Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1169: The Spirit of Louvre (6)

This is no ordinary hunger, it feels like stuffing the entire void of the universe into my belly.

"No, I can't stand it anymore!" said the partner.

Both God and John Lennon are dead. In short, we intend to run toward evil.

Knife in hand, we head to the bakery

—— Haruki Murakami

In 1795, when ordinary French people were still in the shadow of the Reign of Terror, fearing that someone more cruel than Robespierre would come to power, and the National Convention was arguing endlessly about the French republic and the new constitution, Napoleon Bonaparte, who was only 26 years old, was wandering the streets of Paris in desperation, saddened by the loss of his love.

According to the description of the Marquise Abrantes, he was too ugly at that time, with unkempt appearance, disheveled hair and poor powdering on his face, which made people uncomfortable to look at. When he walked into the compound of the Ping An Hotel where he lived, he had an old round cap on his head, only his eyes and a pair of raised dog ears were exposed, and he was wearing an old-fashioned long coat with a pair of black and thin hands. Gloves, because he used to say it was a waste of money. The boots on his feet were also sloppy and unwaxed, his body was thin and his complexion was sallow, and his whole body was sickly. No matter how he looked at it, he didn't look like a big man.

Paris is known as the capital of romance. Although Napoleon was a Corsican, his attitude towards love was the same as that of the French, resolute and extremely romantic. This kind of romance does not refer to taking a bouquet home to give to your wife or lover when you pass by a flower shop on ordinary days, nor is it "I will do anything for you", or spending money on ostentation.

No one wants to be down and out, wandering the streets like stray dogs, even if the streets are in Paris.

Perseverance is sometimes good and sometimes bad, and Pomona has a deep understanding of this. The saddest thing about a person being down and out is not that he has no money, but that he is guarding a job with no future. Soldiers were not valued in peaceful times, not to mention the era in which Napoleon lived. Compulsory education was not yet popular, and artillery was not only about physical The job is still a technical job, which requires an understanding of mathematics and geometry. It was not until after the French Revolution that free education became popular in France. Even if Napoleon was talented, some people appreciated him, but he still had to face the problem of insufficient military resources.

Napoleon made France, and France made Napoleon. Rousseau's book listed the benefits of a centralized system. The centralized government formed after Napoleon's coup d'état in 1799 was consistent with the characteristics of unity and efficiency. He also borrowed this concept.

Napoleon used a lot of Rousseau's letters in his letters, especially in his love letters to Josephine.

On the European Express, although she read Rousseau's "On the Origin of Human Inequality" as a joke, but now the situation encountered by the British Ministry of Magic is like this: if there is such a person, he originally wanted to avoid some If there is no trouble, he uses violence to suppress some people, and by doing so, he will inevitably get himself into endless trouble, even more trouble than he wanted to avoid at the beginning.

The Anti-Werewolf Law is such a law. Shakespeare once described it in his sonnet: "Tender love can restore your strength. Don't be told that your blade is not as fast as your appetite. The appetite is only temporarily satisfied after today's full meal. Tomorrow it will be gluttonous again as usual.

Even people who are originally kind and orderly will become evil because of hunger. Few men were able to survive poverty without losing themselves like Remus Lupin. Voltaire once remarked that Parisians needed only "comedy, opera, and white bread," but bread also played a role during the Revolution. dark character.

Grain failure is only one aspect. After all, natural disasters are irresistible to manpower. This is also where farming civilization is more advanced than nomadic civilization. With a stable food supply, there is no need to live for food, and there is more time to study other cultures. s things.

Things got worse because the king used a group of Physiocrats who believed that the wealth of the country came entirely from the value of land development, and that agricultural products were priced so high that many low-income city dwellers had no money to buy bread, light 1775 From late April to May of 2009, there were more than 300 riots and disputes over grain looting in the Paris Basin.

The mob broke into Versailles, then spread to Paris, and finally spread out to the countryside. This is also related to the eating habits of the French. They refuse to eat anything that is not grain. Bread accounts for 80% of the income of a working family. 1775 One of these was called the Flour Wars. A series of problems caused by food also made social contradictions increasingly acute. The seeds of revolution had been planted long before the outbreak of the revolution, and bread was used by the rebels as an ideological weapon to incite the citizens.

The problem of werewolves is even more difficult to solve. What they want to eat is human flesh. Grain will always be grown, but human flesh cannot be cut from living people. Severus just went back to fight. "Mr. Fawn" is not good at fighting. He is tired of dealing with those problems. In a sense, he is like Antony who is greedy for pleasure. When he arrives in Egypt, he doesn't want to go back to Rome to continue fighting with the senators. The people in the courtyard are intriguing.

He also doesn't have the same loyalty as Bella's group, who lived in Azkaban guarded by dementors for more than ten years. Leitlin and the Death Eaters with the Dark Mark on their arms had achieved their goal of turning around.

Werewolves do not suffer, the new leader can eradicate dissidents through humans. They made it very clear in the radio room that day that without werewolves, the Ministry of Magic would do something like "kill all the birds and hide their bows". There will never be peace for those who live.

This problem doesn’t exist in France, they don’t have anti-werewolf laws. Wolfsbane potion is expensive but you can buy it if you have money. As long as werewolves drink the potion, no one will find it weird even if they appear in public as werewolves. .

Their problems are even more troublesome. The gap between the rich and the poor is only one aspect. Grindelwald instigated a group of ancient pure-blood nobles. After his failure, these ancient pure-blood nobles were replaced by new nobles who defeated them. . Just like Josephine's first husband, who beheaded the nobles of the old era, and was beheaded by the new nobles. Gong Saiyi is the descendant of the Leroy family, an ancient French pure-blood family that followed Grindelwald back then. His full name is Gong Saiyi Charles de Leroy, and his name is better than Albus's. It's still long, and it's still a mouthful. Pomona didn't remember it during the meal. In short, his family's former territory was in Burgundy, with vineyards, castles and wineries. An apartment on the street.

It is a duplex. There is a small spiral iron staircase in the living room leading to the upstairs. The walls are full of books. It seems that this living room also has the function of a study. The desk looked out of place in this civilian apartment, and there were papers all over the sofa, but Gonseil didn't take care of them, as if he didn't intend to clear a place for the guests to sit.

He took the tattered topaz ball, went to the back of the large desk, and took out an instrument from a gilded wooden box.

It seemed to be used for the study of optics, with a prism and a set of interchangeable lenses, and after Goncey had aligned that set of equipment with the topaz sphere, he pointed a fluorescent flash at it.

"Come and see," said Conseil. "It may be clearer when the sky gets darker, but I don't think you will be foolish to wait?"

Pomona and Severus leaned over to look together, and saw a clear pattern on the walnut table, a glass ball with a pair of angel wings growing on it, which looked very much like a golden snitch.

"What's this?" Pomona asked.

"Every alchemist has his own logo, and this is Edward Kelly's." Gonceil said, "You have the real one, but I don't know if it's the one that Kelly dedicated to Rudolph II." Clear."

"What do you want?" Severus asked.

"Do you know why Muggles like Egyptian civilization so much?" Conseil asked.

"I'm waiting for your explanation," Severus said with a smile.

"People in the Renaissance began to revive classical knowledge. Many scholars believe that a lot of this knowledge came from Egypt, but the hieroglyphs had been lost at that time, and no one could understand what the words on the manuscripts meant. Among them Including alchemists, the largest alchemy research center is located in Egypt, most of them believe that it is the Nun 'labyrinth' described by Herodotus, which is greater than the pyramids."

"Maze?" Pomona couldn't help asking.

"The Alchemy Research Center was built on the ruins of ancient Egypt, but Edward Kelley thought that the labyrinth was not really the Nurn Labyrinth. Maybe, I mean maybe, his research materials are hidden in this glass ball, which is Where he thinks the Nuln Labyrinth is."

"What's in there?" Severus asked calmly.

"I don't know," said Gonseil. "There's an English Muggle who claims he's found the Labyrinth, but all that's left of it is fragments and ruins, and there's nothing to prove it's Nuln except a lake. In Egyptian mythology, Nun means the sea of ​​chaos. The Egyptians believed that the first waterfall of the White Nile was the source of the Nile. The sea of ​​chaos was the place where the sun god Ra was born. Later, Ra created both air and moisture children, but they were separated in the sea of ​​chaos, and Ra's tears became men."

"So, that place is related to the secret of God's creation of man?" Severus asked slowly.

"I don't know, are you interested?" Conseil asked wearily.

"You seem to know Egypt well," Severus said.

"Influenced by my great-grandfather, he likes to go to Egypt for vacation very much, and occasionally buys some Egyptian cultural relics back."

"Do you know hieroglyphs?"

"know a little."

"That's such a coincidence." Severus said with a smile, "Are you free tonight? Your Excellency Count Leroy."

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