Evil comes from man as honey comes from bees.


A fly flew into the house through the open window.

Everything in this room is dark, the curtains, the marble floor, and the furniture. Only the narcissus in the golden vase brings some lively colors to the darkness.

Nadia Vasika, 10, watched as it flew up the ceiling for a while, and then it flew towards the curtain following a scent. But because it was blocked by the yarn, it couldn't continue to fly forward, so the colorful fly lay on it, along with hundreds of other flies.

It was dark behind the curtain, but when the wind blew, perhaps by blowing the curtain that blocked the sun, Nadia still saw the figure of a person.

He was sitting in a high chair like a king.

"Let her come here," said the man inside the curtain.

"Come on, honey." Nadia's mother took her by the hand and walked a little further.

"Stop," said the person inside, and both Nadia and her mother stopped immediately. "Let her come alone."

Nadia's mother let go, but Nadia didn't move.

For some reason, she was afraid of the man behind the curtain.

Nadia's mother pushed her back lightly, so Nadia walked slowly to the edge of the curtain. The flies flew up after sensing her arrival, but they circled around and did not leave, making a "buzzing sound" "the sound of.

The person sitting on the high-back chair stood up, and he slowly approached Nadia.

The indescribable stench grew stronger, like rotting rats, and it was this smell that attracted the flies.

Then the man squatted down, and Nadia subconsciously took a step back.

"You know, why did you come here?" the person in the curtain asked.

"Yes." Nadia trembled.

"Tell me." The man continued to ask.

"Be...become the next 'village head' of Palodo." Nadia said.

"That's what your parents told you, I want to hear what you think?" The man asked again, "You know, what is this place?"

"Yes." Nadia continued trembling.

"Tell me." The man asked patiently.

"The Temple of Hades." Nadia said fearfully.

"Then you are..." the man asked again.

"Priest of Hades." Nadia replied with tears in her eyes.

The man seemed to be smiling.

"Good girl." The person in the curtain praised softly, "You can go."

Nadia immediately turned around and ran to her mother, hugging her.

"Do you... think she's suitable?" Nadia's mother asked in awe.

"You will know after I make a decision. Now, you all stand down." The man inside the curtain said.

"Yes." Nadia's mother bowed humbly.

"Wait." Just as the mother and daughter were about to leave, someone from Vimri asked, "Did you sacrifice black animals?"

"Yes, Messenger," Nadia's mother replied.

"I have no other questions," the man said.

This time Nadia and her mother finally left the place.

Once back in the sun, Nadia was delighted, because everyone else had said how calm they acted around "him," and she certainly wasn't as good as the others.

In this way, she can leave Palodo and go to the magic school to study.

"I'm finally going to be free!" The little girl in a floral dress yelled with great excitement, circling briskly on the ancient stone-paved streets.

"I'm finally going to be free." The 30-year-old woman in a dark golden armor stood on the rock and whispered silently, her eyes fixed on the maze not far away that was shrouded in black tulle.

"What's next?" asked the man standing under the rock.

Nadia picked up a golden compass, or rather it was the epitome of a maze, and two blue dots of light slowly disappeared before her eyes.

"Galen and Enzo are dead." Nadia put away the compass.

"Do you think the people in the labyrinth are with the people who attacked the village?" the man asked.

"We won't know until we catch them." Nadia hung the compass on her belt. "Let the big-headed monster go in first, and see what traps they have set up."

The man took orders and left.

Not long after, the big-headed monsters in the passage rushed towards the maze like a tide, but they all carefully circumvented the rock where Nadia was standing, and the team split into two here, and quickly moved towards the entrance of the maze.


With a "snap", Severus put away his wand and continued reading as if he had done something very ordinary.

The fly that smelled the smell of dragon dung no longer "buzzed", and there was a corpse of a fly on the ground of the greenhouse.

"That's what you did?" Pomona asked.

"What?" Severus asked without looking up.

"It's nothing." Pomona was a little surprised, but she didn't pay much attention to it. She thought that the fly was killed by him by mistake.

That kind of insect is small and fast, and it's not that easy to target it.

What's more, she still had so many mandrakes to repot, so she quickly put this insignificant matter behind her.

Pomona used the lengthening spell to make the dragon claw vine quickly cover an intersection.

It can play a limited defensive role, and it will not attack when all its tentacles are full of prey.

The big-headed hairy monster is not big, but there are a lot of them, and she is only one person, and she has no time to arrange on the other side of the maze.

"Felix!" she yelled, the map of the maze was now in Severus' hands, and the last time she looked at the map she realized he was nearby, but she didn't know exactly where the little Obscure was.

It was stupid, her shouting would give away her position, but there was nothing else she could do.

Neither the Gallon nor the crystal has any effect in the labyrinth, and there is no other way to communicate except by talking.

There is a book about a group of children under the age of 12 who are stranded on a deserted island because of a plane crash.

In the thinking of normal people, they should cooperate with each other to leave the deserted island in such a predicament, but this group of children is divided into two factions.

The faction headed by the captain's son Ralph proposed to light a fire for help, while the other group, headed by Jack, believed that they should hunt wild boars to survive. Although there are no adults around to protect and assist, the climate on the island is suitable, there are no ferocious beasts, and there is enough fresh water and wild fruits to eat. In fact, the children are not in immediate danger of survival. As long as an effective cooperation and cooperation is established A division of labor mechanism and a rough code of conduct and guidelines can survive in a civilized and orderly manner on the island.

But everyone wants to eat meat, and it is cooked meat, which requires a fire, which requires the glasses of a frail, farsighted boy.

As time goes by, the hope of being saved becomes more and more remote. In contrast, the temptation to eat meat and live a comfortable life is obviously greater for other children. There are more and more people who support Jack and become "savages". In an environment without adults, children are like weeds that grow wildly, growing up by nature.

What is shown in that book is not cooperation and courage when encountering difficulties, not wisdom and kindness, but that children gradually fall into unknown anxiety and fear of darkness in the process of staying away from the constraints of civilization, and finally step by step towards disputes and confrontations. , violence, and even killing each other, this is what people don't want to see.

But this is the choice made by a group of children who only have a very vague concept of the division of labor mechanism and code of conduct, and even what is good and bad, right and wrong, in an unfamiliar environment without laws and moral controls. Children all have the instinctive tendency to eat, drink, play, and enjoy leisure and work, while older children have the primitive nature of following the strong and pursuing excitement.

In the end, the instinctive autocrats overwhelmed the rational democrats. After unconsciously killing two people, Jack annihilated the last trace of humanity and burned down the entire island in pursuit of Ralph.

Instinct can bring great drive, but it can also easily get out of hand. Since arriving on the island, the younger children have continued to have nightmares, thinking that there are terrible monsters hiding in the dark.

This fear gradually spread to the older children.

So in the dark and in fear, they accidentally killed a companion who appeared suddenly and had no time to reveal their identity in the future. At this moment, they went from crossing the psychological bottom line of hunting wild boars to crossing the psychological bottom line of killing their companions. All taboos and rationality in civilized society finally disappeared, leaving only various barbaric behaviors based on instinct and adapting to the environment.

A person's choice under stress determines his life or death.

Although it was risky to yell loudly, Felix must be very scared when he came to such a horrible place for the first time. This is not the streets of London. Although the street life is cruel, there is order.

If she hadn't disclosed her identity, it was very likely that she would have died the moment she found Felix.

She once had a dream in which a little black-haired boy was crying in a blood-stained bathroom.

She couldn't remember what the child's face looked like.

But she remembered that she wanted to hold his hand and lead him out of this dark corner.

She walked around the maze for a while, and found Felix in a corridor covered in darkness. He looked terrified as he curled up and cried, although the silence on him looked dangerous and terrifying.

"Do you know who I am?" Pomona asked.

"Yes." Felix looked at her tearfully and said, "You're Linda."

"I'll tell you a secret." Pomona said energetically, "Harry Potter hasn't been to Hufflepuff's common room either, it's a cozy circular room with a low ceiling, the doors and tables are honey Colored, cacti are placed on wooden shelves that surround the room, they greet and dance to those who pass by, copper planters are suspended from the ceiling, and various ferns and vines appear as you walk below. Your tendrils will brush your hair, so I strongly advise you to wear your wizard hat, young sir."

"You think I can study at Hogwarts?" Felix asked, sobbing.

"The premise is that you must learn to control your own power, otherwise you will hurt others." Pomona said seriously, "It will not only hurt your enemies, but even your loved ones."

"But I don't know how to control it," Felix said timidly.

"There will always be a way, as long as you want to do it, but now I need you to help me, will you help me?"

"What do you want me to do?" Felix asked.

Pomona dropped a large bag of seeds and potions at his feet.

"I hope you didn't just play around in the past two months, Jan Felix, Hufflepuff may not be good at duels, but group battles are our strength." Pomona said, "A monster has entered the maze, I want to You hold this side, can you do it?"

Felix nodded.

"I don't need you to be brave. If you feel that you can't hold it, just send a signal. Do you know how to use that spell?"

"Yes, lumos maxima."

"Looking forward to your performance, Mr. Young." Pomona said calmly, then turned and left, walking to the other side of the maze.

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