Whether it was the Spanish throne war or the later Tsar's family, it was ultimately due to the issue of "heirs".

The pure-blood nobles have come to the back, and there are fewer and fewer options to choose from. There are even inbreeding marriages in the Black family.

Although the Malfoy family is advertised as the Holy Twenty-Eight Family, in fact, there are a lot of Muggle blood in their family.

In fifth grade, Harry and Hermione used adults' emphasis on little wizards to attack Umbridge and the Ministry of Magic.

They simply don't know the difference between the "value" of wizarding parents and Muggle parents.

There was once a witch who sold Salazar Slytherin's locket at an extremely low price like the farmer who picked up the Conqueror's yellow diamond.

She was pregnant at the time and needed money urgently, and her husband was a rich man, and he was able to support them both, but that didn't mean he had to.

There is no law or regulation that mandates that one must be a responsible person if one has money, not to mention that old Riddle was with Merope only after taking a love potion. Of course he can choose to abandon his wife and children, and some people understand him. There are many women in this world who are greedy for material things and pester the rich.

A family's tutoring is very important. In Jacob Fogel's era, priests were vain and nobles were corrupt. Relatively speaking, it seemed more fair and just for the citizens to decide who would be the king of Germany.

Jacob Fogel's gold coins were not used for "campaign". The Holy Roman Empire had already been divided to the point that the electors didn't care who would be the titular monarch. The "emperor" was just a part of the auction. kind of thing, a money game among privileged animals.

Bankers are not philanthropists, and the two emperors that the Vogel family put on the throne were both Habsburgs. They have provided huge loans to the family, and they also hope that the new king will continue to borrow money. There is no easier way to make money than usury.

For the emperor to repay the interest, it is absolutely not enough to rely on taxes and taxes alone. Coupled with the European royal family's consistent pursuit of luxury and ostentation, war is the best way for kings to plunder wealth and pay off debts.

Pay back the money if you win the war, and borrow money to start the next war if you lose.

Marx said that capital has been dripping with blood and dirt from every pore from head to toe since it came into the world.

As long as there are enough interests, capitalists can trample on all the morality and order in the world. The royal family, kings, loyalty, and faith are nothing but their tribute to the god of wealth.

In the opera "The Phantom of the Opera", the "Phantom" appeared at the engagement ceremony between Christine and the Viscount, asking her to play Don Juan.

Don Juan is a famous libertine, and the poor man accused Christine of having a viscount and forgetting about him, the "angel of music" who made her famous.

After the French Revolution, where did the Viscount come from in France?

There is no shortage of liars in this world, a foreigner, he just needs to dress smartly, even if he claims to be a count like the Avenger from Monte Cristo, he will be believed.

The obsessive little fool, once he flies to the clouds, he forgets how he got everything.

Beautiful women are not necessarily all simple-minded, but there are many cases where they are confused in the face of various material temptations; men also have the kind of behavior of "even if they are beautiful monsters, I hope there are more of them".

Byron also wrote "Don Juan". The Don Juan he wrote was a temporary play. The Don Juan he wrote was a positive character, full of kindness and justice. Through his various romantic adventures, he described the characters of European society Various forms, satirizing and criticizing the "Holy Alliance".

In the book he writes:

Life wanders between two worlds, just like the stars hang in the sky when day and night alternate.

What is now, we know very little; what will be in the future, we know even less; day and night, the flow of time rolls away, taking our life like a bubble to a distant place.

The birth of the new, the destruction of the old, emerge in the waves of time.

The green mounds of a strong country, the vicissitudes of life, are just like the passing waves.

Nothing lasts forever.

But now, there is an "immortal" vampire who is carrying a huge secret.

He used to be a very ordinary human being, and when nobles rode horses, he rode sheep, which showed that he was not rich, but he imagined that he was riding a golden sheep that could produce golden fleece.

Because of an accident, he died, and his mother made a deal with the devil to resurrect him.

He achieved what many people dream of, but he also had many regrets. For example, his design was not adopted by the rebuilders of the Paris Opera House, and he has since switched to interior design.

Vampire Giovanni, an opera-loving architect, grew up with the fairy-tale king Ludwig II of Bavaria.

Princess Sissi was obsessed with jewelry, Ludwig II liked to build castles, and he also emptied the Bavarian treasury.

The Rococo-style Linderhof Palace hidden in the mountains was his last retreat, and the German ministers must have hated Giovanni.

People say that the table that rises to prevent the king from seeing others is the "magic table", but Pomona thinks it is like a music box without a dancer.

In the music box Severus gave her, there was a man and a woman, but in Ludwig's "Music Box", there was no scene of two men dancing together.

"Heirs" need to be born by women, and thanks to this skill, women still have the value of living, and they are not eliminated because of the natural law of survival of the fittest.

Pomona listened to the waltz from the music box, and her mind was full of that night when Giovanni played the piano of Weber's opera in Linderhof Palace.

He's a likable and charismatic vampire, and with his legendary past, it's not surprising that Simeon fell in love with him.

But Simion is "straight", and one day the refugee Simeon's life will stabilize. He would leave Giovanni, marry a woman, maybe have a child, and then Giovanni would be alone again.

Giovanni's life would be turbulent now, and he might not be able to raise a little boy to provide him with blood, as he had done before.

Perhaps one day, he will take to the streets of Fog City, attacking humans like Herbert Varney, and become synonymous with terror.

Will Simeon abandon the vampire who helped him because of this?

Sometimes people are not all like people, and not all monsters are monsters.

This is the charm of dark creatures like vampires.

A pair of arms hugged Pomona behind her.

His body smelled of the same perfume as hers, and his skin was as pale as a vampire.

"Are they gone?" Pomona asked.

"Giovanni sent you a present," Severus said in a low voice.

"Oh, I hope it's not diamonds," she said nervously.

Severus laughed, and placed the two pieces of paper on the counter in front of her.

"What's this?"

"Tickets to the premiere of Pride and Prejudice."

Pomona immediately opened her eyes wide with excitement.

She picked up the two tickets, checked the seats, they were pretty good, and then she jumped and screamed while hugging Severus like she was losing her mind.

"Calm down." Severus smiled. "It's just a movie."

"You don't understand," she murmured like Mrs. Bennet. "I need a new dress, and jewelry, and oh, and you need a new dress."

Severus smiled and shook his head and walked away, as if thinking she was funny.

"Let's go to Paris!" she said, running after him. "Today!"

"Where's Draco?" Severus asked.

"He's back to Padua, he seems to be in a hurry." Pomona frowned dissatisfiedly, "He's really partial."

"How long have you been his godmother? I have been his godfather for more than twenty years."

"Is time really that important?"

"Don't forget about Pansy Parkinson. She hurt Draco's ego."

Pomona suddenly realized.

"No wonder Draco was so excited."

Severus glanced at her, as if hesitating to speak.

"Do you want to go to Paris after lunch, or do you want to go to Paris and eat French food?" he asked.

"You decide." She took his arm and said, "I want to go to the Opera House in Paris."

"Not going to Notre Dame de Paris?"

"Paris can't be visited in one day. We will live in France for a while." Pomona said helplessly, "By the way, let's see if there is anything that can be given to the mermaid as a gift."

"Who will pay for it?" Severus asked.

Pomona instinctively wanted to say Minerva McGonagall.

It's a pity that since Hogwarts is a poor school, she should find rich people to bear the money.

"I have an idea." Pomona smiled sweetly. "Remember that contract, we will take care of Hagrid's offspring."

"Of course I do."

"Hagrid's going back to Care for Fantastic Beasts needs Lucius to drop the charges."

"I don't think Lucius will suffer from this."

"I have a way to make him willing." Pomona said with a smug smile, "Don't forget, I am a witch who has deceived even the devil."

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