Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1070 Panic in Anfield (Part 2)

The moon on March 23 is not the roundest, but it is on March 22. The moons of the day before and the day after this day are actually not perfectly round, but it is difficult to distinguish with human eyes.

It is also difficult to distinguish werewolves with human eyes, but with the help of a speculum or magic eye, it can be distinguished.

The first time Harry met Remus on the Hogwarts Express, the looking glass had been spinning and glowing, and he'd thought it was broken.

Remus didn't look like someone to be trusted, honestly, Severus was more like, as Harry's dad James said, poking his big nose out and prying around for other people's secrets.

Especially since Severus had also killed Albus Dumbledore at the time, so Harry couldn't trust him, at least not as much as he trusted Arthur.

That's why when he saw Severus lying in a pool of blood, one of his thoughts was "that's a dying person" instead of thinking about saving him like when he saw Arthur being attacked.

The time for the Aurors to deploy the magic defense network was a bit late, and there were still many werewolves entering the stadium. Everyone's attention was on Anfield, and no one paid attention to the Stanley Park next door. It is not a small park, and there is a large park The flat land is perfect for gathering.

Hordes of werewolves stormed the pitch to "feast", and Harry had the same thought when he saw them rushing into the stands: These were some dying people, and he couldn't save them.

The lights of the stadium were turned off as he thought, and the game was suspended. What would he do next?

He walked blankly in the darkness, not knowing what to do next.

He also didn't want to join Zabini's side, both the darkness and the creepy green light frightened him, he escaped the Avada Kedavra twice, and he didn't know if he could escape the third time, so he followed the The direction pointed by the mirror came to an empty corner.

The looking glass stopped flashing because there was no one there, and Harry put his wand aside and sat down against a pillar.

Harry once misunderstood Sirius as a traitor who betrayed his parents, and vowed to kill him.

He got many things wrong, such as thinking that Sirius was kidnapped by Voldemort, which indirectly caused Sirius' death.

Also in the Forbidden Forest, he thought it was his father, James Potter, who came to save himself and Sirius in the end.

Harry hoped his father wasn't dead, and today when he saw the cloth sack full of sweets he thought Severus wasn't dead either, but Snape was dead right in front of him, he saw those black eyes Something disappeared inside, the same empty eyes he had seen in the eyes of the Avada Kedavra werewolf.

At Hogwarts you'll always get help if you ask for it, but that's not the case outside of Hogwarts.

Those werewolves were like drowning people, the problem was that there was no one to help them, and Harry knew what it was like to be drowned, cold and lonely and a little hopeful that someone could save him.

In the forest of Dean, he jumped into the lake to retrieve the locket, and when Harry was about to drown, Ron jumped into the water to save him.

Albus gave Ron the Deluminator, which seemed like an insignificant thing, why use a Deluminator when you can turn off the lights?

So Ron wasn't able to take part in the operation, which Harry didn't feel affected much.

At this time, Harry remembered that the last time they were in the dungeon of Malfoy's house, Ron released the light captured by the extinguisher before. Because it was too far away from the original light source, the light was suspended in mid-air in a spherical shape.

It would be great if Ron could be like last time, but unfortunately he is still in a coma and can't come here at all.

Even the journey to destroy the Horcrux was a little better than what Harry experienced now. Is this the feeling of being in hell?

A soft light shone through the narrow window, and by that light, Harry found himself in a food store, which hadn't been damaged much, but was empty.

"beep beep beep beep"

A toy robot appeared next to the counter, and the blue and red light bulbs in the robot were also flashing.

Harry crawled over and picked it up when there was a sound behind the counter.

"Who's there?" Harry picked up his wand and held it up.

No one answered him.

So he split it against the counter. Behind the counter was a pair of Muggle mother and child, and the mother was covering the child's mouth with her hand, and she looked at Harry with pleading eyes.

"Please..." She begged silently with tears in her eyes.

There was a low growl from the door, and Harry immediately pointed his wand at the door.

"Don't show mercy." George said while fiddling with a looking glass, "Only the winners are eligible to negotiate terms. I don't want my children to live in a world ruled by werewolves in the future, walking on the street in fear that I will become their food. "

Harry glanced back at the boy whose mouth had been muffled by his mother, who looked to be around Teddy Lupine's age.

"Be careful." The child's mother reminded him, and Harry looked at the door again, where a werewolf much stronger than Remus was approaching them with his teeth bared, his saliva dripping down the gap between his teeth and onto the floor.

"Invisibility!" Harry used black magic on the werewolf, and the invisible blade left a lot of scars on its body, but it didn't look as shocking as Malfoy, and it ran away howling.

"Come with me, I'll see you off." Harry said to the woman, handing her a silver pistol.

This was Kingsley's idea. Using silver bullets can reduce mana consumption, and now it has an unexpected use.

"Can you shoot?" Harry asked her.

"No... no."

"Then you wait for that monster to get close and shoot at it," Harry said, "just as if it was for your child."

The female Muggle calmed down a bit, wiped away her tears, held a gun in one hand and led her son in the other, followed a man whom she met for the first time, and left the hiding place.


Severus is like a skilled dancer, spinning gracefully in this main control room, the hem of his black robe draws perfect arcs one by one, looking like a Spanish matador.

He restrained himself from a duel with Krum. On this full moon night, Krum might transform at any time, and it would be dangerous to bite someone after he turned into a wolf.

In fact, Severus didn't have to take the job, as long as Krum's face was recognizable, but he might have his own considerations.

The news broadcast station of Anfield Stadium is in the main stand, and the lighting and sound system are in the previous broadcast station. Before the invention of television, the audience and radio listeners were all listening to the broadcast by the host sitting here.

After some fiddling, Pomona still didn't turn on the main light source, but she turned on the lighting effects of the concert.

"Shouldn't you be retreating?" Severus said to Krum. "There's no need to treat the first battle as a showdown."

Krum sneered, "Will you let me go?"

"With you here, the werewolf wouldn't want to save Fenrir. You seem to be able to communicate. How about we negotiate after you've figured out the terms?"

"Liar," Krum grinned.

"You want to hear the truth? So what can I get?"

"what do you want?"

Severus smiled, cast a spell on the audio equipment, waited for them to crackle and said, "Information."

"You want me to betray my own people?"

"Do you really regard them as your own?"

Krum said nothing.

"Why are you making a deal with me?" Krum asked after a moment.

"You should know how the Death Eaters were suppressed some time ago. The Ministry of Magic used us because we are useful. Once you are dead, we are useless. They will suppress us as before."

"In the words of the East, it means that the bow is hidden when the birds are gone. If the birds are gone, the bow will be useless." Pomona said expressionlessly.

"It's like blown-nose paper, wipe it clean and throw it away," Severus went on. "The Anti-Dark Arts League is always upright."

Krum spat on the ground.

"With you here, we can survive. You can give us those who disobey you. In return, we can give you some compensation."

"What did you give us? Gold coins?"

"Better than that." Severus put down his wand. "Have you ever heard of wolfjuice?"

"what is that?"

"A potion that prevents you from turning into a wolf when the moon is full, and can reduce the pain of your transformation."

"How much can you give me?"

"Only one bottle at a time," Severus said. "That potion is rare and can only be dispensed fresh, and it wears off quickly."

"How do I know if you're lying to me?"

"I can get you a bottle to try next month."

"Can't it be this month?" Krum asked anxiously.

"No." Severus said slowly. "Preparing that potion needs to follow the phases of the moon."

"You also need to rest after a series of battles. How about thinking about it?" Pomona said.

"What does this have to do with you?"

"I know you may not believe it, but Albus Dumbledore wants to restart the werewolf rehabilitation program." Pomona stared into Krum's eyes and said, "I want to continue this program."

While the three were talking, a soft ball of light rose from the court, which looked like another moon.

Hermione was standing at the kick-off position in the midfield, holding the Deluminator in her hand, and it was she who released the light.

With the light, the policemen shot a lot higher, and above the stadium, a group of people on broomsticks were coming.

"Leave your name, wizard," Krum asked.

"You can call me 'Sir', like everyone else," Severus said. "Crum Crouch isn't your real name, is it?"

Krum sneered, walked to the window and howled for a while, the werewolves who were chasing humans stopped.

"We'll see each other later," Krum said to the two of them, before jumping, deformed by the time he hit the ground.

He became a werewolf thinner than ordinary werewolves, but he was very agile. He led his people to an unsealed stand, where it was difficult for humans to climb. The werewolf was like walking on the ground.

They came suddenly, and retreated like wind and clouds, leaving only a mess on the ground, and people who were still in shock, just like a group of real wolves.

"Where did you learn that?" Severus looked back at Pomona.

"What words?"

"When the bird is gone, the bow is useless."

"It's an old Eastern proverb." Pomona touched the Slytherin locket.

Moreover, this is the personal experience of those Chinese seafarers.

Pomona didn't say the last sentence, she looked down at the mess after the "prom".

The partygoers were gone, they took the fun with them, and someone else had to clean up the mess, so she wasn't all that partyy.

"How did it take you so long?" Pomona asked.

"...You said that you can't change your own destiny, right?" Severus said after a moment of silence.

"That's right."

"Because the past self may kill the future self." He was silent for a while and then asked again, "What if the past self no longer has the ability to kill?"

"What do you mean?" She frowned.

He took a white medicine bottle out of his deformed lizard skin pocket, held it up in his hand and showed it to her, "I have prepared a potion for treating Nagini's bite, that kind of wound can't be healed by white moss , this formula was invented by a doctor in St. Mungo's, the question is, who saved me?"

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