Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 107 Portkey

A boy needs a male role model to grow up, but neither Tobias nor Lucius is a good person to learn from. In contrast, Severus Snape, who grew up on his own, became a responsible person, provided that He felt that the boy could still be saved.

Harry was classified as "unrecoverable" by Snape. When Harry was learning Occlumency, his progress was slow. Coupled with the bad memories of seeing that face that resembled James Potter, he simply Too lazy to teach. Harry is happy and he himself is happy, everyone lives easily. Harry thinks too highly of himself and looks down on the Dark Lord, thinking that he can invade the brain of the Dark Lord. As a result, there is a battle in the Department of Mysteries, and he loses the West. Riss Black, a person who deserves to die, but wanders in the world because of human obsession.

It is very difficult to accept the death of a loved one. Both Sissy and Pomona believe that Regulus is still alive. How can a person be saved by becoming a ghost? The last potion Dumbledore drank might find hope.

Open the coffin, cut open Dumbledore's stomach like a Muggle forensic doctor, and analyze the remaining potion. There may be results or no results. For such a slim hope, the body of a saint is desecrated, not to mention Harry, even non-relatives. The old man couldn't accept it either, and in the end he had to look backwards for the answer from what Dumbledore said was "thirst".

Pomona didn't dare to be interested in potions, those animal carcasses looked too eerie, and why did she learn from scratch when there was a ready-made object that could be used, her brain with a short memory began to count the new devil king again.

Draco is still young now, although it is impossible to become a melee master like the godfather, he can still become a summoner and use the basilisk to fight for himself, coupled with his status as a doctor, he will become a more important role on the battlefield .

The future Severus designed by Pomona for Draco still felt acceptable, so the godson who was almost abandoned by him was picked up again, and the two father and son went to study potions again.

Saint Mungo is relatively quiet at night, be careful not to be discovered, even if she is found, Pomona will clean his memory, but Draco did not erase his memory, look again By the time Snape hadn't had the exhilaration of his childhood, he seemed to remember Severus threatening to kill his whole family.

Teaching Draco to prepare the euphoria is the beginning of easing the relationship between father and son. Draco also has a talent for potions, so he will not poison himself. Besides, this medicine is useful in hospitals full of sickness and sorrow. Cultivated to be the kind of handsome man that everyone likes, just like Cedric, when he married Miss Greengrass at that time, others would not think it was the high pursuit of the Malfoy family eager to get rid of their status as Death Eaters, but a wonderful marriage .

"Sissy, how did you get engaged to Greengrass?" After the men left, only the women remained, and Pomona chatted with Narcissa in the tea room again.

"It's not my decision, it's Lucius' idea. Sometimes he can still be useful." Narcissa said proudly.

The Greengrass family is one of the twenty-eight sacred families. It is older than the Malfoy family, but far less rich than Malfoy. It is also a rare big family that has never participated in a war. It is perfect for whitewashing.

Like Blake, he used to have a prosperous population, but now he doesn't even have an heir, and the family property is still inherited by foreign surnames.

"Sissy, can you do me a favor and find out which one has a suitable girl to introduce to Neville Longbottom."

"Why do you care so much about the boy from the Longbottom family, besides, the marriage is out of your control." Narcissa asked puzzled.

"What do you think of Mrs. Longbottom?"

Narcissa showed an "ahhh" expression.

"I like Neville very much. I even inherited my greenhouse from him. He is very good at taking care of others, and he is a very caring child. But you also know how easy it is for a woman to be fooled by a man's demeanor."

"Yes, masculine." Narcissa said thoughtfully, "By the way, where are you staying tonight?"

"What kind of coincidence is this?" Pomona shook her head in disbelief, what was going on in Narcissa's mind.

"You don't know why Severus stayed up so late, do you?"

"He can Apparate."

"Don't be naive, my dear, he won't leave tonight, have you figured out where to live tonight?"

"Of course I live in a confidential ward, and I'm still being cursed by your sister."

Narcissa shook her head with a "you're pathetic" expression.


"Do you know where the most ideal place for a wizard to live in seclusion?"

"Godric's Hollow."

It is one of the famous half-wizard gathering areas, and it is also the place where Harry Potter escaped Voldemort's Avada Kedavra. In the valley, there is a common cemetery for Muggles and wizards. James Potter, Lily Potter and Lily Snape was buried there.

"We have a house over there, you and Severus can live there." Narcissa placed a bunch of door keys in front of Pomona.

"Why don't you and Draco go live?"

"Draco is living in the intern dormitory with his friends just like in school, and it would be a joke if he moved out to live with his old mother."

"And you, Sissy, where do you live?"

"The dean arranged a doctor's dormitory for me, and Charlotte and I got along very well."

"Charlotte Purey?"

"Yes, have you seen her?"

"Yes." Pomona wondered how to describe the feeling. "She said she was glad I was alive."

"That was all Severus wished at that time. It doesn't matter if you live, he himself dies. To be honest, it's hard for me to hate such a man. I almost untied the bracelet on your hand. If I really If I did, I’m afraid I wouldn’t have the life I have now.”

"He's a lover." Pomona snorted.

"Charlotte said that Severus made her understand how important her job is. No matter how powerful a person is, there are areas beyond his control. He is the same as ordinary people in the face of death. You shouldn't ask him to be a Please forgive him a little bit."

"That's why you forgave Lucius?"

"I just agreed to go on a date with him." Narcissa raised the corners of her mouth, looking forward to "doing it all over again."

Could Lucius the Peacock come up with the idea?

"How should I thank you Sissy?"

"Think about the theme of the Halloween ball, time is running out." Narcissa stood up and continued to clear the uncleared table.

"Where is the venue?"

"It's right here." Narcissa looked around the tea room, "All the staff will help, don't worry about the money, Lucius will find a way."

Pomona looked at the tea room on the sixth floor. It was not as big as the ballroom at Hogwarts, and no one asked her to be perfect to the point of amazing "foreigners". I was so tired that I wanted to fall asleep and didn't have the mood to dance at all.


Just when she was planning how to design the venue in her mind, she heard someone calling her name in the darkness, and then a tall black figure came out of the darkness, and the moonlight coming in from the window made his skin look even brighter. Pale, looking more like a vampire.

"Would you like to be my dance partner at the Halloween party?"

"Why didn't you say it was a waste this time?"

Severus looked embarrassed. "I was stupid then."

Pomona curls her hair.

"What color dress did I wear to match you at that time?"

"As you like, you know I only wear black anyway."

Just like what a dead witch said, wear black if you have no clothes on. This is suitable for women's attire, but he listened to it. After all, the formal attire of the upper class is also black.

"Okay." The mixed-race Veela agreed, "I'll see you at the entrance of the hall then."

"We go out together, why do we meet at the hall door?"

Pomona shook her head, she suddenly realized that the person in front of her sometimes really looked like Ron Weasley.

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