Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1065 Parasite

Every Christmas, Christmas songs are played continuously in shops and shopping malls, as a way to enhance the Christmas spirit and remind everyone that the holiday is coming.

Harry rolled over and tried to sleep again, but Sirius' singing from downstairs kept him awake.

He lifted the quilt, walked barefoot on the floor of Black's old house, then opened the door, and followed the singing to the downstairs.

When passing by the second floor, he stopped for a moment and subconsciously looked towards the living room.

On Christmas Day in 1995, he stayed alone in the living room for a while. At that time, everyone was busy decorating the dining room, and the living room was very deserted without a Christmas tree. Sirius was also singing Christmas carols that day.

Harry didn't see his younger self in the dark living room, which seemed to indicate that this wasn't someone's memory in the Pensieve.

Then he continued to go down the stairs until he came to the kitchen on the first basement floor, where the historic long table of the Order of the Phoenix was displayed again, although Ginny had already cut it because she thought it was in the way. Dropped more than half of it and put it away.

"Okay, Dad is back!" Mrs. Weasley yelled, and then kissed Arthur. His face was very pale, so the bruise on his face was more conspicuous, which was left by Nagini's bite of.

"How are you feeling?" Sirius' voice came from behind Harry. "I heard you dreamed that Nagini attacked Arthur."

Harry turned his head to see Sirius Black standing behind him, alive and handsome, albeit a little pale.

"Why?" Harry said incoherently.

"Why what?" Sirius asked.

"Why are you here?"

"This is my parents' home. Where else would I be if I wasn't here?" Sirius looked at Black's old house. "No matter how I tried to escape from it, I finally came back."

Harry was a little confused.

"Am I dreaming?"

Sirius smiled mysteriously when Arthur's loud voice came from the other end.

"To Harry Potter! I wouldn't be here without him." Arthur raised his glass, "Harry."

"Harry," said the Weasley children and Hermione, also raising their glasses.

"Harry," Sirius said, conjuring an extra glass of wine in his hand, and gulped it down.

"Stop!" Harry said a little out of control, "Stop it all."

Everyone looked at him strangely.

Harry turned and left the kitchen, running down the dark corridor.

Before he knew it, he came to a snow field, surrounded by towering giant trees, and in the distance was a house surrounded by barbed wire that looked crumbling. His invisibility cloak was in his hand.

"Why didn't you come to the party, Harry?" Sirius asked. "Everyone is waiting for you."

At this moment, he changed out of the suit from the out-of-the-ordinary tailor shop and put on the prison uniform of Azkaban, even so, he was still handsome.

"I can't sit with them!"

"Why?" Sirius asked again.

"I'm tainted." Harry said painfully, "I used to be one of his Horcruxes, he used to live in my body!"

"But he's been ruined, Harry," said Sirius. "You've done a good job."

"What if Dumbledore is mistaken?" Harry said tearfully, "I deserve to die, not live."

"How could you think that?" Remus' voice came from behind him. "Your mother gave her life to protect you."

"My husband was right." Tonks said, leaning on Remus' shoulder. "If you die, who will protect our son."

"He thought that if he died, the Horcrux would be destroyed." Alastor Moody said violently, "If it were really that simple, Dumbledore would have ordered us to destroy you instead of protecting you."

"Are you ashamed of being alive?" Sirius said.

"No!" Harry said decisively.

"But you must be ashamed, or you wouldn't be wearing the same clothes as me."

Harry looked down and saw that his pajamas had become prison uniforms.

Some black cloaks floated in the distant sky, and he knew they were dementors looking for escaped prisoners.

"Come with me, it's not safe here." Sirius stretched out his hand towards Harry, and Harry led him, and then the two walked into a dark cave, or a secret passage.

When they came out from the other side of the secret passage, they were back at Black's old house, and the Weasleys and Hermione were having dinner, looking happy.

"Look at her." Sirius looked at Hermione and said, "How do you think she looks?"

Harry looked at Sirius in bewilderment, and then at Hermione, who was still smiling and could see nothing unusual.

"I heard that you kissed a girl under Xie Ji. Is her name Qiu Zhang?" Sirius asked.

"how do you know?"

Sirius looked visibly displeased, and then said, "Hermione has a family of her own and can spend Christmas with her Muggle parents. She looks uncomfortable, can't you see that?"

Harry watched Hermione carefully for a long time, but still couldn't see what Sirius said, and then he was hit on the back of the head.

"In this regard, you are like James, always so dull." Sirius said dissatisfied.

Harry rubbed the back of his head that was aching slightly, and glanced at Sirius again, his lake green eyes were full of confusion.

"She's lonely, and she's not in the same situation as you are."

"What's the difference?"

"The Weasleys make you feel a family warmth that you don't feel at Petunia's, they keep you on our side, where Hermione Granger lives."

"No one thinks that."

"But she felt so herself," Sirius said. "Tell me, what was it like when you spent Christmas at the Dursleys'?"

Harry suddenly realized, and then looked at Hermione, who was still smiling.

"That's it. You can't do whatever you want like Dudley, because you know that your uncle and aunt are not your biological parents, and they won't tolerate your mistakes unconditionally."

"No, I mean..." Harry said at a loss for words.

"She's not like you?" Sirius took a sip of his wine, "Like a servant in that family?"

"I'll help you, Molly." Hermione stood up with a smile, walked to the stove, and put the cut cake on the plate.

"Thank you, honey," said Molly, smiling too.

Ginny glanced at them both, then continued to eat from her plate indifferently, while the twins laughed at Ron's vest.

"Your friends need your help." Sirius patted Harry on the shoulder. "And you are godfather to Remus' son. There are many people who need you, Harry Potter."

"But, how can I help Hermione?" Harry felt a sudden lightness on his shoulders, and turned his head subconsciously. Sirius had disappeared, leaving only an unfinished glass of wine on the locker by the door.

"Sirius?" Harry called, but there was no answer.

He walked towards the door, and it didn't take long to see Sirius Black's back. He was hugging Harry's father, James Potter, and his mother, Lily Potter, stood beside him.

"You have the same eyes as your mother."

Harry heard Severus Snape's voice.

Harry followed the voice and found Snape lying in a pool of blood.

They were in the dock at this time, and Voldemort and the snake had already left, leaving only him and Snape, holding a test tube in his hand, which contained a memory that radiated silver light.

After saying this, something seemed to be disappearing in the depths of Snape's black eyes, leaving only dull, dull, and empty eyes. Hands slammed to the floor, and Snape didn't move anymore.

"You know how to save him." Harry heard a hoarse and gloomy voice behind him, "Even if you couldn't get St. Mungo's antidote at that time, you could still use blood tonic to prevent him from bleeding to death."

"No..." Harry took a step back in fear.

"You watched him die because you sentenced him to death while he was alive." The hoarse voice said, "What was the first moment you saw him?"

It was a dying man.

Harry's eyes widened, thinking in terror, but he dared not speak.

"What did you think when you saw the snake attack Arthur?"

"I'm going to call someone else to save him," Harry whispered.

"Look, that's the crux of the problem." The hoarse voice sneered strangely, "You watched him die because you didn't want to save him."

Harry turned his head to look at the man who had spoken.

There was a beautiful woman lying on the bank looking at him, her eyes were like watching a play.

"How is your voice..."

"I exchanged my voice for a pair of human legs, but the humans I love don't love me." The woman continued with a hoarse voice, "It's just that I didn't turn into bubbles like in the fairy tale."

"Are you a mermaid?"

Instead of answering him, the woman lifted a golden egg out of the water and dropped it on the floor in front of him.

"You know how to use it," said the merman. "The next clue is in this golden egg."


The mermaid ignored him, turned around and returned to the lake. Harry wanted to catch her, but because the soles of his shoes were covered with blood, he fell into the icy lake.

After a brief suffocation, he gasped and opened his eyes.

At this time, he was in the ward of St. Mungo's Hospital, and Ron Weasley was lying on the hospital bed not far away. He seemed to be fine, but he was still in a coma and had no signs of waking up for the time being.

"You're awake," said Hermione wearily, watching Ron from the chair next to Harry.

"I'm sorry, I fell asleep." Harry sat up in the armchair in an awkward position, every inch of his body ached so badly, it was as if he had just received the Avada Kedavra curse.

"It's okay, I understand, you were busy all night last night."

Harry checked the sky, it was already daytime.

"Did you read today's Daily Prophet?" Harry asked.

"No," said Hermione, and she looked away from Ron and down on Harry. "Never mind what Leta Kiester says..."

"Don't worry about me, you informed Molly and Arthur?" Harry interrupted Hermione.

Hermione looked at Ron anxiously.

"If you don't know how to speak, I'll help you." Harry grabbed Hermione's hand. "Besides, I asked Ron to track down Wormtail."

Hermione breathed a sigh of relief "Thank you."

"Don't say that, have you eaten?"

"Maybe." Hermione said dazedly.

"You sit here, I'll get you something to eat." He stood up, and just as he was about to leave the ward, an owl flew in through the open window with a cloth bag under its paws.

Harry walked over and untied the cloth bag from the owl's paw. It was heavy inside and exuded a strong sweet aroma of chocolate. The outside of the cloth bag was written in gold letters: To my dear godson, Della Co Malfoy.

Harry was like petrified.

"What's the matter, Harry?" Hermione asked.

"Malfoy is practicing in this ward, isn't he?" Harry asked calmly.

"Seems so," said Hermione.

"No wonder this owl came here to look for him." Harry looked at the word "Godson" on the pocket and was silent for a while, then opened the pocket.

Inside is an Easter egg as gorgeous as the golden egg of the Triwizard Tournament.

"This seems to be something from Malfoy, why do you..."

"Looks like you wanted to tell me something earlier, Hermione?" Harry interrupted her. "What did you want to tell me?"

Harry tossed the cloth sack to Hermione.

"Is he still alive, Hermione, Professor Snape?" Harry asked. "Only he would call Draco Malfoy his godson."

"But he wouldn't call Malfoy 'dear' godson." Hermione shook her head and smiled wryly. "It was given to him by his godmother."


"Professor Sprout, but she wasn't during his studies. He recognized her after graduation."

Harry's mouth fell open in surprise.

"What I'm going to tell you also has something to do with her." Hermione looked at Harry calmly. "Do you remember that Silence who attacked Diagon Alley last Christmas? I think Professor Sprout knows that the Who is the silent one that it parasitizes."

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