Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1060 Guardian Bird

Liverpool used to be a small fishing village like Venice. It got its name from a kind of livery bird that looks like a seagull.

The emblem of this bird can be seen on the team emblem of the Liverpool team. At the same time, this bird is also the city bird of Liverpool. There are two large rusty bronze birds at the top of the clock tower by the Mersey River.

Pomona looked at a small bronze sculpture, which was changed from the strange bird sculpture in the maze.

According to ancient legends, liveries are always in pairs, one male and one female. These two liveries have their own responsibilities. Bella watches over the sea level, watches the returning fisherman's family, and protects the passing ships. Can safely sail into the port of Liverpool; Bertie has been paying attention to the entire city, guarding the safety of every citizen.

But Bella can never, and better not, look back at Bertie, because legend has it that when these two Liverpool birds face each other, Liverpool will be wiped out.

The livery bird does not look like a bird because it is not a real bird itself, but a fictional one, often seen as a cross between a cormorant and an eagle.

In the past few hundred years, especially after the industrial revolution, as the scope of human activities expanded, many extinct animals were even extinct before humans discovered them.

The ball-tunning bird is called the dodo by the Muggles. In the eyes of the Muggles, they are extinct and can only be found in museums.

Pomona didn't know the bird she was holding either, so she had to turn to an ornithologist for help.

She also couldn't understand why she thought of this place, obviously Scamander lived in Dorset, on the north shore of the English Channel.

"Mistress." Kricht appeared next to her. "When are we going back to that village?"

"Don't be impatient, Kerry, there are many people who want that piece of gold, we have to figure out a way to escape..."

"If we can't get that piece of sun gold, can we use the current time-turner to rescue Master Regulus first?" Klicer interrupted her rudely.

"Five minutes, Kerry, you also need to count the time when you left that rock by boat in the past. You can't let the past you see the present you, otherwise you will change history."

Krich thought for a while, and hit his head with his paw in frustration, perhaps because he didn't think it hurt enough, he hugged a railing and hit it hard.

"Bad elf, Klitsch is a bad elf!"

Pomona looked around. This kind of hollow stainless steel railing would make a loud sound when it bumped against it. She was really afraid that the Muggles nearby would see such a strange life like Klicher.

It looks a lot like an alien, which would be a bad headline for a gossip magazine.

"Stop, I order you to stop!" Pomona yelled impatiently, and Kreacher finally stopped self-punishment after bumping himself twice more, and then wept, covering his face like a sentimental Dobby.

They listened to the football broadcast all night last night, and sure enough, as Voldemort said, nothing happened, as if it was a false alarm.

But Pomona believes that all the Aurors were mobilized yesterday, and such a waste of manpower without doing anything will definitely cause dissatisfaction among some people. Even if they are reminded that this is a werewolf trick, it will appear next time. It will appear next time. If the story of wolf comes is told too much, no one will believe it.

She has a lot of troubles, and now she is really in no mood to comfort Klicer, and Klicer's matter cannot be solved with a cone.

"You seem to be in trouble."

Just when Pomona was at a loss, a person suddenly appeared beside her.

"Your elf, does he always like to punish himself so much?"

Pomona looked at the man. He was about forty years old, and his beard was neatly trimmed, so it was impossible to distinguish his appearance, except for his eyes, which Pomona looked very familiar with.

"I have four kids," said the man. "They're annoying when they get mad, but I've learned patience with them. I never thought I'd be like this when I was in school."


"I'm a wizard, too," the man interrupted Pomona. "I used to go to Hogwarts."

"Oh, what class are you in?"

"What about you?" he asked back.

Pomona looked at this man strangely, where did he come from?

"I really like to come here to watch the birds." He looked at the bell tower not far away and said, "Those two birds are so pitiful. The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl can see each other at least once a year, but their meeting means destruction."

"The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl?"

"You don't know this myth?"

"Of course I know!" Pomona said, "but I think they are actually better than the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl. Even if they can't see each other, at least they can talk. The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl only meet once a year."

The man didn't speak, neither did Pomona, and Klitsch had stopped crying now, and looked at the man carefully, with very confused eyes.

"Vega, the brightest star in the constellation Lyra, is at the center of the zenith every year during Chinese Qixi Festival, like all the stars revolve around it, do you know the story of the constellation Lyra?"

"I know." Pomona said in a daze.

"Then do you like the story of Lyra, or the story of Cowherd and Weaver Girl?"

Perhaps inheriting the warlike and adventurous spirit of the Greeks, the story of Lyra is related to the story of Jason's acquisition of the Golden Fleece.

The heroes returned on the Argonaut, passing through the territory of the sirens on the way.

These sea monsters lived on a remote island and sang "charming" songs all day long, making passers-by all fascinated. The banshees sat in the bushes, only showing the faces of girls. They sang melodiously, and the beautiful melody and the fragrance of flowers floated onto the boat.

Those who couldn't bear the temptation to go to the island were killed by the banshee in the end, and the island was full of bones. The heroes were also tempted after hearing the singing. The ambition is gone, the aspirations are gone, and the hometown, relatives, and motherland have all been forgotten.

It's too dangerous to go on like this, so Orpheus plucked the harp, a hero's hymn pierced the sky, the heroes also woke up from the banshee's singing, everyone tried their best to paddle, and the "Argo" seemed to leave the string The arrow left the demon island.

Lyra is shaped like a harp, but it is not arranged in the shape of a harp by the stars in the constellation. In older star maps, it is depicted as a vulture.

Pomona looked at the sculpture's head, which did indeed look a bit like a vulture.

"Men like to be praised as heroes in epic, and women like love stories." Pomona murmured.

"So you like the story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl?" said the stranger.

"No." She said decisively, "If I were Zhinu, I would definitely elope."

"Even if the cowherd married her in an immoral way?" said the stranger, "he stole her clothes while she was taking a bath."

"I don't like either of those stories," she said, holding back.

So what if Jason became king? What he did made her hate the "hero".

"You know, Lyra, Cygnus and Aquila represent the strange bird of Lake Stympharos, which was killed by Hercules in his sixth mission. The strange bird is the pet of Ares, the god of war, and lives in Rhettia, later strange birds migrated to Lake Stymphalis to avoid wolves. Those birds had copper wings, claws and beaks, and their feathers were extremely sharp. When these birds shot their feathers like arrows, the It's powerful enough to kill people." The stranger pointed to the sculpture in Pomona's hand and said, "It looks a lot like the strange bird of Lake Stymphalis."

"Who are you?" Pomona asked.

The stranger smiled at her, "I'll tell you next time we meet."

After speaking, he turned up the collar of his coat and left quickly. Pomona watched his back leave. Until I was blocked by a group of people in 70s clothes with tape recorders in their hands.

These people ranged from young to forty-something like her, and they played "Love Me Do" sung by the Beatles.

The song was first released in 1962, but it was re-released in 1982, hitting the top 4 in no time, and it's still popular two decades later.

"I hate this song." Voldemort's disgusted voice rang in her head.

"What a coincidence, I like this song." Pomona said triumphantly, her eyes searching everywhere, and finally found the red-eyed crow on a lamp post.

"Oh~ you're here," she said sweetly. "How did you get back to England, did you fly on your little wings?"

"Don't talk to me like that!" Voldemort threatened viciously.

"I seem to know what this bird is?" Pomona said, holding up the sculpture. "How about we make a deal?"

"I can use Legilimency."

"Then I will give myself a 'forget everything'."

"Do you want to be a fool like Rohart?"

"If I can prevent Voldemort from being resurrected? Yes, I will!" Pomona said uncompromisingly. "Severus will do everything possible to stop you. You know how vengeful he is."

"Ah!" The red-eyed crow yelled angrily like a real crow.

"You can think about it slowly, how about you being my bodyguard today?"

"Wow wow wow!"

Voldemort seemed really pissed off by her, and flew away screaming like a real crow.

"The mission is complete, we can play in Liverpool for a while." Pomona threw the sculpture into a flannel pocket.

Krichtsch was still dazed looking at the direction the stranger left.

Hercules not only concealed his identity to participate in the adventure, defeated the strange bird, but also tamed the bull in Crete, ascended to the holy mountain of Olympus after his death, and became Hercules. Is a strong man.

"That's weird," she murmured. "Go, Kricht."

At this time, the Muggles in colorful clothes moved away a little, and the strange stranger just now had disappeared, so Kerry turned his back three times at every step and walked away with her reluctantly.

It didn't take long for the angry crow to follow, and the riverside walk was quiet again, except for those crazy Muggles dancing to the music.

Ding, tomorrow is Qixi Festival, I wish you all a happy holiday in advance

Tomorrow is a good time to observe the Cowherd and Vega. If possible, go up the mountain to feed the mosquitoes.

Of course, Valentine’s Day must be too sweet (Turin chocolate is really sweet), I didn’t expect it, hahahaha

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