Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1094 Rainbow Fingerprint

There is a pot of olfactory weed, which is said to be endangered and almost considered extinct, by the window sill. It is Pomona's birthday present.

Seeing it, Pomona remembered that today was June 5th, and although she missed her own birthday, she woke up on Draco's birthday.

She couldn't find a suitable gift for a while, and when she was combing her hair in front of the mirror and having a headache about what gift to give her godson, Severus put a dagger in front of her.

"this is……"

"Wrap it up." Severus kissed her temples. "Take it as a gift from the two of us."

Maybe it was really hot, Severus didn't wear the black coat anymore, he only wore a white shirt, and rolled up the sleeves a little, just covering the Dark Mark on his arm, and then he Face easily left the bedroom.

Pomona looked at the dagger in front of her. Of course she recognized it. She had dug it from Dobby's grave.

Unlike Klitsch, Dobby was a house-elf of the Malfoy family who yearned for freedom, not a loyal servant.

If you have to say that Dobby has an object of allegiance, it is Harry Potter.

Apollo asked the crow to report his wife's whereabouts, but the crow was late because of laziness. It made up a clumsy lie to cover up its mistake, but it caused a bigger mistake and led to a tragedy.

In fact, it only needs to tell the truth, and Apollo may forgive it. It turned out that a lie not only caused Kuruniss death, but also let it take his own life.

Harry was very sad about Dobby's death, but Draco was not necessarily. From Draco's point of view, a traitor was dealt with by Aunt Bella. He might think that it was Dobby himself who ended up like this looking for.

"Why did you put the Corvus in the maze, Hagrid?" Pomona murmured.

Even if the constellation chaos in the 16th century is not counted, there are so many choices in the 88 constellations of Zhou Tian, ​​but he chose such an unpopular constellation as Corvus.

"Maybe it's to prove that I have a unique vision." A voice came from behind her.

Pomona turned her head to look over, and the handsome Tom Riddle was sitting on the low stool by the bed.

"You..." She stood up in fright.

"Please sit down." He said gracefully and restrained "You don't need to be nervous."

Pomona found the red-eyed crow at the top of the closet, and she sat down slowly, leaning on the back of the chair.

"I shouldn't be in your bedroom, but I don't think it's appropriate for us to chat in the living room either. Draco and Severus don't welcome me that much."

"What do you want to talk about?" Pomona asked.

"What do you think of that bottle of wine?" Voldemort said, looking at the bottle of elderflower wine on the bedside. "I heard it's very sweet, like a sweet but not greasy liquid dessert."

"Ron Weasley was nearly poisoned with mead," Pomona quivered. "What did you drink in it?"

Voldemort did not speak.

"I have never used poison to kill people." Voldemort said a long time later, "Including Albus Dumbledore, didn't he still live after drinking the potion in the pool?"

"What is that potion?"

"Despair can make people give up resistance, and it can make it easier for the ghost to pull the person who intends to take the Horcrux into the water." Voldemort looked at the maze outside the window and sighed silently. It’s still too far away.”

Ron likes to brag and hopes that he can become a hero in the eyes of everyone and be admired by others, but under the brilliance of Hermione, the schoolmaster, and Potter, the savior, he becomes very inconspicuous, just like a donkey hunting with a lion.

It is not so easy to live under someone else's reputation, we are of the same composition as the world around us and therefore easily influenced. Ron was originally an ordinary person, and he lived happily. Who wouldn't want a loving family like the Weasleys?

But not everyone can love their family members for granted and sacrifice themselves for them, so they can't understand that Albus doesn't want others to experience the pain of losing his family members because of the war.

"How about some exposure to the sun?" Voldemort said suddenly, "I heard that more exposure to the sun is good for calcium absorption."

"What?" Pomona asked confused.

"Women break down food continuously during pregnancy, and use the atoms in these foods to synthesize a baby." Voldemort said softly, "The sodium in the salt makes up the brain, and the calcium in the milk becomes the calcium in the bones, but sometimes she takes The absorbed atoms are not enough, so you can only decompose the elements in your body, and you need to be exposed to the sun to supplement calcium, only in this way can you generate the necessary vitamin D, so, go to the sun.”

"You think you were born because you absorbed your mother's life?" Pomona asked.

"It's instinct," said Voldemort. "I know how to suck that energy out of other people. I knew it before I was born."

"I didn't expect you to attend Muggle lessons." Pomona changed the subject, which was too suffocating.

"Wizards have stopped studying transmutation, but Muggles are still continuing. Today's wizards, especially Muggle-born wizards, have brought Muggle thinking and habits into the wizarding world." Voldemort said coldly, " I don't need them, what I need is someone like you..."

"I won't join you, Tom." Pomona interrupted his solicitation. "If I join the Death Eaters, it would be a betrayal."

"Who did you betray?"

"I don't know, I'm not going to be another Buddy Crouch Jr.," she said exhaustedly.

"Deep in your heart, you know I'm right." Voldemort smiled. "It's not that human beings can't accept discrimination, but it's themselves who oppose being discriminated against."

"That's what you said?" Pomona asked.

"I'm sorry, that's what you said. What I said is that there are two kinds of people in the world. One is people who don't know how to gain power, and the other is people who know what they want and work hard to get it. I Mom was the former, so she was eliminated."

"You still think so?" Pomona asked, and then she found herself brought back to the original topic.

"Each metal burns to produce a specific spectrum. Magnesium is white, and sodium is yellow. By observing these spectra, you can analyze the composition of stars." Voldemort raised his hands melancholy. Can one not desire gold?"

Gold is also flammable, although in common sense, gold will only melt when it encounters fire, and gold jewelry can be made with melted gold water.

At extremely high temperatures, such as when a supernova explodes, it will burn, and the light it emits is pale yellow, not much different from the light of a candle.

"My mother said she wanted me to look like my father." Voldemort hid the locket in his hand. "What do you want me to be?"

"I want you to be a Ravenclaw." Pomona said without hesitation. "Learned, wise, and able to guide the lost in the right direction."

"Perhaps my being possessed by the crow gave you some kind of misunderstanding. It wasn't that hat that assigned me to Slytherin. I feel very honored to be a Slytherin." Voldemort stood up slowly, "You Why don't you want me to be Hufflepuff?"

"That means you have to be a tolerant person." Pomona said helplessly. "You can't, Tom."

"Not necessarily." Voldemort walked to the dressing table and put the locket on the table, "Severus won't let you take it, so please give it to Astonia, this jewelry should Give it to a beautiful person for safekeeping."

"Can't Bella wear it?" Pomona asked.

Voldemort looked at the locket.

"Do as I say." He said in a commanding tone, and then the crow on the wardrobe began to flap its wings, and the handsome demon king disappeared as it flew out of the window.

Pomona looked at the locket on the table, the point of Bella's dagger pointed at it.

They intertwined to form weird fluctuations, which made people extremely uncomfortable.

She hid the locket in a fleece pocket.

As for the dangerous dagger, of course it can't be tied with a pink bow like candy, and how to wrap it is really nerve-wracking.

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