"Sun Gold" is still having fun.

It reminded Pomona of Felix, who had just arrived in the Alps, and the students who rode to Hogsmeade in a carriage-like prisoners who had been locked up for a long time and finally got a break.

In fact, even if there is no parent's signature, the children can find a way to forge the signature on the consent form. But Harry's entry and exit rules were particularly strict during his third year, because Sirius Black had escaped from prison.

Harry was considered to be Sirius' primary hunting target, coupled with the accidents he caused during his vacation, it would not be so easy for him to forge his signature to get away with it.

Poor Harry Potter, if he hadn't had the help of the Weasley twins, he would have been locked up that term.

Fortunately, Fred and George provided the Marauder's Map, and together with the Invisibility Cloak, he could enjoy the night tour in the school.

This makes the old bat less fun, catching Harry for violating school rules, punishing him for detention, or deducting points from Gryffindor is one of the few things in Severus Snape's boring teacher career entertainment.

But during that time he had a new target of torture - Neville Longbottom, because of an incident in Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Snape felt his manhood was offended.

The terrible Potions Professor actually asked Neville to dissect the toad, which was the same species as Neville's pet Lafu. Of course that was in Harry's fourth year, and Severus was looking for Black all over the school throughout the third year.

Being hated by the vengeful Head Slytherin, he may not know when he will retaliate. The woman's intuition is still very keen, and after the provocative words just now, it seems that Severus is not angry with her anymore.

As usual, he focused his resentment on Harry Potter, who in a sense was really the savior responsible for attracting Slytherin's two biggest villains, Draco Malfoy and Sev Les Snape hated it. As soon as he appeared, the others could duck their backs and avoid the troubles of these two people.

"That ungrateful boy," said Severus, smoking a cigarette while sitting on the steps of the temple. "When the whole school said he was the heir of Slytherin, Rubeus Hagrid stood by him without hesitation." On the one hand, he also said that if necessary, he could testify in court, but after reading the diary, the little troll immediately thought that the basilisk was set by Hagrid, I really doubt whether he has a position on this thing!"

Pomona is eating M2M, a muggle chocolate bean that's coated in colorful icing and won't be full of adventure and wonder like Bibi's flavored bean.

She is almost 50 years old, and the adventure is more suitable for young people.

She carefully sorted the jelly beans by color, planning to grab them and eat them, but she finally sorted out one color, and the old bat grabbed them and ate them.

"Don't you not like sweets?" Pomona looked at him calmly.

She would not be angry at his childish revenge.

He rolled up the corners of his mouth towards her and smirked gracefully, "You continue to share."

Pomona shook her head at him, and poured the jelly beans into her mouth in one gulp.

The jelly beans of various flavors were mixed together to create complex and chaotic flavors. She wanted to distinguish them carefully, but the jelly beans melted before she could identify them.

"He watched me die," Severus said suddenly. "I'll always remember the look in his eyes. Those eyes seemed to say, 'This is a dying man'. How did Nietzsche sympathize?"

"Don't talk about him that way," said Pomona resignedly. "He was a kid then, don't forget he was nearly killed by you and Albus."

"Compassion is a kind of contagion, a kind of waste, and it is only bad for yourself and others." Severus turned his gaze to Sun Jin, "Compassion is the deepest abyss. Sometimes I feel sorry for you, so I agreed to be with me." Together."

"I didn't think so!" she said in surprise.

"Then why don't you hate Harry Potter?" Severus asked grumpily.

"We don't need to have an opinion on everything," Pomona said dryly. "You can't hold a grudge against him for that, Severus."

He took a puff of cigarette indignantly, and then puffed out the smoke like a dragon.

"I hate Hermione more than I hate him." She tremblingly said, "Harry is not that smart, but Hermione is the think tank of the Iron Triangle. They also visited Arthur Way who was bitten by Nagini. Sly, I can't figure out why she's standing by and watching?"

"Then why are you still so nice to her?" Severus said, "You still plan to send her some money."

"I admit, it's a stupid idea to adopt her, she is already an adult." Pomona grabbed another handful of jelly beans and chewed in her mouth, "but she needs help. If you think about it, if Lily hadn't married Jane Mm, how did she get a foothold in the wizarding world?"

"I don't know what you're thinking." He stared into her eyes and said, "Have you ever thought about what you need, Sister?"

"I don't want to talk about this," she said anxiously, trying to grab another handful of jelly beans.

"I think this is a good time to tell me what you think." Severus said uncompromisingly. "Are you sympathizing with her?"

"No." Pomona shook her head immediately.

"Then tell me why?"

"Fairness." She said anxiously, "I think a judge needs a certain material basis to make a judgment fairly, so that she will not make a biased judgment because of her interests."

He looked at her in surprise.

"What's wrong?" she asked angrily.

"You are really Albus Dumbledore's student." Severus smiled strangely.


"You actually look like Bella sometimes, you know?"

Pomona opened her mouth wide in surprise.

"I'm like Bellatrix?" she said incredulously.

"I told you not to read Nietzsche, you are a lack of empathy..."

"Everyone says I'm compassionate!" Pomona interrupted angrily.

"Yeah, everyone thinks Albus Dumbledore is a great saint, but you saw what he did to me!" Severus changed his face, patting his chest sullenly "He used Without my sympathy, I knew long ago that I shouldn't agree to him."

"Enough, don't talk about this topic." Pomona sighed wearily.

What treasure did Voldemort choose, and it took so long.

"I know you are a woman who is too clear-headed to be a woman." Severus said reluctantly. Is her sympathy the cause? Because you all like to protect the weak, Sirius Black was defeated by me that day, why didn't you sympathize with him like Lily?"

"A man's glory needs to be guarded by himself." Pomona looked at him and said, "And I don't think Sirius wants me to see him in a mess."

Severus laughed.

"What's wrong with you?"

"You still don't understand what's going on, do you?" He sighed and shook his head. "Poor Sirius Black."

"I don't think Sirius needs your sympathy." Pomona stared at the snotling.

To be sympathized by him is definitely a disgrace to the robbers.

Severus was still shaking his head.

"What are you trying to say?" she asked impatiently.

"You lack empathy," Severus said in a chanting tone. "You torture me in a different way than Cruciatus."

"I don't."

"How does it feel to be the bad guy?" he said with a flirtatious smile. "Remember the year of the Triwizard Tournament..."

She bumped him to stop him from talking.

"I know you enjoy being the bad guy." Severus whispered. "Why don't you just keep going? Are you afraid of going to hell?"

"You almost entered Azkaban, and Cedric died. Why?" She said angrily, "If you want to live..."

"Just stay alert, boring." Severus interrupted her again. "What's wrong with carpe diem?"

Damn dark wizard!

Pomona gritted her teeth angrily.

"Chocolate," Severus said suddenly.

Pomona looked at the jelly bean in her hand, which was actually chocolate.

"Which do you think is more 'delicious', chocolate or cookies?"

Trembling all over, she threw the unfinished chocolate beans on him, and those colorful candies scattered all over the floor.

"What are you thinking?!" she screamed under her breath.

"You know what I'm thinking?" He drawled like Malfoy "That stupid dog has never changed, he played with James Potter when he was young, and played with Harry Potter when he grew up , he was always a child."

He suddenly moved to her side and smelled her body with his big nose.

"Stop." She warned him in a low voice, "Don't even look at the occasion."

"I don't care anymore." He smiled dazedly as if he was drunk, put his arms around her shoulders, and wrapped her tightly in a cloak.

"Don't do that!" She pushed back his mischievous hand under the cloak.

"To pass the time." He said the most serious words with the most serious expression.

In fact, she wanted to discuss with him how to trick that demon into the wine bottle.

Doing these things is a waste of precious time.

But she indulged his nonsense.

"Have you thought about your wishes?" Sun Jin asked from a distance.

"Go away!" she said impatiently.

Even if she got a lot of money like the students in the story, there are some desires that cold metal cannot bring.

Holding this warm man in her arms, she felt that time was going backwards quickly, as if they had returned to the happy and exciting time of the Triwizard Tournament.

The "Deng Shen" who can make people get rich overnight left depressingly.

"What's so fun about kissing?" Sun Jin said angrily.

Pomona didn't bother to explain, let alone she couldn't speak.

Now the two of them are as good as if the morning's quarrel had never happened.

How can Harry, Ron, and Ginny be parents when they are children themselves?

It's really disturbing just thinking about it.

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