Chapter 12 Early Morning Walks

In the dense fog filled forest, a man was running for his life, and behind him were many masked people, who waved their wands and pointed green lights at him.

"Hand it over!" one of them yelled "Where did you hide it!?"

The person being chased sneered coldly, and then he didn't know what he did, and suddenly disappeared. Those chasing him cursed and cast spells in all directions, and a green light unfortunately hit her, so She woke up.

She opened the curtain of the bed and found that the sky had started to turn white, and the others were still sleeping soundly. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, she began to wash up early, and then cast magics such as "gaunt face" and "dark complexion" on her face, waiting for her After confirming that she was as inconspicuous as yesterday, she left the dormitory.

The lounge on the second floor has no canopy, but the ceiling is very low. There is a bookshelf reaching to the ceiling. There is a boy sitting by the window reading a yellowed book early in the morning. He is still wearing pajamas. When he notices someone He was a little panicked when he appeared, and he looked at Pomona with misty eyes, as if he was looking at an unreal dream.

"Good morning," Pomona said to him, and then looked at the class schedule posted in the rest area. The first period in the morning was Transfiguration, with Ravenclaw.

"Are you real?" the boy asked.

"Why do you ask that?"

"My mother said I fell from the second floor, maybe I broke my brain." The boy looked at the ceiling and said, "How can there be magic in this world?"

Pomona knew, this was a Muggle-born freshman, and he probably thought he was dreaming even now.

"You can pinch yourself," Pomona urged, "the more it hurts, the more real it is."

Then she ignored him, turned around and went back to the dormitory to take out the books to be used today, woke up the other people in the dormitory and left the lounge.

Although there is never a shortage of delicious food in the lounge, Pomona still wants to have breakfast in the hall. The Hufflepuff lounge is actually not far from the hall, but the prefect brought her back so late last night. When she entered the hall, she realized that she was not the first person, and many senior students and teachers were already eating.

"Oh, I'm sorry." She heard someone behind her, but when she turned around, she found that it was the headmaster Dumbledore. After all, even the headmaster needs to eat. It is not unusual to meet him in the restaurant, but Pomona has a kind A weird feeling of being uncomfortable all over.

"Good morning Headmaster."

"Good morning, Miss Martin." Dumbledore's blue eyes looked at her through half-moon glasses. "When I was your age, I used to stay up late. Is it because you got up so early?"

"No." Pomona said hesitantly, "You know me?"

"Although I don't have a good photographic memory like Ollivander, I do remember you." Dumbledore was tall and tall. He bent down and said to Pomona in a low voice, "You almost Accepted by Beauxbatons, it was your father who made me make sure you come to Hogwarts."

Pomona gasped, she didn't expect so many twists and turns.

"Ah, what a beautiful morning." Dumbledore looked out at the black lake filled with mountains and mist and said, "It's still early, I wonder if I have the honor to invite you to take a walk with me?"

Pomona agreed without thinking too much. She did have a lot of questions that needed to be answered for her.

They left the castle and walked along the black lake. There seemed to be other magical creatures at the bottom of the lake that seemed to be calm. They sang soft songs at the bottom of the water, and the songs spread to the surface of the water. The thick lawn was like a carpet. Dumbledore Lido took her arm like a gentleman.

"What's going on?" Pomona asked Dumbledore after she was sure no one was around.

"What do you want to know?" Dumbledore asked rhetorically.

"Beauxbatons, why can't I read?"

Dumbledore organized his language, and then said, "Have you heard the legend of the three brothers in the story collection of the poet Beedle? Pomona."

"Of course." This is what every little wizard has heard since childhood, and Pomona certainly knows it.

"The old wand, the resurrection stone, the invisibility cloak, someone seems to have had some kind of misunderstanding, and confused the Sorcerer's Stone made by Nicol with the Resurrection Stone." Dumbledore said, "The Sorcerer's Stone is called the Philosopher's Stone, the Elixir of the Old, it is It is very magical, but it has no power to resurrect the dead, and the resurrection stone is a deathly halloween, it does not exist in the world, but some people believe that the Philosopher's Stone is the resurrection stone, and Beauxbaton was built with the help of Nico and Perenal, So some people believe that there is a resurrection stone hidden in that school, and there are more dark wizards haunting the school than Durmstrang, and your father let you study at Hogwarts because he was worried about your safety."

"What do they want the resurrection stone for?"

"I don't know." Dumbledore said briskly, "Maybe they had some kind of misunderstanding again, thinking that I killed Grindelwald."

"Is he still alive?"

"Although he has lost his freedom, he is still alive. When I was young, I made a blood oath with him to never hurt each other. If I broke that oath, I would die too. Look, I am not alive. Are you doing well?"

Pomona knew that Dumbledore was trying to make her happy, but she still felt a little uneasy in her heart, so she restrained her smile and said, "My father, is he okay?"

"Physically, it's okay, mentally, he misses you very much, but he can't see you."


"Maybe you can ask him after you meet. Some things are not suitable for outsiders to talk about, even if I am the headmaster." Dumbledore looked at the sky and said, "The clouds have become thicker, and the weather in the mountains is changeable. Let's take advantage of the fact that it is not raining Go back."

"Dumbledore, they said that you and Grindelwald were once friends, is it true?" Pomona asked.

"They? Who?" Dumbledore asked rhetorically.

"Everyone," Pomona said.

"Honey, it depends on how you define a friend." Dumbledore looked at the castle and said, "I think someone should have told you that my family members were all killed by him, and I turned against him for revenge."

Pomona didn't know how to answer for a moment.

"Ordinary friends will not hurt each other, but there is a kind of friend who will do some things that ordinary people can't understand for the common goal. If I tell you that I don't hate Grindelwald, will you believe it?"

Pomona felt a moment of confusion in her head.

"Article 84 of Hufflepuff's rules, be patient, and then retaliate afterwards, but I believe you have forgotten by then." Dumbledore patted Pomona on the shoulder, "My old friend said that it met A real Hufflepuff, kind, fair, and tolerant, has only one life, why not be happy about it? Never let others tell you what you should do and what you should not do, Felius once advised me to give Hogwarts What tune did you sing your school song last night, Pomona?"

"I don't remember." Pomona lied, she just opened her mouth and didn't sing, so there was no so-called tune.

"Some people say that Hogwarts is the worst school among the three colleges. What do you think of Pomona?" Dumbledore asked again. "To me, Hogwarts is my home, and every student is like family to me." Dumbledore said bluntly, "Is there any place in the world that is safer than home?"

Pomona felt even more confused.

"What are you trying to say, Headmaster?"

"Come on, my dear, if we go back late we will miss breakfast." Dumbledore strode towards the castle, holding Pomona's hand.

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