Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1111 God's son u0026 daughter

In the legendary movie of ghosts and ghosts, the Scorpion King of ancient Egypt, like Genghis Khan, intends to conquer the world.

But in a battle, he met a tough opponent, the invincible Scorpion King had to admit his defeat after fighting for seven years.

The defeated Scorpion King returned to the desert with the surviving tribal warriors. When he passed by Ramsay, he was the only survivor.

As he took his last breath, the Scorpion King made a wish to Death that he would take his soul if it would allow him to defeat his former enemies.

For a dying person, the god of death only needs to wait patiently for a while before harvesting his soul, but the god of death still obeyed his wish.

Death lent the Scorpion King an army of undead to help him conquer the city, and then, as agreed, when the city was broken, it was time for Death to take away the soul of the Scorpion King.

The Scorpion King ended up leaving behind a golden bracelet with which he could summon an army of the dead. It was later acquired by the pharaoh of Egypt, and the pharaoh's daughter and favorite concubine held a contest for who would protect the bracelet.

The iron fist thrown by Pomona's giant missed the priestess of death.

The structure of the labyrinth cannot be changed by using the transformation technique, but it can be destroyed. After the giant's iron fist landed, the stone walls were scattered all over the place. The two of them have already destroyed the maze beyond recognition.

Pomona couldn't hear or see the hallucinations when she was engrossed in the fight, but whenever she let up, the siren's song disturbed her.

That decadent sound is not only useful to men, but also to women.

Men are responsible for conquering the world, women are responsible for conquering men, and Cleopatra conquered Caesar so that Egypt would not become a Roman province.

Later, she conquered Anthony again, and her legend came to an end until she was old and lustful, or David loved power more than beauty.

It is not only heroes who are sung in poetry, but also beautiful women.

"Eden" will not only make men lose their fighting spirit, but also make women lose their reason.

This time, what appeared in front of her was not a man, but countless works of art.

Leonardo da Vinci was not a loyal Italian, he knew no borders, and for a time he was even loyal to François I, the French king who tried to conquer Italy.

Francois I was once captured by the Spaniards, which led to his depression and indulging in the love of men and women in the court.

As an ambitious monarch, no matter how many beauties surround him, he may not be able to regain the high-spirited feeling he had when leading troops in battle.

So he built the Songdan Bailu Palace, and deliberately built it into an Italian Renaissance style to remind himself of his goal of conquering Italy.

Beginning with Charles VIII, the French kings have been awarded the titles of Kings of France and Constantine by the Church.

Even the Mona Lisa's smile is less enigmatic and seductive than that of unified Europe.

War is always accompanied by death, and people who have never met will fight each other with death. The king who sat firmly in the palace couldn't see the blood on the battlefield, let alone the nobles.

If the Italian Renaissance made Italy rich and strong, then the wind of the Renaissance brought it to France and it began to decline.

The mighty France originated from the three generations of Pepin and his son. They borrowed the hand of the church to confirm the divine right of kings and thus stole the crown from the Merovingian royal family.

It is also because of the conflict between Catholicism and Protestantism that led to the weakening of France.

Especially after Louis XIV revoked the Nantes Pardon, a large number of Protestants fled, including many craftsmen.

Since firearms have been widely used, the heavy armor of knights has no protective effect, but will affect their own speed and movement.

Whether you say she is crazy or insane, Pomona suddenly wants to recruit Nadia, a group of alchemists who serve the god of death.

After this idea appeared, she didn't want to kill her, although their idea of ​​"I will turn into a star after death" was full of religious fanaticism.


A person that Pomona could never have imagined appeared between the two.

Luna's father, Xenophilius Lovegood, was holding up his hands to signal the two to stop fighting, and the symbol of the Deathly Hallows still hung around his neck.

"What are you doing here?" Nadia asked.

"I just received news that the International Federation of Wizards has asked the Italian Ministry of Magic to dispatch Aurors, and they will be heading here soon!" Xenophilius stared into Nadia's eyes and said, "You know, they have always suspected Parodo has a relationship with Grindelwald."

Nadia looked solemn, and she turned to look at Pomona.

"Big elephant, are you still fighting?"

Pomona glanced at the nearly destroyed copper monster bird and the half-ruined labyrinth.

"What do you want?"

"Cooperate, the treasure inside will be divided into three or seven."

"That's impossible!" Pomona refused without hesitation, "You have guarded this maze for hundreds of years and haven't opened it. Why should we give you 30%?"

Nadia sneered, "Don't get me wrong, it's me with 70% and you with 30%."

"Oh, do I still have to thank you for your generosity?" Pomona smiled sweetly.

"They're on their way!" Xenophilius urged anxiously, "You want them to pick up ready-made ones?"

"Damn italian!" Pomona gritted her teeth in hatred.

"How do you know that you are sure to get the treasure?" Nadia asked.

"Then how can you be sure you can get the treasure?" Pomona asked.

"I'm going to destroy it," Nadia said. "This place is getting too much attention."

"Including you, Xenophilius?" Pomona asked.

"You...you recognize me?" Xenophilius said in surprise.

"You're the editor-in-chief of the Quibbler, and your daughter is a friend of Harry Potter, so you're a celebrity." Pomona said helplessly, "Where's Albus Dumbledore's friend Dougie?"

"How do I know?" Xenophilius said in a panic.

"You kidnapped him."

"I don't!"

"Enough!" Nadia stopped the two of them. "We have no time to catch up on the past. How long are you going to stay in that Tin Woodman?"

"Felix, go see if they come out?" Pomona shouted.

The Obscure who had been standing stupidly by the side woke up and ran towards the entrance of the fifth floor of the maze.

Louis XII's failure to conquer Milan was not only due to different habits, but also because he turned enemies into friends with Spain and encroached on Naples with the uneven distribution of spoils.

The Spaniards drove the French away from Naples, but that was only a stopgap measure for the French, and the French drove the Spaniards out. By the time of Francis I, he was already France, Naples, Constantine The king is gone.

However, the church did not recognize the French's right to rule Italy, and the Papal State also formed a "Holy Alliance" with Germany, Britain, Switzerland, Spain, and Venice to resist French invasion.

Francois I was originally not destined for the throne. Charles VIII was in his prime when he was born. Later, because his previous two kings, Charles VIII and Louis XII, had no heirs, and because the French royal family followed the "Salik Succession Law", The female line missed the throne, and François, who was only four years old and fatherless at the time, became the presumptive heir to the throne.

A four-year-old child, without the protection of his mother, would not be able to grow up in that man-eating palace anyway. Sometimes fate would not give the child a chance to grow up slowly. Because what he is facing is the danger of becoming a king in one step and a stepping stone for others in one step.

Pomona looked at Xenophilius.

Luna and Rolf were engaged, and Xenophilius was alone after she got married, so why was he acting stupid and messing with these people?

She can't play such a difficult game, she still prefers to prepare the banquet, because she is just an ordinary teacher, such a game should be left to the favored children of heaven to play.

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