Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1192: Simba's Choice

After emerging from the courtroom, Pomona tried to find her way back to the Louvre.

However, as soon as she opened the door, there was a void under her feet, and when she stood still in shock, she found that she was standing in a huge fireplace.

Just now, Napoleon, who was so imposing and glamorous, looked completely down and out at the moment. His hair was a bit long, his beard was not cleanly shaved, he was wearing a leather jacket, fur, and leather boots, and he seemed to be walking in front of the fireplace for warmth.

"It looks so pitiful, doesn't it?" A beautiful dark-skinned woman in a snow-white linen dress sat on a box and looked at him pityingly with her chin in her hand.

"You... who are you?" Pomona stammered, and because of the cold, she clasped her elbows with her hands and kept trembling.

"Is that the question you want to know the most?" the Egyptian woman asked Pomona with a smile.

"What happened?" Pomona asked again.

"Until your lover wins the game, you will stay with me as a hostage," the beauty said briskly.

"Then those just now..." Pomona pointed behind her, although there was nothing there.

"Of course it's a dream. Sometimes, do you dream about the past or the future?" The beauty smiled mysteriously.

"But I can talk to Napoleon in my dream." Pomona looked at the First Consul who kept muttering, and he looked like he was going crazy.

"Whenever he is busy, he always hopes to save time by squeezing sleep, but the consequences of doing so are often not worth the candle. He often falls asleep at his desk in broad daylight. You know how much men like to dream. "The beauty stood up. Although she was not as tall as a supermodel, her proportions were very good. The sedge belt bound her slender waist, and the tassels swayed slightly with her movements. Then she opened the wooden case in which she was sitting, and inside was a bronze bust.

"This is where I used to live, can you imagine?" The beauty kept shaking her head, "I actually live in a sculpture of a man."

"You live in a statue?" Pomona asked suspiciously.

"I followed him here from Egypt, and one day he slept by a wall that used to be the 'incubation' room in my temple."

Pomona had a really stupid idea in her head.

"Are you Hathor?" she asked foolishly.

"Is it because I'm not beautiful enough? That's why you think I'm not?" The beauty turned around in front of Pomona, her skirt spread out like ripples in a pond.

"No." Pomona said feebly.

"You're so smart, so do you know why I woke you up in that place?" Hathor, who appeared in the form of Nefertari, asked.

"Am I in trouble?" Pomona asked.

"What do you think?" Hathor tilted her head, looking cute. Originally, a mature and beautiful woman is not suitable to pretend to be cute like a girl, but she looks so natural when she makes this expression, which makes people feel uneasy Come.

"Where are we now?" asked Pomona.

"Room with Seven Fireplaces, this used to be the bedroom of Louis XIV. He had many dreams here." Hathor covered the wooden box again and sat on it again. "Napoleon also liked to dream, but most of them Most of them are related to the military and his magnificent empire, I let him make a choice..."

"Can you start at the beginning?" Pomona interrupted Hartoll. "I don't understand what you're saying."

"Then answer my question just now, why did I wake you up in that room just now?" Hathor asked.

"Because I got into trouble," Pomona said guiltily.

"It's because of military discipline, silly girl." Hathor kept shaking his head, "Napoleon himself did something like leaving the army without permission. For example, when he returned to France from Egypt, the soldiers are sometimes like a group of animals. Only the gendarme and military law can control them. , when Napoleon invaded Egypt, no country in the world was as rich in wheat, rice, vegetables and meat as Egypt, but the level of barbarism here was also at its peak. Mamluks were slave soldiers serving the Arab caliphate, and Mamluks were also slaves It means that they are very capable in combat, but after they occupied Egypt, they only obtained wealth by occupying more land and increasing the taxes on farmers and businessmen. Farmers can only resist taxes by escaping. They really know nothing about financial management. So much so that in the end there was no money to pay the army. Napoleon forbade the soldiers to rob the locals, and did not allow anyone to enter the mosque. His soldiers could only stay in the barracks except for fighting. Mamluk cavalry often wore gold on their bodies, That's why the French soldiers are chasing them. He won't take the spoils, but he forbids soldiers to fight for the spoils. The front is not the rear. War is a hell of crime and chaos. Weary soldiers need rest, so There's a woman near the barracks..."

"Stop it." Pomona stopped Hathor. "Please stop polluting my soul."

"He didn't punish those people, he just smeared the women's faces with black mud, made them public for two hours, and then let them go. He did it for military discipline, and he did bring something different to Egypt. He wanted to open the Suez Canal, but the land was occupied by the Arabs at the time, and he risked being attacked by trekking in the desert. There were no roads, no water, and the Black Death began to spread in the army again, and they were exhausted Trekking to the extreme, four people can carry a seriously wounded person together, and scholars can ride donkeys. Because the British blocked the sea, he didn't know everything that happened in Paris, until one day, a merchant ship broke through the blockade and brought information , the Ottoman Empire was planning to wipe out the French army from the sea. In such an environment, he was tired and lay down at the foot of an ancient wall to sleep. He had a dream there. I asked him, do you want to be Augustus still has a happy family, guess what he chose?"

Pomona thought of Napoleon's difficult love journey, and suddenly understood his choice.

"When he woke up, the wall he was leaning against fell down, and in his hand was the head of Augustus, which was my first residence." Hathor looked at the unkempt Napoleon Said "Shortly after he returned to Cairo, news came from Paris that his wife Josephine was living with a man who used to be Josephine's dance teacher, and Josephine never received a letter from Napoleon to her letters, and the newspapers were full of rumors from his opponents, that the Egyptian expedition had failed, that Josephine was the lucky woman who survived the French Revolution, and that she owed 2 million francs in debt.”

"What?" Pomona couldn't help screaming.

"Which part surprised you so much?" Hartoll asked. "Josephine's resurgence with her former dance teacher, or her huge debt?"

"This money, no, oh, my head." Pomona clutched her head, adding the 3 million francs owed by Josephine before her death, the debt alone was 5 million. How many men in this world can Raise a "French lady".

"Before Napoleon made his fortune, he only needed half a franc for lunch every day, went to the theater at night, and asked for the cheapest seat, 20 francs a month, with only one servant, and it was only more than 300 francs a month. Napoleon was in Waterloo After the defeat, he spent 6 million francs in exchange for the favor of the Poles, although in that war, more than half of the 300,000 soldiers Napoleon lost were from Poland."

Pomona opened her mouth again.

"Don't you know? He only used a few Frenchmen for his expedition, and the soldiers who were damaged in the war were all German and Polish. Women in Paris are willing to spend money for jewelry." Hathor said, "except Joseph Fern, he has a few sisters who put on princess airs, and those jewelers may have earned an empire."

"Did he help her pay off the debt?" Pomona couldn't help asking.

"You mean Napoleon helping Josephine?" Hathor asked.

"That's right."

"Of course I did."

"He knew Josephine..."

"When Napoleon returned to Paris, Josephine didn't know that he had really returned. Napoleon's family told him all about her scandal."

"I don't understand their relationship." Pomona looked up and shook her head. "What is he thinking?"

"I told you, I let him choose, and he chose to be Augustus, and in Cairo he had a little Cleopatra, the wife of a second lieutenant, who joined the army disguised as a man, Senior military officers can bring their families and mistresses, which is a privilege in the army, but Napoleon did not bring mistresses with him like Murat and the others. He only let the officer go back to Paris on a business trip after he learned of Josephine's betrayal, and he himself On the streets of Cairo with that little Cleopatra."

"Is this 'revenge'?" Pomona asked.

"I told you, I let him choose. He chose to become Augustus. He has a clear mind when dealing with political affairs, but his love luck is not so good." Hathor shook his straight calf, very He said leisurely, "For Napoleon at that time, he believed in the power of wisdom more than the sword in his hand. If an ordinary man heard that his wife was contaminated by someone, he would draw his sword to a duel, but Napoleon just killed that person. She was kicked out of the army, but Josephine still managed to get her dance teacher to become a supplier for the army."

"So this is your curse?" Pomona asked Hathor.

"Whether a savage or a civilized man needs a master, teacher, and magician to curb his imagination, discipline him severely, put him in chains, and keep him from barking untimely, he deserves nothing better treatment, and he has no power." Hathor said, "Just take Josephine as the 'master' who tied Napoleon's chains, and in their relationship, she is absolutely dominant."

"Who said that just now?"


Pomona got it.

"Then how did he come to trust the sword in his hand?" Pomona asked.

"When he began to find that no one around him could be trusted. Whether it was women, former friends or his relatives, Napoleon's greatest enemy was not the Russians or the British, but himself. He lost the empire, But I got a lover like an angel." Hathor smiled ambiguously, "Josephine has never been able to give birth to children, and she herself gave birth again, so that Napoleon thought that he lacked some natural abilities of men. The Polish lady who kept him in his tent for two days not only bore him a child herself, but when she announced the good news, Louisa was pregnant and gave birth to the future King of Rome."

"You like this 'pet' very much, don't you?" Pomona asked with a smile.

"I really want to know what kind of story it would be if he chose a family." Hathor shook her beautiful calf in a way that made people itch.

"Maybe he's afraid he'll be the Prince of Troy."

"Prince Troy is hereditary, he is not." Hathor looked at Napoleon and sighed, "Instead of choosing an Austrian princess to remarry, he might as well choose the daughter of an officer in the French Legion. That woman has given him nothing but an heir." No help."

"What was his original dream?"

"Through this marriage, the combination of the old and the new is completed. The royal family needs new blood to blend in. You know how much Queen Victoria's blood curse has affected the entire royal family in Europe."

"It seems that this is a long story. Would you like some tea? My goddess?"

"I haven't figured out how to punish you yet."

"Just forgive me~~~" Pomona ran to Hathor's side, shaking her arm desperately.

Hathor's body temperature was so low that he felt like a cold stone.

"The queens are all going to dance for me, how about you go and dance?" said Hathor, "you just got a new instrument."

"Aye, sir." Pomona gave Hathor a military salute, and then stood in the middle of the hall.

Only then did she realize that the patterns on the ground looked abnormal.

That is the Egyptian flower of life symbol, which is said to represent the source of the beauty of life, as mysterious as the source of the Nile.

After Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo, he returned to Poland by sleigh and stayed in a hotel called England. Napoleon asked the treasurer to pay 6 million francs urgently.

In addition, when Napoleon invaded Germany, how would Louisa, the princess of Austria, deal with her husband and father?

The military discipline is too strict, and the soldiers are not all fond of Napoleon. It is difficult to survey the Suez Canal, and death and thirst make the army almost mutiny. At this time, Josephine is busy dancing and falling in love with her dance teacher in Paris.

So the two of them are really not from the same world.

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