While Leah was helping Pomona to make the bed, Gundance, Napoleon's French valet, brought his camp bed into the bedroom.

He put it next to the super big bed full of Baroque style. Perhaps the reason why the citizens who robbed St. Luke didn't snatch this bed was because it was too big. Think of Louis XIV, Fifteen years of extravagant life, maybe several people have been lying on this bed at the same time.

In contrast, Napoleon's camp bed was very small. Leah glanced at Miss "Georgiana" and said nothing. "Georgiana" was the only maid in total. If any news leaked, then Definitely what she said.

Pomona was very satisfied with Napoleon's performance, and she didn't even mind going to sleep on the camp bed herself, and gave up the big bed to the First Consul of France.

During the Triwizard Tournament back then, Pomona felt that the girls in Brebarton looked a little arrogant, but now she knows that French women are all spoiled by men.

"Did the First Consul sleep with it when he was marching?" Pomona asked Gundance.

"Yes, Mademoiselle Georgiana," replied Condance at once. "Master keeps it with him all the time, and says he can sleep in a camp-bed if he is uncomfortable after changing the bed."

"Are you alone, are you busy?"

"The former palace steward is still alive, and I am learning from him." Gundance said, "The first lady has to learn palace etiquette every day. Except for these, we are almost the same as in the past."

From learning to dance to learning etiquette?

Pomona raised her eyebrows, but did not make any comment on this.

The camp bed was very convenient to erect and lay, and Gundance quickly finished it. Looking at the thin quilt, Pomona inexplicably thought of the heavy snow in Russia. Can such a quilt resist the severe cold of Siberia?

These issues were supposed to be considered by Josephine, but she probably hoped that Napoleon would take care of her concerns. If her husband hadn't been a great man, it was commonplace for her to think so.

When they met, the young Napoleon was inferior to her, but she stopped growing and Napoleon did not, and there was a sense of disparity.

Ordinary women can't bear the hard life of marching, but how much colder can Siberia be than Scotland? There are long winters there too.

Pomona shook her head, throwing away the ridiculous thoughts in her mind, she really "entered the show".

After getting ready for bedtime, Napoleon still didn't return to his bedroom, probably he ran out to work again.

Pomona was too lazy to care so much, so she took a book and started to read it. The Corsican bandit actually attacked the church library. The handwriting of St. Louis and the story of the crown of thorns.

That's right, it was the crown of thorns worn by Roman soldiers when Jesus was crucified. At that time, the Latin nobles of Constantinople were in urgent need of money, so they sold this most precious holy object to the French. Louis IX.

This book describes in detail the process of the crown of thorns from identifying the authenticity to transporting it from Constantinople to Paris, and even wrote the process of Louis IX wearing a burlap robe to welcome the crown. Because of this incident, even the cassock worn by Louis IX was regarded as a sacred object and stored in Notre Dame Cathedral. When the Great Revolution broke out, Notre Dame Cathedral was severely damaged as an important place for religious ceremonies and ceremonies of the French king. , except for the statue of the Virgin in the inner courtyard of the church, other sculptures were destroyed, and the church bell was also melted.

Pomona did not hear the church bell in the Tuileries Palace. The common people are very sensitive to this sound, and do not know whether the "real" Crown of Thorns was destroyed in the Great Revolution, or was it destroyed by the pious The monks were kept secret.

This crown of thorns was first obtained during the Crusades and was obtained by the Baldwin family. Louis IX is said to have spent all the money in the treasury to buy this crown of thorns. It is a treasure for believers, and some people will go bankrupt like St. Louis bought. The victorious French, under the leadership of Louis IX, lost two battles during the Crusades and wiped out the treasury. He is still considered the best French king.

He was even canonized and became St. Louis. If Napoleon could bring the crown of thorns back to Notre Dame de Paris after defeating Waterloo, his prestige might not be affected so much.

It still depends on the attitude of the church. Pomona can understand the reason why Pius VII has been delaying. Louis XVIII is now in exile abroad. Ascending to the throne, the situation of the church will be very embarrassing. Will he go to the coronation ceremony of the French king in the future?

Moreover, he must also take into account the attitudes of other European Catholic countries. War always kills people. Some members of the Anti-French Alliance have formed a deep hatred with France, but Pomona does not know how long Napoleon's patience will last. He is already a dead man, why is he still so impatient?

He was definitely the strangest ghost she had ever seen, and he was actually hot. Maybe it had something to do with his love of warming himself by the fire and taking hot baths.

It is precisely because of this that he does not look like an undead at all.

"What are you looking at?"

Napoleon stood in the bedroom doorway in his nightgown.

It's not gorgeous, but it's about the same as ordinary home clothes, with a pair of worn-out old slippers on the feet.

"The process of Louis IX transporting the Crown of Thorns from Constantinople to Paris." She closed the book in her hand, supported the bed with her hands, and sat herself up halfway, "I thought there was a shocking story , For example, someone robbed or something, and it turned out that the journey went smoothly."

He laughed, went to the bed and sat down, and took the book from her hand.

"You know Latin?"

"That's the basics," Pomona said.

"Can you read it to me?"

"I have another question for you."

"What do you want to ask?"

"I heard that the soldiers in your army don't sleep in tents, only you do. Is this because of the general's privilege?"

"No, you should say it is the privilege of writing." Napoleon flipped through the books in his hand, "Tents are harmful to health, and the air is very poor. They are only needed for those officers who need to use maps and write documents. Campfires can quickly put soldiers to sleep nearby. The land is baked dry, and the wood or straw can block the wind and snow, and the soldiers can sleep with their feet facing the campfire."

"What if it rains?"

"There are other gadgets to keep out the rain, they are more useful than tents, we use tents to protect the wood and straw roofs, if a battalion uses tents, it takes five horses to pull them, horses are the best use It is used to transport food. In addition, the enemy's spies and scouts will confirm the configuration and number of troops through the number of tents. On the contrary, when the troops are arranged in two or three rows of camps, the enemy can only see them from a distance. Cooking smoke, they often regard the smoke as fog, and they can't count all the campfires, but it is easy to count the tents and draw a tent configuration diagram."

"Oh." Pomona suddenly realized that she thought it was the emperor's prerogative.

"The commander of the battalion will live in the tent. They are often with the officers who write the paperwork. They are also the reference objects for night raids. Our infantry phalanx is like this." He took Pomona's palm , drew a square on her palm with her fingertips, "In this hollow phalanx, there are things that need to be protected. We used them during the Pyramid War. The luggage, scholars, and items found on the way, except for the few people in the front row of the column , the people in the back actually did not engage in battle at all. I transferred the soldiers in the back row to the front row, which expanded the actual combat area. It is intended that soldiers wear armor to directly confront Mamluks and the cold weapon era, and armor actually hinders movement quite a bit, and wearing light clothes will be more flexible."

Pomona took her hand back.

His fingertips itched as they passed over her palm, and she felt her heart beat faster.

"There are two kinds of power in the world, the sword and the power of the spirit. In the long run, the sword will always be defeated by the mind." After a while of silence, Napoleon said, "I told you once, I do not reject Flattery, if no one says flattery, no one will fear me, and people will think that I am not as good as a grassroots. Now I want to tell you, just tell you, even if I am willing to listen to the truth, how many people are willing to tell it? I actually really want to live a life of solitude, have you ever been to Marie Antoinette's Trianon Palace?"

Pomona shook her head.

"Now my mother lives there. It's a good place to hide from the world. Then across the canal and the botanical garden is the Grand Trianon Palace. It's a rose stone building. How about we live there for a while?"

"I do not understand……"

"Don't get me wrong, I just want to find some peace and quiet. If I move there, it will look weird if you don't go." He gently squeezed her fingertips. "Besides, I have someone I want to introduce to you."

Pomona was stupefied as if struck by lightning.

"You want to introduce your mother to me?" Pomona exclaimed.

"No." He smiled and shook his head, "Where do you want to go?"

The old professor who is almost fifty seems to have been tricked by this 30-year-old kid.

But if he had been born in 1769, he would be a 200-year-old monster, and she was still young.

"Then who do I want to see?" she said blushing.

"Your guardian, the law says you must have one."

Pomona stared at this dictatorship, the first consul who could add, delete, and amend the French civil law by herself, turned her back and got into the bed, not wanting to pay any attention to him.

"He's as British as you are." Napoleon leaned into her ear and whispered. "You Brits are sometimes convincing."

She trembled with fear.

This soft voice is more terrifying than roaring.

"Sweet dreams, Georgiana." Napoleon kissed her on the forehead. "Say good night to me."

"Good night." She obeyed immediately.

"There is nothing else to say."

"Good night, The Lion King."

He shook his head.

"Good night, my lion," she corrected.

"Good night, my princess." He whispered, then got up, put down the bed curtain, and the surroundings were suddenly enveloped in darkness.

It didn't take long for her to hear a creaking sound from outside the "tent", as if he was already lying on the camp bed.

The light that came in from the gap in the bed curtain illuminated the "tent", and then even that light disappeared. She knew that when she opened her eyes next time, it would be dawn. Eyelids could not be raised.

Soon she was "falling asleep".

==================================================== ===============

With the help of Polkadot, Severus returned to the real world along the pool.

But his condition is not very good, his face is paler than before, he opened the flying cloak, there are still blood stains underneath.

He pressed the location of the wound with a painful look on his face, and then began to swear.

"Snape? You're back so soon?" Gonseil asked in the crystal ball.

"How long have I been away?" Severus asked.

"Well, less than a minute?" said Conseil, looking at his watch.

Severus froze for a moment, then took out his pocket watch, which began to turn normally again.

At the same time, he took out another pocket watch, which he found from another world. He was going to change into the clothes, but it was too flashy, and he couldn't stand the ridiculous triangle. hat, so he still wore his own black clothes.

But he still took the watch away, and it was spinning like crazy at this moment. He compared the two watches together, and the speed of the two watches was obviously different.

He estimated that half a minute here was more than four hours there, which was about the same time it took him to break into St. Luke's.

When it comes to the Middle Ages, the most despicable law is the right of the first night. Although the real situation is very different from what people understand, the hatred for feudal autocracy is common.

"Want to be an emperor, dream!" Severus roared as if he had found a sworn enemy.

Immediately afterwards, he didn't seem to feel the pain anymore, he lifted his clothes and poured white moss directly on the wound.

A buckshot fell from him.

He simply cleaned up the blood on his body, and then took out the confidential information in his coat pocket. His bloody fingers touched it, leaving a trail of blood, which looked more authentic.

He took the information back, took a tube of blood tonic from the deformed lizard skin pocket, and then jumped into another world.

"I remember, it seems that the British stopped Napoleon." Champollion said to Conseil in French, "It seems that the one just now was also the British."

"You're thinking too much, keep looking for the map." Gong Saiyi said, one person and one ghost continued to rummage through the pile of old papers.

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