Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1172 The Spirit of Louvre (9)

"Do you remember when Draco was attacked by that hippogriff in third year?"

As if he thought Pomona's relaxed and carefree look was an eyesore, Severus said suddenly.


"Lucius gave Draco a ring, that would keep him safe, but the ring is useless against 'physical' attacks." Severus stared at the little one hanging on her chest. Dog Model "Maybe this is the same."

"Aside from the coffin, there are sculptures here. Where did the 'physical' attack come from?" Pomona couldn't help but rolled her eyes. "Could it be that the mummy can come back to life like in the movie?"

As soon as her words fell, there was a crisp sound in the quiet exhibition hall, like the sound made by glass marbles falling to the ground. She was so frightened that she shrank her neck, and the arrogance just now was gone. .

"What are you afraid of?" Severus said slickly. "You should think this is a good opportunity to experiment and see if this new amulet you got works?"

"What was that noise just now? Did you make it?" Pomona asked Conseil in a trembling voice. Count Leroy shrugged his shoulders in a very American way, indicating that he had nothing to do with this strange incident.

"Let's go back." Pomona tugged on Severus' sleeve "I'm scared."

The old bat laughed smugly.


"Let's go~" she said in a sweet and pleading voice.

"Ahem." Gong Saiyi coughed a few times in discomfort.

The smile on Severus' face melted like a wax figure in the hot sun.

"My great-grandfather said that there is a sculpture of Memnon near Luxor, which makes a sound like a bell every time the sun rises. Some people speculate that it is the generator installed by the ancient Egyptians in the sculpture, but later It is said that this is because the temperature difference between day and night is too large after the sun rises in the morning, and the sound made by the expansion and contraction of the stone." Goncey said.

"You're talking about the desert. How can the temperature difference between day and night in Paris be as big as that in the desert?" Pomona said angrily.

As soon as she finished speaking, another crisp voice sounded, this time accompanied by the rolling sound of gurgling. Not long after, a small black sculpture with a jackal head rolled in front of them.

"Peeves can throw chalk too," Severus said when she panicked. "Don't make a fuss like a Muggle."

Pomona held her pounding heart, which she felt was about to pop out of her chest.

"It's a piece from Senet, which I just saw in a glass case," said Conseil, staring at the piece.

There is such a document in the collection of the British Museum. From about 1126 to 1108 BC, tomb robbery in Thebes during the period of Ramses IX was very rampant. The court of Thebes heard the answer to the robbery of the royal tomb, and the papyrus kept the court records.

This case involved two mayors of Thebes. The Egyptians believed that the death of a person was like the sun setting in the west, so they buried the dead on the west bank of the Nile. Therefore, Thebes and the city of the dead where the king's tomb is located are sister cities. Eastern Thebes is a city of the living, but the mayor of Eastern Thebes, Parcel, is an honest but very nosy magistrate, perhaps worried about the frequent rumors of grave robbery in the city of the dead across the Nile , or he was trying to please his superiors and discredit his enemy and rival, Pavlo, the mayor of Thebes, whatever his motives, Parcell began to investigate things outside his duties .

It wasn't long before he discovered disturbing evidence, and after torture, he obtained a detailed testimony.

"Then we found the mummy of the pharaoh majesty, he had a lot of amulets and gold ornaments on his throat, he had a gold mask on his head, and the whole mummy was covered in gold ... We peeled off what we found on the pharaoh majesty mummy Gold, amulets and ornaments, and coverings over them."

Purcell presented his evidence to the governor and demanded an official inquiry into the state of the royal tombs. The governor immediately sent someone to inspect. They found a royal tomb looted, as well as those of some priestesses, and Purcell's witnesses were re-examined, this time claiming their innocence and denying their previous testimony.

At that time, the priests of Amon in Thebes participated in the tomb robbery, and Pavello of Thebes strictly controlled the tomb robbery gang. For those who have been underground all year round and dealt with the underworld, they may not care about the torture they suffered in life, but they cannot help fearing what will happen after death. In the end, the governor dropped all charges against the tomb robbers due to insufficient evidence, and he may have been relieved that he, too, seemed to be deeply involved in these illegal activities.

Pavlo of Thebes, delighted with his easy victory over his opponent, not only secretly pleased himself at home, but after a few months assembled the inspectors, cemetery keeper, artisans, guards, and all the labor of the cemetery , sent to the East Bank for raucous celebrations.

People marched around in a tumultuous atmosphere of victory, especially around the Purcell house. The unfortunate mayor was too dignified to ignore the farce, but his anxiety overcame him, and he hastened to see the steward of the pharaoh who lived at the Temple of Ptah, and told his concern to Qin Su, the steward.

This was a serious mistake, because his accusation not only seriously leapfrogged, but also implied that the governor himself was involved in the tomb robbery. The butler told the governor about it, and the governor immediately convicted Purcell of perjury and told him not to Make fun of yourself.

But Parcel did not remain silent. He kept submitting relevant evidence to the governor, and finally reached the point where the governor could not cover up his crimes. At this time, a new governor launched a new investigation. 45 grave robbers attended the court. The main content of the testimony was also recorded, and it has been preserved to this day together with a series of famous papyrus.

Royal tombs have been stolen thousands of years ago, and tomb robbers are not fools. Generally, there are no precious things in those simple burials, but treasures can only be found in very luxurious and brightly colored tombs of nobles.

Those gold jewelry and amulets naturally couldn’t escape. By the 18th century, the real rich people were no longer interested in these gold jewelry. What they wanted was the more difficult-to-preserve papyrus, which was usually placed in the mummy shroud In this day and night, those wrapped bandages have to be untied round and round. Sometimes even if they find the papyrus, the tomb robbers dare not touch it, because it will turn into powder when touched.

"Archaeology" at that time had no concept of cultural relics protection at all. Often, when a noble tomb was discovered, it was removed entirely, from murals to coffins, and everything was removed. However, these tombs were basically taken away by ancient Tomb thieves have visited. Many of the coffins in the Louvre Museum have only sarcophagi, no covers and mummies inside. There is only one well-preserved royal tomb like Tutankhamun’s tomb so far, unless those who have not been verified, Pharaohs who existed only in myth and legend were found.

Six groups of board games were found in the tomb of Tutankhamun, including Senet chess. Move the pieces on the ten-grid chessboard according to the rules, and the person who reaches the end first wins.

Senet means "clearance, travel through", which was very popular in ancient Egypt. It is a game designed according to the way of the dead to the underworld. According to legend, Khonsu, the moon god among the three gods of Thebes, confronted Thoth, the god of wisdom, with Senet, and bet on his light. As a result, Thoth won the game, so Khonsu Unable to reveal all his light except at the time of the full moon.

Pomona subconsciously glanced at the bright full moon outside the Louvre, and couldn't help shivering all over her body. She felt that she was not in summer, but more like late autumn.

"Want to play?" Gonseil looked at Severus.

"What do you think the stakes will be?" Severus said slowly.

"Soul, body, that's about it." Conseil said angrily, "What else do people in the underworld like?"

"Are you sure it's 'human'?" Severus asked Conseil with a smile.

"You think this is the time to laugh?" Pomona covered her head, she felt her head was about to explode.

"Don't forget that Pluto is also a god of wealth. Osiris is said to be a very wise pharaoh. The underworld should be a scary but rich place." Severus squinted at the pawns on the ground, "Maybe we can harvest Not a bad treasure, aren't you worried about what gifts to give to your friends who love to sing?"

"That's not a chance to risk my life!" Pomona wanted to cry, "You want me to be a widow?"

Severus smiled mysteriously at her, and then said loudly to the void, "How do you play this game?"

His voice echoed in the quiet exhibition hall, sending out echoes.

"Perhaps we should go to the chessboard." Conseil said to Severus. "Both sides have five pieces, and we don't have that much when we add them up."

Severus used his magic wand to levitate the jackal piece on the ground, and walked towards the display case displaying ancient Egyptian toys. On the way, they found a small statue on the ground, which was also one of the Senet chess pieces. A lion made of turquoise.

The green lion is a symbol in alchemy. It has many meanings. It can represent lust, the sunbird and the mystery of resurrection, as well as acid. The black jackal undoubtedly represents Anubis, the messenger of the underworld.

She didn't want to play chess with dead people at all, she didn't want to play chess at all, but the men were eager to try, and she couldn't stop them at all.

Desire and curiosity are both the driving force for human progress. Which one is better?

They walked to the booth, and the chess pieces in the glass case were already in place, only the two chess pieces outside the booth were missing.

The Vanishing Charm turns things into everything, and it's not so easy to get it back. Harry had put his cousin in a glass cage at the zoo as a miraculous thing, although he didn't feel it himself, only that Dudley looked funny at the time.

Severus first used the Freezing Charm to freeze the sensors in the exhibition hall, then broke the glass, and then floated them on the chessboard.

Not long after, a strong wind suddenly blew up in the Louvre, which was a miracle, because all the windows in the room were closed.

"As long as our chess pieces go to the end, we will win. The 26th, 28th, 29th, and 30th squares are safe squares. The pieces in them cannot be changed, but be careful on the twenty-seventh square." The grid represents the water of chaos, and the chess pieces that reach this grid must start from the beginning, and the three lions are safe together, and the jackal cannot be inserted into the middle of the lions."

"Three lions, reminds me of acquaintances, do you know who I'm talking about?" Severus asked with a smirk.

Pomona didn't bother to pay him any attention.

Who else but the Gryffindor trio?

"I hate Paris," she murmured.

At this time, the jackal chess on the chessboard suddenly moved by itself.

"Two," said Conseil, "that's the point they just threw, and it's our turn."

Severus pointed his wand at the four staves.

When they landed in the little bowl, three flats up and one down, Severus picked a lion and took three moves.

They immediately looked around, as if looking for something to happen.

I love Monopoly, hahaha

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