Wearing clogs is a tradition in the Netherlands. Because the altitude of Amsterdam is lower than sea level, clogs can not only prevent moisture and moisture, but also prevent the shoes from getting dirty. The boat-shaped clogs represent that you can travel all over the world with your feet on a boat. There is no such thing in the world. Where I can't go.

There was a time when, because Myrtle kept wet the floor, the younger children had to wear clogs when they passed her flight of stairs to keep their feet from getting dirty with the filth flushed from the toilet. They haven't mastered more advanced spells yet, not to mention feeling a little distance between their feet and those dirty things, and they will feel much better psychologically.

"Tap, tap", the sound of walking in clogs doesn't sound good at all, not to mention that if you walk a little faster, the sewage will be splashed.

This method could not fundamentally solve the problem. Later, Albus came forward to negotiate with Myrtle. If she did not control herself, she might have to find another place to live.

Then Myrtle faded away, and it took a while for the "fashion" to wear clogs to end with the new school year.

Men can wear boots, but women can't wear boots, because there is nothing to match with boots, not to mention that if the skirt accidentally touches something on the ground, it will be more "beautiful".

Maybe that's how women like to wear high heels.

In addition to corsets, another "female necessity" that Pomona hates for the sake of beauty is high heels, which were obviously invented by Louis XIV to solve his inferiority complex. Will people make fun of you for walking in high heels?

She hated wooden clogs, and even more hated those horse-drawn carriages that were speeding past. People sitting in the carriages could not feel how dirty the ground was, and the carriages ran so fast that they splashed an unknown amount of sewage along the way.

Yes, the weather was clear, but the problem was that there was still a lot of water on the road, the origin of which Pomona no longer wanted to guess.

Mr. Jenner kept the etiquette of a gentleman, let Pomona walk on the inside of the road, and walked on the outside of the road, so that even if there was mud, it would splash on him.

Napoleon Bonaparte walked half a step behind them, followed by his two servants, one named Anbar, which in ancient Sumerian means iron, and at the same time represents heaven. He was a black slave given to Napoleon by the chieftain during his expedition to Egypt.

Gifting slaves is a local custom. Anbar is not the kind of beautiful slave. He is even a little ugly, with a thick lower lip and a lion nose. His brows are always frowning, as if he is suffering some kind of pain.

He didn't have any weapons on his body, and he was dressed in French clothes. In contrast, Rustamo, who was dressed as a Turk, carried a Mamluk sword. The eyes of many people.

The law and order in Paris is very bad, not to mention the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century, it is best to go out with two guards even in broad daylight.

Napoleon, who was originally not tall, became even shorter under the background of these two tall warriors, and now he looks gentle, like a college student, and his attitude when talking to Mr. Jenner is very respectful, almost answering every question. His low profile made it difficult for Pomona to associate him with the general who stood tall in front of the soldiers.

Mr. Jenner was shocked by the shocking health conditions in Paris. London, which is also a metropolis with a million people at the same time, did much better than Paris in this regard.

"Why don't you lay some cobblestones on the road?" Mr. Jenner couldn't help asking Napoleon when another carriage splashed the water in the mud puddle.

"It was laid before, and later the citizens pried up those paving stones as throwing weapons." The general who had used bloody means to suppress the riot said calmly, "I am going to ask the mayor of Paris to lay the bricks again, but before that, I have to do it." A good underground drainage system is just a very dangerous job. The underground tunnels not only contain sewage, but also plague and suffocating gas. At present, there is not such a brave person to undertake this difficult task.”

Pomona remembered the famous saying "the sewer is the conscience of the city". It seems that Mr. Brunasso is not ready to face the terrible sewer.

Pomona saw many beggars along the way.

Injuries are inevitable in wars. Even if you don’t die in battle, you will be tortured by life if you return to the civilized world like this. Those physically handicapped leaned against the walls of buildings on the side of the road, staring blankly at the sky, as if feeling that hope had gone away from them.

She looked back at Napoleon suspiciously. He said that he would not let the women who followed him suffer a miserable end, so what about the men who followed him?

In this regard, he may not be as good as Louis XIV. Louis XIV also built a Les Invalides to accommodate retired soldiers.

It is a complicated process for veterans to convert to civilians. Soldiers may not only be physically disabled, but their souls will also become impure. It is difficult for them to adapt to the life of ordinary residents, just as it is difficult for civilians to adapt to a battlefield full of war.

That's one of the reasons she hates war so much.

Some wars cannot be avoided, but non-essential wars should not be launched unless they are launched. During the Civil War, southerners only thought about "victory" before actively participating in the war. They did not think about defeat and death.

If Marie Antoinette was ignorant of the world because she lived in the deep palace, then what did the nobles who lived outside the palace see?

"Have mercy." A beggar with a missing leg held up his bowl and begged Pomona for it.

Generally speaking, women are more compassionate than men and will leave some charity.

But Pomona looked at the other people standing in the distance and looking at the street corners not far away. They were good at hands and feet, and their eyes were full of "hungry". These beggars could also become criminals at any time.

She sympathized with this handicapped beggar, but she felt that if he gave him money directly, he might not be able to protect his own property, and they were even in the same group, cheating money by selling misery to win others' sympathy.

"If you're hungry, I'll give you bread," Pomona said to the beggar. "If you want a job you can do with your bare hands, I'll find it for you, but I won't give you money, yours." How did you lose your legs? You were in the war?"

A light suddenly appeared in the beggar's muddy eyes.

"Stand up, soldier." Napoleon said from the side, and his words had a kind of magical power, which made the beggar subconsciously obey the order and stand up while leaning on the wall.

"Walk 200 meters ahead and there is a porridge shed. You can walk there by yourself. If you feel that you can't walk, I can help you there."

200 meters is not too far, but it is too difficult for a disabled person to pass the muddy road with cars coming and going.

The beggar kept staring at Napoleon, his eyes staring like copper bells, as if he had a deep hatred for him.

"Would you like some water?" said Pomona, and if they kept looking at each other Napoleon in disguise might be recognized, God knows what commotion would ensue.

"Thank you for your kindness, ma'am." The beggar bowed to Pomona politely, then picked up the crutch that was on the ground, and left the base of the wall just now.

His back was straight, and he looked as if he had just returned from battle, but Pomona didn't know how long he would last.

Passion always fades away, it's too fragile to be the foundation of a marriage, and many people get lost in it.

She remembers a song she listened to in a record store in Liverpool, and when she was 60 she would be sitting on a sofa knitting like a normal woman, and on another sofa someone would be reading a newspaper.

Food was gurgling in the kitchen, and she would chatter occasionally, even if no one answered her, she could still chat with herself.

It was a very warm picture at first, but now she felt horrible, she was afraid that that person would put down the newspaper.

Because what she was facing was not a living person at all, but a skeleton.

She was a crazy old lady to the kids next door.

It was a dream, she should wake up.

She slapped herself, and there was pain in her cheek, and even a burning sensation.

"It's useless." Napoleon walked over with his hands behind his back and a smirk. Mr. Jenner was talking with a passer-by who seemed to know him and expressed his admiration for him endlessly.

"You hit me twice and I didn't wake up. You asked me to show you the truth. You see it now. We are not dreaming."

"Go away!" she said in rude words.

"After seeing the tragic situation of these people, more and more people escaped from military service. Some people deliberately broke their fingers and knocked off their front teeth so that they could not operate the matchlock guns. Others chose to marry prematurely, so that The law has to set the minimum age for marriage, and I need someone to settle these beggars." Napoleon paused and said, "This should be a woman's job, but Josephine will definitely not come to this dirty place, she even I think the barracks are also dirty, and I can't let other people do it, especially the church people, they will use it to collect hearts."

"You want me to help you with this job?"

"Not only that, Georgiana." Napoleon said, looking at the water of the Seine not far away, "The domestic sewage is directly discharged into the river, and the drinking water for the residents of the city is also taken from this river. It is more powerful than the Nile." Dirty, but citizens drink directly without purification, sooner or later the plague will break out, I want to build a canal, and a water supply system, these are what the Directorate should do, but those apologists are busy partying and having fun, of course they don't have time to deal with these issues..."

"Don't make it sound so grand, you just want to build a second Rome." Pomona interrupted his eloquence.

"You haven't been to Rome, how do you know that I want to build Rome?" He looked at her brightly, and said in a firm tone, he was obviously a Muggle, but he seemed to have magical powers.

"Because of the ancient Roman water system, and the Turkish baths, which were supposed to be Roman baths," she said involuntarily.

"The hygienic habits of Westerners are extremely bad. In Egypt, the locals would use sand to clean themselves even if there was no water." Napoleon took out a snuff bottle, put a little on his nose, and took a few deep breaths. "This living habit Needs to be corrected."

"No." She said helplessly.

"why not?"

"I am English……"

"Continuing yesterday's topic, you know Dandolo, but you don't know who Myers is, he was a disciple of Leonardo da Vinci, who spent his last three years in France, accompanying him It was Myers who came to France. He stayed with Da Vinci until his death before returning to Italy. I think most people will think that Da Vinci is a talent. You know why I think Myers is the only two in Italy. One of the talents?"

She didn't want to answer the question.

"Answer my question, Georgiana!" he said with some enthusiasm.

"Da Vinci was French, he was loyal to Francis I," she said bitterly, "and he chose to be buried among the French."

"Francois I called Da Vinci 'my father', and I can also call Mr. Jenner that, as long as you accept me."

"The British people will not accept a dictator!" she immediately rejected, which she believed to be the opinion of the majority.

Unexpectedly, he smiled contemptuously.

"why are you laughing?"

"If we have the worst sanitation in Europe, you have the worst administration in Europe, and your soldiers who land in Egypt have no artillery, no cavalry, no horses, nothing necessary for the army, and the generals have to buy it themselves, these mistakes It was all caused when the cabinet formulated the expedition plan, did they think that when people got there, they would occupy that piece of land?"

"Since you think Britain is so useless, why..."

"Keep talking." Napoleon stared at Pomona Wei threateningly, "Say what you were going to say just now."

Pomona didn't speak.

"I can order the army to attack. It's easy to kill these unequipped soldiers, but that's 19,000 British and 26,000 Turks. Aren't you very peace-loving?"

"They won't be defeated so easily," said Pomona in vain.

"Soldiers are like my sons. I will prepare everything for my sons, but you let them rely on themselves." Napoleon smiled and shook his head, "It's like a father with an income of 60,000 francs pushing his son away early." Get out and let him learn to be 'independent'."

Pomona thought it best to keep her mouth shut at this point.

At this moment, the passer-by who greeted Mr. Jenner left his contact information, then took off his hat and left.

Napoleon walked towards Mr. Jenner, but before he left, he deliberately scratched Pomona's palm with his hand.

He did it so quietly that no one except Pomona noticed it, like a secret hidden in broad daylight, which stirred people's hearts and minds.

==================================================== ===============

"Only the United Kingdom is left, and even armed neutral countries are submitting peace treaties with France. They can reap a lot of benefits from 'anti-French'." At the card table where Severus first came to the warehouse, John's Dutch The friend said in English while dealing the cards, "After the death of the Tsar, they doubted whether the anti-French alliance could defeat France. Later, Parker and Nelson bombarded Copenhagen in the Sond Strait, and the Danish fleet suffered heavy losses. The information you provided is that Denmark is helping The French transport saltpeter?"

"That's right." Severus smoked slowly, smiling confidently.

"That's right. Denmark signed an armistice agreement with us because of the heavy losses of the navy, but they are helping France in private. This is very useful information. Good job, gentlemen."

"Why did the navy bombard Copenhagen?" John asked puzzled.

"They received news that France and Denmark had become an alliance. There was a fire in Copenhagen in 1795. They may have the secret support of France to rebuild so quickly."

"The UK has also helped a lot. This is the benefit of a neutral country. Both sides are trying to win over." Another British fellow looked at his own cards and then looked at the others. "If the neutral alliance is disintegrated, there is no need to persist , Addington proposed peace talks with France, but Wendleton said it was a 'judgment of subjugation' and a new conquest by Bonaparte. Slogan, sounds very Jacobin."

"Napoleon is like a virus, spreading everywhere." John said, "But as long as he is killed, France is a bunch of mobs. The generals with military merits have always hoped that he will divide France into small pieces and hand them over to rule. They stayed in Paris and lived like Roman nobles."

"The new 'English woman' who appeared next to Napoleon was arranged by you?" the fellow from England asked John.

John glanced at Severus' gloomy face, played a card and went out.

"It's your turn." John said to his fellow countrymen, "What else did you bring us?"

"We won the battle in Egypt. The commander who replaced Kleber, Monroe, was incompetent. Cairo is now occupied by us." The British fellow said.

"How many of us died?" Severus asked.

The blue eyes of the Englishman looked straight at Severus, "You should pay attention to the good news. We won, and Kleber died. We should celebrate it."

"I'm going to get the wine." John stood up, and the Dutchman kept looking at his cards, as if he didn't care at all why the two Englishmen stared at each other.

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