Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1113 Star Seeker

After passing through a laurel grove, they came to the sixth floor of the maze.

There is nothing on this floor, only a swan sculpture stands in the center. Compared with the huge maze, the swan is very small. Its wings spread out, as if it is going to fly.

Cygnus was also called "Northern Cross" in the past. The long vertical part under the cross is the long neck of the swan, and the horizontal part is the spread wings of the swan.

The part of the swan's body is transparent, and the more it extends to the two wings, it gradually turns white.

Looking at the scenery in front of her, Pomona felt familiar, but she couldn't remember where she saw it.

"God's path is winding and hard to find, but it will flash out in the darkness of unfortunate life." Nadia said, "That's written on the entrance of the seventh-floor maze. Temple on the Mount of the Sages."

Nadia followed after all, and she didn't talk about how to divide the treasures.

This is more risky than negotiating good terms first and then cooperating.

Everyone tacitly agreed that fighting would be unavoidable when they saw the treasure later on, and this maze had not been opened since the three Peverell brothers.

"If the last sign is Gemini, and its corresponding metal is bismuth, what does it mean?" Severus asked Pomona.

"I don't know," said Pomona, puzzled.

Gemini's lucky metal is mercury, Leo is gold, and Virgo's lucky metal should be nickel.

She didn't know how she remembered it, but she actually remembered the lucky metal of Virgo as mercury of Gemini. According to the mercury content of each gold coin should not exceed a quarter of an ounce, she then thought that the metal corresponding to Virgo was antimony.

The lucky metal of Libra is copper, and the lord of the fourth labyrinth is not necessarily Vega of Lyra.

If she told Severus now that she had made a mistake, he would probably be pissed off.

Voldemort is this kind of person. He does not allow others to stop what he has determined. His drive is sometimes similar to that of Gryffindor.

Even identical twins do not necessarily have the same fate.

Fred and George, Parvati and Padma, and so many twins on this planet, even though they were as close as one person at first, they formed their own families or found their own The goals in life are farther and farther away.

Although they look more like other brothers and sisters with the same father and mother, they are just brothers and sisters, they are not alone.

However, there is indeed a kind of telepathy between the twins. Fred said the first sentence, and George can immediately follow the next sentence.

The prettiest Parvati and Padma were all waiting for Harry and Ron to invite them to dance.

During Pomona's tenure there was a boy who had a stomach ache in herbal medicine, and she learned later that his Gryffindor twin had suffered from appendicitis.

This feeling cannot be felt by an only child.

Leda gave birth to four children in total, two of them were two gods. Although Castor and Polydeuces looked very similar, they were half-brothers.

Castor was the son of the king of Sparta, and Polydeuces was the son of the god. They worshiped the centaur Chiron as their teacher. Castor was good at equestrianism and had great riding and shooting skills, while Polydeuces was proficient in boxing and was brave.

The fame of the brothers grew. Once, King Onius of Calydon was celebrating a good harvest. He thanked the gods, so he sacrificed grain, cattle, sheep, melons and fruits to the gods. However, he forgot Artemis, the goddess of hunting, during the sacrifice.

So the goddess sent a huge wild boar down to the world to punish those who disrespected her.

After the wild boar ran into the world, it ran wild like a madman. It ruined the crops of many farmers, and even took many people's lives with its fangs and brute force. So the king summoned all the warriors to hunt, with the goal of taking the life of the wild boar. Many heroes, including the brothers Castor and Polydeuces, were invited to participate in this hunting meeting.

In the end, the two brothers worked together and cooperated with other warriors, and it took a lot of effort to subdue the goddess' wild boar.

They also participated in the Trojan War to recapture Helen, but in the end they had misfortune because of a battle.

Brothers Castor and Polydeuces and another pair of twins, Lincos and Idas, were good friends. They made an appointment to fight together. After the battle, the four got the spoils—two stunning women.

But because the two pairs of twin brothers both wanted the two women, they had conflicts and even turned against each other.

Ivis killed Castor, Polyducs killed Linkos, and when Ivis attacked Polyducs, Zeus struck him dead with lightning.

Although the vengeance was avenged and the spoils were obtained, a pair of stunning twin sisters, but Polydeuces was still immersed in the pain of losing his brother for a long time and couldn't extricate himself. Later he knew his own life experience. So Pollux begged his father Zeus to resurrect his younger brother, but Zeus did not intend to agree, after all Castor was human, unless Pollux was willing to sacrifice half of his life.

And so Castor was resurrected. But the two could not see each other, because Castor lived during the day and Polydeukes lived at night, and one was in the sky and the other was on the ground.

On the ground, Castor also always misses his brother. Later, Zeus couldn't stand his son's pain, so he took Castor to the sky, so the two brothers met again and returned to the days when they were inseparable.

Among the stars in the sky, there is a very inconspicuous constellation - Lynx, which is also one of the northern sky constellations, between Ursa Major, Gemini and Auriga. In 1690, Polish astronomer Hevellis drew the constellation to fill the gap between Ursa Major and Auriga.

Because the constellation is full of dark stars, it is named "Lynx", which means that only people with sharp eyesight like a bobcat can see this dim constellation.

Linkos has the sharpest eyesight in the world, and can even see things in the underworld. He represents extraordinary insight.

Gemini's lucky stone is opal, and beasts such as lions and tigers are sometimes called "big cats".

But when Polish astronomers divided Lynx, it was only 10 years before the outbreak of the Spanish War of the Throne, and it had already passed the age of Mungnes Hagrid, unless he was as old as Grindelwald. Prophet.

Nicole Flamel didn't covet pleasure after becoming the Philosopher's Stone and gaining immortality. Instead, he created many props, including a crystal ball that can see fragments of the future.

If Mongnes Sessius Hagrid really refined the sun gold and regarded himself as the son of God, then he might be able to see the "future" that ordinary people can't see.

Pomona approached the sculpture of the swan. From a distance, it looked so small, but when she looked closely, she found that it was at least five or six meters high, almost as tall as Michelangelo's David.

The "David" of that size is almost the same as the "Giant" Goliath. Titans are giants, but not all giants are Titans.

In the face of huge monsters, human beings will always feel awe and fear in their hearts, and even lose the ability to think.

Whether it is Adam in the Garden of Eden or the human beings created by Prometheus, they are all created in the image of God.

He couldn't tell whether the one standing in front of him was the Creator or the Creator.

In front of Pomona's eyes, the crystal sculpture of a swan that was said to be transformed from Zeus was placed in the shape of a cross. She no longer knew what to say.

Voldemort raised the basswood wand he had picked up, aimed the fluorescent flash at the fifth feather of the swan's left wing, and nothing happened.

This seems to indicate that they guessed wrong.

"You also aimed the fluorescent flash at the fifth feather of the swan's wing, Mr. Meyer," said Voldemort.

But Lyle Meyer didn't move.

"You have the ring," said Voldemort. "Maybe it will trigger some mechanism."

Voldemort withdrew his wand.

"More than ten years ago, I had an unfortunate experience where I had to share a body with another person." Voldemort said gracefully and slowly, "It was a weak soul, but that body belonged to him, so he In the process of fighting with me for the body, I drew a tie, but it also meant that he was overwhelmed and had to drink unicorn blood to stay alive, and his body stinks and had to rely on the smell of garlic Cover up, I have to say that the smell of wine on your body is obvious, but it still can't cover up the rotten smell on your body, you are not Mr. Lyle Meyer, are you?"

"I know who you are?" Lyle smiled strangely, "You are the Lord Voldemort of England."

"Then who are you?" Voldemort smiled politely.

Nadia walked in front of Lyle calmly.

"I fulfilled the three wishes of the three brothers," Lyle said, "and gave them the strongest wand, the stone that can resurrect people, and the cloak that can deceive even my eyes."

"Are you 'Reaper'?" Xenophilius took a step back in surprise.

"I am the 'messenger'." Lyle smiled grimly. "Just like Hermes, I take on the responsibility of delivering the oracle."

"He's the bloody 'servant'." Pomona whispered in Severus' ear. "Do you think he's that Muggle slave trader?"

"Don't talk, listen carefully." Severus looked at the few people in the field and smiled happily.

That expression was exactly the same as when he caught the trio appearing next to the bloody wall and Dumbledore was talking to Harry.

Pomona looked at him and shook her head, then she also concentrated on watching the play.

Too bad there were no snacks or pumpkin soda, it would have been nice to have seats so it would be as comfortable as watching a movie in a Muggle cinema.

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