Harry gripped the bike's handle tightly.

Although the power of the flying motorcycle was astonishing, it was not as fast as thestrals, and they arrived in London just before midnight.

Ron had fallen asleep in the bucket, and he didn't wake up until Harry dropped the car to the ground.

"Merlin's Beard, can't you stop? I thought we crashed!" Ron yelled.

Harry stopped at a spot on the side of the road and unfastened the straps of his helmet.

"I think I stopped better than you did last time, that crazy Whomping Willow nearly killed us."

"That was my first time driving."

"me too."

"So what do you want to express? You are better than me at everything, right? Director!"

"You know I don't want to be the Secretary! Ronald!" Harry glared at Ron.

"That's right, you don't want to be one at all." Ron perfunctory, looking at the alley, "Where are we?"

"London, the Muggle community." Harry said indifferently, "This intersection is our duty, and we are Aurors on a mission now."

Ron was silent for a while, then said, "Why can you wear a jacket and I can't?"

"You can ask Hermione to buy you one too," said Harry firmly.

"She's a busy person now, how can she still remember me." Ron complained angrily.

"You can buy one yourself, too," Harry added.

"That would be boring."

"Then what do you think is interesting?"

Ron looked at the sky, the full moon appearing and disappearing in the dark clouds.

"Do you think it's going to rain?"

"Motorcycles don't have a roof, if you want to stay in a car with a roof..."

"I'm going to buy myself a flying car, right?" Ron interrupted Harry, and stood up from the car.

"Where are you going?" Harry asked.

"Buy some coffee, I think we'll have to stay up late again tonight." Ron walked towards a shop with pink coffee neon lights.

When Ron disappeared behind the shop door, Harry was alone in the alley, and dogs barked occasionally from the dark apartments nearby.

The moonlight, the barking dogs, and the Whomping Willow just now reminded Harry of the night when the gentle Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher Remus Lupine turned into a werewolf in front of them to protect the three of them. One, two people stood in front of them.

"There's something in that snake's venom that prevents wounds from healing," said Arthur Weasley, lying relaxed in his bed at St. Mungo's Hospital, "but they believe there's an antidote, they've seen worse many cases."

"I want to watch the light in your eyes disappear!" In the cemetery of the Riddle family, the resurrected Voldemort clamored, and he wanted to kill Harry Potter with his own hands.

"Look... look... I..." The man Harry once hated looked at Harry with wide black eyes. "You have your mother's eyes."

"I recognized you from the first moment I set eyes on you, Harry, you look exactly like your father..." Remus said with a smile.

"But my eyes look like mum's." Harry interrupted Remus, laughing.

"Well done, James!" Sirius Black cheered loudly in the Hall of Death in the Department of Mysteries.

But not long after, a green flash hit Sirius, and he fell backwards slowly. It took him a long time for this process. He passed through the curtain on the arch, and his body curled into a graceful arch. Shaped, fell into the ancient corridor. There was an expression of fear and surprise on that decadent and handsome face. The curtain fluttered for a while, as if blown by a gust of wind, and then returned to calm.

"Look, that's the crux of the matter." The hoarse mermaid grinned strangely. "You watched him die because you didn't want to save him. You sentenced him to death while he was still alive."

Harry unbuttoned the collar of his jacket, which he had buttoned up because it was too cold, and it was suffocating him, so he unbuttoned it again.

Death is actually very easy, whether he has witnessed it with his own eyes or experienced it.

It was on the edge of the Forbidden Forest, with dementors roaming around, and Harry couldn't cast the Patronus Charm like he had the last time in the Forbidden Forest.

He took out the Snitch from his pocket and kissed it with his lips. The gold-like shell of the Snitch slowly cracked, and by the moonlight, he saw a black stone with the coat of arms of the Peverell family on it.

It was the Resurrection Stone, and it actually couldn't resurrect anything, but when Harry took the stone in his hand, some familiar figures came to him: James, Sirius, Lupine, and his mother Lily, They all had loving smiles on their faces.

But there was no sign of Severus Snape.

The misunderstanding was cleared up, Harry had wronged him, so why didn't Severus come?

If Severus had heard the question, he would have said sarcastically, "An old friend's reunion? That's touching. Shall we give it a hug?"

"What a stupid question," Harry said to himself petulantly, ruffling his hair and making it more messy.

If Harry is just an ordinary person, he can choose to forget this problem and continue to live. But now he is a judge, he needs to make a fair sentence, he cannot judge whether a person is guilty or innocent according to his likes and dislikes.

For a young man under the age of 26, this is really too difficult.

One of his decisions can change a person's fate, just like Sirius, who was imprisoned in Azkaban for 12 years as an innocent.

When was Sirius imprisoned? Should be younger than Harry's current age, but he was already older than Harry when he escaped.

Just when Harry was thinking about the problem, there was the sound of a motorcycle coming from far and near in the darkness. Not long after, a dazzling light hit Harry's eyes, and he subconsciously covered them with his hands. .

Immediately afterwards, more lights and more roars of motorcycles came, and a convoy of heavy motorcycles drove into the alley. Wearing exaggerated studded jackets and tattoos, the men looked menacing and terrifying.

They spotted Harry alone, but instead of driving past, they stopped in a semicircle around him.

"Is that your car?" asked a knight wearing a skull hood.

"Yes." Harry quietly took his wand in his hand.

"Such models are rare now, how much did you spend?" Cavalier asked again.

"It's a present from my godfather," said Harry.

"It's well maintained." The rider looked at the motorcycle. "But it's not suitable for drag racing with a hanging bucket. What are you doing out there so late? Young man."

"What do you want to do again?" Harry said calmly, looking into the other person's eyes, looking like he was about to fight someone.

The middle-aged knight smiled.

"Harry!" Ron held two cups of coffee, looking at the scene in front of him in surprise.

The middle-aged man glanced at Ron, said nothing, turned the accelerator, and these "steel monsters" began to move forward slowly again.

Ron trotted over after the bikers in Aunt Petunia's eyes had left.

"Are you okay? Are they bothering you?" Ron asked with concern.

Harry smelled the fumes from those heavy motorcycle exhausts, and it was weird that although the fumes were poisonous and suffocating, he felt refreshed and didn't need the coffee to pick him up.

His heart was beating powerfully, like a motorcycle engine, and it was a different feeling from riding a broomstick, even Harry the real dragon rode it, the end of Gringotts, and that feeling It is also different.

"Why do people like motorcycles so much, metal monsters that make crazy noises?" Harry asked Ron.

Ron froze.

"I think it looks cool," said Ron after a while.

"But I don't think so." Harry looked at Ron and said, "I like it because Sirius used to own it, and the guy said just now that the car is not suitable for racing with the trailer, and I think Sirius does too." Not a thrill seeker."


"Put on the helmets, Ron, we can't just wait around here, have you ever seen a Seeker waiting for the Snitch to fly in front of him?"

"Wait until I finish this cup of coffee," said Ron. "I bought donuts, do you want some?"

Harry looked at the donuts in the paper bag and reached for one.

Ron sat on the edge of the bucket and devoured it.

Rock music was heard from a bar not far away, and occasionally men and women came out laughing and laughing.

"Like our fourth-year Yule Ball," laughed Harry. "Dean's still wondering how we got the prettiest girl in school."

"They ain't the prettiest when Fleur comes," said Ron vaguely.

"How dare you invite her." Harry laughed at Ron.

"I at least tried, how about you?" Ron said sternly.

Harry ducked his head quickly and took a big bite out of the donut.

"Can't believe she ended up picking a Ravenclaw," Ron muttered indignantly. "That kid giggled all night, like a second Lockhart."

"I don't think Roger was giggling."

"Did you lean over and listen?"


"Then how do you know he's not giggling?"

"I...forget it, never mind." Harry gave up arguing with Ron about the issue.

"You know what, Ron." Harry said after a moment, "Dumbledore once said that sometimes we sort too hastily."

"When did he say that?"

"He told Snape, I read Snape's memory during the final battle, I think he thought Snape was a brave man..."

"Don't be silly, it must be Snape trying to beautify himself." Ron interrupted Harry. "So what if Snape is brave? Does he still want to be assigned to Gryffindor?"

Harry imagined that there was someone like Snape in Gryffindor, and he suddenly felt mentally injured.

"Are you sure Dumbledore was conscious when he said that?" Ron asked.

"That's Snape's memory, how do I know."

"Memory can be faked, Harry. Slughorn's memory is fake. You have spent a lot of effort to get the real memory. Don't take Snape's memory too seriously."

Harry shuddered, looking at Ron with a slippery expression on his face.

"Is that what you thought?" Harry asked in surprise.

"No," said Ron.

"That's Hermione, right?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"You think I was cheated, and then I went to die, don't you?"

"Snape can't be trusted."

"Oh, really? After all he's done, you still can't trust him?" Harry said excitedly, "It's because we don't trust him that we let him die. chance to survive."

"Don't get too excited, Harry," said Ron wearily. "Since when did you care about Snape's life?"

"It's nothing to do with my mother." Harry said after a moment of silence, "I just don't think he 'deserves' to die."

"Even if he tricked you into dying?" Ron sneered disdainfully.

"He told me that I was the last Horcrux."

"You're not. If Voldemort knew you were his last Horcrux, he wouldn't have used the Killing Curse on you."

"I know, I was made by accident..."

"I told you that memory may be falsified, don't let him fool you." Ron interrupted Harry.

"I don't think so," said Harry firmly. "I can feel that he's telling the truth."

Ron threw away the unfinished coffee.

"let's go."

Harry watched Ron put on his helmet and put his own on.

"Do you think there will be a mixed Veela in our school?" Harry asked suddenly.


Harry didn't go into detail with Ron.

Because this is also what Snape remembered, when he looked at the backs of Fleur and Roger and said that he was not a coward.

Harry often sees a girl behind a biker, maybe that's why people who love motorcycles like to ride it, it's an experience you don't get in a car.

"It's nothing..." Before Harry could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by the shining brooch-shaped looking glass on Ron's chest.

There were screams coming from the bar not far away.

The two who were about to ride away took out their wands and rushed towards the scene of the crime.


"Life is so horrible, and the only reason I can live is because the power of magic calms this evil force." After finishing one transformation, the young Remus lay on the floor of the Scream House bitterly. Laughing "A world full of magic is actually full of fear, because it is so unreasonable. Human reason has lost its effect at this moment, so what will happen is completely unpredictable. This kind of life full of surprises is comparable to Counting the days every day, it would be much better to count the few days before the full moon, I am a wizard, senior sister, but what are you?"


"Only your head has turned into a bird." Remus looked at her calmly. "I remember your patron saint is a swan, and the head of that kind of bird doesn't look like a swan."

"Stop!" she trembled.

Severus receded from her memory, and neither of them spoke.

"The nightmare I made you think of you, how did you remember Lupine?" he asked.

"For me, both the maze and the werewolf are nightmares." Pomona touched the tears on her face, "Do you think if we fail, there will be another bird head on the maze?"

"We will not fail."

"It's what you said, I'm purely delusional."

He put his finger to her lips.

"Don't think about it." He said softly, "It's bedtime, and you will forget everything after you sleep."

"I can't sleep," she said, leaning wearily on his shoulder, "and I'm scared."

"Afraid of having nightmares?"

She nods.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. "You were a happy man."

"Maybe it's because I've been sleeping for two months and I can't sleep anymore." She changed her words.

"But I want to sleep, can you sleep with me?"

Pomona made way for Severus to lie down, and he held her in his arms, nose to her neck, hot breath on her skin with his breath.

"Good night, sister." He said softly.

"Good night, Prince." She also replied in a low voice, her eyes rolled half a circle in the bedroom, and finally landed on the vanity mirror.

In the mirror, he was sleeping peacefully with his eyes closed, and the moonlight from the floor-to-ceiling windows shone on the scar on his neck.

She fantasized about how she would rescue the man who was lying in a pool of blood. She had to learn how to boil snake venom antidote, prepare blood tonic, and...

The sound of a bird flapping its wings interrupted her thoughts.

"Good night." She heard a man's voice say, and then she couldn't remember anything, as if she had fallen asleep.

Riding my beloved small motorcycle, it will never be stuck in traffic ~

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