Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1062 The Vagabond in the War

As an important seaport city in the United Kingdom, Liverpool was bombed by Germany like London during World War II, causing a large number of civilian deaths.

During the Dunkirk evacuation, all barges, tugboats, cargo ships, passenger ships, fishing boats, motorboats and even private yachts in the UK were mobilized. It's up to a group of Boy Scouts to guard it.

Of course, Liverpool, which is well-developed in shipping, is also on the list, but the main place to accommodate the withdrawn soldiers is London, and some stadiums have been requisitioned.

In addition, there is a group of players from the Bolton Club who are responsible for the retreat of the main force.

The British say that football is a game of life and death for tough guys. They were fighting on the field, but because of the war, they entered the real war.

On 8 April 1939, Harry Gosling, captain of Bolton Wanderers, gave a speech to 23,000 spectators before a match against Sunderland at the Macron Stadium.

"Our country is facing a crisis, but as long as we stay calm, we can get through it together. We can no longer think about being alone, and everyone must shoulder their responsibility."

And just a month before he said these words, German troops under Hitler's command had invaded Czechoslovakia.

He was not just talking. During the Dunkirk retreat, he was one of the 17 people in charge of the rear, and he destroyed 4 German tanks by himself, and retreated unscathed. Afterwards, he was awarded the rank of lieutenant.

He was still the captain of the Rangers team when the war was not tight, but in the increasingly tense war, football could no longer be his main "job".

After Dunkirk, Gosling and his comrades participated in the defense of England and also went to the North African battlefield.

In 1943, the 53rd Corps under the leadership of General Montgomery attacked Italy, and at the end of the year, Gosling was unfortunately shot in the back by shrapnel and died.

He was the only Rangers player who didn't come back alive, but he wasn't the only one who died in the war.

When the war is over, for the first time, standing on the green stadium without air defense sirens, bombers roaring, and wounded soldiers' tents, and continuing to play professional league games amidst the cheers and applause of the audience, perhaps only those who have experienced it can understand the feeling .

Wartime Prime Minister Winston Churchill believed that football had a positive effect on the morale of the whole country. Therefore, during the war, the England team also organized friendly matches against Scotland and Wales.

One of those games against Scotland was in Glasgow. Even though the city was one of the main targets of German air raids, the game attracted as many as 78,000 spectators.

The charm of football is hard to describe. Perhaps the Beatles left a lot of traces in Liverpool, but in a restaurant near Liverpool's Chinatown, Pomona heard diners in the restaurant talking about tonight's game.

Anyone who has gotten a ticket is looking for a way to find it everywhere. Places like restaurants and bars are places where information circulates. Although Pomona can't understand the odds and inside information they are talking about, but She still finds it very interesting.

Her lunch was mussels, and Liverpool was also a seaport. When the waiter brought her a la carte and white wine to the table, a person sat across from her.

"Hi, Mrs. Smith." The triad Ma Youzai said with a chic smile, and took out a cigarette from his pocket.

"Hi, Mr. Ma." She said with a polite smile.

"Are you alone again?" he asked.

"What about you? Are you alone?"

"Where have you been, you haven't been seen for a month?"

"London is a big city. What are you doing in Liverpool?"

"Every time the moon is full, there will be troubles. Last time it was Chinatown in London. I am worried that this time it will be Liverpool's turn." He took a puff of cigarette and slowly exhaled the smoke. "It seems that I guessed right. Every time Something will happen when you see you, don’t you want to watch Dream of the Red Chamber today?”

"I find that the people here are more interesting than the books. Will you threaten players with match-fixing?"

The horse laughed from the rein.

"Why do you think so?"

"I don't know, but it looks a lot like a gang thing."

"Then what do you think you Englishmen will do?"

She suddenly felt that she had opened a bad topic.

"You white people like to conquer, but you don't know how to rule. In 1858, the Indians were forced by you into an armed rebellion. There was a 'Xiaoyao Palace', which was very magnificent. After the soldiers in red who suppressed the rebellion entered the palace, The first thing is to do the looting, and then throw the beautiful china and mirrors on the floor, pick them up after they're done, and then keep dropping them, like they're doing it just to hear that 'clang', you think it's Is this behavior civilized?"

"This is the 21st century, Mr. Ma."

"It was the same when the white people and the Chinese arrived in the New World together. As long as the white people heard the slightest trouble, they would leave their jobs and abandon all their property rights to seek gold. Start to envy us, if you don't have people like me, you will still make progress. Even this restaurant used to belong to a shipping company run by a Chinese, dealing with trade between China and the Far East. They also made it for British shipping during World War II Contribution, but after the end of World War II, the Immigration Bureau repatriated a large number of Chinese sailors on the grounds of cracking down on opium smoking. It is clear that the opium trade is legalized by your country, why did your country start to crack down on it again?"

"I'm a wizard and not involved in Muggle affairs."

"Liverpool is the earliest immigrant. These people are not as comfortable as the current international students when they go to sea. The biggest harm of opium is to make people confused, lose their judgment, and make people confused. They don't know what to do. We in China There is an old saying, 'The birds are as good as the bows,' and those sailors were not rewarded and would be slandered and repatriated, but you ruined their reputations in order to protect the interests of the shipping companies run by your compatriots."

"What do you want from me? An apology?"

"I read a comment in the Illustrated London Gazette, 'We can colonize the remotest places, we can conquer India, we can pay the greatest debt ever, we can spread our fame, our fame, our prosperity wealth to every inch of the world, but we can't clean the Thames', the flush toilet is a great invention, but if you lived in London in the summer of 1858, the stench would probably keep you awake at night , but compared with the sweet smell of opium, that smell is still pleasant, and this werewolf incident is the same as the 'big stench' incident?"

"We're doing our best to resolve it."

"We do business in the UK. Maybe your country should spend its manpower and material resources on 'cleaning up the Thames River' and spend less time and energy on 'remote areas'."

Pomona's good mood was ruined, she didn't even have the appetite to eat, so she just put the napkin on the untouched mussel, got up and left.

During World War II, in order to protect the safety of children, they were forced to leave the city and migrate to the countryside.

London at the peak of the Industrial Revolution was densely populated. If the population was sparse, the feces would have enough time to decompose on their own, but in a crowded city, the problem would be big.

In addition to cholera, the decomposition of feces produces biogas, which contains toxic gases such as hydrogen sulfide. Inhalation of these gases can cause eye and throat burns, coughing, difficulty breathing, and fluid accumulation in the lungs. Can cause memory loss, drowsiness and dizziness, and even death.

Maybe Ma Youxuan thought she was a civil servant or something, so he complained to her, but he obviously misunderstood.

After leaving the restaurant, she glanced at the Chinese archway in the distance.

"It seems that there will be less visits to Chinatown in the future."

Whispering, she walked through the wet streets of Liverpool, braving the light rain.

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