Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1179: Misunderstandings (7)

The Louvre Museum in Paris, France is one of the oldest, largest and most luxurious museums in the world.

After Louis XIV moved to Versailles in 1674, the era of royal life in the old Louvre came to an end. Countless grand banquets were held, and the goddess column hall for the nobles to enjoy was idle and magnificently decorated. The Apollo rotunda and promenade, where Louis XIV received his audience, were no longer so busy.

It's a place to live, and it's not. When all the living people left during the day, the Louvre became empty at night. This is the case now, and it was the same in the past. In order to resist this loneliness and silence, the kings let the musicians play music and let the servants dance and revel.

But this excitement is short-lived. When the song ends, there may be one or two beauties who will stay by the king's side. When they leave, the king will be truly alone, just like those sleeping Pharaoh in a sarcophagus.

When he is finally alone, he can finally take off the golden mask on his face and return to his true self.

Louis XIV and many hereditary monarchs also succeeded when they were young, and his mother Anna of Austria was regent, but the power of the country was actually concentrated in the hands of the Prime Minister and Cardinal Mazza.

Fouquet was the Minister of Finance of Louis XIV, but he was appointed by Mazza. He enriched his own pockets and embezzled public property. Louis XIV did not know about it. Although he heard that the Minister of Finance was very greedy, the noble Louis XIV Lack of proper concept of money.

Until one day, Louis XIV visited his house at the invitation of the Minister of Finance, and found that the house of a minister was more luxurious than the palace where he lived. It was at this time that Louis XIV became murderous.

Bullying orphans and widows is very unreasonable, but for people who lack a real conscience, saying this is like saying nothing. Schopenhauer once said that rich and powerful people speak honesty, because honesty often brings benefits to ourselves, can maintain good order, and protect our property. The poor do not have so much property. They see themselves tired and miserable, while others live a rich and lazy life. This unequal mentality makes it difficult for them to gain motivation from pure morality. It's just that the harsh laws bind people. Once a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity arises, they can avoid the constraints of the law, throw away the burden of poverty in one fell swoop, and allow themselves to possess and enjoy the happiness that has been coveted for a long time. Now, what can stop them? Is it a religious creed? Or worry about losing your reputation as a good citizen?

The degree of damage to the theft of Egyptian cultural relics is not inferior to that of California’s gold rush. In the courtyard of the Louvre Museum, in the famous glass pyramid square, there is a dark ladder leading to a depth of 15 meters underground. Behind a black security door is the card. The Russell Laboratory, where the research and restoration center of the Museum of France houses the only particle accelerator in the world dedicated to artworks.

The ancients left many secrets, and they could even create swords thousands of years ago that are difficult to replicate in modern times. Where do the manufacturing materials come from? Is it really a meteorite from outside the sky? What is the manufacturing process? How to save and restore?

The dagger of Pharaoh Kamose I was not placed in the ground exhibition hall of the Louvre, it was stored in the laboratory under the Louvre for research and analysis, and Severus "borrowed" the dagger from here. dagger.

This dagger was once kept by Kamose and placed in the shroud of the mummy.

The Renaissance freed people's minds from the suffocating confinement of the Middle Ages, the pursuit of culture and knowledge became a fashion, and the collection of antiques became a symbol of a gentleman.

Scholars are keen to collect papyrus, and those who are martial arts are keen to collect this exquisitely crafted dagger. Although copper is not as easy to rust as iron, thousands of years are enough to make it rusty. The soldiers of the ancient Egyptian empire did not fight everywhere with stone axes and wooden bows, and won by barbarism. They used bronze weapons, and ordinary nobles would also carry daggers and weapons commonly used during their lifetime. Rarely, let alone the pharaoh's golden dagger.

Women like flowers, fashion and jewelry, while men prefer knives, BMWs, cars and other things that bring a sense of speed, which is written into the genes. Kamose's dagger combines flowers and daggers. The handle is very simple, for the purpose of hand, it is made of leather, and the scabbard is made of lotus pattern, which looks very exquisite.

After pulling it out, it didn't have that kind of glittering effect. Instead, it exuded a compelling cold light just like Bella's dagger.

As a personal weapon of a leading pharaoh, it should kill people. This "handicraft" is definitely not available in boutiques. It is dangerous and deadly, and it is easy to carry. If the Louvre sells souvenirs and murders It would be too bad if it got involved.

Stains on pure white paper are difficult to wash off, and "big shots" will not do those dirty things to avoid getting their white gloves dirty, but they are sometimes forced to do so.

For example, the assassination of Caesar was done by the nobles themselves. Those nobles didn’t even know how to kill, and it took 23 knives to kill Caesar. Pomona was curious about where the daggers that stabbed Caesar were kept. Relatively speaking, She was not interested in the lion amulet she had obtained.

Her mood at this moment reminded her of those pink ear muffs used to resist the cry of the mandrake. The boys couldn't stand the color and pulled the pink fluff off the top, and the girls followed suit. Later, the hairless, bald dragon-skin earmuffs became the most sought-after.

Some things are precious because someone robbed them. Pomona could see that Conseil also liked the golden dagger, but she didn't want it that much.

He might also want the lion amulet in Pomona's hand, but he would definitely not snatch something from a woman in front of a Scotchman "in a plaid skirt".

Common amulets in Egyptian tombs are Horus, scarabs, and even Anubis, and amulets of the cat-headed god Bastet are rare.

Bast is a chaotic, capricious deity, she does not require people's beliefs to be firm and loyal. For those she loves, Bast will give them extraordinary blessings, but once provoked, her anger is also immeasurable.

She is Seth's mortal enemy. It is said that the prototype of Buster is a lion. Originally, the bastard who "meows" at home and likes to knock over his master's things is of the same family as a lion.

There are so few Busters, let alone a lion amulet. Lions have always been regarded as brave, and they are perfect as a warrior's amulet. Kamose seems to be wearing it to the underworld. Pomona held the gold trinket in her hand, glanced at the straw dog amulet around her neck, and suddenly laughed.

"Anything interesting?" Severus asked.

"I am also a cat and dog person." Pomona held up her dog and the "cat" amulet, and the two men cast strange glances at her.

"Put it on." Severus held the dagger in one hand and his wand in the other. "We're about to begin."

"Do you think the workers who built the canal will seek your life?" Conseil said to her deliberately, as if trying to frighten her.

"Don't forget, you also had a part in that matter." Pomona smiled indifferently, "Have you ever wondered why you saw that train full of princes rushing into the Nile River?"

"Compared to civilians, the curse of nobles is more terrifying. Do you want to wear an amulet?" Pomona said before Conseil could answer.

Conseil took a necklace from his neck.

"I've been prepared for a long time." Gong Saiyi put the necklace with the Eye of Horus back on his collar.

"Horus will save the drowning man, but do you think he will save you, the Frenchman?" asked Pomona.

"Then do you think the lion will save you?" Conseil asked.

"Of course." Pomona said firmly, "I know quite a few 'lions'."

At the same time, Severus swung the stick, and he chose a pawn to make a move.

A strange feeling suddenly enveloped her.

"Luminescence." She tried to use the simplest magic, but the wand didn't work.

"They take away our magic." Severus smiled sarcastically, "so we can't cheat."

Conseil raised his wand and cast the Levitation Charm on a small sculpture, which he was still able to use normally.

"Is it because of this?" He took out the scarab amulet he had just taken from the Pensieve.

"How do I know." Severus said dryly. "It seems that you did take a good thing, Monsieur Leroy."

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