Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1236 Gold Miner

The Social Contract Theory once wrote:

As no man has natural power over his fellow man, and since force alone cannot produce power, all legitimate power in the world must be founded on contract.

Glotis said, "If a man can give up his liberty and become a slave to his master, why can't a nation give up his liberty and submit to a sovereign?"

There are several confusions of meaning in this simple sentence.

To say that a man gives himself away for no reason, without asking for a penny, is an inconceivable absurdity, for no sane man, let alone a whole nation, would act in such a frenzy.

Napoleon made France crazy, and he was greeted in the streets wherever he went. The victory he brought by force gave him prestige, and he also had power because he held military power.

But this kind of power generated by force and victory is not effective for a long time, and "legitimacy" is the key.

The French kings in the Middle Ages obtained "legality" by relying on the divine right of kings. Now that the divine right has been overthrown, what should be used to make power "legal"?

Pomona felt that thinking about this kind of problem was more comfortable than meeting Josephine in the Paris Plantation Garden. In the future, people like Edward Jenner deserve state-level hospitality, and of course the first ruling couple must appear.

However, he is still a small figure who is rejected by the British academic circle, and he is still somewhat unknown. The Bonapartes and his wife cannot entertain him in the same way as they entertained Peter I, and Josephine also appeared in casual clothes. Although it is very light, it is still very elegant, and it shows a lot of style when walking.

When Jenner was young, he liked to collect a variety of plants and animal specimens. The Paris Botanic Garden has many plants collected from Egypt, which should be regarded as his favorite.

The Paris Botanical Garden is a royal herbal garden opened by Louis XIII in the 17th century. It was expanded by Louis XIV and extends along the Seine River.

The first ruler said he was resting, but he was actually working. There were very few people visiting the botanical garden during weekdays. Coupled with the "maintenance" notice posted outside, the garden was almost closed, and only a few tourists showed up.

This made Pomona, a person who shouldn't appear, particularly conspicuous.

Josephine herself wanted to accompany Jenner, and Jenner did not show the unhappiness that had just happened in the cafe in front of the lady.

But Josephine brought her daughter Hortense, different from her mother's kindness and elegance, Hortense showed obvious hostility towards Pomona, and her eyes made her feel uncomfortable, as if she was an ape. Hortense was anxious to drive her away from the flies flying about with dung.

When was the last time Pomona caught that look?

She didn't remember that Professor Sprout had been a kind teacher, and the students liked her because she was a short, fat witch who always wore witch robes covered in mud.

The look in Hortense's eyes made her stomach ache. She really never imagined that she would be despised by children one day.

It was a very comfortable thing in the greenhouse, but now it has become so uncomfortable, it seems that this is God's punishment for her.

She was bored and had nothing to do, and there was a little girl who made her unable to look directly at her eyes, so she began to study Josephine's dress for fun.

Josephine's clothes were so tightly covered that she barely showed, in stark contrast to the open-necked dress Pomona wore when she left St. Luke's Palace.

After wearing that dress once, Pomona doesn't intend to wear it anymore. She still prefers to be more conservative, and she doesn't intend to steal the limelight from the first lady. madness.

Casual dress meant no prom-style panniers, and the straight-cut dresses looked a bit like empire-waisted dresses.

Her wedding dress was this dress, and Severus didn't know why he chose this style of dress as a gift for her, as if everything was really predestined in the dark.

"Good afternoon, Miss Georgiana!"

Pomona was startled by the sudden sound.

She looked back at the speaker, who was Dubois, one of the heads of the secret police.

He looked nervous, as if he had done something wrong.

"What's the matter with you, Mr. Director?" Pomona asked the secret policeman who was full of market atmosphere.

"I heard that the master went to the city to check today." Dubois asked nervously, "Did he say anything?"

Pomona recalled a moment.

"I have received a pamphlet rectifying the name of Louis XVI, now at the First Consul."

"Is there anything else?"

Dubois seemed to be concerned with other issues.

"You can tell me directly, I can't guess what you are worried about."

Dubois squeezed the cap in his hand nervously, and said after a while, "I heard that you passed a porridge shop."

"Then what?"

"That's under my control. The master gave us a sum of money and asked us to help the poor."

"Have you embezzled?" Pomona asked bluntly.

"No, no, no..." Dubois waved his hands quickly.

"It's normal. People often embezzle donations from well-intentioned people under the guise of doing good deeds." Pomona said with a smile, "Are you worried that someone will report you?"

DuBois was sweating all over his face and his face was pale. It seemed that Pomona was right.

"I think the First Consul has more urgent problems to solve than the little public funds you embezzled, and you still have something to use."

"Oh, thank you, angel of mercy." DuBois grabbed Pomona's hand and kissed it. "Can you tell me, I'll do it right away."

Pomona wanted to talk about arresting those who distributed the pamphlets.

But at that time, it was only a tall, thin young man with a malnourished face who distributed the brochure to Pomona. He was probably a farmer who had just entered the city. A job similar to posting advertisements, otherwise it would not be posted in the city center.

"Tell me what you used to do first?" Pomona asked.

"I used to be a miner," Dubois said, "and later became an anti-smuggling policeman."

"A miner as an anti-smuggling policeman?" Pomona tried to sort out the logic inside.

"Those smugglers are very good at digging tunnels, and once they dug the exit to the monastery."

Pomona realized instantly.

"Last time in the carriage, you said that the price increase of food was also because of someone secretly smuggling it?"

"This... this..."

"Is there a high-ranking official involved?" Pomona looked at this little man. He might only have the guts to catch those who directly moved the goods, and dared not touch the high-level people above, and this happened to be what Napoleon wanted to do.

Not only making the country difficult to make money, but also selling food to foreign countries or even enemy countries. If this is not treason, what is it?

Louis XVI was beheaded for this, but unfortunately the miner didn't really understand his mind.

And how could she understand?

"What is Fouché's job?" asked Pomona.

"Catch those who intend to rebel."

"Your jobs are completely different, why are you fighting so hard?"

Dubois looked embarrassed, and finally said, "We will set up special commissioners in some places."

"That's what you think." Pomona frowned. Fouche knew at a glance that she was shrewd and cunning, and that she also had a formal official position, which was different from Dubois, a little man who relied on "favor".

If you have to distinguish, Fouché is a hypocrite, Dubois is a real villain, Dubois sees things with vested interests, and Fouche takes a long-term and much deeper view.

Busy with infighting, he has no time to manage the royalist party. If one day the royalist party really succeeds in restoring, Fouché will continue to be high-ranking and generous, while Dubois will be unlucky with Napoleon's loss of power.

No wonder Fouche is called "political tumbler" by historians.

"How did you get discovered by the First Consul?" Pomona asked.

"It was introduced by Fouché," said Dubois.

"He is your benefactor and you still like this?" Pomona said in disbelief.

DuBois seemed to have no idea what Pomona was talking about.

Pomona understood, this is a group of wolves who don't even know what kindness is, no wonder they are so heartless.

The founders of Rome were two wolf boys, and it may be because of this similar quality that Napoleon is so like a Roman emperor.

Mistress politics has always been shamed by the people. Josephine has expressed her reluctance to participate in politics in public. In fact, there must be many old nobles around her.

During the siege of Toulon, the first thing the Jacobin sent commanders to do was not to arm their defenses, but to clean up the old nobles who might rebel. Not all the old nobles are so eager for the return of the Bourbon royal family, nor are all the new nobles. All support Napoleon.

Pomona was past the age of a little girl who saw idols screaming, and the internal affairs were so chaotic that war seemed easy.

People are like this, only want to do it if they find it interesting, if the pain is like doing homework, no one will do it.

Not everyone is a Hermione Granger-like weirdo who likes to do homework.

Politics is all about exploiting each other, and Pomona didn't want to do that.

It was very convenient for the Dark Lord to use Fenrir at the beginning, but after his second failure, Fenrir's werewolves became a major problem in the wizarding world. Or, like Charles IV of the Holy Roman Empire, he left a golden edict, which led to the division of the empire.

"Why did the First Consul put you in charge of the porridge shop?" Pomona asked.

"The money was donated by the master personally, and you have to contact many civilians with lice, others are not willing to do it."

Pomona really has nothing to say.


"Why didn't you leave?" After dealing with the secret police, John saw Severus again.

"Something that can be solved with a spell." Severus said lazily, "How are you?"

"Thank you for the potion, otherwise our wounds wouldn't heal so quickly." John said, "Can it be mass-produced?"

"No." Severus said firmly.

"What's that made of?" said John resignedly.

"White moss."

"In the myth, the herbs that Venus gave his son to heal his wounds?" John said.

"You know a lot, what did you do before?"

John sighed "What do we do next?"

"I don't know what you're doing, I'm going to see my wife," Severus said, "Can I help?"

"Of course." John said with a smile, "I repay your life-saving grace."

Dubois in history was a prosecutor, but Imerton can be regarded as a high priest who robbed the pharaoh's wife. What else is impossible?

My story is fabricated

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