When the longing for happiness is eager to recall, the pain arises in the depths of the human heart.

The tragedy is not that people are alone, but that they cannot enjoy loneliness.

- "The Myth of Sisyphus"

Compared with the "lively" England, France is currently much quieter. Since Severus said he wants to rest, it is undoubtedly the best choice to come to France.

Although a diligent leader will make followers feel at ease, a leader who keeps a clear head and can make correct judgments is actually more important.

Voldemort was powerful, but his mind wasn't very clear, even though he didn't need sleep.

Mr. "Fawn" was actually not as vicious as he looked, otherwise he would not have softened his heart for a moment and agreed to Albus Dumbledore's plan to "murder himself".

The next morning after returning from Hogwarts, Severus got up early, but he didn't do anything, just sat on the edge of the bed, staring at the scenery outside the manor in a daze.

The man-made phoenix tears healed his wounds. At first glance, there were no scars left, but if you look carefully in the sun, you can still see shallow marks. In addition to the wounds he left before, he Already scarred.

Pomona held him in her arms from behind him.

"Do you want to go out and play today or at the manor?" she asked like a doting mother.

"Whatever." He said perfunctorily, as if he didn't even have the energy to think about this question.

"I want to go to Burgundy, which is a famous wine region." Pomona said.

"There's also wine on the estate."

"I just wanted to go for a walk," Pomona said. "It's a rare sunny day."

"France is not England, it's normal to have a sunny day." Severus looked back at her "What's your real thought?"

She wanted to sell it off.

But in the end two tickets were pulled out of the dresser drawer.

"Quidditch World Cup Round of 16, France vs. Germany." She stuffed the ticket into his hand. "Except that the venue is near Dijon, I have no idea what the ticket says. I want to get familiar with it." Take a look at the terrain."

Severus took the tickets and smiled happily.

"Did you know that the Quidditch World Cup uses a single-elimination system." He raised the ticket in his hand, "The team with the most points will play against the team with the fewest points, so as to avoid the worst The two strongest teams meet in the qualifying round."

"Really?" Pomona asked with mock interest.

"France is the favorite to win the championship, so you know how strong Germany is." Severus looked at the ticket in his hand, "You want me to watch this game?"

"That's the closest I could find tickets to a game," Pomona said.

"Let me see, the game time is ten months later?"

"That's how I bought it at a high price." Pomona said bitterly, "I paid five times the price, but he still couldn't bear it."

"If it's a ticket to the World Cup final, you might not be able to buy it at ten times the price." Severus said in a good mood, "not to mention the first-class box."

"Who won the contest to eliminate eight-eyed spiders?" Pomona asked.

He is unhappy again.

Pomona quickly realized that he was waiting for her to praise him for his ability to share a box with the Minister of Magic to watch the game.

But she has already said this, how can she get back?

By this time Severus had stood up and went to the bathroom to wash up.

Clearly Quidditch had given him a different kind of passion, and he no longer longed for peaceful rest.

"Man." Pomona shook her head and got up to take a shower.

James was a megalomaniac, but he was a Quidditch player, and for that alone he was popular enough.

His life was very smooth, and he got what he wanted, but he encountered setbacks with Lily. Fortunately, he did not become the son of Philip III, a person like "Charlie the Bold".

"Charles the Bold" fits all the people's imaginations of a medieval tyrant, stupid, belligerent, alcoholic, extravagant, reckless, arrogant, reckless, but especially dynamic.

Also a person who loves extravagance, Philip III, the father of "Charlie the Bold" and founder of the Knights of the Golden Fleece, was nicknamed "The Good Man". Philip III is like a shrewd tailor, stitching together the various classes and problems within the Principality of Burgundy.

Charlie the Bold, on the other hand, believes that governance is a contest of force, with black and white winners and losers. He has only one way to solve the problem, and that is to suppress it by force.

After the death of Philip III, the Duchy of Burgundy, which was handed over to "Charles the Bold", has a vast territory, extending from the south of France to the north of the present-day Netherlands, coupled with fertile soil, rich products, and the dowry of the Spanish princess. As long as Charlie doesn't "toss", he can be a carefree and happy king all his life.

It's a pity that he has only two hobbies in his life, one is fighting, and the other is buying gems. His jewelry lasts for 365 days a year, and he doesn't change the same thing every day. The merchants liked him, but his subjects didn't like him. When the residents of a city complained that the duke was taxing too much, he took cannons and soldiers and razed that city.

He was like a hammer, smashing the inheritance left to him by his father. Later, he died in battle at the age of 46, leaving behind a helpless daughter.

Monarchs throughout Europe know that the Duchy of Burgundy does not recognize women's inheritance rights, and whoever marries her can obtain the Duchy of Burgundy and countless wealth as a dowry.

That girl is the real "lamb". Surrounded by a pack of wolves, Mary of Burgundy finally chose Maximilian, who later became the Holy Roman Emperor, as her husband, which made the Habsburg family have Burgundy as her husband. Near the eastern part of France, the western part was acquired by Charles the Bold's cousin, King Louis XI of France.

The once powerful Burgundy was divided between France and Austria in the hands of the "lively" Charlie.

In wizard chess, the queen is the most powerful piece, and can move forward, backward, left, right, and diagonally, while the king seems weak and can only move one step.

But this happens to be the quality that a king needs most.

There is a saying in Eastern philosophy that the country will prosper if the king is idle and his ministers are busy, and the country will decline if the king is busy and his ministers are idle.

Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty was a very "lively" emperor. He did many things in his life, such as building the Grand Canal, the eastern capital of Luoyang, fighting Goguryeo and the Turks.

These things should be done, and even the later "Tian Khan" basically ruled according to the strategy he left behind. He is not an emperor who likes to use violence to solve problems like "Bold" Charlie. He also knows how to use diplomacy and other means to appease and win over ethnic minorities such as Baiyue in the south of the Yangtze River.

His biggest failure is that he wants to solve all the problems together in his lifetime.

Governing a big country is like cooking. Yang Guang fried a plate of Yangzhou fried rice with great fire.

A first-class gourmet knows that the ingredients make the food taste good. Pomona has seen Tibetan pigs raised by local people in XZ. They drink water from the snow-capped mountains, eat matsutake and ginseng fruits in the mountains, and usually run carefree in the mountains, so the taste is particularly delicious, sliced ​​​​smoke The taste of ham is not inferior to the top ham in Spain.

But if the herdsmen let the Tibetan pigs go out to look for food by themselves, then the pigs will not want to go back.

So the herdsmen came up with a way to let the piglets find their own food for breakfast and lunch, and then feed the piglets what they like when they return to the pig house for dinner, so that the piglets will fall in love with this "home" , I don’t need a shepherd dog to chase, and I will come back every day.

This model is very similar to Harry Potter and Hogwarts, which lack family warmth.

The life of a child without parental care is different from that of a child with parents and elders.

Naxisha was reluctant to leave Draco to go to Armstrong, afraid that he would hurt her when he played Quidditch. Draco was hurt by Buckbeak, and she felt more distressed than she was hurt. She suddenly became like a female fire dragon, Forcing Lucius to punish the "murderer" severely.

It was easy for Lucius Malfoy to drop the charges against Rubeus Hagrid, the interest was enough. The trouble was Narcissa Malfoy, who would do anything for her son, including lying to the dreaded Voldemort.

Jean Jacques Rousseau said that pain does not only include death. Animals do not know what death is. Death and the fear of death are one of the first knowledge acquired by people after they leave the animal state.

Harry hadn't seen a Thestral pulling a cart until fifth grade, even though he had witnessed his own mother's death.

Baby Harry was like a fawn who didn't know what death was.

After he got out of the animal state, he understood that death was the sign of his "adulthood".

He received the "knowledge of death" and thus could see thestrals.

James couldn't see Thestrals all the time, at least while he was in school, and Pomona didn't know if he still could see Thestrals after his parents died.

The death of Charles the Bold was not peaceful at all, because the dead bodies piled up on the battlefield, and people did not find his body in the first place. When his servants found him, the noble Duke of Burgundy was pulled out Naked, lying naked in the cold water as he was when he was born.

His unrecognizable corpse was chopped up in the war and was bitten by wild dogs to pieces. There was not a piece of complete skin on his body. When he died, there was no one who loved him, let alone any dignity and decency.

Emperor Sui Yang’s fate was not good either. When he was trapped in Jiangdu City, he was killed by his former courtier Yu Wenhuaji, but he seemed to leave the whole body because he told Yu Wenhuaji that if the emperor bleeds, it would bring a curse. .

Because of the volcanic eruption, the weather became colder, and before the outbreak of the Great Revolution, France's food production decreased. This kind of weather, like the drought at the end of the Sui Dynasty, was fatal to the feudal system.

The destruction of a kingdom often comes from ordinary and trivial things.

Pomona tried her best to recall, she always felt that she had forgotten something important, but she couldn't remember it no matter what.

Maybe she should buy a memory ball and test it.

I hope she won't be like Neville, knowing that she has forgotten something, but she doesn't know what it is.

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