Men plot a coup while women and servants play tennis in the garden.

At first Pomona really didn't recognize the young girl playing tennis.

She later learned from the gossip of her servants that she was Napoleon's favorite sister, Pauline Bonaparte, a woman of not very good reputation in the future.

Catholics tend to be very prolific. Napoleon's mother gave birth to thirteen children, and Pauline was the sixth, 11 years behind her second brother Napoleon Bonaparte.

From a woman's point of view, Paulina is lively and frivolous, not at all like a mother who has given birth to a child.

At the edge of the tennis court, a maid was holding her one-year-old child, whose father was Charles Leclerc.

According to the information provided by Severus, he and Napoleon met during the Siege of Toulon, and later Leclerc was appointed by Napoleon as the French commander-in-chief in Italy. Napoleon betrothed her to Charles after occupying Milan in France, despite his sister's objections.

Leclerc was forced to resign from his military post due to ill health and was transferred to Paris and later to Brittany to guard the Rhine, but Pauline and her son did not go with him.

Now she is still playing with the female relatives, but judging from all the signs, Pomona is almost sure that Polina will have other lovers.

Paulina doesn't love Charles, so she doesn't have the self-consciousness of a married woman at all, even if she has children, she doesn't restrain herself.

It is said that she once met the governor of Marseilles under the introduction of Napoleon, and that was her lover. But her second brother forcibly betrothed her to someone he didn't love, whether it was for political purposes or to win people's hearts.

Regardless of how beautiful Napoleon is now, Napoleon's family was so poor that they had to rely on the women in the family to do laundry for others in exchange for income.

Lucien Bonaparte was an outspoken orator whose family was chased to mainland France during the Reign of Terror for inappropriate remarks he made at the Jacobin Club in Corsica.

He claimed to be Brutus, one of Caesar's assassins and a staunch republican.

During the Reign of Terror, the Jacobins had become a symbol of dictatorship and terror.

There are always black sheep in every family. Lucien and Pauline are undoubtedly the younger brothers and sisters who give Napoleon a headache, but he himself is not a very stable and reliable figure in the eyes of the eldest brother Joseph.

Napoleon's father died very early, and Joseph has always acted as the head of the family.

In the Godfather movie, Vito Kryon has four children, Sonny, Ferredo, Mike and Connie. Originally, Vito's position should be inherited by Sonny, but Sonny died of an assassination between gangs. In the end, Mike, who was unwilling to inherit the family business, became the new godfather.

This made it difficult for Fernando, the second brother of Mike and Connie, to take care of himself. After the death of his father and elder brother, he should take care of the two younger siblings, not Mike.

Joseph may feel the same as Fernando, but who called his brother Napoleon.

Before the coronation ceremony, Napoleon and Joseph once had a fierce conflict. Napoleon once said: "You must have forgotten that without me, my brothers would be nothing. I made them so beautiful today... Joseph Not the material to be an emperor, he is older than me, I will definitely outlive him, and I am very healthy now, more importantly, his status is too low to have illusions about it...he is from the same origin as me Ordinary, but I raised my status by relying on my own strength, while he still maintains the status when he was born. To be the emperor of France, you must have noble blood, or have the ability to stand out from the crowd from time to time, so this throne must be It must be inherited by our younger generation, because he is born a royal family."

Napoleon was born in an era when the aristocrats monopolized the upper class. The Great Revolution destroyed this monopoly, and he re-established this hereditary system. This is where he is most criticized.

The army is different from other places, relying on its strength and record. Prince Eugen is known as the God of War, and he earned it step by step by himself.

Napoleon III surrendered in the war against Prussia, and Paris rioted immediately.

The French still love triumphs just like the Romans. They would rather spend a lot of money to build flashy triumphal arches than to spend money on "ordinary city gates" that combine taxation, administration, and aesthetic functions.

The Theory of the Monarch said that if you can win a conquest, then naturally there is nothing to say, but if you still refuse to give up if you lose, if you invest too much, you will have to bear the consequences.

This is true of foreign conquest, let alone the Great Patriotic War. Napoleon III lived in an era when his father was a hero and his son must also be a hero. Ismail gave Napoleon III the dagger of Pharaoh Kamose.

"We should go back," Pomona whispered. "There's no use getting stuck in these past memories."

"He gave me a look just now." Severus said, looking at the two girls playing tennis.

"Who is he? Napoleon?" asked Conseil.

Severus didn't answer.

"Did you read it wrong?" Pomona asked.

"This place isn't all memory. I don't know what this place is."

Pomona subconsciously looked at the thread on her wrist, it was still tight.

"Until we investigate this place, we can't go back immediately. Maybe there are our 'reinforcements' here." Severus said again, "Do you think there will be war in the underworld?"

"Can people be killed when they are already dead?" asked Conseil.

"Buddhism has the way of Asura. Anyone who lives in this way must fight non-stop. Even an Asura who is kind in nature will fall because of it." Pomona said helplessly, "They could have lived happily ever after."

"It's not our abilities, but our choices that determine who we become." Severus smiled sarcastically. "Do you think that's true, Mr. Leroy."

Conseil did not answer at once.

"I read an interesting remark in a biography of Napoleon that the revolution flourished because the people of Paris, when they acted, met their opponents in haste, and Napoleon was the first to seriously prepare for war When the royalists rebelled, he turned the public association into a fortress, and even sent weapons to the councilors. They were like frightened quails, and they were even more frightened when they heard that Napoleon wanted to use cannons, but Duy There is no artillery and no ammunition in the Lely Palace. At that time, a young cavalryman was ordered to send forty cannons to the Sablon barracks in the northwest of Paris. If it was you, would you dare to shoot at those people?"

Conseil again did not answer him.

"Look outside and imagine the streets full of armed men and the parliament full of shivering lawyers and civil servants, surrounded by even flinching soldiers trying to make peace with the people, and you'll order the fires to be lit , or surrender?"

"What about you? Monsieur, will you?" asked Conseil.

Severus bared his yellow teeth, grinning in the most wicked way possible.

"Napoleon gave the order to open fire. After the sound of the guns, blood stained the road red. The rioters fled in all directions. Two hours later, the streets of Paris were empty." Severus looked at the closed door after Josephine left. "A few years later, when he came back from Egypt, the Parisians even treated him as a hero, and they rolled out the red carpet for him."

"But someone has a good memory." Pomona said coldly, "Napoleon was assassinated on Christmas Day 1800 on his way to the Opera House, and since then he has reduced his visits to the Opera House and Listening to the opera in the palace."

"How do you know this?" Severus asked.

"It was a wise man who told me." Pomona said coldly, "He also told me that a person's origin is not important, what matters is what kind of person he grows up to be. I chose you instead of... ..."

"Enough," Severus warned in a low voice, glancing at Conseil, who had a searching look in his eyes.

"Dreams are beautiful, but people have to live in reality after all." Pomona said calmly, "Nowadays, no government dares to fire at the people like Napoleon. This is the 21st century, 'sir'."

"Are you messing with yourself again?"

"I'm the basin of ice water that will refresh your dizzy head." Pomona said firmly. "Imagination and paranoia are one step away. Don't cross that line."

Severus took a few deep breaths like a charizard, and finally calmed down.

He cursed in a low voice, and just about to turn around and walk towards the reception room, the closed door opened by itself, and Napoleon and his entourage came out in a single file.

The military boots stepped on the marble floor, making a neat and loud sound. Napoleon pressed the saber on his waist, and walked in the front with majesty.

Just when she thought they were going to pass her, Napoleon stopped suddenly.

The short Corsican man turned around very cleanly, with the standard of action and military training, but he tilted his head and squinted at Severus, who was taller than him, looking very arrogant and disrespectful.

"Who are you?" Napoleon asked in accented French.

Conseil now acted as interpreter.

"An English traveler." Severus said with a standard Queen's accent, smiling. "It's an honor to meet you, General Bonaparte."

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