Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1148 The Story of Paris (1)

On the European train departing from London to Venice, a chef named Philip once told Pomona that he didn't like the current Paris.

"Huadu" represents romance in many people's hearts and is synonymous with fashion.

There is the meandering Seine River passing through the city, Notre Dame Cathedral without the clock tower monster, cafes with strong aroma on the side of the road, and the most beautiful street, the Champs Elysees.

However, when you really arrive in this city, you will know that all of this is just your own imagination.

The streets are littered with rubbish, the subway station is dilapidated, and there is a faint smell of urine. I don't know if it was made by people or left by dogs.

Many people like to keep dogs, but they don't shovel shit when they walk the dog, so when "walking" on the street, you should always pay attention to your feet.

Even Chanel's high-end shoes are completely ruined if they step on this "soft gold". Fortunately, there are many "fountains" on the side of the road, but they are other people's drinking water points. Who will give a good face to wash dog poop on their feet at other people's drinking water points.

The French may not be happy to say that, but France has indeed weakened since the king was overthrown by the people of Paris.

Even without mentioning the performance of France during World War II, the capital of a country, except for popular attractions such as the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre, gives the overall feeling of being dirty and messy, with graffiti everywhere on the walls, which looks really unseemly.

The neighborhood where white people live may be better, and perhaps this is why Grindelwald chose the white neighborhood as the foothold of his trip to Paris.

Grindelwald doesn't discriminate against Muggles, he just doesn't treat them as human beings.

He needed a place to live, and his followers killed the original occupants of the house, threw them in coffins and took them away.

This is what one of Grindelwald's followers said during the post-war trial. Grindelwald didn't like Paris, so he planned to destroy the city.

Parisians like to wear a suit of black, and Severus's suit of black can easily blend into it, but Pomona, who is wearing a pastoral floral dress, will be laughed at by passers-by.

Fortunately, she and Naxisha went to a high-end clothing store together. After being stared at several times by people very rudely, she found a piece of clothing with a good texture and put it on, so passers-by looked at her more Kind of admirable and friendly.

In Paris at the end of the 18th century, people built glass roofs between the arcades of the avenues, so that the ladies could get out of the carriage and walk into these naturally lit corridors without worrying about the sun and rain outside, and could be comfortable inside. Went shopping for coffee.

A philosopher said that the arcade is a city, and it can even be said to be a miniature world.

There are not only literati artists, mosaic painted floors and boutique windows, but also lamps and reliefs like a museum.

Men and women living in this world are well-dressed and beautiful, exuding the sense of superiority of the "upper class". They can't see the mess in subway stations, and they don't know the mess in non-rich areas, let alone those in the world. Suffering.

They are all human beings, but they live in different worlds.

Louis XV's mistress, Mrs. Pompadour, would read Montesquieu's books. Through the development of Rococo, she liberated France's dependence on Chinese porcelain, which saved Louis XV a lot of money.

Marie Toinette didn't know what to do at the critical moment.

At the beginning, the French people did not intend to kill the king. They planned to follow the example of the British to establish a constitutional monarchy. It was Louis XVI who planned to escape, and the situation became more and more out of control.

Even if you want to escape, you should pack lightly. What are you doing with so many jewelry and cosmetics?

In order to divert these things, the rumors leaked, as if he thought he didn't die fast enough.

No tadpole whose head has been drenched can't maintain a happy mood, and the black-haired Pomona looks full of darkness, and no one can connect her with the always cheerful and enthusiastic witch in patched robes. together.

Byron also wrote a famous line in "Don Juan":

My love for you is my hatred for human beings, because if you fall in love with human beings, you cannot concentrate on loving you.

She never dreamed that Albus' love object was the Dark Lord Grindelwald.

There are many people in this world who are not worth saving. They are like rotten fruits. They are not only sour, but also absorb the nutrients needed by other fruits. The old lunatic Grindelwald thinks that these fruits should be cut off.

The old fool Albus Dumbledore didn't want anyone to suffer the pain of losing their loved ones like him. He saved the good fruits, and he also saved the bad fruits.

For this reason, he sacrificed his personal happiness, including family and love, to achieve "the greatest benefit".

Even though Muggles didn't hunt wizards like they did in the Middle Ages, they didn't have to be punished for hurting Arianna. Instead, Percival Dumbledore, who advocated justice for his daughter, was imprisoned in Azkaban. Whose interests does the international secrecy law protect?

Grindelwald took advantage of this loophole. He took advantage of "sacrificing personal interests for the greatest benefit" and took advantage of those pure-blood nobles to make profits for himself.

This point is easy to confuse. After all, it is difficult to identify hypocrites who use the banner of public welfare to make profits for themselves. They seem to be wearing a layer of camouflage.

When people recognize the face of this hypocrite, they will be even more angry.

Perhaps Grindelwald was imprisoned in Nurmengard not because he was forgotten, but because people saw him clearly.

"Anything to fancy?" Severus asked.

He didn't show obvious impatience like other men who went shopping with women, on the contrary, he behaved quite elegantly and decently, fully showing the aristocratic etiquette he pretended to be.

"You're going to buy summer clothes." Pomona said, looking at his heavy clothes.

"I can't wear short sleeves." Severus motioned to his arm with the Dark Mark. "That would cause trouble."

"Are you giving me a hard time?"

He smirked.

"Don't buy Hawaiian shirts, it's a waste."

"You know what it looks like in black?" Pomona said, looking him in the eyes. "You look like a cheap thug."

"At least people know that you have bodyguards, so they don't dare to offend you." Severus looked down at her shoes. "Why don't you wear high heels?"

"I hate high heels." Pomona said indifferently, "That kind of shoes were originally designed for men who have no confidence in their height, just like the iron tower!"

Pomona looked at the dark iron tower outside the window.

"I really don't get it, why was it designed?"

"It's actually good when you get used to it." A female shop assistant said in English, "It was originally designed so that it can be dismantled at any time, so it uses a steel frame structure like a shelf."

"You can take it as a Victory Monument," Severus said. "And the French put up with it, so why complain?"

"I hate Paris." Pomona said dissatisfiedly when she left the boutique and returned to the arcade.

"Want to visit the Louvre?" Severus asked.

"I'd rather see the Pere Lachaise cemetery."

Severus stared at her.

"What's wrong?"

"I thought you were going to say go to the wizarding shopping street in Paris."

"I want to see what it's like there after the war," Pomona said. "You don't forget what we did in Italy."

"Do you think we're wanted?" Severus asked.

"That's why I forgive you." Pomona stroked her black hair. "It actually worked."

"It's a recipe I found in the Black family's library." Severus said with a smile, "Black hair is the hallmark of their family."

"It's like a crow's feather." Pomona looked at his greasy black hair and said, "Why don't you take over Potter's hair smoother, anyway, Harry doesn't need to rely on this business to make a living now."

"Is it because the Fogel family took over the business of the Medici family?" Severus asked.

"how do you know?"

"I think I'm starting to understand you, inspiration, right?"

Pomona kissed him, leaving a faint lip mark on his face "Smart."

"That may require the Potter family's secret recipe."

"Is that hard for you, Professor?" Pomona said with a smile. "It's just a hair smoother, not Wolfsbane."

The Potions Master smiled.

"How about going to Nick Flamel's hideaway?" Severus asked.

"Do you know where?"

"Although I have never shipped the Philosopher's Stone, I have read the letters left by Albus. You know my little hobby, I like to open other people's envelopes." He put his arms around Pomona's waist, leisurely walking in the arcade Stroll "Maybe there's still some treasure left there."

Pomona thought about it and then obediently agreed.

After all, the living lived in a much better place than the dead, but it was really strange, why did she think of the grave again?

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