Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1201 The Ship of Theseus (Part 1)

Almost everyone who comes to Paris will go to the Louvre. Tourists come from all over the world like sea water, and disappear into the 60,000-square-meter exhibition hall like being absorbed by sponges.

They walked around with the guide map until the sun was westward, their feet were sore, and there were still a large number of exhibition halls to visit.

However, the exhibition hall is only a part of the Louvre Museum to the world. Behind the numerous palace rooms, there is an area of ​​more than 100,000 square meters that is only open to the staff. Some people compare the Louvre to a huge piece of Gruyère cheese. There are windows that look beautiful but cannot be opened, and there are basements that cannot be seen on the surface but do exist.

Countless pipes, cables, and water pipes are intertwined and criss-crossed, and many rooms are connected by corridors and tunnels extending in all directions, turning into a maze.

If there is no one with it, outsiders will not be able to reach the roof of the Louvre unless they follow the facade of the Louvre.

The landscape seen from here is completely different from that seen on the Eiffel Tower, which is also one of the "repertoires" of the Louvre Museum. When Goncey and Severus walked through the complex with Eugene When the corridor came to the roof, I was shocked by what I saw. The glass pyramid courtyard in the distance was shrouded in a golden "cloud". The lights from the glass pyramid illuminated the "cloud", and the "cloud" There are countless people below, and the water in the pool in the courtyard has overflowed, forming a "river". A boatman is floating in the center of the river with his boat.

"How do you feel?" Eugene asked Severus.

"It's like watching the Great African Migration," Severus said. "Is that the ferryman on the River Styx who punted the boat?"

"He doesn't accept gold." Eugene said, "If you meet him one day, remember to bring silver coins."

Eugene left after speaking.

"Do you still want to go back to sleep?" Severus asked Conseil.

"Unbelievable," exclaimed Conseil, as if reluctant to look away.

"Come here!" Ou Ren said to the two.

Severus walked over, and then he found an iron gate that could only be passed by one person.

He opened the door, but behind the door was not a passage, but a pipeline on the ceiling. There was a lapis lazuli crocodile sculpture lying among the black cables, glowing green like the stars in the sky. Light.

"There's no foothold down here." Gonseil also came over, looking in through the iron gate like Severus.

"Let's start your performance, gentlemen." After finishing speaking, Ou Ren stepped aside, staring at this side as if watching a good show.

"What do you want to do?" Gonseil asked Severus.

Severus took the cloak out of the lizard pocket.

The Death Eater's flying technique seems to be very mysterious, but in fact its "key" is the flying cloak.

Magic may seem magical, but as long as the key is told to the audience, it will lose its charm. After putting on the cloak, Severus turned into a cloud of black smoke, got into the iron window, picked up the lapis lazuli sculpture with the "spear" tied to the pharaoh's dagger, and then fell into the room.

This is a secret room in the Louvre, with a very strong restoration style and luxurious decoration.

The lapis lazuli crocodile sculpture is so lifelike that the scales on the crocodile's body are clearly visible, as if it had been transformed from a living thing.

"Wait!" Conseil used his magic wand to transform a rope ladder, one end of which was tied to the roof, and then walked slowly and clumsily into the secret room along the rope ladder.

"Strange, where is the entrance?" Goncei looked at the secret room, and there was no door that seemed to be accessible, as if the iron door above his head was the only entrance.

"Maybe it won't appear until you destroy it." Severus said, staring at the sculpture on the round wooden table.

"So... do it?" asked Conseil.

Severus didn't move.

"What are you waiting for?"

"It's like a fish tank here," Severus said. "You want to drown in that fetid black water?"

Conseil opened his eyes wide.

"I can turn that wooden table into a boat, but if there's something in the water, how do we make sure it doesn't get tipped over by something in the water?"

"We can get out the same way we got in," said Conseil.

Severus shook his head, "Remember those monsters we met just now? No matter what they are, letting them appear in the world will bring great harm. We have enough monsters to face now."

Conseil cursed violently, and the two looked at the sculpture together, not knowing what to do for a moment.

"You seem to be in trouble."

The two suddenly heard another person speaking in English with a Dharma flavor.

They turned around and saw a man in eighteenth-century clothing.

"Good evening, gentlemen, I am Jean-François Champollion, curator of the Egyptian Pavilion at the Louvre." The man bowed politely to the two.

"Can you help us? Curator!" Goncey pointed to Eugene who was watching the excitement above and said, "He obviously doesn't want to help."

"You were 41 when you died." Severus said to Champollion. "Prince Eugene was 42 when he died, and you all died of sudden diseases such as stroke and cerebral hemorrhage. Is it just a coincidence?"

"Do you think this is the curse of Pharaoh?" Champollion asked with a smile.

"You've all been to Egypt," Severus said.

"Many people in our time have been to Egypt. Your statement is too far-fetched." After finishing speaking, Champollion turned his attention to the sculpture. "In the Egyptian Book of the Dead, the dead will get a new body after the end of the trial." , this kind of body is not made of flesh and blood, but made of lapis lazuli and gold. Lapis lazuli is a blessed material. The ancient Egyptians believed that it had healing power. It, to avoid eye diseases caused by wind and sand, why do you want to destroy a sculpture made of lapis lazuli?"

"We believe it was possessed by a demon..."

"I don't think so."

"A horcrux cannot be made just because the container is holy." Severus interrupted the argument between the two. "I know a wizard who made a horcrux out of a crown representing wisdom."

"That's evil," Champollion murmured.

"Can you tell us what to do next?" asked Conseil.

"About that Horcrux, how did you destroy it?" Champollion asked Severus.

"Fierffire," Severus replied. "You want to burn down the Louvre?"

"No!" said Champollion and Conseil together.

"Then you two think about it." Severus found a chair and sat down, then took out a box that was exactly the same as the Auror from his pocket, and began to rummage through the contents.

==================================================== ===============

"Looks like your lover is in trouble," Hathor said over his drink.

Pomona saw Severus through the golden basin of clean water.

"He just tried to get Eugene to come to me to check on your situation, but Eugene refused. Do you know why?" Hathor asked.

"Because the British blocked the sea route, she couldn't receive the letter from Napoleon to Josephine." Pomona said exhaustedly.

"He prefers to believe that foreigners did it, and he doesn't want to believe that Bonaparte's relatives did it." Hathor sighed, "Compared to men, women can't forgive Josephine. A lot of bad things were said about Josephine in front of my mother, which is why she didn't attend the day of the coronation."

Pomona looked at Hathor.

"As long as the child can be guaranteed to be their own, the men of that era no longer struggled with women's chastity." Hathor shrugged. "Using Bonaparte's words, adultery can happen on any convenient sofa."

"But Napoleon's sisters are not necessarily more virtuous than Josephine?" Pomona said displeased.

"Their husbands are not national heroes. Speaking of this, I think about it. What's the boy's name? By the way, Newt Scamander, he and his brother are both in love with a woman, right?" Huto Er asked.

"After Theseus and Leta got engaged, Newt had nothing to do with them," Pomona said sullenly.

"Then what does he usually do?"

"Living alone and taking care of magical animals, Hufflepuff is very social, but our college occasionally has a few weirdos, not to mention that Newt later married another woman."

"What about Theseus?" asked Hathor.

"What do you care about that?" Pomona said uncomfortably.

"Do you know what Bonaparte thinks of Theseus?" Hathor asked with an ambiguous smile.

"Theseus...you mean the Theseus from the myth?" Pomona asked.

"In the era of Napoleon, Scamander's brother hadn't been born yet. Was it the Theseus in the myth or who?"

"I don't know, and I don't care what he thinks," said Pomona distractedly.

"He said Theseus was a poor hero." Hathor suddenly grabbed Pomona's arm, and Pomona remained motionless as if petrified.

"Use your body." Hathor smiled sweetly at Pomona. "Don't worry, I won't do anything bad. I just want to dance."

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