Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1152 The Story of Paris (5)

For goblins, the immortality effect brought by the Philosopher's Stone is not rare at all, because their life span is longer than that of humans.

As for the legendary ability to turn base metals into gold, before the "ownership" has reached an agreement with humans, they are not interested.

Even if the goblins knew that the Philosopher's Stone was stored in Gringotts, they would not be greedy for it like humans. It was just one of the many "items" stored underground.

But they also have something they want, and that is the sword of Gryffindor made by the goblin king, which is absolutely impossible for humans to hand over.

After experiencing hunting in the 15th century, the giants had another internal strife in the 19th century, which was also due to cannibalism and eventually led to extinction.

Internal strife and civil war are the most energy-consuming, but some people are happy to do it. Anyway, they don't know who listens to whom, so they definitely won't do things.

"I heard Scamander say that there is a water dragon underground in Paris. Do you think it's still alive?"

After leaving Nick Flamel's house, Pomona asked on the street.

"Nice, there's a water dragon!" Severus said with a smile.

"It's not as bad as you think." Pomona said reassuringly, "Water dragons just like to live in wet places, and they don't breathe fire like fire dragons."

"But they're fast, energetic, and nervous, and they haven't caused any disasters in all these years, and they won't," Severus said optimistically.

This is really a rare sight in a hundred years, she thought...

Pomona rubbed her rumbling stomach. The smell from the restaurant next door made her feel hungry. It felt so bad to be unable to eat while smelling such a delicious smell.

At this time, the sky had already darkened, and the Eiffel Tower in the distance was lit up, and the night Paris began to become romantic again.

"Go find a place to eat, I'm hungry."

"How about just next door?" Severus smiled maliciously.

Pomona shook her head at him, took his arm and disapparated.

Because she was not familiar with the terrain of Paris, she chose the square, and because she wanted to eat authentic French cuisine, she came to the Place des Vosges.

There is a Michelin three-star restaurant, L’ambroisie, which has been open for more than 100 years by the square. It is said that it is the best restaurant in France, and it is impossible to book a seat.

Pomona's purpose was not to dine in a resplendent restaurant. After donning the cloak of invisibility and stealing all the food she watched from the kitchen of the gods, she sneaked into 6 Place des Vosges, Victor Hugo's former residence.

The restaurant is closed at six o'clock, anyway, she just wants to find an indoor place to eat.

Victor Hugo is a fan of China, and he can see ornaments with oriental colors everywhere. Pomona put red wine lobster, onion caramel, strawberry sweet soup, grilled lamb chops, and vanilla ice cream on the table at his house, stretched her legs as if she had returned to her own home, and ate French food without etiquette.

Severus didn't say anything to her, he just quietly ate fried veal with asparagus in the dark mansion by the light outside the window.

"I understand why Grindelwald wants to destroy Paris." Pomona said after taking a bite of buttered bread. "I hate this place. Every inch of land here is full of intrigue and trickery."

"Why did you choose this place?" Severus asked.

"Guess." She asked with a smile.

He smiled and shook his head.

"The Place des Vosges was the first public space in Paris, so it was the place where many nobles fought with swords."

Severus shook his head, "Why do you like it so differently from ordinary women?"

"I don't think I can be the kind of 'sweetheart' that makes people's hearts tremble," Pomona said dryly. "The vice-principal is not just a person."

"I have never heard of the White Wizard's orders."

"I run the largest house at Hogwarts, and being Headmaster has had enough work." She sighed. "Now I know what Albus is up to in the Headmaster's office all the time."

"If Europe is in turmoil, it's the President of the Wizarding Union who should worry about it." Severus said calmly, "We have enough troubles of our own."

"I was in that illusion." Pomona shook her head. "Maybe I can stop this from happening."

"So you're staying in Paris?"

"At least know what sparked the powder keg, and maybe I can put it out like the boy who pissed."

Severus sneered "You want to save the world as much as the White Wizard?"

"No, I just don't want to escape my fate. We have lived in seclusion for six years and rested for such a long time. It's time..."

"I don't want to take on a mission." Severus stared at her and said, "If it weren't for the Unbreakable Vow..."

"The Dark Lord will not let you go," Pomona said. "Snape, the double agent who fought for love, a great legend, the more attention you receive, the angrier he gets."

"Don't ruin dinner." Severus bent his fork to eat the veal.

"I want to go back to Hogwarts." Pomona said flatly, "I want Dumbledore to come back and continue to protect us."

"I don't think he wants to," Severus said darkly. "He's too tired and wants to rest."

"Who do you think will be the 'King of Philosophy' announced next month?" Pomona asked.

"I think it's time for the younger generation to come out to work." Severus didn't intend to change the subject, "We've finished everything, what are the young people doing?"

"Harry certainly can't, who do you want to take care of this? Draco?" Pomona smiled and took a sip of strawberry sweet soup.

"How about your students? See how screwed they can be."

Pomona was in no hurry to deny his teasing.

"How's Justin?" Pomona asked. "I'm sure he knows a lot about France from his grandpa."

"What about the French Ministry of Magic?" Severus asked after a moment of consideration.

"It's time for the school to be on summer vacation. He can come to France for the summer vacation, and he can even be a short-term exchange student. Anyway, the accident will only happen next autumn at the latest."

"Just him?"

"I don't know, maybe a Frenchman can help."


"Madame Maximian, or Fleur, this is up to him to deal with." Pomona said very depressed, "We will go underground to explore the secrets later."

"You mean, the sewers?" Severus frowned.

"No, I mean the catacombs. The French resistance organization can use the catacombs as a secret base, so other organizations can too. Let's go and see how strange Paris is."

"Can't you be cute? I feel like I'm having dinner with a guy."

"I hope so, but a weak girl can't handle this." Pomona said a little sadly. "I don't even remember being an ordinary woman."

Severus stared at her for a moment, then stood up and walked over to her.

"Can you dance with me?" He held out his hand to her.

"There's no music here," said Pomona.

"You brought the music box I gave you?"

"I put it in the manor."

"That's okay, we all know what the tune of that song is." He smiled and said, "Now that there is music, what reason do you have to reject me?"

"I think, I can't find a reason." Pomona put her hand in his palm, and the two silently danced a slow dance at Hugo's home.

"Do you think Hugo thinks we've offended him?" she asked softly as they danced.

"There is a supreme gift, which is sometimes not revealed, and it is more powerful just because things are hidden. This gift is respect." Severus said softly, "I believe Hugo will forgive us."

Pomona seemed to have realized something, but she still didn't understand. Is what they did considered respectful?

While spinning slowly, Pomona saw the brightly lit room for a moment, and many people were smiling at her with wine glasses, but when she turned her head, they were all gone.

The bright light just now came from a passing car, as if it was just her hallucination.

l'ambrosisie means the place where the gods hold banquets in the Greek kingdom of gods, with inexhaustible food and wine.

The Place des Vosges used to be the Royal Square, but was later surrounded by mansions, and stories of love and hatred were staged in these houses. The key is that it is very hidden, in a residential area, it is not easy to be found, it is really a duel resort

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