Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1238 Up is down

There are very few bridges repaired from the left bank to the right bank of the Seine River. Anyway, there are not as many bridges in Venice, so you have to take a boat to cross the river.

Judging from the current water quality of the Seine River, the feeling of rafting on the river is not good. Fortunately, the journey is not too far. They soon reached the other side and disembarked at the pier near the Louvre Museum.

This is a repertoire in France. Foreign guests will inevitably go to the Louvre for a visit, and a large number of people who flock to Paris also need to work. Therefore, building the Louvre is actually similar to building a pyramid.

She looked at the Louvre, which was still under construction, and was filled with emotions for a moment.

Because the First Consul was coming, Denon, the curator of the Louvre, came to greet him in person, followed by other staff members.

Pomona wanted to find Champollion among these people. She wanted to ask him if there was a way to leave this world. Unfortunately, she only knew Champollion's name and had never seen his portrait, so she could not get out of this world. Find him among so many people.

On this occasion, the girl became a foil, and Mr. Jenner was surrounded by men in black coats. It seemed that Napoleon had spent a lot of money on this reception.

A scholar who is not valued in his own country has received such kind hospitality in a foreign country, why should he still be attached to the motherland that rejects him?

This is true for scholars, and it is also true for warriors. Prince Eugen also went to Germany after being frustrated in France.

There is a sense of loneliness that you can't find anyone who understands you in the vast sea of ​​people.

Finding someone who fully understands you is rare.

But what if you find that person, but the other person doesn't have so much time for you to make you feel that kind of happiness?

His world is so big, it doesn't matter if she is there or not.

Just like the famous paintings in the Louvre, it will take a long time before anyone finds out if one is missing.

At that time, people thought of looking for her, but they couldn't find it after searching for a long time. Since then, there has been something missing on that wall.

People often don't know how to cherish until they lose it, but it's too late by then.

"Don't think Papa really likes you." Hortense came over to "accompany" Pomona at this time, "He loves my mother."

"I know," said Pomona calmly, remembering that he shut himself up in his room for two days after Josephine's death.

"You..." Hortense looked at her with some fear.

"Do you know Leonardo da Vinci?" Pomona asked.


"When he was a young man with little fame, it was the Duke of Milan who discovered him. If there was no Duke of Milan, Leonardo might be forced to change his career to make a living. Your mother is the Duke of Milan. She discovered you Da Vinci, the man of his father, was recognized as an Italian, but he was buried in France after his death. If you tell people that he is a Frenchman, not only will others not think that what you say is reasonable, but they may even think that you are lying. Insulting a celebrity, betrayal is not a trivial matter, I was just an episode, and soon he will forget about other things."

Perhaps because she had never seen someone so knowledgeable about current affairs, Hortense fell silent again.

"I'm glad you defended your mom so much, even when she made you marry someone you didn't like," Pomona said.

"Stop it!" Hortense said angrily.

"He thinks of marriage too simply." Pomona said. "Some people have politics in their veins, but he uses the perspective of an ordinary citizen to understand high society."

"What do you know?" Hortense whispered.

"Let me tell you a story that the Egyptians worshiped baboons as gods, because they represent wise men. When a new baboon becomes the leader, it will show favor to the baboons at the bottom and groom them, and the baboons at the bottom will also do it for it. Grooming, sometimes people are not as smart as a monkey." Pomona muttered, "If you really love your parents so much and want them to be together, just do what adults should do, and I will help you, but you If you tell me what you just said, I will ignore you, I would rather think about the social contract theory than argue with you about who your father likes, do you know what the social contract theory is?"

"I know." Hortense said tremblingly.

"Very good, what kind of books do you usually read?" Pomona asked again.

"Ghost story."

Pomona wanted to knock open the girl's skull with something to see what was inside.

"We often tell ghost stories when we get together." Hortense said aggrievedly, "My mother also said that there is a ghost of Queen Marie in the Tuileries Palace."

"She's going to Versailles as well. How long has she been staying in the Tuileries?"

"Papa often stays in the little living room she used to use, and that's where she is," said Hortense. "Mama doesn't often live in the Tuileries because she's afraid of her ghost."

Pomona understood, no wonder "they" appeared.

"You are different from those women." Hortense stared at Pomona and said, "My mother always felt that there was a woman in Papa's heart, but she was unreal, but you made her real. Without you, he would definitely will come back to us."

"Does your mother think that she can be forgiven for any mistakes she made?" Pomona couldn't help rolling her eyes, "That's why she's so confident?"

Hortense did not answer.

"Some mistakes can't be made once. Even if you don't have a decapitated body like Antoinette, you will become completely passive like your mother. What's the use of you threatening me and cursing me, child? I It won't be the first one, and it won't be the last one, you just scolded me like that will only make you adjust your status, can you do something else besides being jealous?"

"Why do you teach me!"

Appeared, the ultimate spell!

Then she realized, hey, this is not a school, and she didn't have to swallow her anger after being hit in the head twice by Ron Weasley dropping pods like before.

"Get out of my sight!" Pomona growled fiercely.

Hortense first obeyed the order and left, then turned back, saw Pomona's frightening expression, and left again.

Pomona breathed a sigh of relief.

This feeling is so exasperating.

Every child is a "baby". If the parents knew that Pomona was so cruel to their children just now, they would feel so distressed, and they might even go to the principal to complain that she would not be good at persuasion, and her education method was brutal and rude. .

With this little episode, Pomona's next visit to the Louvre was not so boring.

Later, the collective action turned into a small group action, and the small group gradually became an individual, and she went shopping alone again.

She looked at Raphael's Madonna painting on the wall, and although she was alone, she didn't feel lonely, she felt a long-lost tranquility.

"Can I join?" she heard someone say in French with a Corsican accent.

"Join what?" Pomona said with a smile.

"Your friendship with the master," said Napoleon. "You can take it back with you if you like."

Pomona was a little confused.

Her reaction amused Napoleon, who pointed to the Raphael Madonna "send it to the Grand Trianon."

Then someone actually took it off the wall.

Pomona looked at the vacant space on the wall and found it very unrealistic.

"Walk around and see if there is anything you like." Napoleon turned sideways, indicating that women should be the first. "You can hang any works you like in the palace."

That's the beauty of power, Pomona looked at Napoleon.

"I just taught Hortense a lesson."

"What did you say about her?"

"Baboons," said Pomona.

Napoleon frowned.

"The gods of Egypt." Pomona told him the myth she had told Hortense before.

"I know you want to be the baboon king who just took office to appease the baboons at the bottom, but I don't think I'm suitable." Pomona sighed, "I don't look like the Virgin Mary."

"Dubois came to see you?" he asked knowingly.

Pomona nodded.

"Tell me what you think?"

"The monarch should leave the things that cause criticism to others, and do the things that are gracious. I don't want to provoke so many enemies." Pomona sighed and said, "I am a foreign woman. If others want to revenge me Quite simply, I don't want to be a victim of the guillotine."

"In theory, but in fact people leave the harsh work to the monarch, and the ministers just do favors and favors. Everyone knows the benefits of being loved." Napoleon sneered and said, "In order to appease those greedy big shots, I It will only make the people dissatisfied."

"Aren't you worried that this will lose the support of the people?"

Napoleon looked around, as if to make sure there was no one around.

"Foreign woman, what do you think of the French?"

"They love winning," Pomona said.

"That's right, it's victory, and it's a victory that makes people ecstatic. As long as there is victory, no matter how gracious those ministers are, the people will always support me. In order to win the battle, I need those generals, even though I know they are in Do illegal things." He touched Pomona's cheek with the back of his hand, "I am not afraid of being despised, because I have established great achievements, people will admire me no matter what, cause hatred, I will be strong against it, only There is love, I think I was conquered by love before I conquered the world, can you guide me how to make me win out of those who compete with me for love."

"You want to ask how you will compete with your ministers for popular support..."

"You came to me beautifully, with the stars above your head, and God flooded my soul with your beauty and shame, and the waters of my emotions began to fill again, and you made me swoon, Evtimo. ' Napoleon interrupted her.

Eve Timo is the name of Athena's sister. She entered the dream of an Athenian woman and told her a prophecy. She told her that the woman's son would meet a woman leader who would envy all men on the way to propose marriage. people.

"I'm asking you, how can you defeat your husband." He grabbed her hand and kissed the back of her hand. "Tell me how you feel now."

She didn't know what to say at all.

"Can I come into your bedroom tonight?" he whispered.

She woke up immediately and took her hand back.

"Some mistakes can't be made once, Mr. Bonaparte, I just taught your daughter a lesson."

"My lion," he corrected, "that's what you should call me."

Pomona ignored him, she wanted to find a place with many people.

Now she was so dizzy that she couldn't tell up, down, left, or right.

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