Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1156 The Story of Paris (9)

"How did you know there were water dragons underground in Paris?" Severus asked Pomona in the sunny library before coming.

There is a strange thing about the newly-built National Library of France. Books that need to be stored away from light are placed in a high-rise building that is transparent and glass-like, while readers who need light to read must be in an underground reading room, illuminated by artificial light sources.

"That was Newt's guess. He found a parasite that only grows on water dragons in the eyes of a man named Karma." Pomona said, "But at the time he was busy looking for Credence. , did not investigate the matter.”

"Kama? Joseph Karma?" Severus asked.

"Who else but him?" Pomona curled her lips and took a sip of her iced coffee.

Severus began to think.

"What are you thinking?" Pomona asked.

"I was wondering how Kama got infected with the parasite." Severus said slowly, "Cauus Lestrange was the last male heir of the Lestrange family. After his death, The Lestrange family in France was shattered because of the death of the last male heir. The Lestrange family did not recognize women's family inheritance rights. After the French Revolution, many wizards and nobles were involved in it. I heard that the last of these properties The destinations are all underground pawnshops, that Karma, he has been looking for little Cous Lestrange, hasn't he? Paris in 1927 no longer needs to enter the city through the smuggler's underground tunnel."

Severus took a sip of coffee and moistened his lips. "Books are not that valuable, and they are easily disposed of as garbage, especially the family tree that has been severed. Maybe there are dragons guarding it like Gringotts, It’s just that Gringotts is guarded by fire dragons, and they use water dragons. It is not a short time to find a useful book among thousands of books. Karma is looking for Lester in the book mountain of the pawn shop The Lankey family tree was infected with the parasite."

"That's just your guesswork."

"We can go to the field to have a look, and by the way, we can go shopping there, maybe we can find treasures that are suitable as gifts for mermaids." Severus Yun said calmly, telling them about their next destination Decided.

The underground passage was not as long as Gringotts, and soon the car stopped, but Pomona heard the sound of running water.

There are quite a few "libraries" in the tunnels. These books are not well protected, and they are piled up randomly in a humid environment, like hills, and occasionally mice gnaw on them.

There's a reason the old goblin Candelabra said they weren't afraid of mugging and stealing, who would steal the trash.

What's more, these warehouses are not without any anti-theft measures. Sometimes the mice will touch the buried "landmines", and the potion inside will explode into a purple flame, which looks like some kind of black magic.

Human beings praise knowledge and feel that knowledge can change destiny, but such information was published in the Paris Commune newspaper she borrowed. The pawns returned by the commune for free are all worth no more than 20 francs.

Beds are difficult to pawn at this price, and books are not very valuable. Even if the book contains secrets, it is sold by weight like firewood that can be burned for heating.

20 francs is the limit of luxury goods, but it is not always accurate. The standard for defining luxury goods and labor tools cannot be fixed by price. For example, a sewing machine at 50 francs is a production tool, and a ring at 50 francs is also a luxury.

The so-called "noble" and "low" come from people's feelings, just like "good" and "bad", "good" and "evil", "beneficial insects" and "pests".

It is nature for insects to eat grass. If they eat crops grown by humans, then they are classified as pests by humans.

Candlestick pulled the brake lever, got out of the car, and then took the bunch of keys and opened the door of a cave.

According to Pomona's experience in working at Gringotts, the treasure house opened with a key usually has nothing precious, but when the door opened, the light that hit her almost blinded her eyes.

Diamonds are women's favorite, and diamonds are charming not only because of their crystal clear, but also because of their dazzling fire.

In the subsurface where there is little light, the light emitted by the gemstone becomes more radiant.

Pomona walked into this treasure house. French jewelry is world-renowned. The antique jewelry on the display racks are all romantic, delicate and gorgeous, and amazingly beautiful.

She was very uncreative and wanted to give the mermaid leader a crown, but it might arouse the resentment of the mermaid.

The giants choose their leader by duel, and the centaur, among the prestigious people, conducts divination by burning spices to confirm the final leader. The method of the mermaid is a bit special.

They will set up a trial, and all mermaids who want to be the leader can participate, and the person who completes the trial first will become the patriarch.

Many merfolk will never return, some died on the way to the trial, and some live and work in other tribes.

Mermaids who have traveled around in the outside world are not comparable to mermaids who have never left their hometown. There are countless examples of human beings fighting for the crown, father and son fighting each other, and brothers turning against each other. Give a crown to a mermaid, and Pomona gives a gift The purpose of flattering will not be achieved, but will irritate the other party.

Most of the mermaids in the Black Lake are female, but they are not human females, and these ordinary gifts cannot make them feel happy.

"No one interested?" Severus asked.

"Is there anything else?" Pomona looked at the old goblin.

"Our regular customers here have to be graded." The old goblin said slickly, "The 'regular customers' who introduce you can only go to this place."

"Then how about you look at this?" Severus took out a crystal bottle from his pocket as if conjuring.

"What's this?"

"Tears of the Phoenix."

The old goblin showed interest and took the crystal bottle from Severus' hand.

The pawn shop is as mixed as its inventory. There are shopkeepers who take advantage of people's dangers and pawnbrokers who deceive the shopkeepers. This requires a shopkeeper with good eyesight to avoid losses to the pawnshop.

When Tom Riddle was young, he did this in Bokinbok. Goblins are experts in this field. In addition, their lifespan is much longer than that of humans. An old goblin has rich experience, and ordinary people can't fool it.

"Come with me." The old goblin was about to put the Phoenix tears into his coat pocket when Severus snatched the crystal bottle away.

"I'll see the goods first," Severus said forcefully.

The old goblin muttered a few words in French, and led the two out of the treasure room.

Taking advantage of it turning around, Severus put the Phoenix Tears in his coat pocket, and Pomona glanced at him as he put the things away, and there was an identical crystal bottle inside, which contained the one he brought out from the maze Man-made "Phoenix Tears".

Slytherins like to steal and play tricks. When they meet people who are smarter than them, they will often fail to steal chickens.

Pomona didn't even think about whether she should remind him not to do that, when the old goblin was already sitting in the car waiting for the two of them.

"Fuck it." Pomona muttered, and she also left the treasure house, got into the car, and drove deeper into the tunnel.

It didn't take long for them to come to the underground water channel, but there was no track for them to pass here.

The scale beam pulled down a pull rod, and a transparent cover was raised outside the mine car, and the mine car drove in the dark river like a submarine.

When mentioning Paris, most people will think of the Eiffel Tower, Champs Elysees, Louvre, Arc de Triomphe, fashion, food, but in the Cretaceous period, both Paris and Dover were once under the sea.

In these two places, there is calcium carbonate of marine non-vertebrate organisms in the soil, but the Dover coast is formed on the English side, and the Parisians use these limestones to build the city buildings and sculptures of Paris.

Now they are diving into the rock formation deeper than the quarry, where the limestone structure is still there. There are many aquatic animals and plants in the underground water, separated by a transparent protective cover, as if they are in an aquarium.

There are whales in the sea, but they are not suitable for living in fresh water. In this underground water, however, there was a kind of elongated animal with golden light swimming, but the visibility in the water was not high, and it disappeared soon.

"Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" published by Silent Publishing House only has a part of magical animals, and animals from the East like Zouwu are not included.

The Scamanders had an introduction to unpublished magical animals from the East, and the animal Pomona had just seen had appeared in a picture book.

Poor as it was in captivity, Pomona had no desire to let it go. This animal is called minnow, which is a kind of eel. It has a pair of fin-like wings. Although it looks like an oriental dragon, it represents bad luck. Not only can it not make clouds and rain, but it can also cause drought.

People who have been drought for a long time pray for heavy rain, and thunderbirds that can bring heavy rain represent good omens at this time.

But if it rains for too long, human beings expect the weather to clear up, and the minnow has become a beneficial animal that everyone is looking forward to.

At this time, the mine cart "landed", and a thin layer of protective cover kept the water out. The inside of the treasure house was very dry, and only the entrance was soaked by the river water.

"Please follow me." The old goblin said to the two, walking in the middle of the corridor, with doors without keyholes on both sides.

"It's unbelievable," whispered Pomona, and followed the old goblin to a small door at the end of the corridor.

"Stand back." The old goblin said seriously, stretched out a long finger and knocked on the door, and the door disappeared little by little.

Exactly the same as the Gringotts vault where the Philosopher's Stone was stored.

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