Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1121 The Spirit in the Bottle

Sometimes Albus travels on a Thestral.

Thestrals are not cute animals like reindeer, and "Grandpa White Beard" doesn't wear red clothes like Santa Claus. He will wear an invisibility cloak and fly in the night sky.

No one knew where he was going, but the place was undeniably dangerous and needed a wizard like Albus to hide.

Maybe he came to this place, the abode of "Death".

While Voldemort was thinking about "The Kingdom of Heaven," Pomona was patrolling the portraits on those steps.

She hoped to find the White Wizard's face, but also hoped not to find him.

She also compared the faces to portraits of famous people.

Whether it's a coincidence or they came here by strength, these people will be like the three Peverell brothers, from unknown mercenaries to legends.

"Who are you?" Xenophilius asked, staring at Pomona's face.

"Secret." Pomona smiled and said, "What are you doing here? Xenophilius."

Xenophilius did not answer the question.

"What did you encounter just now?"

"A phoenix that keeps weeping. The wounds on our bodies healed after being washed by the tears of the phoenix. I heard that you met a black eagle."

"Have you ever heard the story of the genie in the bottle?" Xenophilius said, staring at a sculpture holding a scythe.

"No," said Pomona. "What's that?"

"A Muggle fairy tale."

"You really love fairy tales," said Pomona. "Is that about this man?"

"It's a fairy tale collected by the Brothers Grimm," Xenofilius said.

Once upon a time there was a poor woodcutter who worked from dawn to dusk every day, and saved a little money for his son's tuition. The young man studied hard, but he ran out of money before finishing his studies, so he could only go home and continue chopping firewood with his father.

One day, the young man found a glass bottle under the big oak tree. Out of curiosity, he opened the bottle, and a huge monster ran out of it.

"I'll break your neck!" the monster threatened the young man "in return for letting me out!"

"Okay." The young man replied calmly, "But there is no rush. First of all, you have to prove to me that the villain in the bottle just now is you. If you can get in, I will be convinced, and then my head will be at your disposal." .”

The monster said proudly, "No problem."

So it shrunk quickly and got back into the bottle, and the young man took the opportunity to screw the cap on.

He buried the bottle back near the root of the tree, and when he was about to leave, the monster begged miserably again.

"Let me out, I swear I won't hurt a single hair of your hair, and I'll give you back a fortune that you can't spend in your life."

The young man hesitated, and decided to take a chance, so he pulled the cork, and the monster came out and became a giant again.

The giant gave the boy what looked like a cloth and told him, "If you put one end of this cloth over a wound, the wound will heal, and if you rub the other end of the cloth against steel or iron, it will turn into silver." .”

Then the boy wiped his broken ax with the cloth, and it turned to silver.

The young man returned to his father and continued to chop wood. He wiped the ax with something from the monster, and then chopped down with one axe. The iron on the ax had turned to silver, so the ax blade curled up. The father was very angry and asked the young man to find a way to sell the broken axe and return some money to the neighbors.

The youth took it to the gold shop in the town and sold it for 400 thalers. In this way all the worries of father and son were relieved, and the young man was able to go back to school, and later because of his cloth, he became a famous doctor.

"Your story is about an axe," Pomona said, looking at the statue. "He's holding a sickle."

"Did you forget that the young man let the goblin out?" Xenophilius said. "The goblin is free again. What do you think it will do?"

Pomona looked at the scythe again.

Generally speaking, the sickle represents a good harvest. The doctor snatched the patient back from the god of death, and in contrast, the god of death harvested life with a sickle. In Greek mythology, Gaia used the black rocks from the deepest part of the earth as raw materials, and asked the Cyclos to make a very hard and sharp small sickle. I hope Cronus will assassinate Uranus. Cronus cut off his father's head with a scythe and quickly dismembered it.

Then the sickle has always been the symbol of Cronus, so the image of Cronus holding a sickle or a long-handled sickle has become a symbol of the passage of time, and the sickle at this time has become a symbol of death.

"It's a fairy tale," said Pomona. "Don't take it seriously."

"I wish I could," Xenophilius said, "but ever since I knew there was such a place in the world, I've known doubt."

"You mean..."

"Someone locked up that evil genie again, in this temple," said Xenophilius. "I got this from Black Hawk."

Pomona looked down at Xenophilius' hand. There was a curved sharp blade in his hand, which looked like a sickle or the claw of some kind of bird of prey, except that it was made of bronze.

"What did you get?" Xenophilius asked in a low voice.

"I do not know what you're talking about."

"Do you really think that you were lucky enough to get here so easily, or that you were the 'chosen ones'?" Xenophilius whispered, "That monster, it was going to escape, it let you in on purpose .”

"What else do you know?"

"Don't be so secretive." Xenophilius moved anxiously. "What we are talking about now concerns the lives of thousands of people."

"You may care about people's lives." Pomona said with a smile, "but some people don't care, and they use this opportunity to seek their own interests."

"Are you that kind of person?" Xenophilius opened his eyes wide. "Are you?"

Pomona glared at him for a while, then took out the small bottle that Anna gave her.

"That's it." Xenophilius looked at it fascinatedly, subconsciously reached for it, but retracted his hand like Severus.

"You know what it is?" Pomona asked.

"Have you read the New Testament?" Xenophilius asked.

"Who do you think I am?"

"I don't know who you are. Although I don't believe in God, I have read the Bible." Xenophilius said.

"Yes, you are a Ravenclaw who loves to read, what does this have to do with the New Testament?" Pomona said impatiently.

"The materials used to make this bottle are used to build the New Jerusalem." Xenophilius said, "Do you know what the New Jerusalem represents?"

Pomona's eyes widened.

The last two chapters of "Apocalypse" describe that John saw in a vision a city of God descending from the kingdom of heaven to the earth. The name of this city is New Jerusalem. It is not a material city, but is redeemed by God through the ages The composition of believers is also the crystallization of God’s work throughout the ages.

The universe created by God is divided into old creation and new creation, and the time node is the final judgment.

The universe before Judgment Day was an old creation, and the New Heaven and New Earth, which was regenerated after the judgment of the Extinct Fire, is centered on the New Jerusalem. It is said that it is a cube built with gold, precious stones, and pearls.

Pomona looked at the bottle in her hand.

"It looks like gold," Xenophilius said, "but it's actually glass, and you're going to use it to lock that monster in."

"What? Me?"

"It's not hot if you hold it."

"But...how do I lock it in?" Pomona asked.

"How do I know?" Xenophilius raised his eyebrows. "Anyway, you can't use the method in the fairy tale. It was fooled once, and it won't be fooled again."

Pomona was about to break down.

In Paul's letter to Titus, the Cretans were described as "capricious, insincere, quarrelsome, tainted with every vice".

The hypocrisy of the Cretans is notorious, and the phrase "a Cretan a Cretan" originated from this place, which means "to deceive a scoundrel".

Scoundrels are so hard to fool, let alone devils, and she has to fool a devil once.

Blessings and misfortunes are overwhelming, she knew that such a smooth ride would not be a good thing!

"Merlin's beard..."

"It's useless to call Merlin, hurry up and find a way!" Xenophilius interrupted her, "I will help you, provided you tell me how to help you?"

Grimm's Fairy Tales, The Genie in the Bottle

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