should be temperate, my lord."

"Wrong call."

She still felt that the title was too difficult to pronounce.

"So I still can't compare with him?" Napoleon said a little frustrated, "Time is so important to you?"

"Except for his childhood, he gave me his whole life, he almost died on the battlefield, we have experienced many things together, you..."

"Too young to understand, is it?" said Napoleon grimly.

"He is my ear of wheat, and I cannot lose it when I see a bigger one."

"Then what are we?"

"I have the same ideals as you." She stroked his hair, and the touch was softer than expected. "I hope more people can live a happy and safe life."

"What about my happiness?" He stood up excitedly.

"You still have Josephine, she still loves you, and she finally came back to find you."

"That's because she thinks I have a better future than that kid."

"There are also children, Hortense and Eugene, you have to think about them." Pomona said wearily, "The children's interests are above all else."

He seemed to have heard a funny joke.

"I have met many women, and they all hope that I will not betray them, but you hope that I will not betray Josephine? It was her who betrayed me first!" Pointing to his chest, he said word by word, "I am I met her in a brothel, I thought it would change her, make her not like to play so much, and become a woman who obeys the rules..."

"Don't insult her, you're insulting your past relationship," Pomona interrupted. "She waited for you in a wedding dress for six hours at City Hall, and you know how humiliating it is for a socialite like her." ?"

"Then do you know the humiliation I bear!" He shouted furiously.

"I know what my husband is going through right now, he's been led astray before because of the humiliation."

"I know." He smiled strangely. "Actually, I can ask Lucien to go to Italy to collect food. Do you know why I would use this trick?"

"you think……"

"It's all because of you! Fucking peace, I'll accompany you if you want to fight!" He roared excitedly, "It was you British who disturbed us first, so now we will disturb you too, let's see which one of us will be finished first!"

After yelling, he walked out of the small living room, and then slammed the study door shut with a "bang".

"Don't listen to him," said Marie Antoinette in French with a German accent. "He wanted England to expel the nobles in exile."

"Why are there ghosts in the world of ghosts?" Pomona asked in confusion.

"Who told you that this is the world of ghosts?"

Pomona is too lazy to talk to this ghost who can't tell reality from fiction. She needs to find a place to collect her thoughts now.

Then she remembered her new guardian, he was from the peace party, wasn't he?

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