Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1251 Daggers all over the sky

In the salons of Paris, in addition to young people who talk about politics, composers who create music, writers who are proficient in poetry and prose, mathematicians, economists, and mystics.

Vampire Giovanni led Severus to a luxurious apartment that was also darkened in broad daylight. People in the living room were eagerly discussing everything about Ms. Cassandra.

As a well-known prophet, Ms. Cassandra will have many people who want to visit her wherever she goes, but she only receives a few people. Today they gather here to let her students see if they have this ability. Qualifications are a bit like an interview.

In addition, some people are discussing the strange things that happened in the city recently. Many people once saw a huge bat flying at night. Usually this kind of urban legend is the same as the five-foot-long centipede in the sewers of Paris. Everyone just treats it as a joke, but the atmosphere is a bit different now.

After President Bonaparte took office, people's lives have indeed improved. Not only do you not have to worry about not being able to eat bread, but you can also eat a lot of meat. He built many slaughterhouses and large markets in the capital. Almost every night when a big bat appeared, one of the livestock in the slaughterhouses and large markets would die.

They were meant to be slaughtered, mainly because they died in strange ways, either drained of their blood or blown up like a bomb, but no one heard any explosions.

No one dares to eat that kind of meat, not even the meat of the animals locked up with those animals. Some people claim that it was caused by black magic, just like the Black Death was caused by black magic back then. There is a good chance that a plague will break out in Paris this year.

There was panic for a while, the secret police put up notices everywhere, and the newspapers also explained that the tragic deaths of those animals were related to the gas produced after they digested the plants, but it didn't work at all.

The charm of occultism lies in its mystery. The more mysterious something is, the more people like to talk, imagine, and guess.

The vampires and dark wizards who caused this panic discussed it with others like no one else.

If the matter of taking a wife and daughter can be forgiven, then Tiberius would not be a tyrant. In the past, Napoleon Bonaparte was criticized for accepting an English mistress. Later, people learned that this English woman had a husband. The poor man wanted to save his wife, but was killed by Bonaparte's soldiers and secretly The police were chased away.

Fortunately, he still knew how to avoid suspicion and sent the woman to the monastery. But a scandal is a scandal after all. He had done similar things in Egypt before, but Cairo was far away from Paris, so the news did not come back. This time it happened in Paris, when so many celebrities saw it with their own eyes.

His generals lived in luxury in their respective manors. The tableware they used were all made of gold. In the past, Napoleon Bonaparte was not the same as them.

No matter what kind of person it is, it is certain that Bonaparte's reputation will be damaged, although his original purpose was to make his reputation even higher through Jenner.

Some expressed sympathy and understanding to him. After all, Josephine was at fault first, and he did not see how intimate he was with that British woman. Maybe it was a misunderstanding, but this voice was quickly overshadowed by mainstream voices. passed.

The Egyptian one can be called Little Cleopatra, but what should the British one be called? In short, the speed of the spread of romantic affairs is definitely faster than the speed of industry-university-research research reports, and the problem of cowpox has been ignored.

The so-called going all out means that if you hurt yourself a thousand, you will hurt the enemy eight hundred. Now if Napoleon is still riding through the city in a luxurious carriage, he may not only not be welcomed by the people, but may also be thrown rotten eggs.

Don't talk to the crowd about wisdom. If the crowd had wisdom, Asak Newton would not have lost so much money in the South China Sea incident.

Crowds are emotional and unconscious, just like the cavalry division will raise the Mamluk sword and charge bravely when the charge horn is blown on the battlefield.

Soldiers have completely different views on the matter of the First Consulate, but they will not appear in the salon where literati gather, and their voices will not be heard by people in another circle.

"Mr. Smith, Mr. Ferrari, it's your turn." At this moment, the closed door suddenly opened, and an oriental woman stood at the door.

Severus stared at her.

Before Nagini completely turned into a snake, she had left a lot of photos, most of which were left during the performance. Voldemort would sometimes talk to her in Parseltongue while stroking Nagini's snake head .

The oriental woman in front of her is somewhat similar to Nagini.

But he said nothing, and went into the small room with Mr. "Ferrari." If Giovanni knew how famous this surname would become in the future, he probably would not have used it as his pseudonym.

There was only one table in the room, covered with a lace doilie like a spider's web, behind which was a dark blue velvet tapestry, so that the crystal ball on the table stood out.

"Please sit down." Lady Cassandra's disciple said to the two.

Giovanni and Severus sat down in the armchairs opposite the woman.

"What did you two bring?" the oriental woman stared at them and asked.

Severus and Giovanni looked at each other, each took a dagger and placed it on the table.

Of these two daggers, one was the golden dagger that belonged to Kamos I, and the other should have belonged to Ahmose. The oriental woman glanced at the two daggers and focused her attention on Severus.

"I often see jewellery, jewellery, items that the dead often wear, and this kind of murder weapon is really rare."

"Do you know where they come from?" Severus asked with a smile.

The woman who looked like Nagini first picked up the golden dagger with both hands, and then closed her eyes.

She rolled her eyes for a while as if she was out of her body, and then suddenly dropped the dagger on the table.

"This is the king's dagger." The woman stood up in surprise.

"Not the king, but the pharaoh." Severus put the dagger away. "What did you see, medium?"

"The king's blood flowing out of the body will inevitably bring a curse, you should be careful." The oriental woman said, "It is tempting you to do illegal things."

Severus sneered.

"What about mine?" Giovanni pushed the other dagger in front of the woman.

"Water will wash away the blood, but it will also turn red." The woman stared at Giovanni and said, "You shouldn't be involved in human grievances."

Both of their faces turned serious.

"Leave." The woman said to the two seriously, "Otherwise I will call the police."

"Tell me one last question, which king bleeds?" Severus asked.

"You just said Pharaoh, I remember you pronounced it that way, he wanted you to kill the one who invaded his land, so he lent you his power, I can't tell you who the bloody king is, or fate will curse Me." The woman stared at Severus and said, "Go away, unknown person."

Severus and Giovanni, who had only sat down for less than a minute, picked up their daggers and stood up.

The oriental woman locked the door immediately after they left.

"I have a guess, what do you think?" Giovanni said, staring at Severus' dagger.

Severus did not speak, and left the salon with Giovanni.

==================================================== =================

It would be immoral to wash feet in the drinking water of millions of people in the future, and Pomona did it anyway.

The water of the Oulque is not completely clear, but at least it is much better than the muddy Seine. There are many small fish in the river, and she feeds them with bread crumbs.

"Do you know how much a pound of bread is now?" Napoleon was lying on his side on the picnic blanket. There was only simple food in front of them, not even meat.

"I know that a worker's salary for a month can hardly afford bread, but if these fish don't eat fat, how can I eat fish." Pomona said and threw another piece of bread. "Nature has made human beings omnivores." There is a reason, because we have survived to this day by eating everything, and have not been eliminated by nature."

"You said you were not human." Napoleon ate a baguette with jam.

"Can you not mention this?" she said grumpily.

"Then why did you mention your husband just now?" He said expressionlessly.

"I'm dating you. If he knows, he's in the same mood as you were just now."

He was silent for a while, then asked, "You thought this was a date?"

"Help me loosen my shackles." She tugged on his coat sleeve and said, "I need strength, the countryside is not peaceful recently."

"You can go back to Paris and continue to live in the Grand Trianon."


"why not?"

"You're definitely going to sneak into my bedroom, I told him you never touched me."

He showed a look of obvious dissatisfaction.

"Although I don't know what he did, at least he didn't completely lose his mind, otherwise he might have ruined the whole of Paris."

"Only by him?" Napoleon showed disdain.

"It's up to him." Pomona said calmly, "In the future, a dark wizard named Grindelwald almost destroyed Paris. Don't look at me as weak. You don't know what he can do with a powerful wizard. Pompeii was destroyed by a spell."

"Pompeii was swallowed by a volcanic eruption."

"I know, he can make a volcano erupt, and he has other weapons." Pomona remembered the dagger dedicated to the Nile River, if Severus used it to flood the Seine, how many people would drown ?

"You want to scare me away?" The lion in the wilderness prostrated and said majesticly.

"I thought you could take good advice."

He threw the unfinished bread on the tablecloth and jumped into the water with his boots on.

The water is not deep, because it is naturally formed, not artificially dug like a canal, with a gentle slope.

All the fish that were begging for food at her feet were scared away by his sudden action.

"What are you doing!" she exclaimed.

"Unshackle your shackles." He said with a smirk, grabbing her ankle easily.

The two guards who were standing guard not far away heard the woman's exclamation, looked over subconsciously, and then turned around as if they hadn't seen anything.

"Let go of me! Rogue!"

Immediately afterwards they heard a "snap", probably someone was slapped.

"Who do you think hit whom?" the guard on the left asked the guard on the right.

"Nonsense, of course it is our general." The guard on the right said to the guard on the left.

"Did he hit or was he beaten?" the guard on the left asked the guard on the right.

"Of course I was beaten. Didn't you hear that it's silent now?" the guard on the right said to the guard on the left.

The guard on the left wanted to look back to see what happened there, but was straightened by the guard on the right.

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