Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1199 Dead Never Tell Tale (Part 2)

When the wisdom of human beings is out of date, God's Judgment has been adopted in one form or another.

People believe that the gods will interfere with the trial. For example, the heresy trial during the witch hunt movement used the divine judgment method when trying "wizards" and "witches". If the defendant can float in the water, he is a witch. Drowning at the bottom is God's proof of her innocence.

When the barbarians gained a foothold on the ruins of the Roman Empire and accepted Christianity, they accepted the divine judgment system, and the predecessor of France, the Frankish Kingdom, was no exception.

In the dark Middle Ages, if a peasant disagreed with the court's judgment, he could challenge the nobles, but the premise was that the knight could appear in the duel field wearing a full set of armor, riding a horse and holding a sharp blade, while the peasant only had a small round shield and a stick. Such a huge gap in strength will of course deter weak peasants who want to overthrow the verdict through the duel method. However, with the emergence of professional duelists, a woman can also appoint a knight who is also fully armed to fight instead of herself. up.

Dueling litigation is a special way of European divine judgment. Its benefits made it highly respected in the early feudal society. However, with the development of society, countries have gradually developed the method of judging parties based on "iron evidence" such as witnesses, testimony, and evidence. The method of judging guilt or not is theoretically superior to the completely random God's Judgment.

The church initially opposed dueling proceedings from a theological point of view. However, early duels were presided over by clergy. The participation of clergy means that the result of the duel can reflect the will of God, because God will not let the innocent be defeated in a duel, so the church Opposition to dueling proceedings was not firm.

In the face of honor and life, exquisite rules often disappear invisible. Even if you don’t have to go to the battlefield, martial arts and dueling skills can sometimes save yourself from being killed in a judicial duel. Medieval noble martial arts were very popular.

But in this way, it is very unfair to civilians who are usually busy with their livelihoods, unable to exercise their martial arts, and cannot afford to hire duelists. Not all those who die in duel proceedings are guilty, and innocent people will also die in duels. . If one were to say to a modern man, "The dueling proceedings in the dark ages are a progress in the history of justice", he would definitely scoff.

Judges can be bribed, witnesses can perjure, and with a lawyer who can speak well, even if the whole world knows that the defendant is guilty, he can still escape legal sanctions by taking advantage of judicial loopholes.

Perhaps by this time plaintiffs will miss dueling suits that overturn all verdicts, which is impossible in the 21st century but arguable in 18th century France.

Jesuits have served as court confessors since Henry III, and confession is part of the Catholic faith, and Protestants have no admonishment booths. The king and members of the court will not go to public places like Notre Dame to confess. The content of their "confession" contains many secrets and cannot be known by others. In the story of Red and Black, Julien's secret was forced to be written by a priest who heard Madame de Renal's confession.

The influence of the Jesuits in the French court has always been great, and gradually formed the "Pietist Party". These court confessors can influence the queen, the crown prince, the princess, and some ministers. The verdict of a case, God's judgment The final result may be completely different from that of others. A man convicted by a secular court won a duel before God and was finally found not guilty. The authority of the results of divine judgment comes from the authority of God and the Pope.

After the Seven Years War, whispers have been circulating in the bottom of France that this country is ruled by a group of people with little ability.

If the failure of France in the War of the Spanish Throne was due to the encounter with Prince Eugen, the god of war, then what was the reason for the defeat in the Seven Years War? At that time, people generally believed that the French system was flawed, and even King Louis XV wanted to carry out a reform, and the goal of this reform was the Paris High Court and the judges of other provinces.

One is because of the huge military expenditure caused by the war, and the other is because of the huge expenditure of the royal family. Even after the end of the Seven Years War, France still did not cancel the extra taxes during the war.

The third is that the continuous drought and various natural disasters in France have reduced food production and the price of food is extremely high. The judges of the Supreme Court asked the king to alleviate the livelihood problems of the poor people, reduce excessive military service and taxes, and punish those who drive up prices. The merchants stabilized the price of bread, but the king severely criticized these judges.

Leaving aside the expenses of the king, his mistress, and relatives, just repaying the military arrears cannot reduce taxes. If France had not lost the Spanish throne war, and northern Italy and the Alps were still under the rule of France, it might be better. After losing the territory, the timber, minerals and other resources on these lands would not belong to France. The Seven Years' War reduced France's overseas colonies, and its fiscal deficit became increasingly serious.

Of course, people will die in wars. If you don’t want to participate in the war, you have to pay more taxes. This money is called the poll tax for exempting military service. Judges of the High Court belong to the category of exemption. Among the additional taxes during the war, the poll tax exempted from military service was doubled, and these judges were also taxable. The judges objected to the king's heavy taxation and had their own interests in mind, not because they kept saying "everything is for the people".

The power contradiction between the executive and the judiciary constituted a crisis of the national system, and the king's decrees and financial reforms were heavily hindered by the judges. Judges are a two-faced role. The king believes that they should serve his own rule, and the common people believe that judges should uphold fairness and justice and express public appeals to the king.

The judges were both Jesuit-leaning and Jansenist, sworn enemies of the Jesuits who defended the supremacy of the Pope, and they, like the justices of the Paris Supreme Court, sought to limit authority power, but not a complete rebel from orthodoxy. The Paris High Court did not want to really destroy the monarchy, nor did the Jansenists really want to split the Church.

A man's political game itself is very delicate, it is like a clock with a complex structure, which needs to be carefully analyzed, observed, and listened to, but at this time Mrs. Pompadour died, and Louis XV's first mistress became Du Barry lady.

Louis XV's mistress politics has always been criticized. When Mrs. Pompadour was favored, the Duke of Choiseul who supported her became the king's important minister; the first mistress changed, and the position of the important minister also changed. Justice Maupe wanted to reorganize the High Court, which required the support of the king, but Louis XV would not support him in vain, and it was Moupe's solution to please Mrs. Dubarry.

Madame du Barry came from humble beginnings, received a little education in a convent, and had no idea how much she knew about the dire straits of power circles in high society.

The Pietroist party is very contemptuous of Mrs. Pompadour, but has accepted Mrs. Dubarry, who was born as an illegitimate daughter. With these entrenched clergymen in the court, Mrs. Dubarry wants to make a fortune in the palace. It's all difficult, just like when she first entered the high society, she was taken by Count Du Barry.

The former favorite, the Duke of Choiseul, had a close relationship with the Jansenists when he gained power. He took a tolerant attitude towards the expulsion of the Jesuits by the Paris Supreme Court. welcome.

Madame du Barry lived in a very different time than Madame de Pompadour, when the Jesuits had all but disappeared in France, but remained at court, when the Supreme Court repeatedly objected to the king's orders, eventually annoyed Louis XV, he saw the High Court as a stumbling block. The purpose of Maupe's reforms was to eliminate the rebellious tendency of the Supreme Court, re-establish the absolute authority of the king, and rationalize the complex and chaotic judicial system under the old system, and the first thing he had to do was to expel these Jansenist judges.

The prosecutors who agreed to cooperate with Mauppe were not all due to power conspiracy, but also expressed sympathy for the Jesuits. What does the defeat of France have to do with the Jesuits?

The Jesuits are in charge of education, but as Jean Jacques Rousseau said, why would the civilized West be conquered by nomads who have not received education and civilization?

Rousseau believes that many writers believe that human beings are cruel by nature and need to be educated by civilization to make them gentle, but in fact there is nothing more gentle than a person in a state of nature. The position that nature has set for them is as far away as the ignorance of animals and the wisdom of human misfortune. Natural sympathy restrains primitive man from doing anything that hurts others, and even when he is hurt, he does not think of revenge.

The newly established society needs a state different from the original state of human beings. Human activities have begun to be influenced by morality. Before the emergence of laws, everyone is the only judge and avenger of their own harm. However, this kind nature It is no longer applicable in society. People collide more and more frequently, and the means of revenge become more and more cruel. The fear of revenge plays the same role as the harsh law.

Those judges who were exiled heard that their lives were "very bad". Even if Louis XVI came to power and completely overturned the Maupe reforms, allowing those judges to return to their posts, they would not dare to compete with them before their exile. He dared to disobey the king's order.

At this time, Marie Antoinette became the master of the palace. She hated Du Barry very much. Backing, they were replaced by the Duke of Choiseul, who was once favored by Mrs. Pompadour.

The duke was very skilled in diplomacy, and he was most proud of having brought about the marriage of France and Austria.

In addition, he also contributed to the acquisition of Corsica by France. In order to prevent Queen Catherine of Russia from annexing Poland, he instigated the Ottoman Empire to launch the Russo-Turkish War, but he did not achieve much in internal affairs.

When the high court assembled the fiscal reforms he needed, he apparently did not object, and waited until 1762 when the Supreme Court recommended the expulsion of the Jesuits.

He supported Voltaire's plan to build a new city, Walsois, which was also the first city in France to allow Protestants to marry. This city is famous for producing clocks and stockings. Voltaire once gave the Duke of Choiseul Madame sent a pair of exquisite stockings, which opened up the market in Paris.

At this time, the era of Choiseul and Antoinette was different from before. After the judges were expelled, many affairs in the court were controlled by lawyers, and the lawyer system became an important part of modern justice. Harry was summoned to the Ministry of Magic for questioning. As a minor, he had no adult guardianship and no lawyer, which was unbelievable in the Muggle court.

But in the wizarding court in the "Middle Ages", this is understandable.

The public cannot withstand incitement, not to mention that lawyers are all orators. They are used to living without judges. When these wig-wearing judges come back and want to divide their powers, how can they let it go.

No matter what era or place, as long as there are human beings in society, there will be conflicts, and there must be mechanisms and ways to solve them.

Some people rely on their fists, while others design rules. Generally speaking, a martial artist cannot win a fight against a scholar, and women like to fall in love with their ears. When using force, scholars cannot defeat soldiers.

The veterans who were lawyers cast their votes in the Brumaire coup under the surveillance of the bayonets of Napoleon's army. The veteran who thought he had found a good knife did not expect that the knife had its own consciousness. He also became a subordinate of the "first ruling".

Napoleon launched the Egyptian war to gain political capital for himself. If he wins, he will bring greater reputation, but the people in the Senate are not fools. They will not let Napoleon continue to grow, and they will not save that Egyptian army. of the Expeditionary Force.

After losing the navy in the naval battle, the French army and those scholars who followed Napoleon to France had to be transported back by British warships. The British condition at the time was to have all the research results and cultural relics collected by the French in Egypt. Scientists who had been on the battlefield sent a letter to the British general. Even if they burned all the papyrus, the British would never get it.

The British have always been good at "compromise". In the end, those cultural relics were transported to the ship in the name of personal belongings and sent back to Paris. Only the Rosetta Stone was finally transported back to London by the British because it was too heavy.

"The result of Bonaparte's expedition to Egypt was actually a failure, but he knew the French very well. He asked scholars to write a book about Egypt, using the most gorgeous cover to introduce the most beautiful customs of Egypt. I became enthusiastic about discussing the knowledge of Egyptology, and forgot about that failed expedition." Hathor shook the wine in the glass, and said with a drunken eye like a woman in love, "What a cunning little man."

"You're right." Pomona poured wine into Hathor's half-empty glass.

"Why did he choose 'God'? Its heaven is just like Duarte. No one enjoys the love between men and women." Hathor burped.

Pomona thought of those priests who looked very "ascetic" in their black coats.

He took another look at the beautiful Egyptian God of Love in front of him.

"He chose his fate, not he waited for it to choose." Pomona imitated Albus and said, "He could have waited in Paris, but he chose to go on an expedition to Egypt."

"The best defense is offense." Hathor smiled mischievously. "It may be more dangerous to wait for him in Paris. He belongs to the wilderness. Did you know that Napoleon in Corsican means a lion in the wilderness?" the meaning of?"

"I've heard the legend that a priest gave him the name," Pomona said.

Unexpectedly, Hathor became unhappy all of a sudden.

"You mean he was born to belong to God?"

"It's really stupid for him not to choose you." Pomona immediately changed her words. "If he chose you, why should he suffer the humiliation brought to him by women!"

Hathor didn't answer her right away, and seemed to be thinking, which is really not a good sign.

"You're in Paris, have you heard of Grindelwald?" Pomona immediately changed the subject, "He planned to destroy the city."

"I know him." Hathor pointed drunkenly at Pomona's nose. "We've heard his speech."


"He gave the speech in the cemetery. The cemetery is the residence of the dead. He really knows how to choose a place." Hathor wobbled the wine to his mouth, looking like he might pass out at any time.

The point is that she has been "drunk" like this for a long time.

Women's friendships are often born out of hatred for another woman.

Pomona was thinking while drinking, who should she tell the truth later?

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