It has only been half a month from Xiaoman to Mangzhong, but the ears of wheat have become full and ready to be harvested.

Pomona looked at a bar on the pregnancy test, then used her wand to make the little thing disappear.

Flowers blooming may not necessarily bear fruit. Fortunately, she didn't have much hope, otherwise it would be even more uncomfortable when it failed.

She put the remaining useless pregnancy test stick in the drawer under the sink, tidied up her mood, and left the bathroom.

Looking out from the aisle on the third floor, the outside of the house is still sunny, but the outside of the villa has changed.

The orchard of her dream was not completed, but instead had a huge maze, which was almost exactly the same as the maze in the sand table.

As Voldemort said, it looked like a fine garden, with sculptures, fountains, waterways and all kinds of flowers.

When she appeared by the window, Severus, who was casting a spell on the wall of the labyrinth, suddenly turned around and met her gaze.

He didn't look very surprised, nor was he excited after reuniting after a long absence, only those black eyes looked straight at her.

Pomona opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say, so she also stared stupidly into his eyes.

The laurel thrives in the sun, its oily leaves gleaming like gold. In addition to representing victory and bewitching, it also has another meaning. In the Christian floral calendar, laurel is a flower used to commemorate Saint Sutopeninas.

St. Tsotopninas was said to be a stubborn and inflexible man. Pomona was not that familiar with Catholic saints. She only knew two others who were very stubborn.

It is not so easy for Tom to give up immortality, so will this same stubborn guy in front of him change a little bit?

Became... less fond of Lily.

"You still don't understand, right?" In almost the same place, half a month ago he had said with a sneer and a wry smile, "I started my holiday with him when James Potter blocked Lupine the werewolf for me." It's over, that stupid dog is dead, I'm very happy, have I become the kind of monster you said?"

Sinistra once said that Saturn was called Cronus in ancient times, and Cronus was renamed Saturn in Roman mythology. After being defeated by Jupiter, he fled to Latium and taught the people there to farm, so he became the god of agriculture and was worshiped by people.

Both Saturday and Saturn are named after Saturn. In astrology, the gloomy and indifferent Saturn represents is completely different from the carnival and excitement of the Saturnalia.

There is a story in Aesop's fables, Hermes led mankind to reclaim land, but was resisted by the earth god, Hermes said to the earth god, this is the order of Zeus, and no one can disobey it!

The Earth God then said to Hermes, "Then let them reclaim it as they please, anyway, they will cry and pay back someday."

She didn't like the story, but she still wrote it down. She tried to understand the words of the earth god, why would human beings cry and pay back in the future?

Not only had she lost her daughter that day, but Severus too, he wasn't the type to like children, he'd been a horrible teacher in school, but would his own daughter change him a bit?

Good seeds are sown on land that is not fertile enough to produce good crops. In this regard, she is indeed inferior to young girls.

But she would never persuade him to marry another woman for the sake of the child, because doing so would make her the same as Lucius Malfoy.

She just hoped that Draco wouldn't be fooled by his godfather's influence. The Princes were gone, but the Malfoys still needed an heir.

Although the old Malfoy valued his only son, he valued the continuation of the family even more. Lucius' extremely cold rationality turned him into a terrible person, as if his son was no longer a person of flesh and blood, but a tool to carry on the family line .

He wasn't an entirely bad father, though, at least he allowed Draco not to inherit the family business.

Harry's group took advantage of the importance wizards' parents attached to their children to achieve their own goals, but he didn't know how far wizards could go to continue the bloodline.

This cannot be blamed on him, after all, he was just a child at that time, and he acted on impulse without much thought at all.

He ignorantly understands the hearts of his parents, but he doesn't understand it very well, just like some people understand what love is, but they don't become obsessed and crazy for love, and completely lose their minds.

"I will die for you" is something parents can do for their children, but lovers and husbands and wives can rarely do it. It's more like a sweet talk that makes people feel better, and if you are serious, you lose.

But Pomona wanted to believe that they had almost stayed in that pit forever together.

She couldn't find a knight who was willing to die for her, but a dark wizard who said "die or live together" nonsense.

Except for her birthday, Severus didn't stay by her bed all the time, waiting for her to wake up from sleep.

He is not the kind of person who spends time on emotional matters. Even if he can't experiment, he can at least get familiar with the terrain through this maze.

But deep down in her heart, she still felt a little disappointed, and she hoped to see how he was out of his mind because of her.

The belt is getting wider and I don't regret it, and I am haggard because of Yixiao.

This metaphor of Chinese poets is really dazzling. How did they come up with it?

"Ahem." Draco pretended to cough, and then used the Growth Curse nonchalantly, causing rose vines to climb all over the walls of the maze.

Pomona then withdrew her gaze and turned her back to him.

Who knew that as soon as she turned around, the guy who was still in the garden just now had apparated behind her, and she almost ran into him.

"Why did you put on your coat again?" She said incoherently, "Is it not hot to wear so many coats on such a hot day?"

And it's still black, how heat-absorbing this color is.

Pomona could feel that her intelligence was rapidly deteriorating at a speed visible to the naked eye. This seemed to entertain the old bat, and there was a smile on his stiff face.

"You like to see me in this." He whispered in her ear audibly. "Are you looking at it and imagining what it looks like underneath?"

"No!" she screamed.

"Liar." He smiled smugly. "Do you think your current behavior is barbaric by the standards of ancient Greece?"

"I didn't think so!" She pushed him hard.

"Then what are you thinking?" Her strength couldn't push him at all, and he took another half step forward, getting closer to the ground, "See if I can help you achieve it."

"Who do you think you are? The genie from Aladdin's lamp?"

"Tell me what's on your mind."

He hung on, grabbing her arm with both hands.

She resisted, but couldn't break free no matter what.

"Come on." She glanced back at the garden behind her, where Draco and Astonia were sitting by the pool, drinking pumpkin soda and chatting.

His breathing became heavy and he hugged her tightly.

Giovanni Lorenz Bernini has a famous sculpture. One day, Persephone, the daughter of the goddess of grain Demeter, was picking flowers in the field with her female companions. Jumped out and snatched her away.

This scene is described in "Platon's Robbery of Persephone". One is strong and powerful, and has an absolute advantage in this power struggle; the other is weak and terrified. Raised left thumb. But what surprised Pomona was that the sculptor used marble to embody the velvety soft texture of the skin, and Pluto left a deep depression on the girl's tender thigh with his fingers too hard.

The cold underworld is far inferior to Mount Olympus, where there are so many toasts. Hades just drew lots, but his heart is hot.

It's just that most of the time he was indifferent and tried to be fair and just, only Persephone made him lose his mind.

"Stop." She begged in a low voice, terrified.

"You know, I won't stop." He said fiercely, then grabbed her wrist, and tugged back to the room amidst her constant resistance.

Saturn is farther from the sun than the earth, and it takes thirty years for the earth to revolve around it.

There are also four seasons on that planet, and one season is 7 years of the earth.

Missing will engulf you in the lonely night, make you unable to breathe, and make time extremely long.

That kind of feeling can't be understood by saying "I understand".

poor dragon

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